Switch Mode

Chapter 193

Chapter: 193

The Partran Territory festival quest’s mini-game consists of half physical skill and half luck.

Sure, you can lower the trashy game’s difficulty by boosting your stats, but that’s about it. There’s no way to skip the mini-game entirely.

If there’s a problem that can be solved physically, you can manage it with skill, right?

However, when it comes to issues that rely on luck, there’s absolutely nothing you can do. You just have to prepare for everything and pray to the heavens for success.

When the failure rate is 1% and you still fail, it’s enough to make you so mad you can’t even speak.

Originally, I was supposed to focus on the luck aspect.

The parts I could handle physically could be overcome with determination, so it was crucial to eliminate any chance of failure.

But now, it’s the complete opposite.

Luck is looking good. I have the luck to score above average on exams just by guessing, thanks to the favor of the Dice God.

While I may not win everywhere, I can still manage to pull off decent scores.

But now suddenly, there’s an issue with my normally dependable physical condition.

My weakened body is far from capable of performing the usual rigorous training.

According to Grandpa, even Joy could beat me in a tough brawl level.

Given this sorry state of my body, I can’t possibly pass the mini-games at the festival!

If I show up unprepared, I might just fall victim to the desires of that perverted god, Armadi.

After returning to the mansion and eyeing various outfits in Lucy’s wardrobe, I decided to rush to the Kingdom’s trading city, Nig, as soon as the auction opened.

If there was a suitable dress to wear, I thought I could just fail and wear that, right?

Wow. Seriously, I was shocked when I started rummaging through Lucy’s clothes.

How is it possible that the wardrobe is just filled with landmines?

Even in a totally ruined game, it’s basic etiquette to at least provide one safe zone!

“Clumsy fox…”

“Clumsy fox…”

“Is this asking to make my motion sickness go away?”

Thanks to Clumsy Fox’s assistance, I escaped my motion sickness, and with Erin’s support, I stepped outside of the teleportation area.

The moment I laid eyes on the trading city of Nig, I couldn’t help but suppress a sigh.

There are just way too many people. I sort of expected it would be bustling in-game, but this is next level.

At this point, it shouldn’t be called a crowd but rather a wall of people. There’s no way to move forward.

“Excuse me, Young Lady.”

As I was frowning, feeling like I might get motion sickness again, Possell suddenly lifted me onto his shoulder.

“Just trust me. We’ll go through this smoothly.”

Possell, grinning like a baby that would surely cry if someone looked at him funny, seemed particularly reliable today.

Yeah, I guess in the face of overwhelming strength, it wouldn’t matter if there’s a wall of people.

Today, it was Possell, not Karl, who was tasked with guarding me.

The reason was simple. That guy, Karl… ever since returning to the Alrn family, has been rolling around like he’s training to the point of death.

It seems the psychological burden of getting completely schooled by Karia in the Menestel dungeon has gotten to him.

Personally, I think Karia was just overly powerful, and Karl gave it more than enough of a shot. But hey, if he’s not satisfied…

With Karl gone, someone else needed to be on guard, but due to my state, Benedict wasn’t really allowing just anyone to guard me.

After various discussions, the one chosen was none other than Possell, the second-in-command in strength in the Alrn family. He was someone I could totally depend on no matter what variables came our way.

I heard that even if Possell couldn’t beat Benedict, he could at least keep things competitive.

I didn’t quite grasp how amazing that was back then.

But now I understand. Even if he’s incomplete, he’s a person capable of facing off against the Evil God’s attacks head-on.

From the enemy’s perspective, that’s terrifying, but from our camp’s viewpoint, he’s an exceptional talent.

[Well, still, he’s just a human.]

As I thought this while watching Possell effortlessly navigate through the crowd, Grandpa chimed in.

‘What do you mean by that?’

[Cough. Compared to the person and his comrades battling the Evil God, it’s not much.]

Ah. So Grandpa’s jealous right now, huh? Because I’m praising someone else instead of him?

Hahaha. Usually, the grumpy old man is annoying, but he’s kind of cute sometimes.

“Really? Was Grandpa stronger than Benedict?”

[Of course. If I were in my prime, I could teach a kid like Benedict a thing or two.]

‘Oh please, you can’t fool me. You’re just bragging because you can’t prove it.’

[What if it’s true?! I’m Ruel! The Holy Knight who saved the world! I wouldn’t lose to some wannabe facing off against an incomplete Evil God!]

Grandpa’s words are likely true.

It was the Hero party, led by Holy Knight Ruel, who fought and emerged victorious against the fully unsealed Evil God.

In his heyday, Grandpa was definitely a monster of a human being.

But come on. I just find it amusing that the usually nagging old man is pouting because he wants some compliments.

‘Don’t old stories get exaggerated?’

[Not at all!?]

While I was joking around with Grandpa, Possell Express zipped me right in front of the auction house.

Unlike the bustling streets full of merchants and customers, the area around the auction house was relatively quiet.

Naturally, this place is supposed to be a fortified area where only high-ranking nobles and affluent figures can enter. Thus, it’s safely apart from the crowd.

Just when I thought I could finally breathe and stretch, that happiness got shattered in an instant.

“I’m sorry, Lady Alrn. You cannot enter here.”

As I made my way towards the auction house, a manager sprinted over from somewhere to block my way.

This was completely unexpected. I am the Count’s Young Lady, after all.

Not just any Count’s daughter, but the daughter of the renowned Alrn family, known throughout the continent!

I should easily meet the entrance criteria for the Nig auction house, so what’s the issue?!

‘Why can’t I go in?!’

“Hey, you dimwit. Why not? Explain it in a way I can understand!”

I argued, visibly confused, and the manager, sweat dripping down his face, stammered through his explanation.

The problem stems from the misdeeds of Lucy from the past.

Before I possessed her, Lucy was a notorious spendthrift. She could never say no to something flashy.

Naturally, it was obvious for her to stop by the Nig auction house to grab whatever caught her fancy.

As the worst troublemaker who even insulted the gods, wherever she went, chaos trailed behind her – including at the Nig auction house.

When she failed to snag what she wanted, she’d go after someone who outbid her and cause a scene.

And it wasn’t just a single occurrence; it was habitual.

Thanks to that, people in fear of Lucy’s antics started avoiding the auction house, leading Nig to make the decision.

They fully banned Lucy Alrn from entry.

[Young Lady, what on earth were you…]

I felt wronged. That was not my doing! But being wronged doesn’t eliminate the karma that exists within me.

[That inability to respect adults must be a leftover habit of yours. Scary, right? Scary.]

After biting my lip mildly at Grandpa’s playful jab, the head guard bowed to the ground.

“I apologize! But regulations are regulations, and there’s nothing we can do!”

The manager, trembling in fear about what I might do next, still managed to state the obvious.

What do I do now?

I need to get into the auction house; it’s my only glimmer of hope.

But I can’t enter via the normal route. I’ve landed on the blacklist.

While pondering with my lips pressed, nothing fruitful came to mind.

I hadn’t considered this kind of problem even a little. If I had foreseen it, I would’ve thought of some workaround!

…How about triggering my Mesugaki skill and wreaking some havoc? If they attack first, I could at least justify my actions.


Startled out of my thoughts by Possell’s voice, I looked up and shot him a questioning glance.

What is it? Do you have a plan?

“Look around you.”

Around me?

Finally turning my gaze, I noticed the multitude of eyes directed toward us.

Curiosity. Intrigue. Worry. Fear. An uneasy feeling.

“Right now, it’s best to back off.”

His words were spot on.

If I caused a scene here, one more line would be added to Lucy’s notorious reputation.

Honestly, there’s not much lower I can go, but I must consider the good relationships I have.

When I nodded, Possell hoisted me back onto his shoulder.


Stepping away from the auction house entrance, I began searching for the Newman family’s base in Nig.

This auction house is filled with nobles and merchants. Right now, I can’t just break in using unfriendly methods.

I could force my way through with Possell’s strength, but then I’d miss out on the auction.

I want to buy items, not steal them.

With the unexpected circumstances, the only place I could turn to was the Newman family.

The underworld’s big shots who have spread their network throughout the continent. If I can leverage their power, surely a solution will appear.

The Newman family’s spot in Nig was a shabby souvenir shop.

The kind of place that looks cute when you first travel but turns into junk soon after.

When the shopkeeper first saw us, he greeted warmly and began recommending various trinkets, but then the moment I flashed my Crow Seal, he quickly changed his tune.

“Let’s head inside! There are much better items within!”

Of course, what’s inside aren’t just more souvenirs.

They’re people working under the Newman family.

Even though I had already briefed Erin and Possell about this, both of them widened their eyes when they saw the scene indoors.

“Greetings. You are the benefactor of the Newman family. I am Ki, managing this outpost.”

The man, giving off a somewhat lighthearted vibe for an informant, politely introduced himself, but it didn’t carry much significance.

‘Hello, Ki.’

“Yep. Nice to meet you, Brat. You look like someone who’d steal someone else’s girl, huh?”

The moment the Mesugaki skill labeled him as a brat, his title stuck to him.

With a chagrined smile on his face, I explained my situation.

I wanted to enter the auction house, but I couldn’t. Is there any way?

“There are a few methods available.”

Without any hesitation, he laid out his suggestions.

While the security at Nig’s auction house is tight, there are still loopholes.

“But there’s one problem. You’re just too beautiful, which makes you stand out.”

However, entering isn’t the solution to the problem.

Even using illegal methods to sneak in would just lead to being kicked out the moment I’m recognized.

“So, how about this? Why not just disguise yourself?”


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not work with dark mode