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Chapter 193

Chapter 193: Hongliang: About to die, this princess is flying!

The guard’s serious tone left Hongliang stunned.

After coming to her senses, she pointed at her own perky nose, eyes wide open, and said, “Open your dog eyes wide and see who this princess is!”

The guards remained motionless.

With a solemn expression, one said, “We know you are the princess.”

“If you know I’m the princess, how dare you stop me?”

Hongliang, like a powder keg, exploded right away.

She raised her leg and kicked directly at the guard’s armor with a loud clang.

The guard didn’t move, but she stumbled back a few steps from the rebound.

Her foot slipped, and she almost fell on her bottom.

Her little face turned pale with fright.

Her limited martial skills were good enough to show off but not for real combat.

She couldn’t even react properly in a bit of an accident.

Just then, a strong arm wrapped around her slender waist.

With a gentle pull to the side, he steadied her body.

“Are you okay?”

A gentle voice, accompanied by warm breath, brushed against Hongliang’s pale face.

She trembled all over as she finally recovered from the shock.

“No… no, I’m fine.”

After Li Mo helped her stand steady, he let go.

Before he had a chance to speak, Hongliang, not giving up, charged forward again.

With her hands on her hips, she shouted fiercely, “This princess is going in to see the Royal Brother. All of you, get out of my way!”

The guards still did not budge.

Two halberds crossed, blocking the entrance.

“The Emperor has ordered that no one is allowed to enter or leave the residence of the Ninth Young Master. Anyone who intrudes will be killed without mercy!”

Anger surged in Hongliang’s eyes as she gritted her teeth and said, “Does that mean even this princess cannot enter?”

The guards, like cold machines, said, “The Emperor’s order applies to everyone!”

Hongliang took a deep breath, puffing herself up like a pufferfish.

Then she suddenly shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Royal Brother! Royal Brother!”

“Han Fei! Someone is bullying your sister!”

The guards in front of the residence were instantly dumbfounded. “Are you a shrew or a princess?” they wondered.

Even if you call the Ninth Young Master, it won’t help.

He can’t come out, and you can’t go in.

Do you want to sing “Tears Behind Bars” with him through the door?

“Please, Princess, move to another place. This is a forbidden area. Do not shout,” an officer resembling a leader ran over and stopped her.

Hongliang didn’t care about any forbidden area.

Today she was either going in, or Han Fei was coming out.

But the Young Master’s residence was vast.

Emperor Han not only restricted Han Fei’s movements but also removed his retainers and dismissed his servants.

Only a few old servants were left to take care of him.

Life was quite miserable for him.

Now Hongliang was shouting at the door, but how could her voice reach this vast, empty residence?

So she yelled for a long time until her throat was hoarse, but no one came out to take a look.

She didn’t call anyone out, but she got herself all worked up.

She put down her hand that was covering her mouth and swung her arm, slapping the officer.

This officer had retreated from the battlefield and had followed Bai Yifei through many battles.

Not only was he firmly in the “Bai” faction, but his own strength was also strong.

By slightly turning his body, he dodged Hongliang’s slap.

With a clang, he drew his sword from the scabbard at his waist.

Without hesitation, he slashed at Hongliang!

Hongliang’s face turned ashen.

She was drenched in cold sweat from the sharp blade.

She regretted not practicing martial arts more when it mattered.

She had always been brazen in Xinzheng, never bringing guards when going out.

Anyone who saw her, the troublemaker, would keep their heads down and call her Princess.

Who would have thought someone would dare to draw a sword at her?

The cold blade came down with the force of a mountain-splitting blow.

Hongliang stood there frozen, waiting to die.

At the critical moment, a black figure flashed before her eyes.

There was a deep thud.

The guard who drew his sword flew several meters, sword and all.

He crashed into the main gate of Han Fei’s residence before stopping.

Surrounding hundreds of guards’ faces changed, almost all at the same time they surrounded.

Raising their long spears towards Li Mo who had just made a move.

They shouted loudly, “How dare you, you dare to harm a person and force your way into a forbidden area!”

In fact, they didn’t clearly see if it was Li Mo who made the move.

Just now it was just a shadow flickered.

The leader went flying out.

Then this blind man appeared next to the Hongliang Lord.

Looking at the pale and frightened face of the Hongliang Princess, it was impossible for her to have made the move.

So, it could only be this blind man!

The Hongliang Princess hadn’t recovered from the fright until now.

Looking at the broad figure standing in front of her, her heart pounded with a mix of emotions.

If it weren’t for Li Mo suddenly darting over, she might have been split into two halves by now.

Thinking about this, she became furious.

What kind of status does she have, and these people dare to draw swords at her!

She didn’t see the leader who was kicked away by Li Mo, but she couldn’t not vent her anger.

The Hongliang Princess, with a running start, rushed over and slapped the face of the person who spoke just now twice.

She angrily shouted, “How dare you draw your sword at this princess? This princess will have my father wipe out your entire family!”

Even Emperor Han usually wouldn’t speak loudly to her, she was truly a treasured one pampered since childhood.

Now she was actually being intimidated by a few soldiers drawing swords.

Do they think I, Hongliang, was scared easily?

The soldier who was slapped had a face turning red with a hint of anger in his eyes.

But Hongliang is still a princess, being beaten by her was just bad luck for him.

At this moment, the leader who was kicked away by Li Mo walked over slowly with the help of two subordinates.

After reaching here, he shook his body, pushing away his subordinates’ hands.

With a cold face, he said, “Your Highness the Princess just attempted to break into the forbidden land, I acted on the Emperor’s orders, those who break in are to be killed without mercy.”

“Men, take these two down!”

Li Mo immediately frowned.

This leader is not right!

Although he restrained his strength just now, that kick still should have taken away at least half of his life.

From the depression in his chest armor, it was clear.

This person must have broken at least four or five ribs.

But he’s not showing any signs of pain, and can still speak so loudly.

The key is, who doesn’t know that Hongliang is Han Wang’s precious one!

Even if Hongliang had broken into Han Fei’s forbidden residence?

Even if she tore this place down, Han Wang would at most scold her a couple of times.

And when she shed a tear, Han Wang would coax her back.

Being able to become a leader isn’t something brainless people can do.

Not to mention drawing a sword at Hongliang in public, even offending her wouldn’t end well.

But he did it anyway!

How dare he?

Li Mo’s divine sense swept over his face, and he understood instantly.

Bai Xianwu!

This person had several broken ribs, but his face didn’t turn red, and there wasn’t a drop of sweat on his forehead.

Completely acting like nothing happened.

This kind of performance can only be explained by Bai Xianwu’s puppet technique!

A puppet is made from dead bodies, naturally, it doesn’t feel pain.

No wonder he dared to speak such arrogant words, and even tried to take the opportunity to kill Hongliang under the guise of breaking into the forbidden land.

It’s Bai Xianwu causing trouble behind the scenes!


Li Mo immediately expanded his sensing range, and as expected, he found Bai Xianwu on a tall building a hundred feet away.

Puppets have no thoughts, they only act according to her set instructions.

Li Mo had the notion of bringing Hongliang over on a whim.

But Bai Xianwu discovered their conflict with the guards and issued a command to the puppet to kill Hongliang.

But the question is, why is she here?

Li Mo didn’t believe it was a coincidence.

Bai Xianwu was in a tall building that could oversee the entire Han Fei’s residence.

Looking at it this way, it seems like she’s monitoring Han Fei!

But why would she monitor Han Fei?

The guards here are clearly her people, what is she not assured of?

Thinking about it, Li Mo understood.

Bai Xianwu is guarding against him!

“Who dares? Just try to move?”

Upon hearing the commander’s words, Hongliang immediately rushed in front of Li Mo.

With arms wide open, her head held high, like a hen protecting her chick, shielding Li Mo behind her.

She didn’t know the meaning of fear at all!

Although she almost got slashed just now, she didn’t believe these people would really dare to hurt her!

The truth proves that sometimes people shouldn’t be too confident.

That general had no thoughts, nor did he know how to write the word “fear”.

He shouted coldly, “Capture them both!”

Over a hundred guards advanced towards the two, wielding long spears.

Hongliang panicked immediately.

She closed her eyes and started throwing wild punches while shouting, “You all are rebelling, my lord will have my father cut you all down!”

Li Mo’s face darkened.

How could she not see the situation by now?

If these people were afraid of her princess status, they wouldn’t have done this!

Han Fei’s release order hadn’t come yet; the Emperor of Han’s idea was to let Han Fei leave tomorrow morning.

He didn’t know that Li Mo had already communicated with Han Fei.

Afraid that Han Fei would refuse to leave, he wasn’t given any chance to refuse.

Li Mo didn’t expect Princess Hongliang to have such a big temper, to cause a scene like this.

But surrendering without a fight was impossible.

If the Grandmaster of Qin was caught by Han soldiers, Qin couldn’t afford such a humiliation!

He reached out, grabbed Hongliang’s wrist, and pulled her behind him.

Before Hongliang could react, she saw Li Mo lifting his robe and pulling out a bamboo stick.

Hongliang’s eyes widened!

Brother, are you planning to use this stick to fight our way out?

At least you’re the Grandmaster of Qin.

How come you don’t even have a decent weapon?

Before she could complain, she heard a “ding” sound near her ear.

Li Mo had already made his move!

A simple bamboo stick became sharper than a divine weapon in his hand.

With a sweep in front of him, he broke several long spears.

The soldiers’ faces changed drastically!

This blind man turned out to be a tough opponent!

They dared not hesitate and all rushed forward together.

Li Mo, with a stern face, held Hongliang with one hand and wielded the bamboo stick fiercely with the other.

Hongliang looked at the soldiers falling down and wailing in pain, dumbfounded.

She was dragged by Li Mo like a sack.

Her eyes kept darting back and forth to the bamboo stick moving so fast it was just a blur.

What was this bamboo made of, so hard!

The long spears broke with just one hit, as if made of paper!

Soon, the commotion attracted patrolling soldiers.

On one side was Princess Hongliang, favored by the Emperor of Han, and on the other, soldiers following the king’s orders.

They couldn’t intervene without understanding the situation.

Hundreds of soldiers formed circles around them.

On a tall building a hundred meters away,

a graceful figure in a red cloak stood motionless against the wind.

She looked at the situation from a distance.

Li Mo guessed correctly.

That leader was her crafted puppet, and the order to kill Hongliang came from her.

She wanted to use this opportunity to see how strong the Grandmaster of Qin was.

But so far, nothing seemed remarkable.

“If this is all you have, you are no match for me,”

Bai Xianwu indifferently watched Li Mo in the crowd and said coldly.

Li Mo frowned in the crowd.

He could clearly sense Bai Xianwu watching him.

Is she testing my strength?

Thinking for a bit, he easily guessed Bai Xianwu’s intention.

This won’t do; if reinforcements come and they are also Bai Xianwu’s puppets, the situation won’t be favorable!

They fear nothing, and have no scruples.

Hongliang followed closely behind Li Mo and stopped shouting.

Better to save some energy to complain to the Emperor of Han later!

The soldiers, seeing they couldn’t get to Li Mo, changed tactics and charged at Hongliang instead.

Hongliang dodged a long spear coming at her with a yelp.

Before she could recover, another spear glinting coldly aimed at her.

“Help, help, I’m going to die! Save me!”

Hongliang jumped around in fear, climbing onto Li Mo’s back like a monkey.

One arm clung tightly around his neck, her slender legs wrapped around his waist.

She stretched out a hand in front of Li Mo and shouted, “Give me something to defend myself, I’m unarmed!”

Li Mo’s eyebrow twitched.

He casually tossed the bamboo stick to her.

Hongliang was overjoyed!

This was no ordinary weapon!

Just in time, a soldier rushed over, and she picked up a bamboo pole and began knocking on his helmet as if striking a wooden fish.

“I’ll beat you to death! I’ll beat you to death!”

“Dare to catch this princess, I’ll crack your head open!”

She was knocking away fervently when suddenly there was a “crack.”

The bamboo pole broke right in the middle!

Staring at the bamboo pole broken at a ninety-degree angle, Hongliang was dumbfounded!

Wasn’t this supposed to be a divine weapon? How could it break in her hands?

She had clearly seen Li Mo wielding the bamboo pole moments ago, slaying all around!

It was indestructible, so why did it become so fragile when it came to her?

Li Mo swatted five or six soldiers away with one palm, causing a few black lines to appear on his forehead instantly.

He pursed his lips and said speechlessly, “Remember to pay me back!”

Hongliang wanted to cry but had no tears: “Let’s talk about it if we’re alive and get out of here!”

Li Mo calmly dealt with the surrounding soldiers and said in response, “Hold tight, I’ll take you out!”

Hongliang, usually carefree, was now in a critical situation.

She couldn’t care about propriety between men and women anymore.

Throwing the broken bamboo pole to the ground, she tightly hugged Li Mo’s neck.

Her already matured body clung closely to his back.

Li Mo was momentarily dazed by her bosom pressed against him.

The elasticity was quite impressive!

But there was no time to dwell on it, as a mob of soldiers had already rushed forward.

With a thought, everything around Li Mo slowed down instantly.

Under nearly four times slow motion, everyone appeared to be full of openings even in the seemingly impenetrable wall of people.

With Hongliang’s mouth agape and drooling as he leaped,

A light tap on a soldier’s head, and they were out of the encirclement.

“Where did they go?”

“Where did they disappear to?”

“They were just here!”

“Find them, quickly!”

Li Mo disappeared right under everyone’s noses, leaving hundreds of people stunned.

In the distance, Bai Xianwu’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

She hadn’t seen how Li Mo had disappeared either!

Her cold gaze swept around and finally saw him already at Han Fei’s mansion door.


Bai Xianwu’s lips moved slightly.

Her figure flickered and vanished from the high-rise.

“Ah~~~ I’m going to die! Flying, flying, this princess is flying!”

CLinjing to Li Mo’s ear like on a roller coaster, Hongliang screamed loudly.

Li Mo’s eardrum was almost shattered by her scream.

“Stop shouting, or I’ll throw you down.”

With a forceful grip, he squeezed Hongliang’s thigh.

Hongliang let out a sultry moan, her voice soothing to the bone.

Her instinctive reaction was to tighten her legs.

Li Mo gasped in a breath from her squeeze!

Damn! Quite strong!

These legs are only fit to be on my shoulders, can’t let her clamp around!

A moment’s inattention and my waist could be destroyed by her!

“There, found them!”

Hongliang, still dazed from the pinch, suddenly heard a shout from below, bringing her back to her senses.

Lowering her head, she saw the soldiers surrounding once again.

She instantly panicked and slapped Li Mo’s shoulder urgently: “Quick, quick, they’re catching up.”

“We need to go to the palace, I’ll have my father chop their heads off!”

Li Mo: “?”

This sounded a bit familiar!

He shook his head and replied, “No need, the person who gave those orders is here.”

Hongliang extended her head to look and asked foolishly, “Who?”

Li Mo sneered: “Naturally, your General Bai.”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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