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Chapter 188

Chapter 188: Can someone like Bai Xianwu have children?

In truth, Bai Xianwu should be considered a mature woman.

But due to her special nature, she looked just over twenty.

Rumor had it that she didn’t age.

But Li Mo felt this was inaccurate.

It should be called good preservation.
“I didn’t sense any life force from her, as if she were already dead.”

Fei Yan gently lowered the carriage curtain, retracting her gaze from Bai Xianwu.

She sat back next to Li Mo.

Then she continued, “No heartbeat and no breathing.”

Before coming, Li Mo had already mentioned Bai Xianwu’s condition.

Fei Yan had just paid special attention, and indeed, there were no signs of life from this person.

“She doesn’t even blink.”

Yan Lingji suddenly added.

The border is extremely windy and sandy.

She had also noticed earlier.

In such strong wind and sand, Bai Xianwu’s eyes hadn’t blinked once.

Li Mo pondered for a moment and slowly said, “Born but not dying, dying but not born, transcending yin and yang, coexisting with heaven and earth.”

Yan Lingji’s knowledge was limited.

She didn’t quite understand what his mystical words meant.

With dreamy, water-blue eyes, she asked, “Can you explain?”

Fei Yan smiled patiently and said, “Dead people are yin, living people are yang.”

“This Bai Xianwu is a dead person but can do living person’s tasks.”

“An existence like her has already departed from the normal realms of heaven and earth.”

“Neither man nor corpse, this is the first time I’ve heard of such a thing.”

The puppets she crafted looked very similar on the surface to Bai Xianwu’s condition, but they were fundamentally different.

Puppets are controlled by people.

But Bai Xianwu was clearly an independent entity.

Thus, the hypothesis that she was a crafted puppet could be ruled out.

“Mingzhu said she had made a deal with a devil, resurrected from death.”

Li Mo remembered what Lady Mingzhu had told him.

Bai Xianwu was originally a normal person but was born with a terminally blocked artery.

She had an extremely yin and cold constitution.

“Nine ninety-seven” died, her grave opened seven days later, and the body vanished.

A year later, she reappeared in the Blood-Cloth Fortress.

That was when she became like this.

In other words, the problem lay in the year she disappeared.

Li Mo subconsciously touched Fei Yan’s warm little hand as he spoke.

This was a naturally extremely yang constitution, and she had an extremely yin constitution.

One fire, one ice, equal but opposite extremes?


Can’t handle it, absolutely can’t!

“Your smile is telling me you’re not thinking good thoughts.”

Yan Lingji suddenly leaned in.

Pressing on his shoulders, she pinched his smiling mouth and said.

She felt that the smile had some kind of lewd intent!

“Be gentle.”

Before Li Mo could speak, Fei Yan became anxious.

“Don’t hurt my husband.”

She took down Yan Lingji’s hand, lovingly rubbing Li Mo’s mouth.

Yan Lingji gave a big roll of her eyes.

Helplessly said, “You just spoil him, even if he sold you, you’ll still count the money for him.”

Fei Yan looked at Li Mo with full affection.

Husband would never bear to sell her!

Li Mo flicked Yan Lingji’s smooth forehead, feeling both angry and amused, “All for nothing that I doted on you.”

You don’t care about me, and you won’t let Fei Yan care about me.

You little ingrate!

Bai Xianwu personally escorting them to Xinzheng was within Li Mo’s expectations.

Han Fei’s current situation, Bai Xianwu was the main culprit.

It was all to lure him over.

But Li Mo could not understand, if she wanted to lure him over for revenge for Bai Yifei, it didn’t make sense either.

Even without the title of envoy, he was still the National Advisor of Qin State.

If something happened to him in Han, she, the general, wouldn’t escape responsibility.

It could even trigger a war between the two countries.

So she wouldn’t dare to do anything to him.

Then what was her purpose in luring him over?

Li Mo always felt there was another plot Bai Xianwu had against him.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have drugged him with “Drunk God,” something that could control a person’s mind.

Plotting what?

Lusting after his body?

That’s nonsense!

She was a dead person with no seven emotions and six desires.

Even feeling anything would be a question.

Yan Lingji covered her forehead, cursing softly.

Finally asked, “Then why were you smiling just now? That cheeky look didn’t seem like you were thinking good thoughts.”

Just now, that smile looked exactly like when he bullied her and Fei Yan.

Fei Yan also looked at Li Mo curiously.

The smile earlier was indeed strange; she had sensed it too.

Li Mo pursed his lips.

Knowing each other too well is not really a good thing.

After a moment’s thought, he said, “I was thinking, if we added a soul to Bai Xianwu, would she come to life?”

At the end of the day, Bai Xianwu is just an empty shell.

Li Mo couldn’t even sense her strength.

It wasn’t because her strength was too overwhelming for him to sense.

It was because of her uniqueness.

She had no internal energy, nor did she possess Qi like him.

Gai Nie said that Guiguzi evaluated her as not being at the Divine Realm, yet possessing the capability of the Divine Realm.

Not at the Divine Realm, but qualified to challenge those at it.

As for the reason, Guiguzi did not tell Gai Nie.

Li Mo speculated that her physical strength may have already reached that level.

Similar to the myth of physical sainthood, an alternative path to righteousness.

If we could figure out what happened during her missing year, perhaps we could understand why she became like this.

Asking her is definitely out of the question.

But if we could have Li possess her body, we could uncover her secrets.

After hearing his plan, Fei Yan pondered and said, “It probably won’t be that easy.”

“Bai Xianwu has no soul, but she has consciousness.”

“She is much stronger than Li, who may not even be able to approach her, let alone possess her body and control her.”

It’s like trying to hitch a small horse to a large chariot.

It won’t budge!

Li Mo stroked his chin and mused, “Then let’s incapacitate her so she can’t resist.”

Yan Lingji’s eyes widened instantly.

She rubbed her goosebumps and made a disgusted face.

“Ew~ You won’t even spare a corpse. Don’t touch me after you touch her! What if there’s corpse poison?”

Li Mo raised his hand and flicked her on the head.

“I meant to control her, not actually do it. You pretty little thing, why is your mind so dirty?”

I am the Grandmaster of Qin, the Protector of Qin.

Not the Millennium Corpse of Qin!

Yan Lingji covered her head and threatened, “Flick me again, and I’ll flick your head tonight. Believe it or not?”

This girl holds grudges; she’d really do it.

Li Mo snorted and retorted irritably, “If I break it, what use will it be to you?”

Yan Lingji lifted her sensual lips, and her body softened as she leaned into his arms.

Her delicate fingertip brushed across his lips.

Seductively, she said, “There’s always this.”

It took about three days to travel from the frontier to Xinzheng in Han.

This era had its downsides.

No cars or high-speed trains; most of the time was wasted on the journey.

At night, they stayed in a residence arranged by Bai Xianwu.

Soldiers she brought guarded the courtyard.

Sentries every three steps, posts every five steps.

Not to mention assassins, even a bird flying by would be checked for its gender before being let go.

In the dead of night.

Li Mo’s room was pitch black.

He lay alone in bed.

Fei Yan and Yan Lingji were in the next room, not sleeping with him tonight.

After about half an hour, a peculiar flute tune faintly echoed.

It seemed clear as if by the ear yet faint as if from the sky.

Li Mo seemed drawn as he slowly sat up in bed.

He put on his clothes and shoes.

His movements were bizarre, like sleepwalking.

The moment the flute sounded, Fei Yan in the next room suddenly opened her eyes.

She got up and went to the window.

Through a crack, she saw Li Mo walking straight outside.

The guards at the door seemed blind, ignoring him completely.

“Quite a convincing act.”

Suddenly, a lazy voice sounded beside Fei Yan.

Yan Lingji rested her chin on Fei Yan’s shoulder, their full, soft bodies pressed together through thin nightgowns.

Watching Li Mo leave, she quipped playfully.

Fei Yan looked worried and frowned, “Will it be dangerous for my husband to go alone?”

Yan Lingji replied wordlessly, “You know his strength; if Bai Xianwu discovers he’s pretending, the two will –”
Got up, not knowing who would die first.”

Fei Yan still frowned with concern, “Bai Xianwu is not so easy to kill.”

Guiguzi had no confidence in killing Bai Xianwu twenty years ago, let alone dealing with her now.

After sleeping for twenty years, no one knew if her strength had increased or decreased.

“Should we go check on our husband?” Yan Lingji said with a weary look, “Why does your IQ drop whenever it’s something related to him?”

“Bai Xianwu is at least at the level of a deity. What if she discovers us following her?”

Li Mo was worried about this too, so he specifically instructed them tonight.

Yan Lingji knew what would happen when “Drunken God” took effect.

Li Mo believed that with his acting skills, Bai Xianwu wouldn’t notice.

Fei Yan gently bit her lip.

She believed in Li Mo’s strength.


“What if Bai Xianwu has set a trap for him?”

Yan Lingji couldn’t hold back anymore.

With her arms crossed, she lectured, “Do you really treat that guy like a baby? Can’t you leave him alone for a moment?”

“It’s no wonder you feed him milk, holding him while you do.”

“Are you raising him as a son?”

Fei Yan’s cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

Shyness mixed with a hint of coyness.

She looked extremely endearing.

Yan Lingji grabbed her pert bottom, making Fei Yan wince in pain.

There were only two people in the world who dared to squeeze her like this.

But Li Mo wouldn’t be as heavy-handed as Yan Lingji.

Yan Lingji turned and ran to the bed, nonchalantly saying, “Let’s sleep, if he dies, I’ll just be a widow.”

Fei Yan looked out the window; Li Mo’s figure was already gone.

Yan Lingji was right.

If they followed and Bai Xianwu found them, it would ruin Li Mo’s plan.

Thinking of this, she lay back on the bed.

In no time, Yan Lingji had already fallen asleep.

As soon as Fei Yan lay down, Yan Lingji instinctively draped her limbs over her.

She thought she was sleeping next to Li Mo.

The street was silent.

A single figure walked briskly along the road.

Li Mo followed the sound of the still-playing flute.

He had a bit of admiration in his heart.

After playing for so long, wasn’t Bai Xianwu’s mouth sore?

He wondered if she could play the xiao for just as long!

As he walked and thought, he soon arrived at a lakeside.

Under the bright moonlight, the lake water glittered like scattered stars.

A gentle night breeze blew.

A graceful figure stood alone by the lake.

Bai Xianwu had changed out of her daytime armor.

She now wore a thin red dress, with a blood-red cloak draped over her shoulders.

Her long hair almost reached her hips when left unbound.

The strands hung loosely behind her, swaying gently in the wind.

Ignoring the fact that she was dead, she truly was a stunning beauty.

Her eyes, cold and brilliant like stars under the moonlight.

A face of charm, with a full and curvaceous figure.

But with a cold demeanor that starkly contrasted her appearance.

Bai Xianwu slowly removed the flute from her lips.

Expressionless, she stared directly at Li Mo.

Li Mo knew his current state.

His mind was in a daze.

So unless Bai Xianwu spoke, he shouldn’t say anything.

He needed to remain passive.

This General Bai was quite white and quite big!

The night wind pressed the thin dress tightly against her curvy body.

She had a figure described as devilish.

But her whiteness seemed a bit abnormal.

Fei Yan was white too, like snow.

As Yan Lingji put it, Fei Yan was like a lump of dough, soft and white.

But Bai Xianwu’s whiteness had a pallor to it.

Under the moonlight, she looked somewhat eerie.

With her red dress and flowing hair, anyone else would think they saw a ghost.

They stood a yard apart.

Yet Li Mo could still feel her cold aura.

Even more so than Fei Yan’s.
At least you have to touch Fei Yan to know how hot she is.

But the coldness of Bai Xianwu’s body felt as if it had become tangible.

If I did anything with her, would I be frozen into a popsicle?

“Was Bai Yifei killed by you?”

Bai Xianwu observed Li Mo for a long time and finally asked.

Her voice was emotionless, as cold and calm as a frozen lake.

“I killed him.”

Li Mo spoke truthfully.

He knew Bai Xianwu must have known, and hiding it would only make her suspicious.

A person whose mind is controlled cannot lie.

Bai Xianwu asked again, “Do you know who he was to me?”

“Your adopted son.”

A cold glint flashed in Bai Xianwu’s eyes, and her voice grew even icier.

“You knew, and you still dared to kill him?”

Li Mo shook his head and said, “I didn’t know when I killed him; I found out afterwards.”

Bai Xianwu stared at him intently.

“And you also know that I lured you to Han on purpose?”

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll kill you to avenge him?”

Li Mo responded indifferently, “You wouldn’t dare.”

“If I die in Han, the Qin Empire will definitely hold the Hann Emperor accountable.”

“If you kill me, your career as a general will end.”

Bai Xianwu’s face was expressionless, like a paralyzed mask.

Li Mo could tell she was smirking internally, but her face showed no change.

“Is that your reason for daring to come to Han?”

“Yes, my status is my shield, so I’m not afraid of you taking action.”

“Sorry, you guessed wrong.”

Suddenly, a killing intent flashed in Bai Xianwu’s eyes.

Without seeing her move, her longsword was already unsheathed.

The blade etched a white line in the moonlight, slicing towards Li Mo’s neck.

Bai Xianwu was the fastest person he had encountered.

The sword was already at his neck before the sound of it being drawn reached his ears.

Li Mo stood there like a wooden stake.

Like a piece of fish meat ready for slaughter.

He was betting that Bai Xianwu wouldn’t kill him, like betting that her gun had no bullets!

Sure enough, the blade stopped one millimeter away from Li Mo’s neck.

Bai Xianwu observed Li Mo’s expression carefully.

Her brows relaxed, and her heartbeat remained steady.

He showed no signs of resistance or panic.

Only then did Bai Xianwu believe that his mind was truly under control.

Otherwise, with his skill of being able to kill Bai Yifei, he would have reacted.

If he was pretending, he would have instinctively reacted to the sword.

Li Mo felt the coolness of the blade.

This wretched woman, so highly vigilant.

Bai Xianwu retracted her sword, satisfied.

“What did you come to Han for this time?”

Li Mo replied, “To take Han Fei to the Qin Empire.”

Bai Xianwu continued questioning, “What else?”

“Capture you.”

“Capture me?”

Bai Xianwu’s tone remained unchanged, but her words were filled with doubt.

“What for?”

Trying to capture her, a top general in Han, was a foolish dream.

Li Mo replied seriously, “Take you back and have you bear six to eight children.”

He was genuinely curious if someone like Bai Xianwu could bear children.


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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