Switch Mode

Chapter 184

Chapter: 184


Using the teleportation spell had me rolling on the floor, feeling nauseous.

Usually, I’d bounce back quickly thanks to something the clumsy fox had given me, but unfortunately, this time, the clumsy fox was nowhere to be found.

She had refused to accompany me, saying it was too difficult for her to even move a foot.

Under normal circumstances, I would’ve made a fuss about it, but given that my life was saved by her, I couldn’t just step out of line.

As a result, I had to suffer through the aftermath of the teleportation like a champ.

Ugh. Maybe I’m feeling worse than usual because of my body being all out of whack.

“Young Lady.”

While I was moaning to myself, a familiar female voice reached my ears.

It had been a long time since I heard that voice, but I immediately recognized its owner.

How could I forget?

It belonged to Erin, the one who used to stay by my side and take care of me before I entered the Academy, possessed by Lucy’s body.

“Are you okay?”

As I staggered to my feet, I saw her worried eyes filled with concern.


“Pathetic Erin.”

“Yes, it is I, Erin, your dedicated maid.”

You’d think she’d give away some signs of irritation after having to deal with me all day, but Erin was completely devoted to her role as a maid.

What a waste of talent she is for Lucy.

“It seems you’re not feeling well. Would you like me to carry you?”

“Erin, I can…”

Before I could finish, Karl shot a look at Erin that would freeze fire.

Wait, is she really that tough now?

She used to be just this stressed-out newbie, right?

“It’s part of my duty.”


In front of her, even Karl seemed powerless.

With a firm grip, Erin half-forced me into her arms, smiling softly.

“Are you heading straight to the mansion?”


“No? There’s somewhere I need to go first. Pathetic Erin.”

Knowing I’d end up feeling sick, I purposely returned to the Alrn family estate for only one reason.

To find the last missing person for this party.

Someone who could break the curse controlling Karia.

When I was playing the game, this was usually the role Phoebe filled.

With the abilities worthy of being regarded as a saint by the church, she acted like a cheat code when it came to purification and salvation.

Is it any wonder that most veterans intentionally excluded Phoebe from the game? She made it way too easy.

But now, that wasn’t an option. The current Phoebe doesn’t possess the ability to counter the curse set by the evil god.

Sure, mixing a bunch of methods might work, but it seems dumb to risk something when I could just take the easy way out.

Don’t want to bother a resting Phoebe either.

So, I came to the Alrn territory to find someone to fill Phoebe’s role.

I happen to know the most trustworthy clergyman around is here.

“Hello, Bishop.”

“Hey there, stupid Bishop. Long time no see! You already had a grumpy face, and now you’ve got more wrinkles. You look downright cranky.”

“Is that so? I guess I’ve been working really hard lately.”


When the game was active, he’d probably be bustling around the sacred sites of the god church by now. But due to the variable called the Alrn family, he ended up here.

He’s a die-hard follower, firmly believing he must spread the word and goodness of the lord to the world.

With his abilities and connections, this determined and staunch religious zealot would eventually reach the position of cardinal, making him the best choice of clergyman I can enlist.

“I figured you’d come back now that Soul Academy is on break. Are you here to train in sacred magic?”

‘Not right now.’

“Stupid Bishop. Do you really want to bother me that much? You grumpy old man. Not at the moment.”

“What then?”

‘Take a look at this.’

“Look at this.”

I slapped down the documents regarding the church’s shady dealings that Alsetin had gathered after using the sound-blocking magic ring.

He tilted his head slightly and picked up the documents.

At first, he looked puzzled, but soon his expression turned ice-cold.

“…Where in the world did you find this?”

‘Well, where could it be?’

“Hmm? Is it that the pathetic bishop’s church has so many gaps that you didn’t know?”

“Please answer seriously. This isn’t some trivial matter.”

‘For now…’

“Just read it. Even if you’re old, you’ve got to have the strength to read that, right?”


What I handed Johan was information about suspicious activities going on in the god church, gathered by Alsetin.

I didn’t have time to gather solid proof, but the documents were enough to suspect that something shady was happening there.

With a stern expression, Johan read it through before placing it on his desk.

“Lady Alrn.”

He didn’t seem to be taken aback.

Despite the documents clearly indicating the church was involved in wrongdoing, he kept his composure.

Instead, he fixed his gaze on me with nothing but strictness, devoid of kindness or annoyance.

“What is your intention in showing this to me?”

Clearly, Johan understood everything within it.

Far more intricate details than Alsetin had pieced together.

That’s to be expected. Someone with his potential and connections wouldn’t be clueless about the various happenings within the church.

‘What do you mean by that…?’

“What do you think?”

“Blackmail… would be out of the question, right? If this were a while back, maybe, but the current Young Lady wouldn’t stir up trouble with such flimsy evidence. It seems you wanted to simply inform me, but it looks like you expected my indifferent reaction, didn’t you? I suspect your real intention is to gauge my response.”

His judgment was spot on.

That’s why I’m impressed with Bishop Johan. Sure, he’s a bit of a stickler, but he’s certainly competent.

As I nodded, he let out an exasperated sigh for the world to hear.

“Regardless of your intentions, my first piece of advice would be to avoid digging further into this matter.”

‘Why not?’


“Even if Sir Benedict is backing you, there are limits. Your life could be in danger.”

Given the history and attachment built up over time, Johan offered his advice while setting the documents ablaze with a flick of his hand.

The sacred flames burned the papers away into ashes, disappearing completely.

“As you’ve seen, the church isn’t exactly a righteous place. While it may have been at some point, it’s now a treacherous and filthy establishment. They may preach righteousness, but they don’t actually wish for goodness to spread.”

So just forget it. I’ll also forget about it.

Johan said this and swept the ashes into the trash bin.

“You’re the capable Lady Alrn, and I believe you understand my words. If you have any questions, you may ask me now. The sound-blocking magic is reinforced, so there’s no way for anyone outside to hear. I’ll answer anything reasonable.”

As he spoke, Johan regarded me with a now indifferent gaze. Before responding to him, I called out to the old man.

‘What do you think?’

[You can trust him. From what I’ve observed, his faith is undeniably genuine.]

While Johan was depicted in a bad light in the game as a stickler and a fool, if we’re being honest, he’s also a stern individual who holds high standards for himself and others.

He’s the church’s most hardline faction member, hoping to spread the will of the divine correctly.

He wouldn’t hesitate to tear the church down if it meant achieving that goal.

Right now, he’s biding his time, but when the moment comes, he wouldn’t hesitate to risk his life fighting against it.

When I chose to support Phoebe in her opposition to the church, he had always been there as an ally.

I’m sure he would be there again now.

If Phoebe ever finds herself facing the church while striving to do what’s right, I believe Johan will stand loyally behind her, ready to sacrifice himself.

I don’t know if he’s exactly the same person as the one in the game. I’ve been blindsided before, so who knows.

But one thing is for sure.

As my old man said, if Johan’s faith is sincere, he would be a solid ally for Phoebe, who can no longer trust anyone in the church.

Someday, when the church notices that Phoebe has realized the truth, there should be someone within it who will lend her a hand.

Maybe someday in the far future, Phoebe would fix everything on her own. For now, she’s incomplete.

I need to ensure she has someone to support her.

No one knows when something might happen.

I don’t want to see bad things happen to people I know.

This is why I endured the nausea from teleportation to come here.

I had to discuss this anyway, plus I found something to ask for.

Killing two birds with one stone, you could say.

Alright then, let’s see if I can convince this old man, who’s worried about the young girl with potential and a bright future.

“Grandpa! Help!”

[Haa. If I ever have the time, I should teach you some oratory skills.]

Of course, I meant ‘grandpa’!

I’m terrible at this sort of thing!

Grandpa! Help me out!

[First things first…]

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not work with dark mode