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Chapter 184

Chapter 184: Fei Yan’s Weakness Exposed! Someone Poisoning?

The night had already descended completely.

The military camp became solemn and awe-inspiring.

Bonfires were lit, and rows of patrols moved orderly through the camp.

Steel armor and sharp spears glistened under the firelight.

Inside the tent.

Fei Yan gently shook Yan Lingji, who was lying on Li Mo’s lap.

She said softly, “Time to go back to rest.”

“She’s asleep.”

Li Mo smiled while stroking the silky hair of the person on his lap.

Then he bent down.

With one hand under her knees and the other supporting her delicate back, he gently lifted the light frame.

He said, “I’ll carry her back.”

Yan Lingji had drunk quite a bit of wine.

Although not dead drunk, the effect of the alcohol combined with the exhaustion of the past few days overtook her.


As if sensing Li Mo’s familiar embrace, Yan Lingji whimpered like a kitten startled from slumber.

She rubbed her cheeks against his chest in discontent, smearing bits of drool onto his clothing.

Her small mouth muttered incoherently in her sleep.

Nuzzling her head, she found a comfortable position and continued to sleep.

It seemed as if she wasn’t worried at all that he might sell her off.

Fei Yan couldn’t help but chuckle, her lips curving into a soft smile.

Holding the beauty sleeping soundly in his arms, Li Mo turned and said to Meng Tian, “Please, General Meng, lead the way.”

Meng Tian looked at the three of them, wanting to say something but hesitating.

After a moment of hesitation, he said, “Please wait a moment, I’ll have someone set up another tent.”

He had thought only Li Mo would come, so he had only prepared one tent exclusively for him.

Other companions had accommodations arranged, but they were definitely not as comfortable as the one prepared for Li Mo.

Now that Li Mo brought his two wives along, it wasn’t appropriate to let them stay in those large tents.

“No need for the trouble, we will stay together.”

Fei Yan stood by Li Mo’s side, her voice gentle, as if afraid to wake Yan Lingji in his arms.

Meng Tian was stunned for a moment.

Then he looked at Li Mo with admiration.

A master is indeed a master, a model for our generation!

He originally intended to chat with Li Mo for a bit longer.

But no matter how good one’s mood is, it can’t withstand being fed dog food like this.

When they reached the accommodation tent, Fei Yan quickened her steps.

Considerately, she lifted the curtain for Li Mo.

Meng Tian was amazed by what he saw.

Is this really the Dongjun of the Yin-Yang School?

Could the rumors in the martial world be mistaken?

Rumors said she was ruthless, but here she was, a considerate and virtuous little wife!

Indeed, rumors are not to be entirely believed.

Meng Tian stopped at the entrance, raised his hand to Fei Yan and said, “I won’t disturb the three of you any longer, farewell.”

Fei Yan nodded and thanked him, “Thank you for your hard work, General Meng.”

Watching Fei Yan lower the flap after entering, Meng Tian turned to leave.

But after a few steps, he came back.

Loudly, he told the soldiers guarding the entrance to ensure Li Mo’s safety, “You all withdraw, do not disturb the master’s rest.”

Then he instructed a soldier, “Go get some water and leave it at the door.”

Meng Tian disdain doing flattery, but that didn’t mean he lacked discernment.

Regardless of Li Mo’s own abilities,

With the Dongjun of the Yin-Yang School sharing a bed with him, those capable of harming him were few and far between.

Therefore, having soldiers here for protection was entirely unnecessary.

They would only disturb the couple’s rest.

Fei Yan heard Meng Tian’s voice outside, knowing he spoke loudly on purpose for them to hear.

She casually remarked, “General Meng is quite meticulous despite his rough exterior.”

Li Mo carefully placed Yan Lingji towards the innermost side of the bed.

He replied, “A rare talent both in literature and martial arts.”

“He has a younger brother named Meng Yi.”

“His scholarly capabilities surpass even his.”

Fei Yan nodded lightly, “One martial, one literary, indeed rare.”

She wasn’t particularly interested in this.

But since Li Mo was speaking, she responded.

Li Mo took off Yan Lingji’s shoes, revealing her warm, soft, and white jade-like feet, crafted to perfection.

Seeing Yan Lingji sleeping soundly, a smile appeared on his lips.

Playfully, he scratched her pink foot arch.

Instantly, her delicate toes curled up like a shy mimosa, and her small feet retracted quickly.

Yan Lingji, in her sleep, let out a soft hum with furrowed brows.

She seemed about to wake up.

“Don’t wake her, she’s finally able to sleep well. Let her rest.”

Fei Yan gently urged.

These past few nights, none of them had slept well.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but blush and glanced at Li Mo.

She said with concern, “You should also rest well tonight, sir. Take care of your body.”

As the Dongjun of the Yin-Yang School, Fei Yan, though previously inexperienced, knew that more wasn’t always better in these matters.

But whenever Li Mo had the need, she couldn’t bear to refuse.

Not refusing meant worrying about his health.

Such a dilemma!

Li Mo also knew that the two of them hadn’t rested well recently.

He had intended to restrain himself.

But turning to one side, there was a stunningly charming beauty.

Turning to the other, there was an elegantly alluring beauty.

It was impossible to sleep, only wanting to discuss life with them.
“Rest well tonight. Once we enter Hann territory, we need to be extra cautious.”

In the Qin State, no one would dare show disrespect to him, the National Advisor.

But Bai Xianwu of Han was waiting for him!

Whether she would disregard the peace between the two nations and forcibly act against him was still unknown.

Therefore, it’s best to be careful about everything.

“Sir, the hot water is ready.”

At this moment, a soldier’s voice suddenly came from outside the tent.

Fei Yan lifted her hand slightly, and the tent drapes magically parted, creating a gap.

The two large buckets of hot water the soldier was carrying seemed to hang on an invisible rope, sliding into the tent on their own.

The soldier’s face turned pale at this eerie scene.

He took several steps back in fright, falling to the ground with a thud.

“A ghost… There’s a ghost!”

He screamed and ran towards Meng Tian in a panic, crawling and scrambling.

Fei Yan blinked innocently at the sound of the screams outside.

“Did I scare him?”

The mystical techniques of the Yin-Yang School were miraculous and almost god-like to ordinary people.

Li Mo chuckled, “It’s alright, he’s gone to Meng Tian, and Meng Tian will explain it to him.”

Two buckets of hot water, one for washing the face and one for soaking the feet.

Yan Lingji was sleeping soundly.

Waking her up at this time might cause her to burn down the entire tent in her fit of morning grumpiness.

Li Mo gently undressed her, exposing her delicate, snow-white collarbone and the smooth skin beneath.

He soaked a towel in hot water and gently wiped her body.

Then he took another towel, dampened it, and wiped her dainty feet.

After finishing, he thought it would be unfair to leave Fei Yan out.

Turning his head, he said to Fei Yan, “Come here, let me wipe you down too.”

Fei Yan felt a pang in her heart but shook her head gently, “It’s Fei Yan’s duty to take care of you, how can I let you clean me?”

She wasn’t jealous at all.

She understood that if it were her lying there, Li Mo would take care of her the same way.

But Li Mo wouldn’t take no for an answer, pulling her over and seating her on the bed.

“We have so many formalities here, you are my wife, it’s perfectly alright for me to wipe you down.”

He added with a mischievous smile, “If you don’t let me wipe you, I’ll lick you all over instead.”

In the privacy of their bedroom, Li Mo was much more relaxed in his speech compared to usual.

Fei Yan had heard a lot over these days, but such blunt and suggestive words still made her blush.

She lowered her head, unable to look Li Mo in the eye.

Blushing, she murmured, “Fei Yan hasn’t bathed today.”

Meaning, if you like, I’ll let you, but you have to let me bathe first.

What bathing?

Your husband likes it natural!

Besides, with Fei Yan and Yan Lingji’s flawless skin, even ten days or eight days without a bath wouldn’t leave any odor.

On a typical day, Li Mo would have already started teasing Fei Yan, who appeared weak and gentle like a little white rabbit before him.

But they were in a military camp, surrounded by one hundred thousand men with two hundred thousand ears.

A tent wasn’t as private and soundproof as a room.

Even if they couldn’t hear, it still felt awkward.

Li Mo wrung out the towel and came to Fei Yan, carefully wiping her white, delicate hands.

“There’s not much comfort in the camp. We can bathe tomorrow when we reach Han; we’ll bathe together then.”

Fei Yan sat there obediently, lowering her head slightly as she replied with a shy hum.

If one didn’t listen closely, they’d think it was a mosquito buzz.

After wiping her hands, Li Mo washed the towel and wrung it out again.

Fei Yan cooperatively lifted her head.

Li Mo gently wiped her face, noting her exquisitely beautiful features, her eyebrows and eyes like poetry and painting.

She was as soft and gentle as a silk cotton flower.

After wiping her hands and face, Li Mo brought over the other bucket of water and placed it in front of Fei Yan.

Her delicate feet were perfectly shaped.

Slender and graceful, the lines were smooth and elegant.

The soles were smooth without wrinkles, and the skin on her feet was as tender as tofu.

Like two pink-white lotus flowers!

“So beautiful.”

Li Mo couldn’t help but sigh, holding Fei Yan’s dripping feet.

Fei Yan’s smile was both shy and delighted.

Of course, she hoped Li Mo would like every part of her.

Then she turned her face away, shyly saying, “Don’t… don’t touch me.”

Having her jade feet toyed with was more embarrassing for a woman of this era than certain other things.

“Alright, I won’t touch.”

After helping dry the water off her small feet, Li Mo suddenly kissed the top of her foot with a smacking sound.

Fei Yan trembled as if she had been electrocuted.

She froze, and so did Li Mo.

Fei Yan was so embarrassed she couldn’t even speak.

The feeling just now was so strange.

Li Mo pursed his lips; was she really that sensitive?

I don’t believe it!

Let’s try again.

Fei Yan only felt warmth coming from her foot, her delicate body softened, and she fell backward.

Her eyes were more dazed than Yan Lingji’s when she was drunk.

Moaning softly, she murmured pleadingly, “No~ don’t~”

Greatly intrigued, Li Mo ignored her pleas.

Fei Yan frowned slightly, her beautiful eyes half-closed.

Biting her lip, she weakly uttered, “Husband~ no!”

Without even looking up, Li Mo could sense her expression.

She wasn’t laughing from being tickled but wore a complex look of pain and pleasure.

“What did you just call me?”

Li Mo had never required them to call him anything specific.

The fact that Fei Yan called him husband just now surprised him.

Usually, she would only speak without thinking when she was out of control.

Even when he took her flying, she was never this confused, but just now she seemed completely overwhelmed.

Fei Yan looked like she had just run a marathon.

Her pretty face was flushed red, her legs hung limply off the side of the bed.

Her chest heaved up and down, quite a spectacle to behold.

Turning her head, she said with a playful smile, “Sir~”

Li Mo couldn’t help but chuckle.

Are you still being cheeky?

Just as Fei Yan managed to calm down, she felt warmth on her jade foot again.

Suddenly, she became dazed as if drunk.

Li Mo raised his head: “What should you call me?”



Li Mo made a threatening sound.

Fei Yan instantly caved.

“Husband, it’s husband.”

She had no choice; if he continued, she might just pass out.

Li Mo smiled triumphantly and said softly, “Call me that from now on, I like hearing it.”

Fei Yan used her remaining strength to prop herself up, looking at him tenderly.


Li Mo touched her smooth, delicate foot.

He smiled, “Of course it’s true, relax a bit, I’ll wash it again for you, it’s all slobber.”

Fei Yan slowly relaxed her tightly curled toes, casting him a shy glance.

Wasn’t it you who made this mess?

After washing and drying her little foot again and gently placing it on the bed, she struggled to get up.

“Fei Yan will help husband wash too.”

Li Mo directly took off his shoes and stepped into the water bucket, not giving her the chance.

“It’s washed. Just help me with the bath tomorrow.”

Fei Yan stopped being reserved and smiled beautifully, agreeing.

After all, she had helped him bathe before, not just once or twice.

At night, lying in the middle, Li Mo woke up with a gulp.

He gently sat up after wiping the sweat off his forehead.

It’s too hot!

There was a furnace on either side of him; were these two trying to cook him?

“What’s wrong, husband?”

Fei Yan had a very light sleep, and given her strength, she woke up at the slightest movement.

As for Yan Lingji on the other side… she was motionless as if in a deep sleep.

Back when they were with the Crimson Eyed Dragon Snake in Baiyue, dangers were everywhere.

So she also had light sleep back then.

But after following Li Mo, that changed gradually.

First, Li Mo exhausted her every night; she was simply too tired.

Second, her trust in Li Mo allowed her to let down all her defenses.

No longer on high alert, feeling safe made her sleep deeply.

Li Mo licked his dry lips and said, “I’m a bit thirsty; I’ll go get some water.”

Fei Yan slowly sat up, glanced at Yan Lingji’s arm wrapped around his waist, and said, “Let me go, don’t wake her up.”

After saying that, she lifted her full hips and flipped over to put on her shoes before heading to the table.

A slight splash of water was heard.

Halfway through pouring water, Fei Yan’s expression suddenly changed.

A flash of cold light passed through her eyes, and her gentle look vanished.

“What is it?”

In Li Mo’s perception, the night was as bright as day.

He “saw” Fei Yan’s facial change clearly.

There was no one around the tent, so it couldn’t be because of that.

“The water is poisoned.”

Fei Yan frowned slightly, and when she turned to look at Li Mo, her eyes softened again.

She sensed something wrong the moment the water was poured out of the kettle.

As a Yin-Yang practitioner, she was extremely sensitive to the things of heaven and earth.

Water is the source of life, produced between heaven and earth.

Even the slightest difference in taste and color, Fei Yan could detect.

This cup of water might not seem abnormal to an ordinary person.

But she couldn’t be fooled.

With a light grasp of her jade hand, the cup in her hand was crushed.

The water in the cup coalesced into a ball of water, floating in her palm.

A scorching heat rose in her palm.

The water ball immediately began to bubble as if it were boiling in a pot, getting smaller and smaller.

In just a few breaths, it evaporated completely.

In her palm, however, remained a few sparkling and transparent crystals.

As fine as sand, almost invisible to the naked eye.

“Look, husband.”

Fei Yan came to Li Mo’s side and spread her hands open.

She knew Li Mo could see it in another way.

Li Mo touched the crystals in her hand and said, “Colorless and tasteless, they spared no expense. Do you know what kind of poison this is, my lady?”

“The drunken god from Baiyue, it can confuse the mind.”

Yan Lingji woke up at some point.

She looked at the crystals in Fei Yan’s palm and answered in a ghostly voice.

“I’ll go find Meng Tian.”

Fei Yan clenched her jade hand, her face as cold as frost, her eyes flashing with cold light.

Just because she appeared weak and gentle didn’t mean she was easy to deal with.


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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