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Chapter 183

Chapter 183: Sharing a Room to Save Money! Feeding Meng Tian Dog Food!

“Ladies, we have arrived at the border.”

Five days later, Li Mo gently woke the two beauties sleeping on his lap.

When he left, they were resting on his shoulders, but now they were resting on his.

Fei Yan and Yan Lingji’s long eyelashes fluttered simultaneously.

Then they slowly opened their eyes.

A pair of dreamy, water-blue eyes.

Two black, soft, and bright eyes full of affection.

Fei Yan and Yan Lingji each rested their heads on one of Li Mo’s legs, and upon waking, they first looked at each other.

Then, a touch of embarrassment appeared on their faces.

Thinking of these past few nights, even Yan Lingji, this little wild cat, couldn’t help blushing a bit.

Yan Lingji wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth and gave Li Mo a fierce glare.

She turned her back, pulled open the curtains, and looked outside.

Saving on travel expenses by booking only one room—only this guy could come up with such a lousy excuse.

Clearly, Jing Ni had packed a large bag of gold for him to carry when they left.

And yet Fei Yan still believed him!

You believe such nonsense? Where’s your brain, Lady Dongjun of the Yin-Yang family?

Traded it for bigger assets?

Fei Yan said nothing, so what could she do?

She didn’t have any money on her, so she could only go along with his arrangements!

Yan Lingji sighed softly in her heart.

Truly, a penny can stump a heroine!

But speaking of which.

Fei Yan is really pale, like a dough of flour.

Yan Lingji turned to look at Fei Yan.

Just then, Fei Yan also seemed to sense it and looked back at her.

The two of them then simultaneously turned their heads to the side.

Scratching their foreheads, still a bit embarrassed.

Li Mo suppressed the laughter in his heart and got off the carriage.

“Greetings, National Advisor.”

Just as he got off, a sonorous and powerful voice rang out.

Li Mo nodded. “General, you are too courteous. Why did you come to meet me in person?”

Welcoming him was Meng Tian, who succeeded Wang Yi in his position.

In his heart, Meng Tian held great gratitude and respect for Li Mo.

If it weren’t for him, who knows how long he would have had to wait to be promoted to this position as Left Shuzang.

“I received urgent news from Xianyang, saying that National Advisor would be heading to Han as an envoy.”

“According to calculations, you should be arriving at the border around this time.”

“How could I dare be neglectful after receiving such a great favor from you?”

Every word from Meng Tian was full of vigor, revealing him to be a spirited and resolute man.

He’s now just in his early twenties.

Having trained in the army for years, his bronze skin made him appear especially mature and steady.

Li Mo smiled. “General Meng, you are too courteous.”

Looking behind him, Meng Tian seemed puzzled.

“National Advisor, did you come ahead of the others? Why do I not see any guards or an honor guard?”

Envoys usually travel with an honor guard leading the way and guards escorting them.

But Li Mo only had a single, lonely carriage.

It seemed quite shabby.

If it weren’t for the staff of office he was holding, Meng Tian would have doubted if he had made a mistake.

Li Mo pressed his lips together.

It wasn’t easy to explain!

He couldn’t very well say he had a falling out with the Empress Dowager and thus was not assigned one.

“With this staff of office, it’s sufficient to represent my status as an envoy of Qin.”

“I need no guards; simplicity is best. Spending lavishly on an honor guard would only burden the people and exhaust the resources.”

“Better to use that money to add a few more cotton-padded clothes for the frontier soldiers.”

Li Mo spoke calmly.

Showing a magnanimous attitude that had seen through worldly concerns, disregarding superficial formalities.

Greatly moved, Meng Tian exclaimed!

“National Advisor is truly extraordinary!”

“If everyone in Qin were like National Advisor, how could the country not prosper?”

“Meng Tian is impressed!”

Smiling, Li Mo gently pressed his hand down.

“You flatter me, General Meng.”

The few personal guards Meng Tian brought also felt deeply moved.

Who would’ve thought a dignified National Advisor would consider the welfare of us lowly soldiers!

Tears welled up in their eyes, suddenly realizing the cold wind at the border wasn’t so biting after all!

Fei Yan, following behind, looked deeply affectionate.

The love and admiration in her eyes almost overflowed.

“Sir is indeed different from ordinary people. Fei Yan did not choose the wrong person.”

Yan Lingji pouted and scratched her head.

Knowing Li Mo as she did, she couldn’t help but feel that something was off.

But she couldn’t pinpoint what!

In any case, this time he had really pulled it off.

“Who are these two?”

Meng Tian heard Fei Yan’s murmur just now and only then did he notice the two of them.

Li Mo introduced, “These two are my wives. They have been taking care of me along the way.”

Meng Tian looked at Fei Yan and Yan Lingji.

Although he was amazed by their beauty, he showed no sign of losing composure.

“Meng Tian greets the two madams.”

Whether from the standpoint of status or the gratitude he owed to Li Mo, this courtesy was necessary.

The two women nodded in acknowledgment.

After nodding, Yan Lingji’s attention was drawn to the surrounding environment.

She murmured softly, “It’s so desolate here.”

As they continued towards the military camp, Meng Tian explained, “This is the border of Qin State. Twenty miles ahead is Hangu Pass.”

“To the west lies the plateau, to the east an abyss, to the south is the Qinling Mountains, and the Yellow River is to the north.”

“On the other side of the pass is the territory of South Han. Over the years, our Qin State has frequently clashed with them.”

“So, apart from our border guards, few people reside here permanently.”

Hangu Pass is a strategic military location.

It is said, “The heavens open Hangu, strengthening the Central Plains, ten thousand valleys of dust astonish the northern skies” and “Twin peaks rise beside the great river, Hangu has always been a battleground.”

It is both the gate of Qin State and the shackle binding it.

A hundred years ago, Su Qin persuaded the six states to unite against Qin. Qin State relied on this easy-to-defend, hard-to-attack Hangu Pass to successfully repel the coalition forces of the six states.

An ancient text records: “Thus, the armies of the six states, with ten times the land and a million strong, knocked on the pass to attack Qin. The Qin people opened the pass to confront the enemy; the armies of nine states hesitated, not daring to advance.”

This “pass” referred to Hangu Pass, illustrating its strategic importance.

Similarly, it isn’t easy for Qin State to advance eastward.

Hangu Pass also blocks their progress.

Otherwise, with its national power, Qin State would’ve crushed South Han long ago.

But Hangu Pass stands in the way.

The army cannot easily break through.

As they walked and talked, it was mainly Meng Tian explaining.

Li Mo occasionally joined the conversation.

Yan Lingji had no such interest, and Fei Yan, like a dutiful and sensible young wife, listened quietly from behind.

Soon, they arrived at the tent Meng Tian had prepared in advance.

“Honorable Master, please forgive me. I have military duties and, according to regulations, cannot drink alcohol. I must use tea in place of wine to toast you.”

Meng Tian lifted his teacup and apologized to Li Mo.

Li Mo smiled, “General Meng’s dedication, leading by example and strict self-discipline, leaves no room for blame.”

If Meng Tian were to disregard military rules due to his high rank, Li Mo would indeed be displeased.

But Meng Tian was a man of principles.

His iron will was unyielding. One is one, and two is two.

Military regulations forbade drinking, and even if his father were here today, he wouldn’t touch a drop.

It’s no wonder such a man could lead the Meng family army to future victories over the Xiongnu.

To drive away tigers, one needs to be a tiger.

Only a great Qin tiger like him could make the wolves of the northern grasslands tremble.

During the meal, Meng Tian once again noticed the contrasting styles of Yan Lingji and Fei Yan.

Yan Lingji, with a brightened gaze after tasting the strong border wine, picked up the jug and drank directly from it, clearly exuding a roguish air.

Fei Yan, in contrast, sipped lightly and ate slowly, with mannered and elegant behavior.

Such etiquette only comes from a prominent family upbringing.

Meng Tian thought she must be a noble lady from a distinguished household.

After a well-satisfied meal, it was still early.

Li Mo planned to set out tomorrow, so he started conversing with Meng Tian in the tent.

“General Meng, you have been in the position of Zuozhuchang for some time. Do you know anything about Han’s new grand general?”

Meng Tian immediately responded with the name, “Are you referring to Bai Xianwu, Honorable Master?”

Li Mo nodded, “Exactly.”

Meng Tian pondered for a moment before slowly replying, “Bai Xianwu assumed the position a day or two before I did. According to my informants there, she is no simple character.”

Li Mo knew she wasn’t simple.

A dead person still running around—it wouldn’t be right if she were simple.

“What makes you say that?”

Li Mo wanted Meng Tian to explain in detail.

Understanding Bai Xianwu as much as possible is naturally beneficial.

Meng Tian said seriously, “A woman as a general is rare in history, let alone being directly appointed as a grand general.”

“Once she entered the army, she surely caused dissatisfaction among many officers.”

“Initially, many people disobeyed her orders and didn’t take her seriously at all.”

“But strangely, within just three days, all those officers changed their attitude and completely obeyed her commands.”


At this point, Meng Tian paused instinctively.

His thick eyebrows furrowed slightly, as if puzzled by this matter.

Li Mo pursued the question, “Moreover, what?”

Only then did Meng Tian continue, “Moreover, those officers seemed to have changed, no, it would be more accurate to say that they all became like one person.”

Yan Lingji drank two large pots of strong wine, her beautiful, rosy cheeks resembling apples.

Resting her chin in boredom, she blinked her still-clear eyes and asked, “What do you mean by changed into one person and then another?”

“How many people turned into how many people?”

Meng Tian furrowed his brows tightly, trying to find the right words.

He said, “There are a thousand faces for a thousand people, everyone has different personalities.”

“Just like the two madams, they have different dispositions, let alone so many officers in the army.”

“But the strange thing is,”

“those seven officers who were most opposed to Bai Xianwu’s appointment as grand general, all had distinct personalities.”

“However, one day, they suddenly not only supported Bai Xianwu’s leadership but also all became indifferent in character.”

“It was like all seven transformed into the same personality.”

After hearing this, Fei Yan’s eyes moved slightly.

It seemed she had realized something.

She asked calmly, “Are there any other abnormalities? I mean in the behavior of those seven officers.”

Li Mo didn’t answer immediately.

Fei Yan’s proactive questioning must have a reason behind it.

Meng Tian nodded, “There are two most peculiar behaviors.”

“One is that they are full of energy, seemingly tireless, handling military affairs day and night.”

“The other is their indifference, showing neither joy nor anger all day long, like a… ”

He hesitated to find the right word.

Before he could come up with it, Fei Yan spoke up.


“Yes, dolls!”

Meng Tian’s eyes lit up, feeling that the term was extremely fitting.

At this moment, Li Mo interjected into Fei Yan’s explanation, “Madam, do you know the reason?”

Fei Yan did not get upset because of his interruption.

With a gentle smile, she said, “Those people are dead.”


Yan Lingji shivered at her words.

Her hand slipped, and her head banged onto the table.

She rubbed her smooth forehead with teary eyes, saying, “Dead? Are they zombies?”

“Could it be that she can control corpses like the undead sorcerer?”

After finishing, she ran over to Li Mo, raising her forehead to him.

With a pitiful expression, she said, “It hurts, please rub it for me.”

Li Mo gently rubbed her forehead while saying, “It shouldn’t be corpse control; they can still handle military affairs, indicating they still have thoughts.”

“Those controlled by corpse techniques only have behavioral awareness without thinking ability.”

“Moreover, the duration isn’t long, and the bodies can’t be preserved indefinitely.”

“If it were corpse control, those people would have decayed long ago.”

Meng Tian took a big gulp of tea.

He silently turned his body, covering his forehead to shield his eyes from the scene.

This display of affection was totally unexpected!

Worse than the sand in the borderlands for the eyes.

Fei Yan looked at Li Mo with deep affection in her eyes.

She said slowly, “Sir, you are not only wise but also well-versed.”

“I admire you greatly.”

Li Mo smiled, “Madam is the one who is knowledgeable and can deduce the cause of their changes from a few words.”

“I still need to humbly learn from you.”

Fei Yan pressed her lips together, barely hiding her smile.

“It is my honor to assist my husband.”

Li Mo said softly, “It’s my honor to have a wife like you.”

Meng Tian, a strapping seven-foot man, got goosebumps all over.

He silently stuffed his fingers into his ears.

At this rate, I can’t stay in this tent any longer!

How is this different from having dog food shoved down my throat by these three?

Are you guys ganging up to bully a single person?

“By the way, are you saying that all these people were turned into so-called puppets by Bai Xianwu?”

Li Mo patted Yan Lingji, signaling her to ease up.

If she continued, Meng Tian would be suffocated by dog food.

Yan Lingji retracted her head, but her body softened like a noodle.

She lay down on Li Mo’s lap and closed her eyes, dozing off.

Apparently, the wine was going to her head.

Li Mo petted her head affectionately.

He could feed the dog food. After all, Meng Tian was the one who suffered, not him.

Fei Yan gently nodded, “That’s right, creating puppets is a form of necromancy.”

“But it’s thousands of times harder than necromancy.”

“It can preserve the corpse from decay and control others’ thoughts.”

“Once turned into puppets, they become immensely strong, tireless, and devoid of pain.”

“The reason they seem to have the same personality is because they’re all dead people.”

“They don’t have personalities at all.”

“A corpse naturally has no personality.”

“Just like Bai Xianwu!”

Li Mo pondered; Bai Xianwu must have used this method to stabilize her position in the army.

Anyone who opposed her was turned into a puppet.

As a result, her prestige and status in the barracks became unshakable!

Her position as a general was as sturdy as a mountain!

Upon hearing their serious discussion, Meng Tian quietly removed his hands from his ears.

Looking at Fei Yan, who explained everything as if it was common knowledge, he asked, “How does this lady know all this?”

He was puzzled, how could this dignified young lady talk about such grim topics so casually?

Fei Yan said with ease, “Xinghun, the left guardian of the Yin-Yang Clan, is proficient in this art.”

Meng Tian was taken aback, “This lady knows Xinghun from the Yin-Yang Clan?”

Fei Yan pursed her lips, “Hmm, not very well, just gave him a few orders. We didn’t talk much.”

Meng Tian’s mouth twitched a few times.

“Gave…gave orders?”

Fei Yan nodded straightforwardly, “Dongjun’s position is higher than his, so he has to listen to me.”

Meng Tian was completely dumbfounded!

This gracious and noble young lady was actually the ruthless and emotionless Dongjun of the Yin-Yang Clan?

But why is she acting gentle and virtuous now?

Li Mo turned and asked, “Does my wife know this puppet art?”

Fei Yan’s eyes flickered, as if worried that Li Mo would disdain her for knowing such a sinister technique.

She stretched out her jade hand, squeezing the tip of her pinky.

She said nervously, “Just a little bit.”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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