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Chapter 180

Chapter 180: The Empress Dowager is Too Ashamed to See the National Advisor, What Did You Do to Her?

It wasn’t until the afternoon that a few carriages slowly stopped at the villa’s entrance.

The carriage curtains were almost simultaneously lifted.

A few beautiful figures stepped out of the carriages.

To see just one of such a stunning beauty would be a rare delight.

But now, six to seven beauties were gathered in one place. If seen by outsiders, they might be so stunned that they wouldn’t even be able to walk.

Each woman’s aura was unique, vying for attention, extraordinarily beautiful.

Lady Mingzhu, donning a purple palace dress, which hugged her voluptuous and alluring figure.

She raised her head to glance at the grand villa gates.

And exclaimed, “This villa isn’t bad; it must have cost the owner a lot of money?”

Even with her picky taste, she was surprised by the opulence of the environment here.

It was even more grand than her palace in Han.

Lady Mingzhu wondered how Li Mo had discovered this place.

Such a grand villa is not something an average person could afford to build.

Even if they could build it, they would be reluctant to sell it.

“No money spent, it originally was the Empress Dowager’s palace, now gifted to me.”

Li Mo happened to step out of the carriage.

Hearing Lady Mingzhu’s murmur, he replied with a smile.

The women were stunned for a moment.

“Gifted by the Empress Dowager?”

Lady Mingzhu and the charmingly seductive Humeiren exchanged glances.

That Empress Dowager was quite generous.

Having stayed in the palace, they knew some rules unknown to others.

Being a palace even if it’s a residence, couldn’t be just a house.

When being built, it would consider the residences of accompanying princes and princesses and hence the scale far exceeds that of an average home.

From establishment to the downfall of the dynasty, it will always exist.

Only when the national power is insufficient and funds are lacking will it be neglected; otherwise, it will always be properly maintained and protected.

And the temporary palace also belongs to the royal palace and is exclusively for the royal family.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the Emperor or the Empress Dowager to reward the temporary palace to others.

Even if they did, no one would dare to live there!

Living in the same level of residence as the Emperor or the Empress Dowager could easily lead to an accusation of treason.

Now, the Empress Dowager is willing to give it away, and Li Mo dares to live there.

This made Lady Mingzhu and Humeiren have to feel surprised.

Nongy, Lady Hu and Sister Zi shared a carriage.

After disembarking, their eyes sparkled as they looked at the grand estate.

They couldn’t help but exclaim, “Wow, this place is so big, much bigger than the Purple Orchid Pavilion before.”

Sister Zi couldn’t help but laugh, “The Purple Orchid Pavilion is just a place for song and dance, how can it compare to the Empress Dowager’s temporary palace?”

Saying this, she gave Li Mo a meaningful look.

He has only been here in Qin for a few days, and the Empress Dowager already gave away the temporary palace.

If he stays a few more years, who knows what else she might give away?

“Mother, slow down, let me help you.”

Nongyu obediently helped the last to get off the carriage, Lady Hu.

Lady Hu, with her serene and gentle demeanor, was like a soft and beautiful carnation.

Beautiful but not gaudy, with a refined temperament.

However, after getting off the carriage, she seemed a bit nervous.

Originally, she did not want to come here, planning to live alone in a house outside the city of Xianyang.

It wasn’t out of pretentiousness.

Rather, she felt that moving here would be inconvenient.

She felt that her status was also unsuitable.

Previously she had troubled Li Mo for a long time in Han and felt quite embarrassed about it.

Now that his entire family had moved, it would seem improper for her to follow along.

But how could Li Mo leave her there alone?

What if someone with ulterior motives targeted her?

Besides, is she an outsider?

No, she is family!

“Let’s go, let’s go inside and choose a courtyard.”

The arrival of a group of women immediately added some liveliness to the quiet estate.

Their melodious conversations rang out like birds chirping.

“Mother, why don’t we choose house close to each other? That way I can visit you more conveniently!”

Nongyu said while holding the gentle and calm Lady Hu’s arm, examining the interior of the estate.

Lady Hu, with her elegant steps, suddenly paused at the words.

Then she gently shook her head.

“No, that’s not good.”

Nongyu was also stunned.

She looked at her with surprise.

“Why? Wouldn’t it be good for us to live close to each other?”

Lady Hu pursed her red lips and gave her a light glance.

“Mother likes peace and quiet, I prefer a more secluded place. You’re too noisy, chattering all the time.”

Nongyu’s head was full of question marks.

“Am I noisy?”

Sir always said I was very well-behaved, how could I be noisy?

Lady Hu, walking ahead with Lady Mingzhu, suddenly laughed.

She turned back, tapped Nongyu’s straight nose, and teased, “Your mother thinks your voice is too loud.”

Nongyu still couldn’t understand.


I speak very softly!

Lady Hu’s cheeks quickly turned red.

She pinched her little hand and glared at the playful Lady Hu, whispering, “You also stay away from my courtyard.”

Out of sight, out of mind, and less likely to be disturbed.

Keeping them a distance away would save her from sleepless nights due to their noise.

Lady Hu carefully chose and finally picked the most secluded courtyard.

It was located deep inside the estate, with a view of the scenery below the mountain when the window is opened.

For her, such a location was just perfect.

It was quiet, and at night she could enjoy the breeze alone, soothing her lonely heart.

After settling everyone, Li Mo went to see Fei Yan.

First, to check how she was organizing her belongings.

Second, to introduce her to others.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

In the bedroom, Li Mo put away the list Fei Yan had organized and tucked it into his chest pocket.

He kissed her smooth and white forehead.

Fei Yan smiled and softly said, “It’s not hard at all, I’m happy to do something for you.”

In the Yin-Yang School, even Donghuang Taiyi had to consider her mood before asking her to do things.

Now, however, there is a sense of willingness.

In terms of character and ability, this is a typical good wife and loving mother.

After returning to the hall with Fei Yan, Li Mo prepared to go to the palace to give something to the Empress Dowager.

By calculating the time, it should be just right to come back in time for dinner.

Before leaving, Jing Ni walked over and pulled him aside.

“Husband, I have something I want to discuss with you.”

Jing Ni changed out of the tight clothes she wore yesterday during the operation.

Her black hair was hanging loosely behind her, with a hairpin on her head.

It was the one Li Mo had bought for her the first time when they were in Han.

Although it was just an ordinary silver hairpin, Jing Ni particularly liked it.

Wearing a light yellow long dress, she exuded an aura of a virtuous wife and mother.

Li Mo said with a smile: “Whatever you want to do, just do it, there is no need to discuss it.”

Would Jing Ni act recklessly?

Certainly not!

She always did things with proper consideration, thinking through every aspect before acting.

Jing Ni could feel Li Mo’s trust in her.

She was the mistress of this house, but Li Mo was its master.

For small matters, it was fine, but for bigger issues, she naturally needed to consult him.

“I want to buy some maidservants.”

After hearing this, Li Mo nodded in agreement without even asking the reason, saying: “Okay, buy as you see fit.”

Jing Ni pondered for a moment.

Then she said: “Twenty-three, maybe more in the future.”

She looked up at Li Mo, a smile in the corner of her eyes.

Li Mo was a bit startled.

“That many?”

Jing Ni patiently explained: “I just took a quick tour around the manor with Sister Zi and the others, and it is indeed quite big.

“Many areas will need managing in the future.”

“We can’t possibly ask them to do it, right?”

“Moreover, let’s not forget that Mingzhu and Humeiren were royal concubines before, used to a life of luxury.”

“Following you, we can’t have them feel mistreated.”

“Assigning a couple of maidservants to each of them to take care of things in their courtyards is inevitable.”

“Since they are being assigned maids, others should get some too, right?”

Jing Ni’s reasoning was sound, something Li Mo hadn’t considered.

Indeed, they needed maidservants in the house.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t even have anyone to serve tea when guests came.

He couldn’t always have his wife doing such things, could he?

That would be inappropriate.

Not just anyone deserves to have tea served by the wife of the national advisor.

Today’s situation was unique.

When Li Si and Lord Changping visited, they had to be served tea.

With Jing Ni included, there were already eight women living there!

Two maids per person would be sixteen.

Adding some for housekeeping, yard maintenance, cooking, and cleaning.

Thirty wouldn’t be too many.

Li Mo nodded gently, pleased: “Honey is always so considerate.”

Indeed, these were things he hadn’t thought about.

Short-term it might be okay, but on the mountain for the long-term, the manor would get overrun with weeds.

He couldn’t possibly have Yan Lingji burn them away?

She might end up burning the whole manor down!

In the afternoon, Jing Ni took Sister Zi and Nongyu with her and left with Li Mo.

Sister Zi had an eye for people, making her good at picking out maidservants.

After entering Xianyang, Li Mo headed to the palace.

He gained entry without any issues and soon reached the entrance of Zhao Ji’s palace chamber.

“Please wait, National Advisor. Let me inform the Empress Dowager.”

Outside the chamber, a palace maid stopped Li Mo.

Entering the Empress Dowager’s inner palace and sleeping chambers was different.

For example, Zhao Ji’s “Ganquan Palace” encompassed many buildings.

It included separate dining halls, bathing halls, and laundry rooms.

The sleeping chamber was where she slept.

It was equivalent to the master bedroom.

The gold medal Zhao Ji had given him allowed access to any place in the palace, including her inner palace.

But it didn’t mean he could directly enter her private sleeping chamber.

What if the Empress Dowager was changing clothes?


Li Mo nodded.

The palace maid quickly went in, finding Zhao Ji lounging lazily on a soft couch.

“Empress Dowager, the National Advisor requests to see you.”

The palace maid bowed slightly, speaking with her head lowered.

Zhao Ji, who was groggy and on the verge of falling asleep, immediately woke up upon hearing this.

She opened her eyes, her phoenix-like gaze sharp: “Who is it?”

The palace maid thought she hadn’t been clear and raised her voice a little, saying, “It’s the National Advisor who seeks an audience.”

Zhao Ji didn’t know what crossed her mind, but her expression became extremely peculiar.

With a mix of anger and shame, her silver teeth ground audibly.

She finally shouted coldly, “Tell him to get lost!”

Standing nearby, Li’s eyes flashed with intense surprise.

After some thought, she said, “Empress Dowager, perhaps you should let this servant go see what the National Advisor wants. He might have something important to discuss?”

Impatiently, Zhao Ji waved her hand and said, “No matter what he has to say, let him tell you. I don’t want to see him!”

As soon as she heard the words “National Advisor,” she instantly exploded with anger.

She had no idea how to face this outrageously bold person.

Better not to see him.

Even touching her down there—what’s the difference from losing one’s virtue?

Although it was through clothing, it was just self-deception.

Since waking up in the middle of the night yesterday, she hadn’t slept a wink.

Every time she closed her eyes, she felt a hand intruding between her legs.

She had been in a daze all day.

Finally feeling drowsy and wanting to take a nap, Li Mo’s arrival reminded her of yesterday’s events.

Li, full of suspicion, walked out.

Seeing no one nearby, she bowed slightly and whispered, “Master, the Empress Dowager…she doesn’t want to see you.”

After speaking, she looked at Li Mo, puzzled.

What did her master do to the Empress Dowager yesterday to make her so angry?

Li Mo had already heard Zhao Ji’s angry shout just now.

His hearing wasn’t like these palace maids’.

It seemed he had gone a bit too far yesterday.

It’s understandable she wouldn’t want to see him, not just for an Empress Dowager, but even an ordinary woman would feel ashamed to face anyone after such an encounter.

“Then give this to the Empress Dowager.”

Li Mo took out a roster from his chest.

It detailed the forces that Lu Buwei had cultivated in the court.

Li respectfully accepted it with both hands.

Then she asked, “Is there anything else Master wants me to convey?”

Li Mo thought for a moment and said, “Tell the Empress Dowager it’s better to get up and move around. Lying down all the time is not good for recovery.”

Li didn’t understand what he meant by “not good for recovery,” and didn’t dare to ask.

She relayed the message word for word to Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji frowned.

Angrily, she said, “I don’t need his hypocritical concern. Just because he said to go take a walk, does that mean I have to listen to him? Ridiculous!”

She naturally understood what Li Mo was referring to.

Li was filled with dissatisfaction.

My master is concerned about you, and you say he’s being hypocritical.

But she understood her own position and kept her thoughts to herself.

Zhao Ji lay down for a while, then suddenly got up and sat upright.

Shooting a sidelong glance at Li, she said, “Help me go for a walk.”

Li looked at her with a strange expression.

Doesn’t that hurt?

“What are you looking at? I’m just feeling stuffy in the palace and want some fresh air.”

Without a word, Li stepped forward to support her.

She had never seen such a contradictory person.

Zhao Ji wandered in the imperial garden for quite a while.

Walking slowly, never too fast, nor too slow.

Wearing an opulent red phoenix robe, she looked enchanting and charming.

Walking among the flowers, she competed with the blossoms for attention.

Anyone who didn’t know would have thought she was genuinely interested in the flowers.

Only Li, who followed her closely, could see the emptiness in her eyes.

It was clear her mind wasn’t on the flowers and seemed lost in thought.

The imperial garden had many types of flowers, blooming in different seasons.

After wandering through more than half of it, Zhao Ji’s vacant gaze gradually brightened.

She tried taking longer steps and found that her hips weren’t as painful as before.

A stunning smile appeared on her lips: “It seems to be working.”

Li didn’t catch her muttering and asked, “What did you say, Empress Dowager?”

Zhao Ji’s smile vanished, her eyebrows and eyes cold and proud: “It’s nothing, let’s go back to the palace.”

With that, she turned and walked back first.

After having dinner, the moon was already high in the sky.

After bathing, Zhao Ji couldn’t resist the drowsiness anymore.

The night before last, she almost stayed up all night, and after waking up in the middle of the night yesterday, she had insomnia again.

If she doesn’t get a good sleep tonight, she’ll probably be nodding off during court tomorrow.

The plump and gentle body lay in the warm bed.

Zhao Ji closed her eyes and let out a satisfied sigh.

Li helped her tuck the corners of the blanket, and softly said as he looked at her tired face, “Empress Dowager, the National Advisor left some words before he left.”

He said to tell you before you go to sleep.”

Zhao Ji frowned slightly.

He asked you to say it now, so you’ll say it now?

Do you listen to him or me?

“What did he say?”

Zhao Ji asked faintly, her eyes slightly closed.

Li leaned closer to her ear and whispered, “The National Advisor said that if you can’t sleep, you could also pick mushrooms by yourself, pick them when it’s bright and you’ll fall asleep.”

Zhao Ji suddenly opened her eyes.

The gaze of shame and anger could almost kill!

“Achoo! Achoo!”

Li Mo, hugging his clothes, sneezed twice in the cold wind as he stepped out of Sister Zi’s courtyard.

Calculating the time, Li should have conveyed his message to that old witch by now.

Li might not understand what he meant, but the Empress Dowager surely would.

As for whether she would follow through, who knows.

Li Mo thought it best if she didn’t.

Her nails are so long, she might accidentally hurt herself.

Piling his clothes over himself, Li Mo turned and slipped back into Nongyu’s courtyard.

He had a busy night ahead, another sleepless night!

Early the next morning, Li Mo emerged from Lady Mingzhu’s room looking refreshed.

After a night of effort, none were left behind.


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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