Switch Mode

Chapter 180

Chapter: 180


As the boss room I opened closed itself, the doll standing in front of the crimson wall turned around.

She raised the gray robe draped over her with both hands and spoke in a voice sharp enough to pierce.

“Have you come to disturb me?”

Her eyes blazed a burning crimson. Her long, scarlet hair was matted and dirty, and her skin, stained with soot, made it hard to recognize its original color.

Despite her disheveled appearance that gave off a homeless vibe, her very presence exuded an overwhelming sense of intimidation.

Fear seeped into my mind like a fierce beast opening its jaws in front of me, but it soon scattered away.

The Fear Resistance activated.

“Looks like you punks don’t know your place.”

With my rational thoughts slowly coming back, the first thing I realized was one thing.

Why is she still alive?!

She should have been reduced to bones, cursed by the evil god, moving around like a puppet on strings! Yet, here she was, maintaining her skin and warmth!

What in the world changed?

Was it that petty evil god’s mishap? No, he can turn the dead into undead, but he can’t return the dead to life.

Was it my influence? Nope, she was supposed to be dead before I even got involved. So then why…



Benedict Alrn.

In the original world of Soul Academy, she was someone who shouldn’t exist.

She was someone who should have pressed on to claim the achievements that were meant for Lucy Alrn.

Anyone who knew that name would feel a mix of fear and reverence for her overwhelming strength as a knight.


“Information dealer. Did your master ever work with my fool of a father?”


‘Answer me!’

“Sure! They tackled an S-rank dungeon together…”

Upon hearing Alsetin’s response, I realized where the source of this situation began.

Originally, Karia was supposed to take a fatal wound while tackling an S-rank dungeon.

She would have traded her life for that of one of the minions serving the fire evil god!

But in this world, there was no reason for her to get mortally wounded.

Benedict was by her side!

The hero of the kingdom that originally shouldn’t exist was protecting her!

So even now, after being cursed and brought here, she was still alive.



Damn it. How was I supposed to predict that?

How could I foresee an event that doesn’t exist in the game at all?!

If I’d known, at least a hint would’ve been nice! You pathetic, incompetent god!

[Young Lady, I understand you’re puzzled, but now is not the time for such thoughts.]

While I silently screamed in my head, Grandpa’s words snapped me back to reality. He was right.

Right in front of me was a monster looking down at me with a gaze filled with hatred.

“Hah. You’re not just a simple intruder, are you? To be loved by the hated Armadi.”

Time to assess the situation.

All the items I had prepared for a massive undead battle were now useless.

All my traps to weaken Karia for the hunt were rendered pointless.

At least the items I prepared to combat the evil god and fire-based magic could still be used.

But will that be enough?

“Did Armadi send you to stop me?”

As I pondered, Karia, now a cursed minion of the fire evil god, took a step closer to us.

I think I felt the weight of fear pressing down on my shoulders.

Given the boss room door was shut tight.

If I can’t go back, I have no choice but to move forward.

I had beaten her barehanded in the game.

I can do this if I want to.

I even have my worst-case contingency plan.

Let’s give it a shot.

“You cruel and foolish god. There’s no way you can defeat me at your current level.”

“That’s the talk of the past, you washed-up lady!♡”


“You’re like a has-been auntie hitting menopause! Getting all proud for no reason?♡”


“Your wrinkles are all over the place! ♡ Poison in your eyes! ♡ Balding up there! ♡ Hahaha! What an eyesore, lady! ♡ Even orcs would be hurling at the sight of you! ♡”

Again, I maintained a façade of calm despite staring into those blood-red eyes mixed with anger and hatred.

This wasn’t a joke.

I felt that weight on my shoulders.

This is what it feels like to have killing intent aimed at me.

“You’re so full of yourself. Just because you’re loved by the god doesn’t mean you’re special.”

“You’re a chatterbox, aren’t you? ♡ Can’t believe getting older makes your mouth lighter, huh? ♡”

“You little…”

“Is it weird calling you an aunt now? Given your age? I’m sorry?”

“Now that you mention it, saying that won’t change anything…”

“Oi, granny! With the age you are, shouldn’t you be acting a bit your age? ♡ Being less immature than teens is just sad. ♡ That’s why you believe in a god, you senile old crow! ♡”

Karia trembled and pulled a dagger from within her robe.

Seeing the thrill surging in her body, my taunt clearly hit the mark.

I guess I’ve done something right here.

‘Get ready.’

“Get ready, you incompetent fools.”



‘And Alsetin…’

“Information dealer. That grandma over there is not your master anymore. She’s just an idiot swallowed by the evil god. Don’t hesitate.”

Saying it like this didn’t necessarily solidify my resolve.

If she had appeared in her undead form, I could’ve bellowed that we should make her rest in peace! But now Karia was alive.

How can I remain calm with someone’s face, whom I’d been searching for all this time, staring right back at me?

If that were possible, I’d need therapy.

It’s okay. No problems. Just need to factor that in and move on.

As Karia lifted her dagger off the ground, it felt like her figure vanished from this world.


Caught off-guard by her overwhelming speed, it wasn’t a matter of dodging anymore.

Instead, I swung my sword at what seemed to be an empty spot.

Then, with the clang of clashing blades, Karia appeared.

“To disturb me…”

“I can’t allow that!”

The two swords raced toward each other.

The current level of combat was beyond my reach, but the gaze on both their faces made it clear who was winning.

Karl’s expression was desperate, while Karia maintained composure.

Ha. Even Karl couldn’t defeat Karia in a one-on-one fight.

However, I never imagined he’d be pressured like this.

Considering Karl’s strength, it should’ve been a mildly disadvantageous situation at worst!

Damn it. Not only is she a tough boss, but she’s stronger than in the game?!

[Young Lady! You need to move!]

‘I know!’

Benedict! Cancel my thanks! When we get back, I’ll scream “Papa’s a loser!” at you!

“Granny!♡ Are you obsessed with young men because you’re old? ♡ Hahaha! You think I’d even care? ♡ Such a pathetic sight! ♡”

“You want to die that badly?!”

Even against a powerhouse like her, my Mesugaki skill worked wonders.

In that moment when Karia glared at me, losing her grip on her sanity, Karl exploited that moment.

Karl’s sword flew toward that tiny opening.

Karia’s reaction was delayed.

Gotcha. I was convinced, but that wasn’t right.

Once again, Karia vanished.

The very moment Karl’s descending sword cut through the air, an impenetrable barrier of her magic threatened me.

Instinct moved faster than thought.

Trusting that barrier was my only choice as I raised my shield.

Damn it! She’s ridiculously strong!

With that impact, even though I barely held my ground, my arm trembled.

Thanks to Alsetin hastily shooting an arrow at Karia, I barely avoided danger.

If he hadn’t acted, I would’ve surely been in trouble.

Damn it. At this rate, we can’t sustain the fight. We’re getting chopped down!

The strategy I devised to face Karia depended on Karl’s might and my provocation to try to keep the frontline intact.

If Karia had been in her undead state, the tools I prepared would have worked on her, and Karl could’ve handled her alone.

Even if my methods were ineffective, had Karia been anywhere close to her game level, we’d have been able to push her back together.

But right now, that wasn’t the case. Karia’s abilities had far exceeded my expectations.

Again, her barrier raised its threat level.

At that moment, as I raised my shield, Karl, who had crept up beside me, intercepted Karia’s attack.


Noticing her attack failed, Karia concealed her form again.

“Miss. If we keep going like this, we will lose.”

[What he says is true. Right now, the only reason we can survive is that the opponent is merely toying with us. If they go all out, this standoff will shatter.]

A variable.

An unexpected variable.

That was what ruined all the plans.

I knew I was going to lose my cool.

I had hardly a chance to do anything that went according to plan.

Whether it was that petty god or the Georg family, I thought they’d all threaten me.

But I never expected to get screwed over by something that happened before I even possessed this body!

This time, I had something ready to get me out of danger, but next time, I’ll have to check everything thoroughly.

Realizing I was stuck in a corner, I touched an item in my inventory.

Dungeon Escape Ticket.

It was the item given to me by that pathetic god to nudge me when I was asked to save Adri.

An item that teleports all party members back to the entrance.

It allowed me to roam the dungeon without a care.

[Using Dungeon Escape Ticket.]

First things first, let’s bail out of this dungeon and come up with a new strategy.

Right now, taking Karia down was impossible.

Ugh. But can we really take her down with our current power? It feels tight.

As I awaited the effect to activate after using the dungeon escape ticket, strangely, nothing happened; no phenomenon unfolded.

[…Casting time until completion / 03:00]

What?! Unlike the game, it requires casting time?!

And I have to survive until then?!

“Alright. Let’s see if you can endure this, kiddo!”

As she reappeared before the altar, Karia raised her dagger skyward.

Suddenly, a giant made of flames revealed itself behind her.

Damn it. Even the evil god’s magic got buffed?! This is outrageous! Total balance-breaking!

Even if Alsetin tried to stop her with a magically inscribed arrow, I was sure it couldn’t completely counter it, so I set my shield with holy power.

Ha! Of course, you pathetic incompetent god had never done a single thing right!

I’ll hold my ground!

After all, that’s what I do best!

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not work with dark mode