Switch Mode

Chapter 175

### Chapter: 175

[ The seventh-level erosion species ‘Lavados’ has been defeated. ]

After Lavados met its end, a notification about the defeat appeared in the sky.

Kraush, glancing upwards, let out a chuckle, feeling a vague understanding of what it meant.

“So they want the top-tier folks to eliminate themselves before they can recover. Nice strategy.”

What a bunch of nasty tactics.

But that’s just the way world erosion works. Just because you take one down doesn’t mean the danger disappears in an instant.

It was a reminder not to let your guard down.

Kraush took a sneak peek at the scores. As expected, the points were evenly distributed.

All five of them had made it to the top tier.

Naturally, Kraush was in the lead.

This was thanks to the erosion species he had taken down along the way and the bonus points from defeating Mary, a sixth-level erosion species.

“Hey, Kraush!”

Just then, Haring rushed up to him in a panic.

Kraush blinked at her, and she quickly scanned him up and down, worry written all over her face.

“Are you okay today?”

She meant, “Are you going to collapse again?”

Kraush waved his hand dismissively, even though his body was feeling a bit sore.

“I don’t think about collapsing all the time, you know.”

As it turned out, Kraush was stabilizing faster than expected.

The sudden drop in temperature in his body was being balanced by the ignis flaring up.

Actually, the reason Kraush had mastered Annihilation Erosion was precisely for moments like these.

The excessive heat from Annihilation Erosion was something his body couldn’t withstand, so he developed Annihilation Erosion to put it to rest before it caused any collapse.

Annihilation Erosion was a stroke of luck born out of this process.

“If I can control this, I can operate Annihilation Erosion much longer than before.”

And the ability to extend the duration meant his limits were raised.

[ Looking at your face, it seems you’re thinking of doing something silly again. ]

It seemed Crimson Garden was becoming increasingly perceptive.

“Kraush, you idiot!”

“Ha ha ha, that was fun!”

“Your spear’s a mess now.”

Meanwhile, the other three approached.

Karandis was a mess, covered in bruises, looking like death.

Balak, however, wore his usual bright grin, swinging his two swords around playfully.

On the other hand, Glen stared at the ruined spear and Lavados, looking disappointed.

Although they had fought brilliantly against a seventh-level erosion species, he realized he was lacking in power.

“What’s the plan now?”

In the meantime, Haring pressed closer to Kraush and inquired.

It felt like they were standing a lot closer than before.

“I’m just gonna wait here until the exam finishes.”

“But other students are probably coming too.”

Haring looked anxiously toward the forest beyond the frozen lava.

Indeed, as she pointed out, other students would be heading this way.

If they wanted to score points, defeating Kraush was their best chance.

But Kraush shook his head.

“They can’t come.”

This was the Red Line.

To get this far, they had to smash through countless lines, including the orange line that had several sixth-level erosion species lurking.

They’d probably be a wreck after dealing with those sixth-level threats. There’s no way they could enter the Red Line in good shape.

Kraush had also made it this far thanks to Mary clearing a sixth-level erosion species standing in his way.

“And do you think those worn-out folks will be able to handle us?”

Kraush would rather they sacrifice themselves for the score.

It was an insurmountable challenge for anyone against him.

Haring nodded in agreement with him.

“Of course, though, if others are gunning for the top, it’d be different.”

Kraush raised his head and looked at the three who were now closer.

Seeing their gazes meet made him flash a big grin.

“Hey, if any of you want to have a go at being number one, why don’t you come at me? You all look tired, but this is your chance!”

Upon hearing Kraush, the three exchanged glances.

Balak was the first to respond, intertwining his fingers behind his head.

“I mean, I’d love to, but nah! I don’t need to be number one!”

With a cheerful grin, Balak shrugged, which prompted Karandis to jump in.

“Why would I bother? My future husband, Kraush, should be the one to be number one for it to matter!”

Ugh, that wasn’t worth listening to.

“There’s a spot that suits each person.”

Then Glen tightened his grip on his messed-up spear and fixed his gaze on Kraush.

“The spot that suits you is right at the front.”

Recognition shone from Glen’s eyes.

Seeing that look made Kraush feel pretty good for some reason.

It conveyed that even if he was in front, he would still support him.

“Me too!”

Haring raised her hand, clearly echoing the sentiment.

She hadn’t intended to cause harm from the get-go, so it came as no surprise.

‘This is…’

Kraush felt a strange sensation as he regarded the four who supported him.

If all four continued to grow like this, they would definitely be the generation to soar to new heights.

It meant that all four recognized him.

And this was surely a fantastic stepping stone for Kraush to take the lead among the soaring generation.

A laugh bubbled up surprisingly.

“You idiots.”

It seemed like his inherent nature prevented him from uttering kind words.

But those four knew well enough that beneath his teasing, there were no ill intentions.

Kraush turned his gaze skyward.

The ash and soot from the lava darkened the sky, but it couldn’t block out the sunlight breaking through.

For some reason, it felt like it reflected Kraush’s thoughts.

‘Coming to Rahern Academy was definitely the right decision.’

He realized that once more today.

[ Just in time. ]

Just then, a voice from Crimson Garden chimed in.

“Where’s Sigrid?”

[ A step behind. ]

Kraush smirked at the whisper that followed.

It appeared someone had been moving in advance, as there was a predetermined person in play.

The chain murder incident during the mid-evaluation at Rahern Academy.

The one who had been requested to thwart the culprit—Professor Jenikalain—was now in action.


Kraush exhaled a short breath while looking up to the sky.

Ideally, Sigrid would have taken action, but she would only move once the killings had started.

But Peleire?

He would undoubtedly not want Professor Jenikalain to kill any students.

So I’ll leave it to him.

Show the world what a hero of the commoners can do.

At the same time…

Somewhere in Rahern Academy.

A boy opened his eyes.

Seventeen years old and a freshman in the magic department, he grimaced immediately as a headache washed over him.

“What the hell is happening?”

As a scion of a noble family, once the mild headache faded, he realized he couldn’t move his body at all.

Eventually, his gaze widened as he realized he was bound by something.

“What, what’s this? Why am I tied up?!”

He screamed incomprehensibly, unable to move even an inch in an empty room.

Soon he recognized that the place was utterly dark.

Turning his head in a hurry, he was greeted with the atmosphere of a place resembling a dilapidated building.

Outside the window, the sky was as dark as could be.

In this space, where not a single ray of light penetrated, confusion filled his face.

Before long, he wasn’t alone.

His noble acquaintances, students from the same magic department, were there—unconscious and out of it.

A bad feeling began to creep up on him.

He hurriedly tried to call upon his mana to cast a spell.

However, the empty mana refused to budge.

“Can’t use magic?”

“P-Pro… Professor Jenikalain?!”

As a familiar voice called out, he jumped and turned his head.

Before him stood a man with a familiar hunchback and a staff in his hand.

One glance, and it was clear it was Professor Jenikalain from the magic department.

Though his magical abilities were sparse, he was chosen as a professor due to his vast knowledge.

But his lack of magical prowess made him a target for scorn, especially from the elite students at the academy.

Those firmly on the paved road of magic would certainly belittle and dismiss him.

No matter how outstanding his knowledge was in magic, it meant little to those students.

They simply scoffed and derided him.

Jenikalain was especially sensitive to mockery.

Having been born with an off-putting appearance, he was often brushed aside and degraded by younger students’ jeers.

And as a result…

He ultimately dabbled in things he shouldn’t have.

He contracted with the erosion entity known as the magical star.

Having become a servant to the magical star, he now felt an overflow of mana that was unprecedented.

The price he paid for servitude — his eyes — didn’t concern him in the slightest.

The world was filled with horrific things anyway.

Maybe that’s why he wanted to burn away the horrible things.

If the world didn’t erase the horrific things, he felt compelled to purge it.

That’s why he was here, to enact his grand design.

To cleanse the world.

“Professor Jenikalain, I shouldn’t simply speak of what you’ve achieved, but I hope you recognize your efforts and worth.”

Amidst the contract with the magical star, a boy’s words arose in his mind.

A young lad so much younger than him, who was called the hero of the commoners.

Though he lacked any flashy features, those mature-looking eyes revealed why the common people adored him so sincerely.

One day, he rescued Jenikalain when he was being bullied by students.

When magic users were persistently targeted by the noble scions, he stood up to those noble students without hesitation.

Watching his actions stirred Jenikalain’s thoughts.

“If only someone like him had been around during my youth, maybe I wouldn’t have broken down like this.”

Unfortunately, it was probably too late for him, having already embraced the realm of magic.

“W-What are you doing?! I’m the heir of the Bios family!”

At that moment, a student shouted frantically at Jenikalain.

Hearing that, Jenikalain slowly broke into a smile.

“What does that matter? Do you think I’m afraid of your family’s power now that I’m a servant to an erosion entity?”

“Y-You’re a servant of an erosion entity?!”

The noble student screamed in a panic.

As a Rahern Academy student, he knew all too well what that meant.

Those who had crossed the forbidden river.

Those called servants of an erosion entity.

In other words, Jenikalain before him had already crossed into that forbidden territory, showing no sign of hesitation in harming him.

Those who had nothing to lose would fear nothing.

“I-I’m sorry! I was foolish! Professor Jenikalain, this is all my fault, so please, just this once—”

The moment that realization struck him, he hurriedly began apologizing.

But Jenikalain felt no sympathy.

Instead, he appeared as if he was at peace, smiling slowly.

“Why didn’t you curse me just like you always did?”

He moved closer to the student, whose panic skyrocketed as he flailed in desperation.

But the magic binding his body wouldn’t loosen at all.

The combination of Jenikalain’s inherited knowledge of magic and the immense mana gained from becoming a servant of the erosion entity had revealed his true potential.

His magic now surpassed what any typical Rahern Academy student could handle.

As such, the noble student’s struggles were futile against it.

Before long, Jenikalain’s hand was suddenly raised before the student.

“It’s going to hurt. This is a unique magic that breaks down every nerve from your toes to the top of your head.”

The student’s face turned pale.

The magic bundled in his hand clearly oozed malice.

I’m going to die.

He realized he was about to die right here.

Just then, an ominous sound echoed from somewhere.


A slicing sound rang out, followed by the sound of shattering glass.

Suddenly, light flooded into the room, illuminating everything inside.

Jenikalain frowned at the sight.

And right before him stood a boy who was known as the hero of the commoners.


He stood there, panting heavily.

“Professor Jenikalain.”

Upon hearing his name, Jenikalain straightened himself.


It didn’t take long for him to grasp the reason for Peleire’s arrival.

After a moment of silence, he asked expressionlessly, “You don’t want me to stop?”

Hearing the unyielding intent in his voice, Peleire swallowed hard.

At that moment, Peleire suddenly moved forward.

With a swift leap, he closed the distance instantly.

In one swift motion, he stood before the noble student.

Jenikalain’s brow furrowed slightly.


On the other hand, the noble student shouted in relief seeing his savior.

But Peleire’s actions were unexpected.

With a quick motion, he swung his leg, delivering a strike to the noble student’s head.


The student howled as he tumbled, rolling on the ground, unconscious.

Witnessing this, Jenikalain’s eyes widened in shock.


“Your hands don’t need to get dirty, Professor.”

Peleire lowered his leg slowly while looking at Jenikalain.

“I can handle this much for you.”

Peleire’s sincere gaze met Jenikalain’s eyes.

“I will change the perceptions of the commoners and the nobles.”

His eyes sparkled more brightly than ever, as if he had made a promise to someone.

“Therefore, Professor Jenikalain, please don’t let these worthless individuals ruin your life.”

A true hero speaking heroically.

Though still youthful, the boy earnestly proclaimed his words.

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not work with dark mode