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Chapter 174

Chapter 174: Bullying my wife is worse than angering me!

As soon as this thought arose, cold sweat broke out on Lu Buwei’s back.

The disdain he felt towards Li Mo vanished instantly.

But, thinking about it again, he calmed down.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

He left Xianyang from the north gate, changing directions several times along the way.

How could Li Mo know which route he would take to leave the Qin State?

Moreover, how could he possibly get ahead of him and set up an ambush?

Thinking of this, Lu Buwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Being in this prison for two days had made him so timid?

Even if that National Advisor came, so what?

He had numerous Luo Network experts and over a hundred city garrison soldiers who fled with him.

If he didn’t come, that would be fine.

If he dared to come, Lu Buwei would make sure he never returned.

“Hmph! Consider yourself lucky this time.”

“I will settle this score with you slowly once I leave the Qin State!”

Lu Buwei snorted heavily.

Sat down firmly.

But just as his buttocks touched the seat, he was startled again!

He suddenly remembered someone else!

That night when Li Mo broke down his door, he also had a woman by his side.

The Dongjun of the Yin-Yang School!

A rare genius who appeared only once in hundreds of years within the Yin-Yang School, proficient in various yin-yang techniques.

But that wasn’t the most crucial part.

The critical part was that she was proficient in the astrological laws of the Yin-Yang School!

Once she sets her sights on someone, even if they escape to the ends of the earth, they can still be found!

The cold sweat that had just subsided on Lu Buwei’s body surged back instantly!

“Cover the sun, quick, let’s go!”

Lu Buwei rushed to the carriage door, threw open the curtain.

Practically screaming, he shouted to Yan Ri!

He wasn’t afraid that Li Mo would block his way ahead.

But if it was indeed as he thought, and the Dongjun from the Yin-Yang School was calculating his position, then both the Empress Dowager and Ying Zheng would surely also know.

Once delayed by Li Mo, it wouldn’t take long for the pursuing soldiers to arrive!

A regiment of elite cavalry, defending Xianyang City, is stationed nearby.

To hunt him down, Zhao Ji would definitely dispatch all of them!

If encircled by heavily armed cavalry, even Yan Ri wouldn’t be able to save him!

No one could break out from an encirclement of thousands of cavalrymen in this world.

One cavalryman is equivalent to ten to twenty ordinary soldiers.

Moreover, cavalry excel at pursuit.

Once they catch up, escaping would be as difficult as climbing to the heavens!

Upon hearing this, Yan Ri pulled the reins forcefully.

Just as the carriage turned around, several loud creaking sounds were heard from the front.

Several trees, as thick as a person’s waist, crashed down.

Upon hitting the ground, the trees instantly burst into flames.

The flames from the piles in front and behind clearly illuminated the horrified expressions on everyone’s faces.

“Why is there another fire?”

“Someone is blocking our path!”

“Have the pursuers caught up?”

The assassins from the Network remained relatively calm, but those who defected along with Lu Buwei all turned pale.

Once captured and taken back, it would surely mean death!

“Protect the lord!”

Yan Ri shouted coldly.

The Network assassins quickly surrounded the carriage where Lu Buwei was.

Their sharp eyes vigilantly scanned the surroundings.

Sitting inside the carriage, Lu Buwei had lost his initial composure.

The anxious look in his eyes was hard to hide.

He clenched his hand tightly, his expression grave.

“Who goes there?”

Yan Ri stood tall on the carriage.

Using her thumb, she slightly pushed open a gap in the Yan Ri Sword she was holding.

After speaking, no response came from the surroundings for a long time.

Only the constant crackling sound of the burning fire could be heard.

Yan Ri’s pupils contracted as she coldly shouted again, “Dare to block the Prime Minister’s way, come out and die!”


This time, a response finally came from the other side.

But it was a mocking chuckle.

“Just a prisoner in chains, yet you dare to call yourself Prime Minister?”

A fair, jade-like hand suddenly extended from behind the blazing fire.

Like parting a veil, the jade fingers brushed aside the flames.

Then, a figure walked out from within.

The firelight illuminated his upright figure as if a god had stepped out from the fire.

Yan Lingji, who had parted the flames, tilted her head and blinked at Li Mo’s back.

She wanted to kick this guy’s butt to avenge last night’s grudge.

But remembering the pain, she decided to let it go for now.

Otherwise, when they returned, and he caught her, she feared her derriere would be in danger again.

Lu Buwei, inside the carriage, knew things were not looking good upon hearing Li Mo’s voice.

It really was him!

Everyone’s gaze turned towards Li Mo, and an instant surge of killing intent locked onto him.

If he dared to make any sudden moves, in this situation, without Lu Buwei’s orders, they would all pounce on him.

“Lord Prime Minister. Since I’m already here, why not show yourself?”

Li Mo could clearly sense Lu Buwei inside the carriage.

Whether he came out or not made little difference.

Lu Buwei clenched his hand tightly and quickly regained his composure.

Lifted the carriage curtain and strode out.

His deep gaze carefully observed the situation opposite him.

It seemed that only Li Mo and that fiery beautiful woman had come.

The Yin-Yang master Dongjun was not present.

Lu Buwei glanced to the roadside with his peripheral vision, was there an ambush?

“National Advisor, long time no see.”

Lu Buwei concealed his hands in his wide sleeves, speaking with a somber expression.

If only Li Mo and those two women were present, his own people would be enough to ensure his escape.

Lu Buwei’s concern was that if the situation dragged on too long, they could be caught by Qin’s cavalry.

“I’ve been well, always have been.”

“The villa bestowed by the Empress Dowager is quite comfortable.”

“But I wonder, how has the Prime Minister been these past days in prison, have you adapted yet?”

Lu Buwei’s mouth twitched.

“Thanks to you, it’s bearable.”

If it weren’t for this madman opposing him, how could he have gone from being a dignified Prime Minister to a prisoner?

“I have something unclear, and I want to take this opportunity to ask the National Advisor.”

Li Mo was rather open.

“Ask away, I will answer truthfully.”

Lu Buwei squinted his eyes, asking in a deep voice: “I have no enmity with you, why do you always oppose me?”

He couldn’t figure it out.

Lu Buwei wouldn’t believe it was to help Ying Zheng!

This man had acted like a mad dog since he arrived in Xianyang, biting him without considering the consequences.

Ying Zheng was powerless, even with the Empress Dowager, they couldn’t challenge him outright.

If the goal was to eliminate him.

The best way was to chip away at his power step by step.

Yet, what did he do?

He started attacking him on the first day as National Advisor.

It was clear to everyone that he opposed the Prime Minister!

“Heh, heh heh.”

Li Mo suddenly laughed.

Lu Buwei stared at him: “What’s so funny?”

Li Mo shook his head slowly: “I laugh at you, Prime Minister, for being naive.”

“I laugh at you, for having an undeserved reputation.”

“I laugh at you, for not even understanding who your enemy is, and yet claim we have no enmity!”

Lu Buwei frowned deeply: “When did we have a deep-seated hatred?”

“In Han, the assassins I sent were targeting the Emperor of Qin, you intervened voluntarily.”

“In Xianyang, I intended to ally with you, but you embarrassed me publicly, that’s why I sent people after you.”

“You were the one who opposed me first!”

Lu Buwei still couldn’t understand.

Li Mo started opposing him even before entering Qin.

Was it worth taking such a risk for a powerless Emperor of Qin?

Li Mo added: “And not just that, I killed the assassins you sent to Han.”

“I also killed your Heibai Xuanjian.”

“And I took what you had hidden inside Xuanjian.”

Lu Buwei’s gaze darkened.

So that thing did fall into his hands.

“I can let all those go, I can overlook it all.”

Lu Buwei pondered, speaking slowly.

“Now that you’ve toppled me.”

“If you want to support the Emperor of Qin, your obstacle is the Empress Dowager, not me.”

“Even if you have cooperation now, it doesn’t mean she will relinquish power to the Emperor of Qin after you’ve toppled me.”

“You should focus on dealing with the Empress Dowager, not me!”

“Our enmity can be wiped away.”

“From now on, you take your bright path, I’ll cross my narrow bridge.”

“What do you think, National Advisor?”

He didn’t know how many people Li Mo had ambushed around.

But if it came to a fight, it wouldn’t be easy to capture him quickly.

His own people wouldn’t be dealt with quickly either.

The longer it dragged on, the worse it was for him.

The best way was to persuade him.

Li Mo sneered.

“I don’t think so.”

No need for you to worry about how to deal with the Empress Dowager.

Lu Buwei’s face changed.

In a cold voice, he said, “So the National Advisor wants a life-and-death struggle with me?”

With so many experts by his side, it’s uncertain who will win!

Li Mo nodded: “From the day I entered Qin, I never planned to let Prime Minister Lu live.”

Lu Buwei was furious and pointed at Li Mo, shouting, “You are going too far.”

“Going too far?”

Li Mo raised his head slightly, and said calmly, “Isn’t it you, Lu Buwei, who’s going too far?”

Lu Buwei flung his sleeves and folded his arms behind his back: “Nonsense, when did I ever go too far with you?”

Li Mo’s cheeks twitched, and his face turned instantly stern.

“You offended my wife, which is more serious than offending me.”

Lu Buwei was stunned by his words.

“Are you mad?”

“I don’t even know your wife!”

Li Mo moved his lips: “Really?”

Then he turned his head and said to the darkness by the roadside, “Honey, he said he doesn’t know you. Do you know him?”

Lu Buwei turned to look in the direction where Li Mo spoke.

The flickering firelight only illuminated a distance of one or two yards.

Beyond that lay darkness.


A sound of a branch snapping suddenly came from the darkness.

It seemed that someone was walking over from that side.

Lu Buwei squinted his eyes, staring intently in that direction.

A graceful figure slowly emerged from the darkness.

She was holding a long sword.

Dressed in a black gown, her slender legs were exceptionally striking.

Her slim waist swayed gently with her steady steps.

Her hair was tied up high, revealing a swan-like long, snow-white neck.

Her delicate face was only as big as a palm.

Exquisitely beautiful, yet covered in frost.

Her deep eyes seemed to hold two blocks of ancient ice, cold to the bone.

As she approached, Lu Buwei’s pupils contracted bit by bit.

She stepped out of the darkness and stood beside Li Mo.

The scorching flames could not melt the frost on her face.

Yan Lingji suddenly widened her eyes, showing a thick astonishment!

Then she took a few steps back.

Scratching her forehead, looking somewhat guilty.

“No, no, it’s impossible.”

“How could it… how could it be you…”

“Jing Ni!”

Lu Buwei stared at Jing Ni in disbelief.

Yan Ri’s eyes widened suddenly, a strong shock visible in her eyes!

People from the Network who knew Jing Ni were frozen in place.

Those who didn’t know her looked at each other in confusion.

Why would a woman cause such a big reaction from Lu Buwei?

“Now, do you know where our enmity lies?”

Li Mo took a step forward and spoke slowly.

Lu Buwei’s breathing began to intensify.

The moment he saw Jing Ni, he understood everything.

“The Eight Linlong… They… They…”

He opened and closed his dry lips, his throat seemed blocked.

The Eight Linlong originally found Jing Ni and wanted to use Li Mo’s life to force her to continue working for the Network.

But later, they were all killed together.

“I killed them.”

Li Mo nodded and replied indifferently.

Lu Buwei’s face turned pale.

He couldn’t help but glance at the frozen-faced Jing Ni.

Then he asked, “Then the Nameless… Nameless…”

Li Mo nodded again: “I killed him too.”

Lu Buwei and Yan R both gasped.

When Nameless was killed, they had assessed the strength of the person who killed him.

The conclusion was that the killer was a top expert in the Transcendent Realm!

They had always thought it was a reclusive elder of similar age to Confucius and Guiguzi.

They never expected it to be Li Mo!

Gazing at Jing Ni, who stood silently behind Li Mo, Lu Buwei finally understood the course of events.

Jing Ni, threatened by the Eight Linlong, took on a task to assassinate Nameless.

Li Mo helped her kill Nameless.

Then he killed the Eight Linlong to cover it up.

Lu Buwei thought Jing Ni had fled from Han, but didn’t expect them to still be hiding there.

No wonder all the assassins he sent to Xinzheng were quietly killed.

Jing Ni was familiar with the secret codes of the Network, and Li Mo was a top expert in the Transcendent Realm.

With Han Fei as their insider in the court, and assistance from Liu Sha in the shadows.

The thought was laughable.

He had once thought of recruiting the expert who killed Nameless to deal with them.

In the end, it turned out that the one who killed Nameless and Eight Linlong was actually the same person.

“Master National Advisor, do you really have to push this old man to the brink of death?”

The appearance of Jing Ni caused the situation to change again.

Previous assessments of Li Mo were also wrong.

He could split Nameless with a single sword, at least a master of the Tongsin realm.

Jing Ni was in the same realm as Yan Ri.

And that Yin-Yang School Dongjun, she must have come too!

The situation didn’t seem too optimistic!

Lu Buwei quickly made a choice: “From now on, Jing Ni is unrelated to my Network.”

“The sword of Jing Ni can also be taken away by her.”

“And let bygones be bygones between you and me, how about it?”

Li Mo was so fixated on him just to stand up for Jing Ni.

That made things seem easier.

“What do you think, Honey?”

Li Mo slightly turned his head and asked Jing Ni.

Jing Ni glanced at him, her cold gaze softened for a moment.

Then she looked at Lu Buwei again and said coldly: “As long as Network exists, it’s a fight to the death.”

She would always remember the creed of the Network.

Lu Buwei’s words were just expedient.

Once he settled down later, it would be impossible for him to be so forgiving.

Even Jing Ni was unaware of the exact number of assassins in the Network.

She and Li Mo could defend, but others would find it hard to guard against the Net’s assassinations.

If anyone fell into the hands of the Network, Lu Buwei would not be so generous to return them.

Naturally, Li Mo didn’t trust Lu Buwei’s words either.

This old fox was very cunning.

Lu Buwei gritted his teeth: “I will give you half of my wealth as compensation for your wife.”

Li Mo sneered.

Sarcastically said: “Fool, if I kill you, your wealth will be mine too.”

Lu Buwei’s face twitched uncontrollably.

“I won’t carry my treasures with me.”

“If you kill me, you will get nothing.”

Just as he finished speaking, a voice as gentle as the spring breeze came from the side.

“Sir, there’s no need to worry, with Fei Yan here, he won’t be able to hide any secrets.”

The dignified and beautiful Fei Yan slowly approached.

After glancing at Jing Ni, her eyes fell on Li Mo.

Lu Buwei took a deep breath; she had indeed arrived too.

It seemed that things wouldn’t end peacefully today.

“Master National Advisor, do you think that just a few of you can stop this old man?”

“There are so many people by my side, and so many experts from the Net, it’s still uncertain who would win in a real fight.”

Li Mo nodded.

“You have many people, but so do I.”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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