Switch Mode

Chapter 173

Chapter: 173

“Crazy Wizard, first take off… No, I mean, let’s just step back a bit and then take off and talk!”

“What do you mean…?!”

This is no joke; it’s a crisis of modesty.

In Pinkvalez’s wide-open eyes, I could read the struggle between instinct and reason. Her hands kept rising and falling in a repetitive dance.

I could sense the trajectory of this hesitation. She was thinking about knocking me down, then hesitated. She contemplated tying me up and suppressing my limbs—then she hesitated again. I trembled at that threatening motion.

“First, calm down, Pinkvalez. This is my magic…!!”

“Calm down, calm down… I think it’s more like arousal rather than calmness.”

“Calm down, I said!”

“Please get aroused!”

Her blatant hunger shot at me. And that expression.

The trademark near-expressionless look shifted into a dazed face that screamed she wanted me so badly it was unbearable.


And in this serious situation… my shameless heart began to pound loudly.

“Did I… ever tell you that I like your eyes?”

“No, you haven’t, and honestly, it’s not the time to say that!”

“Show me your tongue.”

“Why on earth would I do that… No, wait, I don’t want to hear it. Ugh.”

I already covered my mouth.

Until now, her temptations had always been playful. That’s why I could maintain a safe distance and step back.

Maybe it’s because it was all just a joke. We were friends. It was a communication style where we teased each other without profound feelings behind it.

I needed to act.

Tap. Tap. Yuna Lanster walked closer.

I had to block this! Since the pheromones had already spread out, I’d need to concoct a pheromone neutralizer and spray it. Meanwhile, I could buy time using the Heavenly Demon.

I had to do that.

“… … … …”

My gaze was.

Was I affected by some eye magic? Is this the allure of a Succubus? My body felt frozen, unable to move. Facing such a longing gaze makes my head spin like I’m on fire.


The moment Pinkvalez got closer, her chest brushed against me. I held my breath.

No. Even if that happened and one day we woke up together, naked in the same bed… it couldn’t be like this.

What happens when arousal is ignited through magic is essentially like activating a hypnotic app. Right. Yuna Lanster wouldn’t want this. She might even resent me for it.

… I urged myself to move, but.

In the back of my mind, another scenario was unfolding. My high-performance brain does not create magic frivolously.

“Getting close enough to inhale a lot of pheromones” means being at such close distance that it’s like having my face buried in someone’s neck. I absolutely don’t want Yuna Lanster to get caught up in this.

And before anything happened, there was sufficient distance between Pinkvalez and me. My magic would have had only a minor effect.

That means. Just like the last time with the dark wizard’s emotional amplification magic.

The magic circle that amplifies emotions by just 1% made her barely control her desires, causing it to flood over.

So this allure might also be seen as stronger due to the fact that she had already fallen into temptation.

Maybe it means—

“Get away from my Crazy Wizard! From my senpai!”

Black Lez raised her voice and picked up her whip. She had been frozen in shock watching her senpai being charmed in real time, but it seemed she finally snapped back to reality.

At that moment, reason returned briefly to the eyes of both Yuna Lanster and me.

And we both made the same judgment. If we missed this timing, we would have crossed an irreversible line. We had to cut it off now!

“[Sexual Desire Suppression Level 3].”

“Form Metamorphosis, [Primal Desire Restraint].”

Our incantations crossed.


With the sound of chains scraping, my body and Pinkvalez’s body, which were once stuck together, became tightly bound by iron chains. Being so close, it seemed we were inadvertently entangled. I could feel her voluptuous body all over me, but it was meaningless.

What would be so strange about embracing each other and feeling our skins? It’s only natural to live shoulder to shoulder in the world.

My heart felt peaceful and calm. Pinkvalez seemed to find tranquility in the moment of enlightenment provided by the metamorphosis as well.

Black Lez struggled to remove the chains binding both me and Pinkvalez.

“Damn it, Crazy Wizard…!! Get away!”

Having gained enlightenment, we both spoke in calm voices to Black Lez.

“Ah, why are you so jealous? We’re just sharing warmth, that’s all.”

“Indeed, Seris. You shouldn’t react so sensitively just from mere contact. What significance does inter-material interaction hold? Besides, it seems to be none of your business.”

“… … …??”

“It’s not your place to care whether I roll around with some other guy. You and I are nothing to each other.”

Ah, right.

The totally clear-headed Pinkvalez became a fact machine, honestly answering all my questions.

“It’s nice to see a familiar face after so long. But your excessive interest has annoyed me from way back. Guess it’s time to spit out my 37th rejection.”


Black Lez burst into tears like a little elephant. The sound she made was cuter than I expected. Anyway, I thought this settled everything. After getting turned down in front of me.

However, I learned there could be a 38th rejection if the 37th exists.

Once Black Lez stopped crying, she fixed her clothing and neatly arranged her bangs to make herself look prettier, then said to me,

“Still, I like my senpai!”

“I don’t like you.”


I felt like I had a rough sense of their relationship. I was secretly relieved.


Pinkvalez and I engaged in conversation as we remained bound by chains. It might look a bit odd from the outside, but there was no way to escape until the duration ended.

“I will introduce you. This is Seris, a colleague from my previous department.”

“Previous department? You mean the Elimination Team? The… black uniform I saw in your closet?”


“You still have that uniform? I knew you would return to me!”

The 38th spurned Black Lez jumped up excitedly, guzzling down optimism by the liter. I silently conjured an image of a raised middle finger with my illusion magic, and Black Lez mimicked my gesture.

“… What did you do in the Elimination Team that leads to Lesbians being tangled up?”

“Well, it’s probably because I’m such a charming succubus woman.”

“That’s true.”

“… It’s a bit embarrassing to get immediate agreement like that, Crazy Wizard.”

“… … …”

I quickly calmed my heart, which had surged 1.5 times. Pinkvalez’s straightforwardness had really strong assault power. If I didn’t speak carefully, I might need to use Sexual Desire Suppression Level 4.

“Well… I didn’t do anything special there. I just quietly stayed while fulfilling my assigned missions. I wasn’t trying to seduce anyone.”

“Yes, Yuna-senpai was the lonely lone wolf in the Elimination Team. With nearly a 100% mission success rate and an overflowing cold atmosphere. She was an object of admiration for the younger members of the Elimination Team!”

“A lonely lone wolf?”

“Don’t listen to Seris’ nonsense. Don’t call me that.”

That’s hard to imagine.

Pinkvalez hadn’t flirted around with the younger girls when we first met either. So I assumed she probably seemed like someone who would harass the younger female agents.

Looking at Black Lez’s serious, glimmering gaze, it seemed Pinkvalez’s reputation during her time in the Elimination Team was quite different.

“So… what were you doing?”

“… … …”

I shivered.

I still hoped that Pinkvalez wouldn’t know about this incident. I made a decision on my own, and I hadn’t asked for her opinion, so it was selfishness. But.

If she harbored that much resentment, the moment she found a clue to chase the Succubus Queen… she might leave my side.

So I didn’t want to tell her.

I was about to skirt around it when.

“Oh, it’s nothing special… Remember that Succubus we found last time? I’m just cleaning up the remnants of it…”

“I’m searching for the way to the Succubus Queen’s lair, the ‘Nest,’ stuedo!”

“… Oh, I see.”

Right, Black Lez was here.

Pinkvalez nodded, as if she understood everything, and comfortably rested her chin on my shoulder. Then, she calmly said,

“Were you considerate? Crazy Wizard.”

It sounded like she could see right through my insides, and I felt like a little kid whose lies were discovered.

“… I’m sorry. I got greedy.”

“It’s okay. I can understand. If I were in the same situation, I would have done the same.”

Is she really understanding?

If so… would she stay by my side? Instead of leaving for revenge, would she stick around here to dally with me instead?


Breaking my expectations, Yuna continued.

“This is really important to me.”

“… … …”

“To live peacefully, to work as an agent in the Defense Bureau, and to continue training, all of this was chosen for a single purpose.”

Since the village burned down.

“… The days I spent with you were delightful. I won’t deny that. Having a friend… has been a first for me, so this daily life is precious to me.”

“So, then with me…”

“Still, one cannot prioritize hobbies over work, can we?”

“… … …”

How should I express this feeling?

Should I call it petty, a sense of betrayal, or deprivation? I felt that kind of emotion.

She’ll leave?

Words spoken in a state of honest sincerity carry weight. I felt a solid and deep nail hammered in from her proclamation. Yuna Lanster would indeed depart.

According to the documents Kirby handed over, there hadn’t been any significant trace of the Succubus Queen’s lair until now. After catching a few Succubi and squeezing them for information, there were still no leads; it was a thoroughly hidden secret.

So… everything had been stagnant. It seemed Pinkvalez had also been waiting for her chance to get revenge while carrying out other missions.

Having been assigned to the Elimination Team, known for being the first to tackle high-risk jobs, she must have been waiting for the day when she’d finally get her revenge on the Queen…

Waiting, maybe tired of waiting forever.

So she left the Elimination Team and switched to being a regular field agent. It just so happened that I became her special agent under the command of the Second Prince.

Then, I… I took the opportunity.

I created a chance to chase the Succubus Queen.

Perhaps I should have just destroyed the Succubus instead of capturing them. If I had done that, none of this would be happening.

If only I had stolen her wings and hidden them…


My train of thought was interrupted by Yuna’s voice.

“I have a debt to repay to the Succubus Queen. It’s not that I plan to leave for good, Wizard. After I strangle the Queen to death, I will return here.”

“… You think I’d welcome someone who left?”

“Yes. I believe you would.”

“Right, you’d probably take me back…”

If this is a predetermined matter, then I’d come to terms with it. I can’t sleep with my legs stretched out without achieving revenge, can I? Plus, Yuna Lanster is strong. She’ll definitely accomplish her goal and come back.

And I can help. Yuna will help, too. The number one and two of the Purple Tower will team up and take that Queen down.

That’s how it’ll work.

There’s nothing to worry about.

Yuna Lanster said with a smile.

“If you want me to return quickly after my revenge… You’ll have to work hard to help me out. Isn’t that right?”

“… Yeah. That’s true.”

Let’s gather my thoughts. Cast aside fears and regrets; as Yuna said, I should help. I started reformulating the spell and activating the magic. Adjusting the power isn’t necessary. Pinkvalez is already in the state of metamorphosis.

“[Lump of Sugar].”

I activated the spell on a scale that would cover the entire Academy. The magical pheromones spread out once again, and as we awaited a response…

“This smell… huh?”

A Succubus was drawn out by the pheromones. She looked at me, the source of the scent, then glanced back and forth between me and a still-chained Pinkvalez.

Then she saw Black Lez, wide-eyed with her whip, and said,

“… A trap? It looks like one has already been caught?”

Yeah, it does look suspicious. A delicious smell attracts you, but the setup doesn’t quite scream ‘we’re out to catch Succubi.’

Even the Succubus Pinkvalez, coiled in chains, makes it even harder not to realize this is a trap.

At that moment, Pinkvalez calmly stated.

“Yes, it’s a trap. But doesn’t that mean you won’t come?”

“Uh, umm… no, I’m coming!”

The Succubus, entranced by the hypnotic app-level pheromones, couldn’t resist her instincts.

The Succubus approached awkwardly and stuck herself to me. Then Pinkvalez shifted the chains to bind her tightly as well.

Now we had three people tied up.

Well, it felt somewhat like a roach trap made out of goo. It wasn’t visually appealing, but it was remarkably effective.

Once Pinkvalez’s metamorphosis duration finished, we extracted information from the tightly tied Succubus and discovered our next destination.


“There’s a path to the ‘Nest’ in the mind of the Third Prince, Stredo Crown?”

“More accurately, it’s one of the paths.”

“I know that already, genius.”

And here we are getting involved with the royal bloodline. This officially makes me a Triple Crown winner.

Black Lez, having rammed into Alexon, seemed ready to ram into the Prince as well, as she prepared to depart with collection tools in hand for inspecting those entranced by Succubi.

“Then let’s charge in and inspect right now…”

“Royal bloodline or not, think wisely, Black Lez! You could lose your head over something that absurd!”

As I jabbed Black Lez, Pinkvalez placed her hand gently on my shoulder and quietly said,

“I don’t think the Crazy Wizard should be the one to say that. You know that, right?”

“… … …”

I had no words left.

The unstoppable Crazy Wizard who usually charged at ‘Wither Emperor’ is gone now. I came up with a perfectly foolproof plan to ensure everyone’s safety, so no one would be hurt.

A method to avoid getting my ears boxed by the royal authority.

“We caught a Succubus, right?”


“So let’s disguise ourselves as those Succubi and meet the Third Prince.”


It’s a cover identity.

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not work with dark mode