Switch Mode

Chapter 172

Chapter: 172

It’s about the past.

An “Other Outfit Committee” was formed to break Pinkvalez’s obsession with formal wear. As the chairperson, alongside the Tower Master as the president, we started suggesting various outfits to her.

Once, I found a black uniform in Pinkvalez’s cabinet.

This jet-black fabric made up the uniform had no nameplate or insignia, or any sort of embellishment. Its cut alone made it visually accepted as a uniform.

Finding it strange, the Tower Master questioned her about it.
“What’s this outfit?”


The awkward silence that filled the air was filled with hesitation.

How should I describe this? Picture a free prisoner. He enjoys a splendid life, laughing and chatting with fellow inmates, only to suddenly glance down at his ankle.

Then he spots the shackles he had been pretending not to see. The moment he realizes he is a prisoner again, he is no longer free.

It was that kind of unsettling silence as if one realizes they are still tied to something.

Instead of prying about the black uniform, I pushed for the plan to have Pinkvalez wear a miniskirt. I did it out of respect. The Yuna Lanster I know is a strong person, and I thought pressing too much might be rude.

But, I figured just being beside her to help her laugh and enjoy would suffice.

… Should I have dug deeper back then?


There’s an entrance inside the Academy that leads to the “Nest.”

This extradimensional space where the Succubus Queen resides is said to be still entirely uncharted. There were only speculations that it might act like the dimensional gate on the Eastern Front.

Therefore, this opportunity is precious… Indeed.

With me, a powerful illusion magician, and Yuna Lanster, a Defense Bureau agent of succubus descent, in the same situation, if we could perceive where this “Nest” is, the Empire could swiftly deploy a young knight once they snap their fingers. Then the game would be over.

The Succubi would soon be greeting the severed head of their Queen…

Feeling confidently about the Empire’s decisive weapon, I ask with a slightly sardonic tone,
“…But, isn’t that young knight male? If he gets seduced, wouldn’t that be a disaster?”

“The Sword Master is immune to all enemies.”

What a frightening thing to say.

Kirby clamped her mouth shut after that. But I did understand one thing: the young knight seems to have measures against mental attacks in place. That means illusion magic may not work well, either.


This was a golden opportunity to catch the Succubus Queen I had been tracking for ages, hence Kirby was dispatched from the Defense Bureau, and she said she called upon the “Elimination Team” for investigation and pursuit.

Naturally, that raised another question.
“What’s the Elimination Team?”

“It’s a sub-department of the Defense Bureau, but didn’t you know?”

How would I know that? I raised my whole body as if to express a question mark, and Kirby cleared her throat before continuing.

“I thought you had heard about it since Yuna Lanster once belonged to that department. Apparently not, huh?”

“What do they do?”

“They’re a high elite group brought in for high-risk missions, capable of executing solo operations. They’ll be here shortly since I called them.”

“Oh, I see.”

Sounds like a special unit. Indeed, it’s understandable that someone like Pinkvalez, who reached the level of an illustrated fable, wouldn’t just be an ordinary agent. That would be a waste of talent.

I decided to wait for Kirby while enjoying a cup of tea. Just then, I spotted a figure trudging in from the Academy’s south gate.

Dressed in a featureless black uniform.

Empty, painted black eyes roll between heavy gray bangs that hang down to her nose. It felt more like a shadow of a human cut out and propped up than a person.

Her gaze lingered particularly long on me.


She saluted as she spoke. Her ponytail swayed with the sharp movement. A whip was strapped at her waist. The entirety of her demeanor felt strangely familiar.

“I am Seris, a member of the Imperial Defense Bureau’s ‘Elimination Team.’ I will be joining the ‘Nest Pursuit’ operation from today.”

I felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

Right, it resembled Pinkvalez’s first introduction. From her movements to her speech, even the intonation mixed in her pronunciation was uncannily similar. So the next line would be…

“I like Yuna-senpai. Please take care of me.”

This little punk.
“Get lost, ‘Black Lesbian.’ I don’t need you here.”

“You’re not my commanding officer, ‘Crazy Wizard.’”

Sparks flew between my eyes and Black Lesbian’s. In this exchange, we quickly recognized that we were adversaries.

Just as I was about to summon the Heavenly Demon, and Black Lesbian reached for the handle of her whip, Kirby tapped the table, cutting the tension. Popcorn-style, she swiftly stuffed a madeleine into her mouth and said,
“Let’s eat first.”

“… … … …”

“… … … …”

Without even a handshake, we sat down and engaged in some nerve-wracking duel. It seemed like a long battle was ahead…


Kirby informed me that she wasn’t a field agent, so she couldn’t do that kind of work. She simply lacked the brawn to physically grab hold of a Succubus and throw it away.

So, in the end, it became a duo of Black Lesbian and me to investigate the Academy.

Kirby advised me, “Be sure to call in Yuna Lanster to form a trio.” But I had no intention of doing that.
“Let’s not bother Yuna, then…”

“Eh? But we absolutely need her skills for this investigation.”

“I have those skills too.”

More than enough, actually.

According to Kirby, Pinkvalez harbors hatred towards the Succubus Queen because her hometown was destroyed by her. I’m not exactly sure if that resentment has faded, but it seems better not to poke the bear.

I don’t want to witness her agonize over it. So before that, I plan to clean up any Dream Demons lurking within the Academy.

When I was obstinate about my decision, Black Lesbian turned around briskly and started walking away without a word.

I scrutinized Black Lesbian as she walked ahead. She had tied her hair into a ponytail, trying to mimic Pinkvalez, but there was no way she could emulate that violent body structure.

There were realms that the flat and narrow-hipped Black Lesbian could not reach.

I shot a remark at the back of her head.
“Where are you going?”

“I’m heading to investigate.”

“So where exactly?”

“Are you really asking such an obvious question? Naturally, I’m going to a place where Succubi can thrive—an environment that smells like an old bachelor.”

Indeed, that seemed a reasonable approach.

After all, it stands to reason that single men who have lived alone for long periods are easy prey for Succubi’s seduction. So I suppose… Should I rummage through the male student dorms first?

Alternatively, I might consider cleverly utilizing the necromancer’s magical circle I had taken from a spiritual scum. The original use was to amplify emotions, so I could pinpoint those vulnerable to Succubi.

As I pondered through my thoughts, Black Lesbian proceeded with determined steps and eventually arrived at the front of a building.

A plaque bearing “Professor Alexon” hung on the door.


Black Lesbian kicked the door open. The professor, watering a plant in his office, jumped in surprise and turned to look at us.

“Professor Alexon, I heard you’ve never even held a woman’s hand since turning forty, so you’re a suspect. Initiating an investigation.”


Alexon staggered back, as the unexpected verbal assault left him mortally wounded. How can one such as I so ruthlessly wreak havoc upon a heart!

I rushed over to support Alexon as he leaned, looking like a person whose soul was being torn apart, he coughed sadly.
“Cough… cough cough.”

“Hmm. An unventilated room filled with the scent of an old bachelor, untidy and dirty. Clearly, you haven’t bothered to tidy up or maintain even your nails. No wonder you haven’t found a lover.”


“Alexon, don’t listen! For heaven’s sake, how can you say such a deeply vicious thing! No matter how much the poor Professor Alexon has women avoiding him, there’s a time and place for insults!”

“You’re the worst, you little brat!”

Unable to resist the open invitation, I joined in the verbal assault. I received a hit for that.

Being verbally harassed by a young girl left Alexon’s face looking even more haggard. He asked us in anguish, and I calmly explained how we were looking into the Succubi who are searching for mentally ensnared men.

“…If that’s the case, then I must cooperate. Go ahead, investigate me!”

He was all set to submit to the investigation.

“Alright then, please remove your pants.”


“Men seduced by Succubi are regularly drained, so their vitality is greatly reduced. We need to verify that aspect. There’s a chance you might try to substitute it, so perform the act here under my watch.”


That’s when it all clicked. I then understood Kirby’s suggestion of bringing in Pinkvalez for a trio inquiry; it wasn’t just about the investigation. It was to keep this reckless stallion-like Black Lesbian in check.

Alexon looked as if he were contemplating whether to pick up an axe to chop wood or just go along with this absurdity. It seemed he deemed it permissible for the sake of pride.

Now, he spends his days teaching little kids at the Academy, but he was once a well-known mercenary.

In the pack of wolves that live by the sword, they can brush off jokes, but insults cannot be taken lightly.


I’d say there’s no premonition, so to speak.
Alexon smoothly sat down to continue watering the plant, and without any forewarning of movement, he hurled his hand axe. To an outsider, it might have looked as though the axe simply flew from nowhere.

Meanwhile, Black Lesbian also sprang into action.

This was evident. At the moment a blade was coming toward her, she unleashed a glare that screamed she was willing to lose a limb. The whip snapped in swift reaction.


The whip’s end deflects the axe upwards and swiftly changes its trajectory to fly towards Alexon. The movement was weirdly akin to a living snake, with an oddly precise trajectory and speed.

If you exert force in reverse direction, you will inevitably slow down. But Black Lesbian’s whip maintained the same speed even while flipping to a completely different direction.

If it seems like the laws of physics are acting strangely, it’s an illustration (羽化). Is this the ability to change the direction of kinetic energy without any loss?

Not only did Alexon defend against the incoming axe but also, upon seeing the whip coming at him intending to harm, he drew his shortsword and long sword, readying himself for combat.

Just before the clash between those who reached the level of an illustration was about to commence.
“[Battle Assist: Heavenly Demon].”


Quickly running simulations, I determined that only a minor shockwave would suffice for mediation. Flicking my fingers, I created a small explosion in the air.

I interrupted the battle.



Both Alexon and Black Lesbian stopped their attacks and stared at me. I cheerfully spoke to Alexon to ease the tension,
“That was a joke. Really, that’s not necessary.”

“It’s not a joke, though.”

I ignored Black Lesbian’s comment.
“Oh really? That’s a relief. So, what kind of examination should I undergo?”

“Let’s just have a few seconds of eye contact. That’s all I need.”

No need to go around in circles. I mean, who am I? I’m the terrifying genius wizard of the purple tower. I can tell in an instant whether someone is captivated by a Succubus or not.

I calmly scrutinized the depths of Alexon’s eyes. No unusual signs. Alright.
“Everything checks out. Let’s call it a day, Black Lesbian.”

“You’re not my commanding officer, Crazy Wizard.”

Despite her words, Black Lesbian obediently exited Professor Alexon’s office. Perhaps, she respects my abilities and expertise?

If she were going to show some respect, then Alexon should too—why do it so boldly as if he was dying to stir up trouble…

“Don’t tell me… you’ve been deliberately provoking me, making me think I need to get Yuna Lanster to control you. Hurry up and bring her. That’s the kind of lead you were going for?”

“…No, that’s not it.”

“Unfortunately for you, your scheme ends here. We’re concluding the Succubus investigation right now.”

I’ll resolve this without giving her a moment to butt in.
I started quickly constructing a spell in my mind. We wouldn’t be searching for the Succubi; instead, I’d make them come to us.

The data gathered from analyzing the recently captured Succubi while inhaling their mental walls remains stored in my head, and I now have a formula on how to ‘entice’ them.

I’ll concoct a special pheromone mixture. It’ll specifically affect Succubi, and those under its influence will feel an overwhelming erotic hunger and rush toward it… A wide-area seduction spell.

And once the trapped Succubi arrive, I can slowly begin to unravel the entrance to the Nest.
“[Lump of Sugar].”

I spread the magical pheromones in all directions.

Of course, I’m not an idiot. I haven’t forgotten that Pinkvalez’s race is also a type of Succubi. So, naturally, I’ve set exceptions, ensuring that the effect diminishes significantly on Pinkvalez.

As long as she doesn’t get close enough to ingest vast amounts of pheromones, it’ll be alright.

“Crazy wizard, what are you…?”



Now it’s not alright.

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not work with dark mode