Switch Mode

Chapter 170

Chapter: 170

[…Lucy. What did you say?]

“I’m sorry, what? Did you not hear me, silly Papa?♡ You stingy Papa, are you such a pathetic Papa that you can’t even do this for me?♡”


It sounded like Benedict took a significant hit; he fell silent for a good while.

“Did you just call me a silly Papa?♡”

[…I can hear you, Lucy.]

I wondered if something was wrong with the crystal ball when Benedict’s voice, now all weak and wobbly, came through.

Wait, Benedict, just a moment ago you were all stern and authoritative with Lucy! And now, just because she called you Papa once, you’ve flipped your switch?

Is this how it works?! Come on, even if you’re a doting dad, there has to be a limit!

[Uh… Lucy, why are you suddenly calling me Papa?]

“Why, just because I feel like calling you silly Papa!♡ What’s wrong with that?♡”

[No, no, no, that’s not it. Of course, I would be overjoyed if our Lucy called me Papa. I’ll be incredibly happy.]

Benedict’s voice was just so desperate. That “Papa” title must be something he couldn’t give up on.

That’s interesting. I thought this whole “Papa” call was a trap set by that pathetic god. Like, some sort of scheme to get me to say the word “Papa.”

Sure, he’d be thrilled thinking about Benedict’s daddy issues, but I didn’t think it would have such a strong effect.

Yet here we are, Benedict turning into a helpless dad at the sound of “Papa.”

Oh, Armadi! Are you up there watching this tip of yours unfold right before my eyes?!

Oh, you’ve been seeing things my naive little self couldn’t catch!

Armen! I believe in the great god’s powers!

As I was mentally praising the wise Armadi, I could hear Benedict mumbling timidly beyond the crystal ball.

[But Lucy, you haven’t called me Papa since you were a child.]

Aha! So that’s why he’s weak to the title “Papa”—Lucy used to call him that when she was younger!

He’s all nostalgic and doesn’t know how to handle it. Benedict can’t get over the fact that he’s a total softie for his daughter.

“Does that even matter right now, dumb Papa?♡”

[But… but…]

“If you don’t let me go, I’ll never call you Papa again.”

[No… well…]

“I won’t even call you dumb father! I’ll just call you stupid troll!”

[Stupid troll?!… No. Even so, Menes Tail is just too dangerous, Lucy. Please.]

“Ugh. I can’t stand dumb Papa anymore!♡ You smell like an old man and it’s gross!♡ Your voice is disgusting!♡ I’d rather not come back to the family than be stuck with a troll-looking Papa!♡”

[Lucyyy… please listen to me.]


Benedict tried everything he could to persuade me, but against the title of “Papa,” he was utterly powerless.

Every time I called him Papa, he melted away from his strict act and had no choice but to let me go to Menes Tail.

What usually happens is that the one who enjoys it more ends up losing.

The condition was I had to always carry my sword.

From my perspective, it wasn’t even a penalty since I planned to keep my sword with me anyway, both to deal with the ridiculous tricks of that pathetic god.

Looking at a downcast Benedict after allowing something he shouldn’t have, I did feel a twinge of guilt.

Sorry, Benedict. But if I don’t do this, that pathetic god will make my life miserable.

Plus, it’s for resolving one of the giant threats that will come to our continent, so you’ve got to understand.

You don’t have to worry. There’s no way I’d mess up when it comes to dungeons, being a veteran of Soul Academy and all!

I’ll be back with a present for you soon after taking care of it.

Days passed since that night, and it was the day the break started.

As the Academy students headed off to their destinations, I found myself in a back alley on Soul Academy Street.

“Welcome, Young Lady Alrn.”

‘Alsetin. Is everything ready?’

“Information gathering. You didn’t leave me with a pathetic amount of things to do, did you?”

“Of course not. Check this out.”

As confidently stated, Alsetin had perfectly prepared the items I requested.

Nice. With this, I can deal with any variables at the Menes Tail Dungeon.

‘Thanks for your hard work.’

“You’re pretty all right for a back-alley loser.”

“It’s a matter related to my master. I have to do my best.”

Alsetin answered with a mock-serious face.

Before today’s arrival, I let him know I’d prepay him for his trouble.

Since I was heading to raid Menes Tail, I figured it made sense to sort out Alsetin’s issues while I was at it.

Alsetin was delighted by my words but also hesitated, apparently feeling like he hadn’t quite earned the value of the information.

So I told him I’d just pay him upfront.

‘Thank you so much! Young Lady Alrn! I will definitely repay this grace!’

Alsetin practically jumped for joy, knowing he could resolve his long-standing wish.

I just hope that mentality doesn’t change after everything is settled.

Confirming all preparations were complete, I stood before the teleportation circle alongside Alsetin and my sword.

Hah. Who would’ve thought I’d be using this spell again?

I had sworn not to use this magic again after the last time I visited the Newman family, but there was no helping it this time.

Menes Tail was just too far to travel any other way. It would take almost a month for a round trip, and I can’t afford to waste that much time.

It’s a bit torturous, but using this teleportation circle is the best option right now. Hang in there.

With a resolve, I stepped into the brightly shining teleportation circle and almost immediately regretted it.


The nausea I felt was like compressing a whole month’s worth of carriage sickness into one miserable moment, leaving me unable to steady myself.

Ugh, I thought I’d grown a lot since then, but here I am in this state.

When will I be able to maintain a calm face like Karl?

“Do you want me to help?”

The Clumsy Fox who followed behind came up beside me, attempting to calm me down.

Help? Can you fix this motion sickness?

With no strength to speak, I only nodded, and the Clumsy Fox placed its paws on my forehead.

As nice as that felt, how could it possibly help?

Wait. What is this?!

The dizziness vanished.

Could it be that even a pathetic pervert like this fox still has some divine property as the forest’s master?!

“Tsk. Feeling a little tired now that I’ve exerted my power. Mind if I borrow your head for a bit?”

After resolving my nausea, the Clumsy Fox clambered up and settled on my head, but I didn’t stop it.

I owe it to him for making me feel better. I should at least offer him a resting place.

Having restored my senses thanks to the Clumsy Fox, I stepped outside to take in the streets of Menes Tail.

It’s certainly different being a city under the Magic Empire; several aspects differ from the kingdom.

For instance, most of the buildings here are shorter compared to those in the kingdom.

They have more land, so there’s no need to build taller. Why waste land when you’ve got enough to spare?

And when you look away from the buildings, there are various magically enhanced items visibly displayed.

Being called the Magic Empire, this country possesses a higher level of magical technology compared to others.

Thus, the citizens below can enjoy technological blessings more comfortably than in other places.

There are several other subtle differences, but those are the noticeable ones.

Seeing the scenery I used to admire in games lifted my spirits ever so slightly, but it didn’t compare to the thrill I felt when viewing the streets of Soul Academy.

You see, from a gamer’s perspective, this was merely a side quest area.

No matter how grand or impressive something may be, it’s still a sidelined impression for me.

The sunset-drenched street is pretty, but just about that much.

“It’s already this time, huh? We should probably book a place to stay first.”

Karl suggested, observing the increasingly darkening sky.

Normally, his suggestion would be spot on. It’s essential to find a place to stay wherever you go.

However, in my case, I had a little faith in something.

‘No. Rather…’

“Hey. It’s my schedule to decide. We’re heading to the Adventures Guild first.”

Sure, while it’s true the Menes Tail dungeon is open for all, you can’t just waltz in.

If anyone could enter and exit as they please, they wouldn’t be able to collect taxes!

Thus, anyone wanting to enter Menes Tail must visit the Adventure Guild first to obtain their certification.

Though nobles from the Magic Empire are exempt from this, unfortunately, I’m a noble from the kingdom. I can request some convenience in the certification process, but that’s the extent of it.

“However, Young Lady, what if we can’t find a place to stay?”

‘It’s fine.’

“Hey! You’re arguing against your master’s words? How bold!”

“Sir Knight. The Young Lady has her reasons for saying this. Don’t worry.”

Unlike Karl, Alsetin seemed to have an understanding of my intentions and defended me.

Jealous of how quickly Alsetin grasped my thoughts over him, Karl’s expression shifted completely as he pretended to acknowledge that he knew it was only courtesy to voice his concern.

Pffft. What’s this? You can’t lose to loyalty? That’s hilarious.

Even if you mess up here and there, that doesn’t change the fact you’re my knight, you silly Karl.

So, you’re not going to oppose any further? Then off we go to the Adventure Guild.

Since it takes a while to process guild requests here, I need to apply for my certification a day early if I want to enter the dungeon right away tomorrow.

Although it was my first time seeing these streets, I didn’t hesitate in my steps.

There’s no place on this earth I wouldn’t know the way in!

To build the shortest speedrun path, one must commit to this much.

Thanks to that, I made it to the Adventure Guild without a hitch.

Maybe it was because it was sunset, but the Adventure Guild was bustling.

People striving to squeeze one more reward, begging for just a single more day for their quest, celebrating the day’s findings over drinks with their parties, tidying up their equipment, or bargaining for larger payments for the loot they brought back.

Everyone was winding down from a day’s dungeon raiding.

However, the moment I stepped inside, every one of those lives froze.

All eyes were on me.

[Tsk. Guess it’s those who are unlearned who can’t even keep their glances to themselves.]

‘…Huh? What do you mean by that?’

Having become accustomed to the gaze from Academy life, I remained unfazed despite all the stares.

But others weren’t so unfazed.

The old man openly expressed his discontent,

Karl frowned and stepped forward to shield me from that judgmental gaze,

while Alsetin glared at the others from behind, warning them off.

I may not know exactly what’s up, but seeing such an exaggerated reaction suggests it won’t be an entirely good impression today either.

Probably, it’s some form of negative curiosity.

Perverted freaks. Are you seriously getting those thoughts over a girl standing right there in front of you?

It’s clear my attractiveness rating is higher than I thought. I mean, I immediately drew attention the moment I entered the Guild.

But you know what? As my attractiveness rating is validated, it also proves one more fact.

Just how trashy is my reputation?!

How low can my reputation have sunk that this high beauty rating isn’t being reflected in the Academy?! Damnit!

“Perverted barbarians.”

As I wallowed in despair, the Clumsy Fox atop my head spoke up.

He wasn’t wrong. That’s the sad part.

But Clumsy Fox, of all the perverts, you were the one leaping for joy at being under my foot, so you should probably keep quiet?

Don’t you have a shred of conscience? Huh?!

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not work with dark mode