Switch Mode

Chapter 17

Episode 17. Take care of your mind (2)

Crona Delluware. The rival character who appears from the late stages of this chapter. Playing as Jenny, you can often see her provocations without getting bored.

Due to the strong pride setting, there is a tendency to derogate anything.

Therefore, she often shows an exaggerated reaction even to trivial matters or things at the level of catching a baby ant.

‘It’s a kind of personality, personality.’

A challenge towards Jenny Chainsilver, caught at 9 p.m. tonight. For Crona, it was almost like a grand ceremony, so she will try to decorate the stage very brilliantly.

This is not only to show off herself as a challenger but also to help Jenny, the opponent, stand out.

“I have one request for the Newspaper Club.”

Shiny golden hair spread out like high-quality silk and brown eyes like rubies.

Her slightly raised eyes gave a sharp yet mischievous impression, and she had a face commonly referred to as cat-like, she was Crona Delluware.

She was one of the leading figures in magic selected as the darling of the Delluware family, which operates a large-scale trading company.

What business does she have in this newspaper club?

“Do you all know what event is happening at 9 p.m. today?”

“Of course, whether we know or not. You spread the rumor, didn’t you?”

Trisha Marlin, the head of the newspaper club, was fuming with annoyance. Rumors had spread throughout the Academy, even reaching the ears of the third-year students.

The duel with Jenny was also humbly permitted by the professors. Because of that, the excitement spread like a wave in every direction.

“So, I mean… Could you draw a signboard to enter our duel arena for us?”

“A signboard, you say?”

Trisha frowned, wondering what nonsense this was.

Why would she come to the newspaper club, which only knows how to write, leaving aside the existing art club? Is she in her right mind?

“Sorry, but we are writers. Even though we are not novelists, you know very well that drawing is unrelated.”

“But it’s a conscientious issue to ask the art club for help…”

“Tsk. You’re annoying.”

In this chapter, there isn’t much detail about Crona. However, if you enter the poorly managed art club during the game, you can talk to the head, Replaine Halo.

The bald NPC continues to repeat these words:

‘Crona Delluware! How dare you burn my painting? Unforgivable!’

‘Time cannot be exchanged for gold! I spent so much time and effort to create my work… Urgh!!’

It’s just a device that shows the flow of the world in the setting. It’s the effect where NPCs only repeat their mutterings when you talk to them.

Not only can you indirectly understand the NPC’s character through this, but you can also deduce who burned the painting.

It seems that Crona accidentally burned Replaine’s painting while practicing magic outdoors.

Considering his personality, cherishing his own artwork like his own child, it couldn’t have been a pleasant incident.

“I will definitely apologize to him when the opportunity arises. Of course, I’ll also offer compensation.”

“And you should be prepared to be half dead.”


Crona, who was initially nonchalant, suddenly became nervous.

“Anyway, I’ll accept your request considering your determination.”

“Do your best! Whether it’s drawing or writing, it’s ultimately about holding a pen. I’ll make sure to generously reward you. Oh~ Ho ho ho ho ho!”

Trisha clicked her tongue and started drawing. Since the article could be written over the weekend, there was no rush.

They were relaxed enough, so the club members didn’t push too hard. Moreover, since there was a reward involved, they became less reluctant.

It suddenly came to mind. Tonight at 9 p.m., when playing as Jenny, you will face Crona as the boss.

A banner hung between the entrance to the outdoor training ground, which would serve as the arena for the duel.

“I wonder if this is the banner drawing?”

The quality of the drawing was poor, at the level of asking a child on the street to draw it. However, Crona’s desire for ornamentation exceeded imagination.

Whoever’s drawing it was… still, I want to applaud for being selected.

– Clap clap clap.

If someone sees this, they might think it’s for a large-scale event planned by the president.

Drawing… it was very unfamiliar to the club members. However, I, without any hesitation, continued to draw without any special difficulty.

Having cleared Devil Lord Academy several times, imagining Jenny and Crona’s images was as simple as breathing.

“Oh my, what’s this?”

At that moment, Crona approached me with a surprised expression. Her eyes sparkled as if she had found pearls on an empty beach.

“What’s wrong with my drawing?”

“No… this one! It’s perfect!”

Even though it wasn’t drawn for a long time, Crona exclaimed “Wonderful.” She was so excited about my drawing that she forgot her noble demeanor.

Even though it wasn’t even colored yet, it was safe to say that the composition of herself and Jenny, using the best imagination, was expressed.

“I’ll choose this one!”

“Are you sure? It’s not better than usual.”

[Decrease in Erosion Rate: -4%]

[+400 Credits]

“Don’t lie! Such drawings are rare even among the art club members!”


“Anyway, congratulations! Radon Crawler. Your talent is excellent regardless of your notoriety.”

It’s understandable. How many fan arts have I drawn while playing Devil Lord Academy?

I considered becoming an illustrator, but I had to give up because of my main job, which left me with a painful memory.

Ultimately, the reward became mine. As it was a commission from a wealthy lady, a hefty sum of cash found its way into my pocket.

It worked out well.

I really needed the living expenses for my family.

* * * * *

After dinner, the academy belonged to the students.

All professors and staff leave before 7 p.m., leaving only those on duty and security, with no one else around.

Moreover, today’s on-duty staff was just a mere assistant professor with no real influence, so the evening at the academy was bustling.

Friday night. The festival atmosphere intensified.

Since it’s just the weekend the next day, they can sleep in late, which led to parties breaking out.

As soon as the mats were spread out on the ground, the student union building and the adjacent square were bustling.

Even though there wasn’t any formal academy festival, students were sitting on the mats, filling them up.

As long as nothing unusual happens, they can do as they please.

“I can understand that feeling!”

If parents who create a strict atmosphere come in for night duty the next morning?

Until then, it was my own world that couldn’t be interfered with.

“Of course, we should tidy up properly.”

Empty bottles were already rolling around in various places in the square.

There are always people who think that just spreading out mats means it’s their own living room. But that doesn’t mean cleanliness is entirely ignored.

Otherwise, we’ll face the grand judgment of Headmaster Kaden Jodiacz.

“Shall we quietly enjoy the night?”

The situation allowed for some spare time before the event exploded. Until time passed, I decided to monopolize the Benz next to the landmark.

It’s not easy to stay aloof while knowing what’s going on behind the scenes and getting caught up in the festival atmosphere. Feeling disappointed, I decided to at least bring out some pudding to eat.

“Ahahaha! Festival!~ Festival!”

But there was someone who was originally carefree.

In stark contrast to her pitiful and diminutive appearance, the girl was frolicking on a giant tree like a monkey.

Her disregard for safety rules seemed like a risky business to Maryd Ryudsiehl.

Thud! –

Maryd fell from a height of over 20 meters. Her face hit the ground like a stamp. Is she okay?

“Ahahaha! That was fun! One more time!”

Well, that’s how it goes. Maryd was unfazed. Protected by strong magic and the guardianship of spirits, she was always impervious.



As Maryd was getting up, our eyes met, and she froze in that state.

We stared at each other with round, wide eyes.

Thus began the staring contest.

About 3 seconds passed.

About 2 seconds passed.

About 1 second passed.

Finally, one of us suddenly broke the silence by jumping onto the ground.

“Wow! My friend Radon!~”


Suddenly jumping onto the bench, Maryd used my body as a bed to land on.

Thankfully, she was petite; otherwise, I would have been squashed flat along with my lungs, suffocating.

But isn’t this a bit weird? Calling me a friend?

“Hey, it’s heavy, so get off.”

“Huh? I didn’t gain that much weight.”

“Still, get off! I’m suffocating.”

Despite my annoyance, Maryd smiled gleefully and calmly sat on the bench.

Despite almost flattening me, how can she be so nonchalant?

“Why are you suddenly calling me your friend?”

“Huh? Because we are friends. You gave me a present, and I was deeply moved. Don’t make a fuss over nothing!”

Wait… Present?

Um…? I only gave that to sever ties, though?

“You didn’t happen to… find that amusing, did you?”

No way.

[You and My Tico], [King of the Dressing Room].

These dreadful works are hard to endure unless you have a decent anti-magic resistance.

How did innocent Maryd manage to…

“It was absolutely hilarious!”


Did I hear that right?

I blinked in bewilderment, but Maryd, unfazed by my confusion, kept babbling.

“Although it wasn’t funny from the beginning. When I saw the first scene, I was incredibly annoyed. I even considered electrocuting you, burning you, or shaving your hair off.”

Ah… I see.

When I first saw her, I thought she might blast me with elemental magic and crush me.

But why now?

“But Nobel Records contain infinite possibilities! I painstakingly endured to understand its meaning by repeatedly watching it.”

You watched it repeatedly? Are you insane?

“And then I realized! The hidden meaning behind the gift you gave me!”

No, it’s just a trivial thing packaged as a grand concept.

What proof do you have?

“Although you didn’t teach me, I figured it out.”


“You wanted to show me a whole new world!”

Talking nonsense and getting carried away.

A new world in a work full of vulgar innuendos freezes my blood!

“I don’t deny Nobel Records! Once you receive a work, you can’t just throw it away even if it’s cursed. You must interpret and understand it to break the curse.”

So pretentious.

“Thanks to that, I’ve decided on a new magic!”

“You’re not thinking of drawing inspiration from that scene, are you?”

“Yeah, exactly! I’ve already imagined it in my head.”

Oh no… The most grotesque magic in the world is about to be born.

And it’s coming from the head of a grand wizard!

“But it’s too wasteful for me alone to realize this good message.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“I want other students to understand the meaning of the gift you gave me too!”

What…? Other students too?

Wait, please not that…



“I’ll spread it everywhere on campus. To the staff, the students, even the trustees!”

“Stop spouting nonsense!!”

“Do you want to destroy the school? Please, get a grip on yourself.”

Before I knew it, Maryd was holding the record I had given her, and I had to hold onto her shoulders and use all my strength to stop her.

The impending embarrassment was just an added bonus.


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Surviving as a Con Artist at the Academy

Surviving as a Con Artist at the Academy

아카데미 사기꾼으로 살아남기
Score 7.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Possessing an extra? Let’s assume that’s manageable. If the body is fine, there should be a way to live quietly. Yes, if only the body were fine… “The Liar’s Curse” – you die if you don’t lie. “Damn it…” It’s a matter of life or death. Somehow, I must survive this curse! Thus begins the survival of a liar at the academy.


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not work with dark mode