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Chapter 165

Chapter 165: The Empress Dowager lost an argument? No problem, call the National Advisor to argue!

Inside the North Imperial Palace Hall.

Wang Jian suddenly frowned.

He felt that Lu Buwei was a bit strange today.

That smile was indescribably weird.

Everyone knew that since the National Advisor took office, his face had never looked good.

Why did his mood suddenly improve today?

Lu Buwei glanced at Wang Jian opposite him, and the corners of his wrinkled eyes squinted again.

Wang Jian had been treading on thin ice these years.

To put it bluntly, he only followed orders and didn’t entertain others.

If you had any issues, you could find him; otherwise, he would rather not interact.

Any task given to him would be done beautifully, and he had never lost a battle over the years.

Hence, Lu Buwei could never find an excuse to deal with him before.

But not anymore.

The Empress Dowager held military power, so Wang Jian followed her orders.

Once Lao Ai dealt with her, Wang Jian would not be able to cause any more trouble.

Lu Buwei was only wary of Wang Jian because of his reputation in the military.

However, if used well, Wang Jian would become his tiger under command.

Ying Zheng and Zhao Ji had not yet arrived soon after entering the main hall.

Lu Buwei took this time to contemplate future plans.

His sharp gaze swept over the generals across from him.

He had clear accounts of who could be used in the future and who needed to be eliminated.

The person he most wanted to remove was, of course, the arrogant National Advisor.

Lu Buwei sneered internally.

Think you can stand against him just by relying on the Empress Dowager?

Young man, you’re still too naive.

As long as Lao Ai was favored by the Empress Dowager, the National Advisor would lose his backing.

At that point, it would be easy to find an excuse to strip him of his title and handle him.

The eunuch’s sharp voice rang out.

Ying Zheng walked out quickly from the rear.

His face was as calm as ever, with a defined and commanding presence.

Despite his youth, he possessed the calmness that middle-aged men lacked.

His sharp gaze swept below, imposing an unbearable sense of authority.

The civil and military officials instinctively lowered their heads.

Only Lu Buwei straightened his back and remained calm.

Suddenly, the eunuch’s voice rang out again.

Zhao Ji’s voluptuous figure appeared behind the curtain.

Lu Buwei’s eyes flickered, a smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

She actually arrived on time for the morning court.

It seemed necessary to inform Lao Ai to simply stop the Empress Dowager from attending court.

After the officials congratulated them, the daily court session began.

“Your Majesty, I have something to report.”

As the congratulatory voices faded, an official raised his jade plaque to report an issue.

Previously, Ying Zheng would typically nod in agreement at this time.

But today, he acted differently.

He waved his hand, saying, “Report later, I have something to discuss with you all and someone to introduce.”

Ying Zheng’s voice was serious, the same as his usual tone.

It was hard for everyone to discern whether it was good or bad news from his tone.

Nor could they gauge his mood from his expressionless face.

He seemed to be a born ruler, with the solemnity befitting a monarch.

The first half of his sentence was fine, but the second half made everyone’s hearts skip a beat.

The last time Ying Zheng introduced someone, he brought out the National Advisor.

This time, who would he introduce?

One National Advisor had already caused Lu Buwei great trouble; if another similar figure appeared, the Prime Minister might just be angered to death.

Lu Buwei also frowned deeply.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced calmly at Zhao Ji, who was listening behind the beaded curtain.

It looks like I still need to talk to Lao Ai.

Ask him to persuade the Empress Dowager not to comply with Ying Zheng’s whims in everything.

Without her consent, Ying Zheng could not have recommended this or that person.

Thinking of this, Lu Buwei felt slightly relieved.

Zhao Ji leaned back on the soft seat behind the beaded curtain with a frosty face.

Her indifferent gaze fell on Lu Buwei through the curtain, and the coldness in her eyes was almost palpable.

Li, standing next to her, glanced at her in confusion.

It was a look of wanting to tear the other person into pieces.

Li didn’t quite understand.

Logically speaking, Zhao Ji should also want to tear Li Mo into pieces.

But why hadn’t he seen such a look in her eyes?

You keep saying you want to cut off his head a dozen times a day.

So why don’t you have any real killing intent?

Ying Zheng looked calmly at Lu Buwei and slowly asked, “Prime Minister Lu, if I am not mistaken, the Prime Minister has already reached sixty-one years of age, correct?”

Lu Buwei’s eyes flickered.

Weren’t they supposed to introduce someone?

Why is he now asking about my age?

“That’s right, I turned sixty-one last year.”

He nodded and replied indifferently.

“Sixty-one. You have been the Prime Minister of Qin for ten years.”

“These years have been hard on you, Prime Minister.”

Ying Zheng said calmly.

Those below had varying expressions.

Lu Buwei also didn’t understand why he brought this up out of the blue.

Could it be that Lao Ai had said something to the Empress Dowager?

And then the Empress Dowager instructed Ying Zheng, making him lower his guard?

Lu Buwei thought this was highly likely.

Ying Zheng and Zhao Ji were deeply attached; her words carried significant weight with him.

That Lao Ai really had some skills.

Considering this, it seemed that completely controlling Zhao Ji would be quicker than he had anticipated.

Lu Buwei felt a trace of comfort inside, but outwardly he remained humble and steady.

“It’s all my duty as an old minister.”

“For the State of Qin, for the Emperor, for the Empress Dowager, and for the late Emperor, it is my unshakable duty.”

“I will also exert all my efforts to support the Emperor in the future, dedicating myself to the prosperity of our State of Qin.”
The impassioned words shook the nearby officials.

Ying Zheng took a deep breath, his hands clenched tightly behind his back.

You old fool, you still have the nerve to mention the late Emperor!

When the late Emperor passed away, you bullied us—an orphan and a widow!

If not for my mother and the National Advisor discovering it in time, the reputation of the State of Qin would have been ruined by you!

“Good, very good.”

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

He continued, “Today, while all the ministers are present, I want to introduce someone to the Prime Minister.”

Lu Buwei was momentarily stunned.

Who is this person, and why do they need to be introduced to me?

He wasn’t the only one puzzled.

Before everyone could figure out the reason.

Ying Zheng suddenly shouted coldly.

“Guards, bring Lao Ai to the hall!”


In an instant!

Lu Buwei’s expression changed dramatically!

His heart was immediately thrown into turmoil!

He stood there as if struck by lightning, his entire body numb.

The others did not yet understand what was happening but were surprised by the change in Lu Buwei’s expression.

Additionally, Ying Zheng’s earlier angry shout.

The crowd gradually sensed something was wrong.

The hall fell silent at this moment.

Heavy footsteps and the sound of something being dragged came from the entrance, accompanied by a faint groan.

Everyone turned to look.

They saw two imperial guards, one on each side, lifting a man’s arms.

Dragging a person who looked like a dying dog into the hall.

“Who is this person? Why is he beaten so badly?”

“He’s covered in blood; how grievous were his injuries?”

“What crime did he commit to be brought to the court like this?”

“Lord Gao, you’re in charge of punishment, do you know who this is?”

“I don’t know, I have no impression. If the Emperor and the Empress Dowager wanted to extract someone from prison, I would definitely know.”

“Was he not brought out of prison?”

“What does this have to do with Prime Minister Lu?”

The civil and military officials all looked at Lao Ai, who was thrown to the ground by the imperial guards, his hair disheveled and body covered in blood, and began to discuss.

Some speculated about what crime he had committed.

Some wondered where he came from.

Others were puzzled about his relationship with Lu Buwei, and why Ying Zheng said he would introduce him.

Ying Zheng’s fierce gaze was already full of rage.

His previous composure was shattered by this overwhelming anger.

You held power over the court, I could tolerate that.

You sent assassins after me, I could tolerate that too.

But using such despicable means against the Empress Mother, that I cannot tolerate!

Ying Zheng found it terrifying just to think about it!

Attempting to defile the harem and steal the throne of Qin.

If Lu Buwei’s plot had succeeded, it would not only bring disgrace to the Qin empire and the royal family.

The entire Qin empire would become Lu Buwei’s Qin.

“Prime Minister Lu, take a good look, do you recognize this person?”

Zhao Ji’s voice was no longer lazy and arrogant as usual.

Anyone could hear the suppressed anger in her tone, seemingly on the verge of erupting at any moment.

Everyone’s curiosity intensified.

Who was this person to provoke such fury from the Emperor of Qin and the Empress Mother!

Lu Buwei stiffly turned his head to look toward the center of the main hall.

Lao Ai, looking like a dead dog, was covered in grime and blood.

His tangled hair stained with blood hung like straw.

“Lift his head, let Prime Minister Lu take a good look.”

Zhao Ji slammed her seat and stood up.

The flames of wrath had fully ignited in her phoenix eyes!

A guard stepped forward, grabbed Lao Ai’s hair, and yanked his head up.

Lao Ai’s mouth trembled uncontrollably from the pain.

Lu Buwei’s pupils shrank instantly, almost stopping his heart.

His eyes were filled with disbelief.

How could this be?

How could this be?

Wasn’t Lao Ai favored by the Empress Dowager!

Didn’t he already spend nights in her chambers and make her unable to leave him!

How could he end up like this?

The answer was obvious!

Lao Ai’s identity was exposed, far from gaining favor, he was subjected to severe punishment by the enraged Zhao Ji.

She had tortured him to reveal the mastermind behind the scenes!

“No… I don’t recognize him.”

Lu Buwei quickly calmed down.

He must not panic. By all means, he must not panic.

He had weathered many storms, surviving situations where death was almost certain.

How could he stumble here?

“Haha, you don’t recognize him?”

With a loud sound, Zhao Ji viciously ripped the gauze curtain aside.

A figure clad in luxurious attire, voluptuous and mature, sneered as she stepped out.

The civil and military officials bowed their heads respectfully to avoid directly looking at Zhao Ji.

The Emperor of Qin could look.

But the Empress Mother or the Empress should not be stared at casually.

“Quite the ‘don’t recognize’!”

Zhao Ji flicked her robe sleeves, shouting coldly.

“Lao Ai, open your eyes wide and look carefully.”

“All the officials are here, tell me.”

“Who arranged for you to pretend to be a eunuch and enter the harem, tarnishing my reputation and disgracing the Qin empire!”

The crowd was instantly in an uproar!

No wonder the Emperor of Qin and the Empress Dowager were so furious.

Years ago, a eunuch scandal happened in the Qi empire and was mocked by other countries for centuries!

If such a thing happened in Qin now, Qin would surely become the laughingstock of the world!

But that’s not the most crucial part.

The key issue is, this Empress Dowager holds real power.

If she indulged in lust and was deceived by Lao Ai’s sweet words.

Qin would undoubtedly fall into chaos!

Lao Ai slowly opened his eyes.

His dilated pupils gradually began to focus.

His vacant gaze swept over everyone present.

In the cell, Li Mo made it very clear to him.

If he stepped forward to testify and revealed everything truthfully, he could be spared.

As long as Lu Buwei fell, he would have a chance to live.

Lao Ai was not a loyal person.

He just wanted to rely on the Empress Dowager and live a life of wealth and honor, so he obeyed Lu Buwei’s arrangement.

But now, instead of holding onto the Empress Dowager, he found himself tied to a wheel full of blades.

Bit by bit, he saw his most prized possession being shaved into thin slices.

All of this is Lu Buwei’s fault.

You promised me a great opportunity.

You said the Empress Dowager was beautiful and enchanting, in her prime years, easy to charm with a little trickery.

You also said that the National Advisor couldn’t satisfy her, so I should take his place.

Bah! You wretched old man!

Aside from being beautiful and enchanting, everything else you said was nonsense!

“Him… It’s him.”

Lao Ai saw the figure he hated to the core standing at the front of the crowd.

Old man, since you’ve made my life so miserable, don’t think you can get away with it either!

If I die, we all die together!

A commotion erupted in the crowd.

“What? It’s actually Prime Minister Lu?”

“How could Prime Minister Lu do such a thing?”

“Is this person talking nonsense?”

The voices of amazement were varied.

Since things were not yet clear and Lu Buwei’s suspicion had not been confirmed, he was still the Prime Minister.

Thus, the crowd dared not take a clear stand and could only waver in between.


Lu Buwei snorted heavily.

With a cold, sinister gaze, he looked at Lao Ai. “I don’t even know you. Do you know what crime it is to slander the Prime Minister on the spot?”

It was just a one-sided statement.

Can a random person from the street accuse Lu Buwei of rebellion, and he would have to be dismissed and beheaded?

Lao Ai’s face changed instantly, cursing furiously, “You old bastard, it was you who had me pretend to be a eunuch to seduce her.”

“You deceitful old man, you told me that the Empress Dowager was unsatisfied and would be easy to charm.”

“You said I could not only gain wealth and honor but also become the foster father of the Qin Emperor!”

“You fooled me and ruined me. Even if you turn into ashes, I would still recognize you!”

“Shut up!”

Zhao Ji suddenly shouted, interrupting his words.

Her delicate face turned pale from anger due to the filth.

She stared frostily at Lu Buwei, gritting her teeth, “Lu Buwei, what else do you have to say?”

Lu Buwei, unafraid, stood up tall.

“Of course, I have something to say!”

He stared directly into Zhao Ji’s eyes with burning intensity.

“If the Empress Dowager wants me dead, just say the word.”

“When a ruler wants a subject dead, the subject has no choice but to die!”

“But for the Empress Dowager to use such despicable means to slander me deeply wounds an old minister’s heart!”

“Think of my years of diligent service to Qin, my loyalty to the late emperor and the current emperor.”

“I have been assisting the emperor day and night, exhausting my heart and mind with not a single moment of negligence.”

“My loyalty to Qin, my loyalty to the emperor are evident to the heavens and the earth.”

“Just because I did not get along with you, the Empress Dowager, you use this method to frame me. Empress Dowager, you are truly malicious!”

Lu Buwei not only defended himself eloquently but also turned the tables.

The officials were stunned by his speech.

It seemed to make some sense.

The Empress Dowager and Lu Buwei had always been at odds.

Although they had always been fighting overtly and covertly, in recent years, the Empress Dowager’s influence had clearly been decreasing.

She might indeed use such a tactic to regain power.

After his lengthy argument, Lu Buwei stood there with his head held high.

His eyes narrowed slightly, scanning Zhao Ji and Ying Zheng.

Did you think you could bring down an old man so easily?

Wishful thinking!

Now, he wasn’t in a hurry.

Because he thought Zhao Ji should be the one in a hurry.

Even if she was the Empress Dowager, she couldn’t just slander a Prime Minister!

However, he didn’t see any sign of anxiety on Zhao Ji’s face.

On the contrary, she was staring at him, sneering.

Lu Buwei suddenly felt a jolt in his heart.

Did I miss something?

Zhao Ji lifted her fair chin, sneering, “Are you done?”

“If you’re not done, I can bring the National Advisor here.”

“Let him have a chat with you, Prime Minister.”


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Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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