Switch Mode

Chapter 164

Chapter: 164

Inside Redburn Mansion.

The arrival of an uninvited intruder had the attendants and knights drawing their weapons, all aiming at Envers.

Half of them were familiar faces to Envers, while the other half were strangers. It seemed that over time, new personnel had been recruited to replace the ones who had left.

In the silence, signals were exchanged among the attendants. Who was this intruder? The illegitimate child cast aside by the family, the useless one whose mana organs were broken.

But then, how had he managed to break through the front gate?

The reason was kindly provided by Envers.

“I will say this just once. I have reached the realm of myths.”


“Having acquired the ability to serve the family, I have come to work once again for the head of the family. Now, let me meet with the head, so move aside.”

Among the murmuring attendants, one former attendant who had known Envers since childhood stepped forward. This was the same person who had once spat harsh contempt towards both him and his mother.

It’s rare to meet someone you once looked down upon again. He remembered young Envers, who had suffered from the malfunction of his mana organs, and that memory had lingered on his tongue ever since.

There’s no way that useless brat has achieved anything mythical. This must surely be bravado.

“If you’re going to brag, at least make it believable. How can a lowly bastard like you reach the realm of myths—”

Envers extended his index finger straight.


In that moment, the man froze mid-quip, his posture still ready to launch another insult.

It felt as though a sharp blade were constricting around his neck. It was as if he had fallen into a room filled with sharp thorns everywhere.

The overwhelming sense of crisis prevented the attendant from moving even an inch. Even as sweat poured down like a waterfall, he dared not budge.

The air felt heavy.

Naturally. How could the lowly move while the ruler did not permit it?

“Imperial Sword Style: Blade’s Point.”

The technique used was a lesser but still effective form of the Imperial Sword Style.

Tension mounted.

The attendant’s face flushed red and he was on the verge of collapse. Whatever Envers had done, he was certainly not the same as before. Envers Redburn had undeniably gotten stronger.

So then, should they accept the return of the illegitimate child?

What hidden motives could he have? It was questionable whether someone who had been discarded and humiliated could still hold loyalty towards the Duke. There was a risk of betrayal.

Moreover, the House of Redburn was currently facing significant undertakings. The Duke had warned everyone to avoid hasty actions, highlighting the delicate situation.

With the truth of his loyalty unknown, all external variables needed to be eliminated. The attendants slowly formed an encirclement.

Envers, too, lightly placed a hand on the hilt of his longsword. If a fight broke out, he intended to sweep them away with the full power of the Imperial Sword Style.



Just as their patience was about to snap, a sharp yet noble voice rang through the mansion.

“Timing is off, commoner. Duke Redburn is currently absent. The one you seek to pledge your loyalty to is not present in this mansion.”

“…… Roderus brother.”

Thud, thud, bang.

Roderus threw aside the doorkeeper he had dragged by the nape of the neck and commanded.

“Since it’s a loss from facing an expert of myth, there’s no need for heavy punishment. Heal the injuries and keep him in the punishment room for three days.”

“…… Yes!”

“And… take him in. I grant permission by my authority.”

“But Sir Roderus, the Duke instructed us not to make any changes for the time being—”


The necktie of the insubordinate attendant was cut in half. Using the materialization of mana, Roderus had inflicted a strike merely with his gaze.

“Do I have to say it twice?”

“…… I’m sorry, Sir Roderus.”

The attendant bowed his head, turning pale.

After appearing, Roderus quickly restored order and looked at Envers. Envers met his brother’s gaze. It was a face he hadn’t seen in a long time.

His tone and the arrogance that seemed to flow naturally were the same as before.

Yet, Envers saw starlight deep in Roderus’s eyes. It was not the gaze of someone trapped under the name of family.

As Envers had changed, had Roderus also transformed?

“It would be a waste to drive away someone who has rolled back in with the power of myth. I will manage Envers Redburn, so no need to concern yourselves.”

“Yes, Sir Roderus!”

“Follow me.”


Roderus walked down the corridor without hesitation, leaving the attendants behind. Envers gulped nervously, feeling a strange tension as he followed.

He was constantly pondering how to break the ice upon their reunion.


What could be his true intentions?

Roderus pondered as he walked down the corridor. Why had Envers returned to the family? Did he actually wish to pledge his loyalty to the head? If so, he needed to be cast out.

There was no reason to remain loyal to such a pitiful family. If Envers hadn’t realized that yet, Roderus felt he should enlighten him.

If it was a scheme to seek revenge on the Duke, that too needed to be put under control. If he acted carelessly, everything could be exposed before it even began.

Intervention was necessary in either case. Fortunately, Roderus held significant power.

Ever since successfully apprehending Baron Dompel’s drug operation, Roderus had been actively following Duke Redburn’s orders, gradually rebuilding trust.

At present, he had garnered a certain standing and was even capable of issuing commands to the mansion’s servants.


Meanwhile, Envers was also deep in thought. His brother, Roderus, seemed to have won the Duke’s favor. Did he not observe how easily Roderus had commanded those rude attendants?

Roderus had always claimed he would become the Duke’s right hand; it seemed he had finally realized that dream. If that loyalty was directed towards the Duke, they would inevitably clash.

There was no reason to be loyal to such a pitiful family. If Roderus hadn’t yet grasped that truth, it was his duty to enlighten him.

The brothers dreamt different dreams while traversing the same corridor. And simultaneously, they thought, I should ask what he is thinking.

Yet, they both resolved to hide the fact that they intended to change the House of Redburn.

That created a miraculous synergy.

“Envers, why did you return to the mansion? I thought you were doing well at the academy.”

“…… I came back because I attained myth. Luckily, I have gained power now, so it’s only proper that I serve my family, right? I see you’re doing well too, seeing how you command the attendants with just a glance.”

“Of course! With the level of incompetence present among attendants and knights alike, it’s only natural for me to stand above them. The Duke must recognize that.”

“Glad to hear it. Your devotion remains unshaken. I, too, pledge my loyalty to the Duke.”


“What are you currently involved with? The attendants seemed riled up; something major must have happened to the family.”

“It’s not that something has happened, but rather something is about to happen. Under the Duke’s command, a significant plan is being laid out. Only the Duke knows the full context…”

“I heard he was out. Then… I suppose you’ll inform me about what I need to do for the Duke?”

“Indeed, you will be assigned under me. Once the Duke returns, a formal position will be established for you. I’m sure the Duke will gladly welcome you as someone of mythic caliber.”




Hiding their true intentions, the conversation continued to circle back to the Duke again and again.

It was frustrating.

The two brothers floundered in a silence that felt like eating five dry potatoes in a row. Was it really possible that my brother was still vowing loyalty to the House of Redburn? Why?

Was the brainwashing from their childhood still so deeply ingrained?

Naturally, if Envers and Roderus hadn’t experienced the chance to cross into another world, they would still likely be trapped in that shadow. Thinking this way made some sense.

Both brothers needed experiences that could radically alter their value systems. They required insights on what genuine emotions could exist within a normal family.

And it was solely he, within this mansion, who could provide that understanding.

While pretending to pledge loyalty to Duke Redburn, he also needed to enlighten his brother to recognize the family’s failings and stand against it.

In that case, a proven method must be employed.

Recalling how he had escaped the brainwashing of Duke Redburn would show him what needed to be done. Envers and Roderus simultaneously formulated a plan.

“Shall we grab a meal? There’s a cake shop nearby known for the pastry chef’s excellent skills…”

“Or should we spar? There’s a profound foundational theory I believe we should practice…”



They ultimately agreed to do both.


After a lengthy exchange of ineffective shadowboxing, their conversation finally began to flow productively.

“Brother, what will I be doing?”

“Again, for now, we’re in a phase of keeping our heads down for the greater plan. Only the Duke knows the entirety of the big picture, and we simply need to follow his orders. Just wait for the instructions.”

“Then what about that empty time…?”

“Yes, it is free time, but first and foremost, we need a change of clothes. Take off that academy uniform. You must wear attire befitting the bloodline of House Redburn. I’ll give you some clothes I wore a few years ago.”

Roderus guided Envers to his room. If his memory served correctly, those clothes would likely be in the corner of the wardrobe.


Upon opening the door, an unremarkable room came into view. Envers scanned the interior, glancing around. Various weapons and neatly arranged tools filled the space, with all furnishings accounted for.

Roderus’s meticulous nature was evident in the room. Envers could remember the past through its interior. Even in his illegitimate child’s residence, when given weapons, Roderus would organize them in neat order.

But why was there a vanity…?

“What are you looking at?”

“Nothing at all.”

“You can use the room next door. I’ll give you some clothes; go change and instruct the attendants for cleaning or do it yourself.”

Roderus opened the wardrobe. Inside, women’s clothing took up about half the space.



Roderus hastily shut the wardrobe doors. He had prepared the outfit for going out as the form of O Dae-su, but he was so used to having no one in the room that he had forgotten.

Envers blinked.

Before the wardrobe closed, he caught a glimpse of a very familiar design. The woman with the crimson hair he had asked directions from earlier was wearing something just like it.

Moreover, a clear kiss mark was planted on Roderus’s neck. All of this pointed to one thing— Envers lowered his voice.


“That’s an misunderstanding.”

“While I have no intention of criticizing you for having a taste for women, I noticed on my way here that… she seems to have another partner. Were you aware of that?”


As Roderus’s surprised expression turned pale, Envers interpreted it as guilty consciousness. This revelation unraveled all the mystery.

So his brother had transformed into quite the lecher during their time apart.

To have brought a woman with another partner into his room? Considering the presence of a vanity and clothing, it didn’t seem like a brief affair either. He must have regularly invited her in for secret meetings.

Imagining the scenario, Envers’s mind ran wild. The woman with the orange hair who reluctantly accepts the advances due to Roderus’s pressure… and the crimson-haired lover… but needing to yield nonetheless?

NTR is a crime!

“Even though it’s not a relationship between men and women but rather two women, that doesn’t mean it’s proper to toy with someone who already has a partner!”

“What the hell are you… ah.”

As Roderus realized the misunderstanding Envers was laboring under, his complexion turned whiter. He was caught between a rock and a hard place.

Should he confess that he was turning into a woman each time to meet with Kim Lulu or that he had intruded on another man’s relationship with random women?

After a fierce internal struggle, Roderus squeezed his eyes shut and said,

“…… It’s none of your business, commoner. Who I meet or play with is…”

“Brother, how could you…!!”

“Just take the clothing and go! Get out!”

Roderus expelled Envers from the room. As he was being forced out, Envers looked back with a heartbreaking gaze that seemingly conveyed, You should not be that way, brother. That tugged at Roderus’s heart.

“This is outrageous…!!”

He felt like he was losing his sanity.

Whether he turned this way or that, Roderus felt his dignity melting away like ice cream under the sun. Was this his retribution for all the misdeeds he’d done to Envers in the past?

Even if he braced himself for resentment and curse his brother, he had been prepared to withstand it. However, being judged as an NTR enthusiast was just…!!

Alone in the room, he staggered around, suffering from a profound emotional injury. It was a bright day and all he wanted was to reminisce about Kim Lulu and O Hye-in…

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not work with dark mode