Switch Mode

Chapter 16

Episode 16. Take care of your mind (1)

Resting when feeling unwell is commonly advised, yet it’s often disregarded.

Minor symptoms are frequently brushed aside, with individuals pushing themselves or others to keep working.

Although they might suggest resting, their expressions and subtle cues convey pressure, creating a conflicting message.

Having intuition allows you to grasp the hidden message and prioritize working even when feeling unwell.

Failing to do so can result in being labeled as “clueless” and potentially facing mistreatment or bullying.

This dynamic isn’t confined to real life; fictional characters in games often face similar challenges.


“I’ll be fine with this.”

Jenny Chainsilver swallowed the medicine with water, feeling her body warming up immediately.

The chill emanating from her hand gradually dissipated, and the frozen room returned to its original state.

“I can’t skip just because of this.”

It was a weak potion developed by the Silverchain’s ancestral home, a potion of magical suppression that had made Snow Age fall asleep in an instant.

Received from the family’s employees who rushed over worriedly last night, responding to the letter sent to the family a few days ago.

Seeing the faces of the servants and maids she hadn’t seen in months was briefly heartwarming. They realized her physical condition and were concerned.

Fortunately, the medicine they brought temporarily suppressed the runaway magic.

However, its effectiveness was limited, and the more it was taken, the more resistance built up, gradually reducing its efficacy.

The medicine is just a temporary shelter. It only serves to make it easier to restrain the power raging within for a limited time.

Snow Age has always controlled it this way.

Sitting upright on the bed, she takes a deep breath. Then, with all her strength, she clenches the storm raging inside.

She metabolized them to prevent them from bursting out of her body. Controlling them was easy because the effects of the medicine temporarily weakened them.

“I can endure this with it.”

Of course, she must endure. Succumbing to collapsing due to such a runaway symptom is no different from submitting to Snow Age. It would be like completely turning away from her deceased mother.

Even to thoroughly deny this power, she must maintain a perfect appearance. That’s what she’s been striving for.

Not as the unpleasant child who accidentally killed her mother… but to become a beacon of hope for everyone… she needed to excel within the academy.

In fact, most of the first-year combat department students always looked up to her with admiration.

Although there were several others like Raimon Vegilius, Travell Byrd, and Lusca Madeye, in the same A class, they were quite eccentric, making it difficult to earn respect.

As the only hardworking student with a bright personality in the ranks, Jenny was worthy of being called the hope of the first-year combat department.

Professors were aware of this and showed great interest in Jenny, but it was more like ‘surveillance’ under the guise of interest.

They, too, had their eyes on Snow Age.

If she lost control in front of the professors, what kind of reaction would she provoke? Perhaps they would furrow their brows and consider her a threat.

“No… I’m not the clueless chick who made clumsy mistakes anymore.”

If she were absent, most professors would suspect Snow Age.

So, she had to prove it. She had to show she wasn’t a ticking bomb waiting to explode at any moment.

It might be obsessive or delusional, but it didn’t matter.

Living with the acknowledgment of the left. That’s… the only atonement I can offer to my late mother.


Tonight at 9 p.m. No need for further explanation, right? I’ll be waiting at the outdoor training ground near the square. Let’s make it clear in front of everyone, black and white!

– From ‘Sunburst’ to ‘Snow Queen’.


The letter was placed on the bed. The recipient was Crona Delluware, the darling of the Delluware family who had been competing since childhood and now belonged to the first-year A class in magic.

She’s a girl who always ignites her competitive spirit whenever she sees it alone. She had been quiet recently, but as expected… she had been the same reliable friend since childhood.

She considered herself a rival, but she felt more friendly towards herself. Yes, she didn’t want to disappoint her friend even more.

Until now, she had been pretending to be fine, but thanks to the medicine, she was feeling much better. She should be able to keep her promise with Crona smoothly.

“I have to endure. I must…”

* * * * *

(Radon’s pov)

Finally, the day arrived. In the morning, Travell Byrd approached me, and at night, Jenny Chainsilver would go on a rampage, enveloping the entire academy in winter.

And now, I welcomed the scheduled guest.

“How about it? Isn’t it a tempting offer for you too, Radon Crawler?”


Travell came to my room and solicited cooperation. I know his intentions. He plans to sow chaos among Jenny, Raimon, and this academy.

But out of all the people, why did he approach me? To exploit my talent for spreading misinformation, of course.

“It’s an opportunity to reveal the true nature to those in the academy who have dismissed you as a delusional patient. Doesn’t that intrigue you?”

No, not in the slightest…

“Think about it. You and I are alike. We’ve lived diligently with our beliefs, but the academic folks are ignoring us. We should empathize and help each other out.”

It’s terrifying when ignorant humans have beliefs. Knowing what his belief was made it even scarier.

Was the original Radon seduced by such sweet words and agreed to cooperate with him? Absolutely not.

“And if you help me, you’ll benefit greatly. Do you know why?”

He had already done his research on Radon’s household.

Rotas Crawler, once a noble landlord. He is said to have caused significant damage while working in a mine.

Due to paying compensation for that, the family’s living expenses were depleted.

If it were Radon, it would have been nonsense to ignore, but I didn’t care.

“If you cooperate with me, I can not only cover your father’s living expenses but also acquire a new house for you. Doesn’t that sound appealing?”

It seems like quite a budget to buy a house. Given that, there was no way the original Radon would refuse.

But why would he go to such lengths to recruit me for my lies? It’s because he wants to blame his own misdeeds on the professors.

Teaming up with Travell, the original Radon, as instructed, writes the class newspaper. ‘Friday night at 9 p.m. The cause of the academy’s chaos is the professors’ misdeeds!’ it says.

The incitement effect seems good, but the problem lies in the publisher’s name.

Who would believe it when it’s written as ‘Radon Crawler’? However, there was a solution.

The newspaper staff can write the newspaper in their dorms even on weekends. When they leave it at the information office without going through any procedures, it will be published immediately when the weekday arrives.

There are no staff members to verify the publisher’s name on weekends. And there’s no conscientious handling of piled-up tasks over the weekend. Because it’s bothersome.

That’s how the anonymous newspaper gets spread throughout the academy.

“Here’s your family’s living expenses for a week. Take it.”

Travell put down 100,000 credits in front of me as an advance payment. My hand almost reached out unconsciously, but I had no intention of being played by him.

He’s almost going to gaslight me for a lifetime with this money.

So, I said,

“It’s fine. Keep it in your pocket.”


Travell, who had been so triumphant, showed a surprised expression for the first time.

“Are you really okay with that? I was planning to get you a new house.”

His expression quickly turned to disappointment. If he had known he would be rejected like this, he wouldn’t have sabotaged his own plan.

That’s why I had to pretend to be on the same side.

“But don’t get the wrong idea. It doesn’t mean I won’t help.”

“Is that really so?”

“Why, haven’t you ever seen someone help for free?”

“Well, since you’re already in, we have no choice but to cooperate. Besides, I kind of didn’t like Jenny. You know I almost got frozen to death by her.”

Travell absentmindedly stroked his chin:

It was strange to move without any money, but his reasons for wanting to cooperate were understandable.

Or if he felt burdened by receiving money in itself, it would also make sense. After all, I had planned to manipulate him with that. Even though he had become a disposable pawn, there was no need to think badly about it. Money talks, after all.

“Then, let’s leave it at that.”

Travell smiled again as he picked up the credits on the floor. Eventually, he stood up and turned the doorknob of the front door.

“Remember, if you don’t help even after hearing what I said? We’re already on the same boat.”

Leaving those words behind, he closed the door with a bang and left.

On the same boat? That’s true. But I had prepared a means to escape from that sinking ship.

“Tsk. Will there be evidence? Idiot.”

There was no record of us trading with each other. If I had just received money, it would be stamped as evidence.

Moreover, just because we made contact doesn’t mean it can be considered evidence. Even if there were witnesses, if I kept denying it, that would be the end of it. Meeting someone doesn’t mean we cooperated.

Even if that weren’t the case, I had no intention of cooperating with him.

Because Travell, who I helped, would never help me in return.

* * * * *

This training session was more passionate than usual.

Today is Friday. The only day of the week that people get excited about among the boring five weekdays.

The reason is 99% due to the fact that the next day is the weekend, but if you go along with that atmosphere, it’s practically a sub-weekend.

Yes, Burning Friday! It was heartwarming to know that such a concept existed in this world too.

Thanks to that, the professors and staff would leave work early, so the faces of the students undergoing training were radiant.

As soon as evening fell, the professors would disappear early. Every Friday night, a party would be held in the square at 9 p.m. Of course, within the limits of not getting caught.

“Of all nights, tonight at 9 p.m. will be the day of that catastrophe.”

During combat and swordsmanship training, I glanced discreetly at Jenny in Class A.

It wasn’t a waste to admire her swinging her sword splendidly, dripping with sweat.

An outwardly passionate and outstanding student. But I knew that the sweat she shed was from controlling her power to the fullest.

It seemed quite bitter, but it was too early to regret already.

Because tonight. During the duel with Crona Delluware from the Magic Department… She would once again encounter the monster who killed her mother.

“Watch your back!”


Ah, I was in the middle of a duel.

I groaned as the wooden sword hit my forehead.

Time to get my shit together.


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Score 7.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Possessing an extra? Let’s assume that’s manageable. If the body is fine, there should be a way to live quietly. Yes, if only the body were fine… “The Liar’s Curse” – you die if you don’t lie. “Damn it…” It’s a matter of life or death. Somehow, I must survive this curse! Thus begins the survival of a liar at the academy.


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not work with dark mode