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Chapter 159

Chapter: 159

Namgoong Chae-gong let out a hearty laugh and raised his cup, saying,

“It’s not a bad idea… Although she was adopted, Seung-Ah is still properly registered under the Namgoong Family. Moreover, I’m not just saying this as her father, but she is quite

It was perhaps a somewhat sensitive topic. Wouldn’t it come off as derisive to belittle one’s daughter in front of her father?

However, the smile that lingered at the corner of Namgoong Chae-gong’s mouth seemed to indicate that his family head was considerate enough not to burden such conversations.

Thus, Cheong-Hwi felt comfortable conversing without any reservations.

“First of all, marriage should be based on mutual consent to avoid conflict and enjoy it. A marriage built solely on profit, without affection, brings nothing but horror.”

Wasn’t he the prime example of that?

Duke Redburn had mechanically ensured the birth of children through concubines, only to raise assassins. Envers Redburn was born into such a world.

In that place, there was no family love.

“Secondly, although I don’t have a significant other… there is a woman I secretly hold dear. Promising marriage here without resolving my feelings would be a betrayal to both parties, I believe.”

How could he be true to himself, thinking of Luna while being with Namgoong Seung-Ah and vice versa?

Of course, he had no insight into what Luna was thinking. That promise could be mere jest, genuine feelings, romantic emotions, or perhaps the sentiment of friendship—there was no way to know until he confronted it.

He could very well be the one gulping down the kimchi soup all alone.

Yet, despite everything, he felt tied by loyalty.

Namgoong Chae-gong patted his knee in delight at Cheong-Hwi’s youthful devotion.

“Brilliant! Then I shall respect your wishes. Furthermore… this event is also a chance to repay a great benefactor of the Namgoong Family. If you’re unwilling to accept this, I’ll have no choice but to prepare something else.”


“Seung-Ah, if you glare at him like that, Daoist Cheong-Hwi is going to pass out!”

“He’s a shameless man, so this much won’t be enough to take him down…!”

Namgoong Seung-Ah’s eyes were ablaze. Cheong-Hwi, feeling the heat of her gaze, dared not meet it and slyly diverted his attention. It felt as if invisible rays were being shot at him.

“Well then, if that’s the case…”

Namgoong Chae-gong closed his eyes and pondered, sifting through his thoughts.

“Choosing to give up a valuable elixir to preserve Myung’s dantian, stepping forward without fear when it could backfire and incur resentment.”

“That was what I wished for.”

“Exactly. Since you’ve already shown such deep devotion to my family, I must regard you as family in return. Will you be willing to accept me as your own and become a sibling to Myung and Seung-Ah?”


With a thud, Cheong-Hwi felt a sensation of locking into place. It was like when someone stumbled into a realization they were unaware of, only to discover a feeling of kinship.


Saying that word aloud tasted bitter—a flavor rife with resentment. Reflecting upon the years past only brought forth the acrid essence.

Half-siblings would quarrel, compete, and betray one another, viewed as tools by their father while receiving love from their mother, yet it was still a lamentable situation.

“Chinmin, I told you to block left when I jab right!”

“But hyung, you’re moving too fast! How am I supposed to keep up?”

“…Anyway, there’s no choice. Slow it down a bit and keep up!”

Once believed to have found true brotherhood in that dark pit,

“…Chinmin, I figured out how to use mana.”

That shared revelation shattered into dozens of pieces on a moonlit night.

So then, he had grown tired of the notion of family long ago, yet it seemed a fragment of that desire still lingered in the corners of his heart. Perhaps he yearned to feel that warmth again.

If only he could obtain it──

Cheong-Hwi nodded. He wanted it.

“…Indeed, that is a truly valuable reward. I willingly accept.”

“From this moment on, you shall be Namgoong Cheong-Hwi.”

“Namgoong, Cheong-Hwi….”

“You seem to enjoy that a bit too much, huh? You can take your time calling me father. Seung-Ah still finds it awkward. Now then… are you ready to receive the next reward?”

Namgoong Chae-gong stood up and walked boldly ahead. Cheong-Hwi, feeling flustered, awkwardly followed behind the family head, hesitantly asking,

“What do you mean by ‘next reward’…? What is it, exactly?”

“Take your time adapting. It wouldn’t be proper for me to act like a father without having played that role first. And, since there’s leftover slack from adopting you into the Namgoong name, I’m thinking of adding something extra.”

With a mixed expression of nostalgia and relief, he said,

“I’ll show you the Hidden Place of the Namgoong Family, where it is said the last secret of our ancestors, the Imperial Sword Style, remains untouched.”


In a skillfully concealed path, they walked through a fog-laden trail that felt like a corridor of death. Meanwhile, Namgoong Chae-gong recounted the distant past.

It was said that the founder of the Namgoong Family constantly sought to cleave the sky.

“They say he perfectly embodied the nickname Sword Maniac. He swung his sword towards the heavens all day long, and as people were drawn to that sight, they gradually formed the Namgoong Family.”

Beside that founder, who swung his sword on some nameless plain, there were those mimicking his movements, some cooking for him, and others entangled in love. As people gathered together, they inadvertently became a family.

It happened that the land lay to the south; hence they named themselves Namgoong.

His descendants further developed the unique martial arts based on the founder’s swordsmanship, and at some point, they stood as one of the most esteemed sword schools in the martial world.

While pursuing the footsteps of their great ancestor, who supposedly cleaved the sky, they had the aim to reach that same peak. A great clan rooted in the world’s finest swordman.

Nevertheless, the essence was that of a fool obsessed with swords and a collective of fools entranced by him.

“Hence, the idea that the Namgoong name should be the best… isn’t the actual meaning. A family name isn’t something to uphold; rather, it serves as a protective barrier for one another.”


“While Myung and Seung-Ah seem to grasp that, So hasn’t yet managed to break free. He’s trapped by the form of the Namgoong name and blurred the essence.”

From a young age, Namgoong So’s jealousy and competitive spirit had been fierce, refusing to tolerate anything less than being at the top. Thus, he had a strong obsession with the Namgoong Family.

Arguing against the adoption of Namgoong Seung-Ah, insisting that the blood of the great founder shouldn’t be contaminated with outsiders, or growing envious of the talent of his much younger brother, Namgoong Myung, was just a part of it.

“You resemble me quite a bit.”

“……I don’t quite get it. So, what does that mean for you and Namgoong So…?”

“I was like that when I was young. I couldn’t stand it if someone looked down on me. I ended up letting my personal affairs cause issues for the family as a whole.”

In Namgoong Chae-gong’s gaze, affection and concern flickered. Among ten fingers, some are bound to be sore. It seemed Namgoong So was the sore spot for the family head.

He could sense the hope that his resemblance would steer Namgoong So away from making the same mistakes he had made.


Namgoong Chae-gong stopped in his tracks. Before them stood the entrance to a colossal cave. Was this the Hidden Place where the sky was supposed to have been cleaved?

With a fluttering heart, Namgoong Cheong-Hwi swallowed hard and cautiously entered.

What kind of exquisite technique would leave behind a mark capable of cleaving the sky? How deep and firm must be the roots of the Namgoong Family, such a large collective? His expectations soared.

Inside the cave, it was dome-shaped, with a hole in the ceiling allowing sunlight to spill into the center. Flowers blossomed here and there, flowing over a shallow stream.

It was a beautifully crafted place, reminiscent of a section of nature meticulously arranged.

And then, upon witnessing the scenic landscape of the Hidden Place, Namgoong Cheong-Hwi widened his eyes in surprise.

“This is….”

“……That’s why I didn’t show it to So.”

There were no sword marks.

Not a single footprint or trace was to be found. Perhaps he had simply overlooked something, or perhaps it was hidden so intricately that traces were lost. Such thoughts crossed his mind, yet…

No matter how much he concentrated his energy and combed through every nook and cranny, the Hidden Place of the Namgoong Family remained entirely empty.

Had there been marks beneath the flower bed? There were only signs of roots being pulled and evidence of digging scattered about.

Namgoong Cheong-Hwi lifted his gaze to observe Namgoong Chae-gong’s expression. A thick melancholy clung to him. The place he had desperately sought out had revealed itself to be devoid of anything.

“…I didn’t want you to feel as disappointed as I did.”


“The tale of the Namgoong Family’s ancestors cleaving the sky was but a fabrication. The vision of the Namgoong Family, the Imperial Sword Style, is false. How can there be no trace left if it were real?”

The reason he hadn’t shown this to Namgoong Myung and Seung-Ah was the same. If they were to hear that the roots of the family were mere illusions, they would surely feel disappointed deeply; thus, he wished to wait until their hearts matured enough before revealing it.

“You… seem to think clearly enough to forgo an elixir and, being an outsider, you may not feel as let down. That’s why I showed you. Yet, even then… it still pains my heart.”

Namgoong Chae-gong clicked his tongue, turning away to depart the Hidden Place.

Namgoong Cheong-Hwi lingered behind, feeling strangely hesitant to part from the empty space. Indeed, there were no traces left. However, the absence of marks seemed to hold a different significance altogether.

“Imperial Sword Style….”

That phrase echoed in a corner of his mind repetitively.


Standing before Namgoong Myung in blue martial attire, a man addressed as his older brother,

He had now become one with the Namgoong name, perhaps destined to be his brother. The emotionlessly smiling Namgoong So waited for Cheong-Hwi.

Though his face carried a grin, the pronounced veins betrayed the simmering fury within him. He was horrifically on edge.

However, Namgoong Cheong-Hwi remained indifferent.

“Congratulations on becoming Namgoong Cheong-Hwi. Well done, Daoist.”

“It just sort of happened. Now we’ve become family.”


Namgoong Cheong-Hwi didn’t stop even when Namgoong So called after him, and so Namgoong So had to chase to keep pace with him. As such, they walked side by side down the hallway.

Squeak. Squeak.

Now, there was no sound from Cheong-Hwi’s step, while Namgoong So’s distressed footfalls echoed annoyingly.

The fact of it seemed insultingly humiliating, causing Namgoong So to gingerly grip the hilt of his sword. His veins bulged with strain.

It felt as if he were about to draw his sword to kill Namgoong Cheong-Hwi at any moment.

“…However, I’m worried that a foreigner posing as a Namgoong may lead to unnecessary misunderstandings. No one would believe it.”

“I don’t care for the outsiders’ opinions. What’s important is that I now have two brothers, with pure intentions and exceptional talents.”

“……The elders of the family will oppose this strenuously. They might petition the family head to chase you away.”

“Even if that happens, I’ve already formed a bond of brotherhood in my heart, so it doesn’t matter.”


Not too long, but not too short—an ideal silence.

Breaking that silence, Namgoong Cheong-Hwi warned,

“Don’t do it.”

“……What sort of riddles are you speaking, Daoist?”

“Whatever you may be planning, do not do it. I won’t pry into the events that have transpired until now. But don’t be mistaken. This isn’t out of fear or consideration for potential repercussions; it’s for Myung’s sake.”

Cheong-Hwi pulled out the letter retrieved from the corpse of the Sleep-Killing Vice Father, tossing it to Namgoong So.

“They say the handwriting matches.”

“What a lowly accusation…”

“Once again, I said I wouldn’t demand any explanations. Let go of any lingering regrets, drop any ill intentions, and cherish the blessing of family while fostering good relations.”


Namgoong So’s steps faltered.

As Cheong-Hwi moved ten paces ahead, behind him came the sound of a sword being unsheathed, shing. Nevertheless, Cheong-Hwi neither turned nor flinched.

Namgoong So was seething with murderous intent, growling,

“What if I don’t? What if… I have to achieve my aspirations?”

“Then a stupid, hot-headed peasant will perish.”


As Cheong-Hwi rounded a corner, far behind him, Namgoong So’s furious roar echoed. The sound of flooring and walls shattering followed.

A storm was brewing.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


not work with dark mode