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Chapter 159

Chapter 159: Why did a slap sound come from the Empress Dowager’s bed?

Zhao Ji seemed stunned, hesitating for a moment before slowly rising from the bed.

She looked at Li Mo with a grave expression.

“What do you mean by this, national advisor?”

She had only casually asked but was taken aback by his confident response.

How long had he been in Qin?

Leaving out the previous time, he had been the national advisor for only three days.

In such a short period,

Did he already figure out Lu Buwei’s base?

And dare to say there’s a chance to eliminate him?

Li Mo had no interest in figuring out Lu Buwei’s base.

What was there to learn about an old man’s base?

But as for exploring the Empress Dowager’s base, perhaps that could be considered.

And so it was.

Li Mo already knew a lot about Lu Buwei.

And as for this haughty Empress Dowager,

He was already in the process of probing!

“Literally, doesn’t the Empress Dowager understand?” Li Mo asked.

Was what he said so hard to understand?

Zhao Ji just found it hard to believe.

“You said he’s giving us an opportunity. What do you mean?”

“National advisor, I need to remind you.”

“I said you could take the lead on this matter, but I never said you could act recklessly.”

“If you don’t have enough confidence to bring down Lu Buwei, acting rashly will only backfire.”

“And also, let me remind you once more.”

“I am the Empress Dowager!”

“When speaking to me, please watch your language, National Advisor!”

Zhao Ji was obviously filled with anger.

Is this the tone and attitude you use when speaking to an Empress Dowager?

Last time, you said you were nervous and upset me, and had the palace maids come and plead for leniency.

I was magnanimous enough not to hold it against you.

Now you haven’t learned your lesson, showing no sign of respect!

Get this straight.

I am the Empress Dowager, not a wife or concubine from your household!

Li Mo nodded: “Sorry, I’m always direct when I speak.”

“If my words have upset you, Empress Dowager, please let me know.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Ji’s expression gradually softened.

At least you have some sense.

“Anyway, I won’t change, just don’t let the Empress Dowager get sick over it.”


Zhao Ji was so furious that she didn’t even have time to put on her shoes.

Barefoot, she pulled the curtain aside and stormed out.

Her thin nightgown could hardly contain her impressive figure.

Her two big lanterns swayed dramatically, creating a spectacular sight!

Her phoenix eyes widened, and her beautiful face was full of frost and anger.

She had the urge to rush over and kick Li Mo in the face!

The first half of your sentence made sense, but the second half was utter nonsense!

Where did emperor Qin find such a National Advisor?

Did you bring him back to deal with Lu Buwei, or to anger me as his mother?

“The National Advisor is truly sincere!”

Zhao Ji took a deep breath, suppressing her anger.

She gave Li Mo a once-over, then fiercely flung her sleeve.

I’ll deal with Lu Buwei first, but eventually, I’m going to bring you to heel!

At that time, I’ll trample your filthy face under my feet and ruthlessly torment you!

Let you learn the consequences of offending the Empress Dowager!

The more Zhao Ji thought about it, the more satisfied she felt.

She could even picture it in her mind.

She, standing there, head held high, looking down at a trembling Li Mo kneeling before her.

And she, lifting one foot to trample on Li Mo’s handsome but loathsome face.

Her soft sole repeatedly grinding on his face.

While Li Mo, full of fear, could only endure it, pleading for mercy with a face full of regret.

Muttering over and over for the Empress Dowager to have mercy, and that he wouldn’t dare again!

Thinking this, Zhao Ji felt much less angry.

Not only that, but she even felt particularly elated.

To the point that she couldn’t help but smile.

Li Mo looked at Zhao Ji, who was laughing to herself, in shock.

It’s over, the Empress Dowager must really have some serious illness!

Or maybe she actually has a hidden masochistic side?

The more you offend her, the happier she gets!

Li Mo pursed his lips.

No wonder she’s an old witch, truly twisted!

Zhao Ji vented her frustrations in her mind, feeling much better.

She returned to the bed with a flick of the curtain.

Looking at her feet that had been stepped on the ground, she made up her mind.

When the time comes, I’ll have him crawl over and lick them clean after stepping on him!

What a delight!

Zhao Ji took a long breath, and her gaze toward Li Mo became meaningful.

Her eyes were filled with intense anticipation, as if she could hardly wait to try it out!

Noticing her gaze, Li Mo was certain.

The Empress Dowager must be seriously ill!

Next time, I’d better be more restrained.

Otherwise, if I mess up, how would I compensate Ying Zheng for his mother?

“The opportunity the National Advisor mentioned earlier, could you elaborate on it?”

Zhao Ji, in high spirits, raised her chin, speaking arrogantly.

As if she had already embraced her role.

Li Mo sipped his tea to calm down, feeling that the old witch’s gaze was far too unsettling.

Like a big bad wolf looking at a little lamb.

Hah, you must be dreaming!

“I have one question for the Empress Dowager first.”


Zhao Ji answered without hesitation, as if she were very easy-going.

Li Mo was a bit unaccustomed to her decisiveness. He lightly coughed and pointed outside the hall, “Has the eunuch here in the Empress Dowager’s place been changed?”

Eunuchs in the pre-Qin and Western Han periods were not all castrated men. It was only from the Eastern Han that all eunuchs were castrated men. They are also called eunuchs or inner attendants.

Not all eunuchs here are castrated, referring to the eunuchs beside the monarch. But in places like the harem, they are all thoroughly castrated. Because several hundred years ago in the State of Qi, there were incidents of eunuchs engaging in debauchery in the harem, which became a joke among the various states. Since then, all states have paid great attention to such matters.

It is impossible to let someone with a penis serve in the harem.

Zhao Ji proudly said, “Yes, this batch was changed today, just before the National Advisor came here.”

“Not only the eunuchs but even the palace maids were changed.”

“Is there a problem?”

Apart from close personal maids, other personnel would rotate duty.

This is to prevent anyone from mastering the habits of the emperor or the empress dowager.

Li Mo lightly snorted, revealing a sarcastic smile.


“Of course, there is a problem!”

“Were these people inspected when they entered the palace?”

Zhao Ji squinted her phoenix eyes, a hint of anger in her eyes.

“Naturally, they were inspected.”

“Do you mean to say that there would be an intact person left here?”

What do you mean by this? Do you think that I would mess around with those filthy eunuchs?

Even if I were to use my hand, I wouldn’t let those scoundrels touch me.

Moreover, this kind of thing; hasn’t it been this way forever?

Haven’t we all managed fine over the years?

This Zhao Ji is proud; she looks at people with her nose upturned.

There are very few people in this world who she would look at directly.

Of course, she wouldn’t do such a thing.

“You wouldn’t leave one, but someone else might.”

Li Mo shook his head.

Zhao Ji’s face instantly changed dramatically. She stood up abruptly!

Her eyes widened in disbelief, “Are you saying these people have a problem?”

Whether it’s a palace maid or eunuch, there are specific checks before they rotate duties.

First, to prevent anyone from bringing weapons inside to attempt something sinister.

Second, to prevent a eunuch who hasn’t been castrated from sneaking in.

However, such a covert operation is not difficult for Lu Buwei, the Prime Minister.

He has connections everywhere; it’s not difficult for him to plant someone here.

Li Mo’s ability to perceive is razor-sharp.

He could discern even a split hair on someone’s head with perfect clarity.

After entering this harem, not only are the people inside detectable, but even an ant on the ground cannot escape his “divine eyes.”

Knowing he was here, everyone else stood respectfully.

But there was one exception.

When he entered Zhao Ji’s room, he could clearly sense a eunuch guarding the corridor outside glancing at him out of the corner of his eye.

If it was just curiosity about him as a National Advisor sneaking a peek, that would be fine.

But those eyes were filled with jealousy and disdain.

Paying closer attention, he suddenly discovered that this eunuch was suspicious!

There were just-shaven stubble marks on his chin.

How can a eunuch have a beard?

Li Mo asked with a peculiar expression, “Have you ever heard of Lao Ai, Empress Dowager?”

Zhao Ji was still in shock from before. Upon hearing, she glanced at him and frowned, “What Lao Ai? I’ve never heard of him.”

Li Mo gently nodded his head.

Now it was clear who that eunuch outside was.

The tightly shut door was slowly pushed open, and Li Mo stepped out of the palace.

When a few palace maids entered the palace, only Zhao Ji’s dim silhouette was seen lying sideways on the phoenix bed.

Her luscious and alluring figure was covered by a soft blanket, hiding the glimpse of white seen from the neckline.

In the corridor, Li Mo’s figure walked past that eunuch.

The eunuch boldly raised his head, scrutinizing him.

He didn’t understand why these people always kept their heads bowed down.

Just a blind man, could he even see if someone raised or lowered their head?

Seeing so many people treating Li Mo with utmost respect, the eunuch couldn’t help but feel a surge of jealousy.

His gaze toward Li Mo was full of hostility.

What kind of National Advisor was this, merely someone who gained status by fawning over the empress dowager.

He is indeed a bit more handsome than himself.

But his skills are not on his face!

Lv Buwei arranged for him to come in because he valued his special abilities.

Especially useful for dealing with women of a certain age.

Guaranteed to make them bow down in submission.

He had never failed in all these years!

What about the Empress Dowager?

Isn’t she still a woman?

And an Empress Dowager who has been alone in the deep palace for so many years.

He was confident that as long as he got the chance to contact the Empress Dowager, he would definitely be able to win her over.

Once he succeeded, not only would she be the Empress Dowager, but even if she were a fairy, she would fall under him and become a hot weapon to be manipulated at will.

Would she still fancy a blind man like you then?

Not to mention a national advisor, at that time, even Prime Minister Lu wouldn’t matter to him.

He also wanted to turn all these palace maids into his playthings.

He decided that after dealing with the Empress Dowager, he would set a rule in this palace.

From now on, no palace maids would be allowed to wear clothes! To save trouble when taking them off!

The eunuch got more excited with each thought.

Such a great opportunity had fallen into his lap; heaven truly had eyes!

“Hey, that eunuch, the Empress Dowager has called you in.”

Just as he was wondering when he could get close to Zhao Ji, a voice suddenly rang out from not far away.

The eunuch turned to look at the palace maid.

He saw her lifting her chin, looking at him with an air of superiority.

He pointed unbelievably at his nose: “Are you calling me?”

The palace maid impatiently frowned.

“Who else could it be? Didn’t you hear the Empress Dowager calling you?”

The eunuch’s whole body shook!

Heaven truly has eyes!

“Yes, yes, coming, coming!”

The immense joy within exploded; at that moment, he didn’t care why the Empress Dowager had called for him.

As long as he could see the Empress Dowager, the opportunity would come.

The virility he had, which the other castrated men lacked, was lethally attractive to women of the Dowager’s age!

He jogged to the side of the palace maid.

The palace maid glanced at him sideways, a proud look in her eyes.

“Follow me and don’t look around when you see the Empress Dowager, understood?”

The eunuch nodded and bowed, “Yes, yes, as you command.”

The palace maid snorted through her nose and turned to lead the way.

The eunuch followed her.

His eyes fixed on her swaying fat hips as he watched, parched and thirsty.

This little palace maid dared to be so proud with him.

Once he dealt with the Empress Dowager, he would have her awarded to him.

By then, he would make her kneel and beg for mercy!

The closer he got to the door of the bedchamber, the faster his heart pounded.

Just walking through this door, he would be like a dragon diving into the sea, rising to the heavens!

Zhao Ji’s bedchamber was even bigger than he had imagined.

The tall palace made it impossible to see the roof without looking up.

The bedroom was carpeted with soft rugs.

He stomped on it hard.

The carpet was of excellent quality. With so many palace maids plus the Empress Dowager, the bed certainly wouldn’t be enough.

So, he might as well do it on the floor!

He nodded seriously, already planning for his future good days.

The center of the bedchamber was separated by a layer of red gauze curtains.

The windows on the Empress Dowager’s side seemed not to be closed; the gauze curtains swayed gently in the breeze.

He raised his head slightly to take a look inside.

The distance was too far, and he was not a martial arts master.

All he could see was a faint shadow of the bed.

He could not even clearly see if there was anyone on the bed.

“Do you know why I summoned you?”

Stooping in the middle of the hall, Zhao Ji’s lazy voice came from behind the gauze curtain.

With a unique magnetic appeal of a mature woman.

A light tone, with a hint of arrogant disregard.

Ten or a hundred times more arrogant than the palace maid just now!

Just hearing that voice was enough to arouse a desire to conquer!

The eunuch’s heart trembled.

Based on his experience, without seeing her face, he knew this was a mature and charming beauty!

He swallowed hard.

With head lowered, he said, “In response to the Empress Dowager, this humble one does not know.”

“This humble one only knows that if the Empress Dowager has any commands, this humble one will serve tirelessly and give my utmost effort.”

Women love to hear flattering words.

First, make them happy with compliments, then you’ll have the chance to get close to them.

Zhao Ji suddenly hummed lightly, and said indifferently, “Hm, you’re quite good with words.”

“Much better than what some others say.”

After saying this, she harshly jabbed her arm backward.

A muffled thud resounded in the palace chamber!

Then, a sharp crack followed!

The eunuch frowned with his head lowered.

What was that sound?

Regardless of the sound, he knew the person the Empress Dowager was referring to must be the National Advisor!

It seems the Empress Dowager has long been displeased with that National Advisor.

Thus, his opportunity had grown even greater!

Suppressing the joy in his heart, he said, “The Empress Dowager overpraises, this humble one speaks from the heart.”

“It is my honor to serve the Empress Dowager.”

“If you have any commands, just instruct me, and I will give my utmost effort!”

Zhao Ji remained silent for a long time, lying there with a dazed look.

Her expression froze on her face.

In her pair of noble eyes, her pupils trembled in disbelief!

“Empress Dowager, Empress Dowager?”

The eunuch called out softly twice when he saw her silent for a while.

Zhao Ji finally snapped out of her daze.

“Oh, oh, where was I?”

“Oh right, what is your name?”

The eunuch respectfully replied, “This humble one is named Lao Ai.”

Immediately, Zhao Ji was stunned again.

She couldn’t hide the astonishment in her eyes.

“Lao Ai, you seem quite different from other eunuchs.”

Lao Ai lowered his head, surveying the palace maids around him without speaking.

Zhao Ji said coldly with displeasure, “I am asking you a question!”

Lao Ai gritted his teeth and thought, I’ll just say it, these palace maids will be my hot weapons in the future anyway.

Knowing my secret today, none of them will escape.

“In response to the Empress Dowager, I am different.”

“Because, this humble one has roots, but they don’t.”

Upon hearing this, several palace maids were stunned!

One by one, they cast shocked glances toward his… crotch!


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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