Switch Mode

Chapter 156

Chapter: 156

As the construction of the magic circle that interferes with teleportation across the Northern Boundary Region neared completion…

Once the construction is finished, the teleportation gates which had provided vital support for heroes would no longer be in use for a while, prompting most heroes to head forward to ensure there were no gaps in the frontline defenses.

Naturally, reinforcing the frontline would leave gaps in the personnel guarding the city, which is why the Central Committee planned to station the most reliable individuals near the city for contingencies.

In this instance, the one assigned to guard just outside the magical barrier in the boundary region was Lucas Eloise, the vice captain of the Astrape 3rd Squad.

Occasionally, rumors circulated that he was only vice captain because he lagged behind his squad leader, Leon, and his wife, Natalia Eloise, but any active hero knew better.

At least in the domain of “protecting something,” Lucas possessed the most outstanding abilities among the existing heroes.

The story of how he withstood the attacks of advanced Lesser Demonic Beasts for hours with ice walls created using his ice manipulation abilities had already spread like a legend.

Though he was a vice captain, Lucas was also known as a member of the golden generation alongside Leon, Martina, and Natalia, making it no surprise if he were to become a squad leader at any time.

Thus, with Lucas protecting the city, people firmly believed there was no cause for concern and were able to carry out the construction, making reinforcements to the city from the boundary region temporarily impossible without worry.

At that moment, Lucas, bearing such an important role, was thinking…

“Aah, I want to go home badly… I want to play with my daughter…”

With a deep sigh, he repeatedly expressed his desire to go home.

Seeing him, who had no enthusiasm visible to anyone, his aide muttered with an exasperated expression.

“…Do you know how many times you’ve said you want to go home today? Can’t you just stop?”

“But I’ve been unable to go home for quite a while! I had to give up my last holiday for this construction, and now I can’t leave until the teleportation gates are functional again… What if Marin forgets what her dad looks like…?”

Sigh, “I doubt she could forget you after just a few weeks… Marin isn’t a baby anymore; she’s already old enough to attend the academy!”

“No matter how grown-up Marin is, she’s still a child that needs taking care of! You wouldn’t understand because you don’t have a daughter! She’s just so adorable!”

Gazing at Lucas, who rambled on with such pride, his aide let out a deep sigh.

How on earth had he ended up serving under such a person?

At first, due to his sky-blue hair colored by his ice manipulation abilities and sharp looks, he thought Lucas would be a cold city man, but the reality was quite the opposite.

Upon revealing he’s an extreme fool, he was also a devoted husband trapped tightly by his wife, Natalia.

Who would have thought that the protagonist of a shocking premarital pregnancy scandal would turn out to be such a herbivore?

As the topic of their daughter came up, Lucas’s expression shifted, yet his aide shook his head. However, Lucas was already on a roll.

“Did I show you the photo from before? Marin in the dress. She hardly dresses up, but when she does, she’s so beautiful…”

“…I’ve heard that story at least a hundred times. Wasn’t it something about an arranged marriage?”

“…Yeah. That bastard dared to touch my beautiful daughter. I can’t forgive him for approaching her, nor can I forgive him for everything else. One day, I’ll have a word with him.”

As Lucas displayed his ugly jealousy toward the prospective fiancé, he lowered his head and let out a sigh.

Ugh, “Talking about my daughter makes me want to leave even more.”

“…I understand, but can you please stop? This job was initiated precisely because your daughter was in danger, wasn’t it?”

“…If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have taken on this role.”

Lucas muttered, his expression hardening.

Upon hearing about how his daughter Marin and the academy students had nearly been killed by a witch during a field trip to the frontline, he couldn’t contain his anger.

“I’m going to kill that witch if I see her next time.”

How dare she try to harm my precious daughter?

As Lucas muttered with a ferocious expression, his aide involuntarily shuddered at the chilly aura sweeping around them.

No matter how much he seemed like a fool at times, Lucas was one of the strongest heroes.

Realizing this anew, his aide steadied himself and addressed Lucas.

“…Vice Captain, it seems it’s about that time.”

“…Oh, really? Then let’s go check.”

At his aide’s words, Lucas headed toward the area where the last magic circle installation work was in progress.

By the site of the magic circle installation, ordinary citizens remaining in the boundary region were returning inside the barrier through the still-active teleportation gates.

Until the teleportation gates were reactivated, ensuring the safety of the boundary region was impossible, so they had to keep the last gates reserved for evacuating citizens.

Once the final magic circle installation was completed, that gate would also stop operating, and for some time, the entire boundary region would be unreachable via teleportation, so they needed to thoroughly confirm that no citizens were left behind.

“All the people who went out have returned, right?”

“Yes, it seems there are no shortages.”

“Then it’s fine. The inspection’s finished. You can proceed with the finishing touches!”

With verification that all those who had received prior authorization to use the boundary region had returned, the aide checked the individuals and paperwork a few times before nodding to Lucas.

Upon seeing this, Lucas signaled to the wizard in charge of the magic circle installation, who then began moving his fingers.

Soon after, with a sound resembling the power turning off, the last remaining teleportation gate ceased operations.

With that, the boundary region became an impregnable fortress against external teleportation.

As Lucas observed the people entering the city, a strange sense of relief washed over him, knowing his daughter would no longer be in danger.

Then, suddenly…


Hearing a sound from beside him, Lucas turned to look at his aide.

His aide wore a distinctly bewildered expression.

“What’s wrong? Did you miscount? It would be a serious issue if anyone is still unaccounted for.”

“No… It’s not that. I clearly just checked for the returning individuals…”

His aide, furrowing his brow, murmured in confusion.

“It seems… one more person has appeared than before…”

At those words, Lucas spun around to gaze at the throng of people returning to the city.

Then he noticed someone wearing a hood who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

“…What the hell, damn it…”

Muttering something incomprehensible while keeping her head down, Lucas approached the mysterious figure with a serious expression and asked,

“Excuse me. May I check your identity? Could you please remove your hood and show me your identification?”

At Lucas’s question, the hooded figure hesitated, then slowly raised her head and mumbled.

“…Orders? You pathetic, insect-like humans… You think you can ignore me, you worthless scum…? Damn it… damn it…”

“…Your identification, please.”

“…From me, to me-!!”

And Lucas saw it.

The gleaming, rage-filled eyes of a beast glowing from within the hood.

“—DON’T ORDER ME!!!!!!”

With a roar, the slashed claws tore through the air.

In the blink of an eye, a nearby crowd began to scream and flee, escaping toward the city as the attack was directed at Lucas.

Just as the hooded figure turned to chase the fleeing people…

With a sharp sound of tearing, an ice spear flew toward her.

With a loud “thud,” the spear collided with her swiping claws.

It didn’t inflict damage, but the shockwave blew the hood off her head.

Revealed were black hair that resembled a lion’s mane and beast-like ears perched atop her head.

At first glance, she had the appearance of a beast person.

Startled by the sudden strike, Lucas, who had fired the attack to divert her attention, turned toward his rushing aide and shouted loudly.

“….Declare an emergency in the city! Evacuate the people!”

“Y-Yes, understood, Vice Captain!”

With the aide hurriedly evacuating the citizens, Lucas faced the beast-like woman, swallowing hard.

A trickle of blood dripped from the wound on his nape, indicating how narrowly he had avoided the attack.

He had intended to fully stop her but ended up merely slowing down slightly in reaction.

Had he not used his abilities immediately as their eyes met, her attack would have sliced through his neck.

He had heard that beast people were extinct. What could this mean? Who was the author?

He couldn’t discern how she had come in, nor did he know her identity, but the overwhelming energy she radiated made it clear to Lucas that she was no ordinary being.

Her presence was reminiscent of the advanced Lesser Demonic Beasts he had faced before, or perhaps even more oppressive.

However, Lucas believed he was strong enough not to be defeated.

Considering she had relied on her claws to strike, she was a close-range attacker.

Such a physical assault could never breach the ice walls he could create.

Just as he was calculating his chances of winning, the woman with gleaming eyes stared intensely at Lucas and hysterically yelled.

“…Don’t you dare give me orders, you human! That woman’s voice that keeps murmuring in my head is driving me insane!!”

At that scream, the woman charged toward Lucas.

In an instant, she closed the distance with terrifying speed.

But Lucas, who had been prepared all along, maximized his abilities to create an ice wall before him.

It was the strongest shield that could easily withstand even the attacks of advanced Lesser Demonic Beasts.

Thus, Lucas was certain he could block her attack.

And, of course, he believed he could.

That confidence led to a moment of distraction.

And the result of that was something horrifyingly dreadful.

With a sound that resembled something being cleaved apart, Lucas’s throat was partially severed, and crimson bubbles of blood began to ooze out.

Then came the sound of a thud.

His fallen body landed heavily, while the shield he had relied on crumpled to the ground like paper.

As Lucas’s vision slowly turned to the woman, his mind raced.

How could it be… so simply…

The woman’s eyes sparkled with delight at the sight of his enviously hurt expression.

“Haha… Hahaha!!! You’re nothing but a human trying to block my attack as a witch! You see, I’m a witch! I’m Frieda, the Witch of Pride! Nothing can withstand my attack!”

While she laughed heartily, her gaze drifted slowly toward the city.

Though it might not be visible, she looked toward the barrier that had protected humans from witches and demonic beasts until now.

With a great swing of her arms, she shouted.

“What you filthy idiots have always believed in-!”

And at that moment, Lucas saw—

“This puny magic too!”

The last fortress that had always protected them was torn apart mercilessly before his very eyes.

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not work with dark mode