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Chapter 152

Chapter: 152

Envers woke up in the Medical Hall of the Namgoong Family. The ghoul’s poison had been thoroughly detoxified, and the minor cuts and abrasions were now wrapped in bandages.

The assistant at the clinic advised him to refrain from vigorous movements for a while, just in case there were still traces of toxins lingering in his system. Envers nodded vaguely in acknowledgment and stepped outside from the Medical Hall.

The atmosphere inside the Namgoong Family was exceptionally grim and chaotic.

Naturally. Even though it was night, they had been openly attacked at a birthday banquet filled with guests. Several warriors had even lost their lives.

When he inquired about the situation, he learned that the head of the Namgoong Family and the senior members had been in a meeting since the incident had occurred, weighing their options on how to deal with it.

Some insisted they must urgently find and eliminate whoever was responsible, while others argued caution was necessary since there were no clear leads left behind, leading to a chaotic argument.

As Envers wandered through the family grounds in a haze, he spotted Namgoong Seung-Ah squatting with her back against a wall.

He quietly asked, “… How is Myung?”

“Thankfully, he’s okay. But…”

She revealed that his Dantian was nearly destroyed and could not function properly. Despite his hard work, relying solely on martial arts would not be enough. She had been told it might be best to give up on the path of the warrior, and Namgoong Seung-Ah was in tears.

When he asked why she was crying, she said, “Myung… didn’t cry. He was more worried about me. He seemed to enjoy the idea of learning about commerce and said he would help the family that way.”

That little one, hiding his disappointment and not shedding a tear…

“Shouldn’t I cry for him…?”


Perhaps that would be appropriate.

His mind felt foggy.

Envers continued to drift aimlessly and stumbled upon the building where Namgoong Myung was hospitalized. It was obvious by the serious-looking guards standing watch and that Namgoong Pae was stationed at the entrance.

Namgoong Pae warned Envers with a stern expression, “Turn back, Taoist Cheong-Hwi.”

“… May I at least see his face?”

Namgoong Pae’s gaze flickered slightly at the shadows that had settled on Envers’ face. The deep sorrow etched on Envers’ expression was perhaps even sadder than Myung’s relatives.

It was never pleasant to impose restrictions on someone genuinely distressed by another’s pain, but Namgoong Pae had a duty to fulfill. Namgoong Myung needed stability.

“I won’t say it twice. Turn back—”

“… Come in.”

A faint voice came from beyond the door.

With a heavy expression, Namgoong Pae lowered his head and let out a sigh as he stepped aside. Envers expressed his gratitude with a slight bow and entered.


A strong medicinal scent wafted in the air.

As he passed through the corridor and opened the sliding door guarded by two attendants, he found Namgoong Myung lying neatly on a pure white bed. His complexion was pale.

“… Has Taoist Cheong-Hwi arrived?”

He smiled with his white face, but it looked more like a ghost’s than someone lively and healthy. Envers looked at Namgoong Myung’s bandaged abdomen and asked, “How is your condition?”

“Ah, I’m fine. They say I will recover completely in a few days. The family’s physician is exceptionally skilled!”

“… I’ve heard the story.”

“Oh, you have? I ended up telling a pointless lie…”

A brief silence followed.

Namgoong Myung tried to smile with effort, attempting to lighten the mood.

“Still, it’s fortunate to be alive. Thanks to my father, Taoist Cheong-Hwi, and… well, I’m not seriously hurt at all.”

It was clear what words he intended to say in his hesitant ramblings. He must have recalled the warriors from the Namgoong Family who had died during the ghoul’s attack. A flicker of guilt passed through his eyes.

Swallowing that dampening feeling, Namgoong Myung spoke about his future.

“If I can move my limbs properly, there are many things I could achieve. The world has more non-warriors than warriors, after all!”

And that might be true.

“So like everyone else… I’ll learn and skill up, contributing to the family. There’s an elder back home managing the business, but they’ve been struggling to find a successor. If I learn well…”

Many paths could open. Perhaps working at a desk might be safer and more rewarding than honing martial arts as a warrior.

Maybe, riding the waves of fortune, Namgoong Myung would achieve far greater things than by learning martial arts, spreading the name of the Namgoong Family far and wide.

Envers had that opportunity too.

The world didn’t operate solely on brute strength. Even with the mana engine broken, one could divert their attention to other wondrous and good pursuits.

Like Namgoong Myung, he could have aspired to be a merchant or a spy. There might have even been entirely different paths available.

However, the reason Envers Redburn hadn’t pursued those options, even when entering the Academy, was simple.

“… I can’t just stand alongside my older brother.”


Namgoong Myung squeezed his eyes shut as if stung by those words.

Envers too shut his eyes. It seemed he finally understood what he truly wanted.

The time spent training and working hard had shone brightly because they dreamt of standing back-to-back and fighting together in the future.

Joint Struggles.

What a trivial thing that was, yet Envers still couldn’t let go of that longing. He wanted to block the blades aimed at his brother while his brother shielded him from the spears. That was his wish.

He had always wanted that.

In that cursed bastards’ house, standing against the jealousy and malice of other children, they had fought together, and even now, he wanted to stand equally side by side.

Through Envers’ gaze, Namgoong Myung perceived his own dream. Envers too would be looking into the mirror of Namgoong Myung, reflecting himself.

The boy who had lost his Dantian hung his head low and opened his mouth.

The words ‘I’ve never dreamed’ are only uttered by those who’ve lost their dreams.

“… I’m fine, really. I never wished to stand side by side with you in the first place…”

Just like that.


You could read many things from the eyes of this young boy.

Fear, pain, confusion, and wounds from stepping on shattered pieces of broken dreams.

It wasn’t that you were adept at reading human emotions. These sentiments were all too familiar, seen often through the lens of a mirror. They felt painfully familiar.

There was a dream. You faced a dream that had been hidden away.

[Dream: Return to the Redburn House, prove my skills, make those who looked down on me kneel, and become the right hand of the Duke… ?]

No, that wasn’t it.

Returning to the Redburn House and slaughtering all the servants who had disregarded him, becoming the right hand of Duke Redburn and enjoying all the wealth and glory…

What was the meaning of it all without the family with whom you shared all joys and sorrows?

Having been cast away from that dark and gloomy bastards’ house, your only family was Lord Rodellus.

The feelings of rivalry towards your brother, the desire to keep up, the warmth of familial bonds, the promise to become his right hand— all of these stitched together created your unevenly shaped dream.

Because it lacked clear contours and was utterly chaotic, this dream would appear different depending on the angle from which it was viewed.

[Dream: Why have you done this to me, brother? Please tell me the reason.]

[Dream: You opened up my path of suffering, so I must take my revenge. Just one punch.]

[Dream: It would truly be wonderful if we could rely on each other and move forward together.]

[Dream: Just stay alive. I’ll come find you one day.]

Resentment, revenge, friendship, and concern—all can be grouped together into a single dream.

So then, what do you want to do now?

“I looked into the mirror.”

You beheld a mirror that bore a striking resemblance to you. A boy named Namgoong Myung, who had many similarities in numerous ways.

“It reminded me of my childhood and made me sad, but I also didn’t want to leave it as it was. I don’t want him to end up like me.”

End up like you?

“I covered it with a cloth because I thought I couldn’t achieve my dream.”

In order to conceal the hideously broken dream, to cover up the reasons, to mask the realities, to impose conditions, to lower the expectations— we call that compromise.

Many people would do so. You did too.

You might have thought to change the Redburn family that tangled all these events together, or perhaps set out to find your missing mother, or even tried to meet Rodellus by any means.

You postponed those difficult and dangerous pursuits, and that was likely not a misguided decision. It is wise to prune branches to survive.

Yet, even so?

“What’s important is… I don’t want to do that anymore. Not anymore.”

Then, you should know what you need to do yourself.

Do your best and leave the rest to destiny. The outcome of the situation depends on heaven, but if one gives their all to their own affairs…

“Even if I fail, at least I won’t have regrets.”


You still couldn’t answer clearly.

You’d naturally hesitate to take on something for which you would wager everything.

You might wander numerous times, unsure of where your heart truly lies.

Still, at the very least, you wouldn’t leave behind just regrets.

“Namgoong Myung.”

“… Taoist Cheong-Hwi?”

“You must come with me to Tianjing Lake.”

“… ?”


People gathered inside the Great Hall of the Namgoong Family. The senior members, who led the family, crowded together to discuss how to respond to this incident.

The atmosphere was dark and melancholic, rife with tension. Namgoong Chaegong furrowed his brow and remained silent while various voices of discontent erupted around him.

Taking the lead was Namgoong So.

“The reputation of the family has plummeted, stirring trouble will only bring us more crisis. I’m furious that my younger sibling was attacked, but we must consider the greater good! We must endure for the family—”

“Are you saying we should just let this slide?!”

As the chaos grew increasingly tumultuous…

A commotion erupted outside.

“Taoist Cheong-Hwi, if you act like this here… Ugh!”

“You can’t pass through here… Aggh!”

Thud, smack!

Twice the sound of a jaw breaking echoed.


Then, the grand entrance doors flung open wide. Those inside the Great Hall opened their eyes wide as they stared at the uninvited guest barging in on their serious meeting.

“… Taoist Cheong-Hwi? Did you just knock out the guards and come in?!”

“From the sounds of it, it seems you kicked the door open…?”

Step. Step.

Envers strode confidently across the center of the hall. All eyes turned toward him. Everyone wore expressions of shock and confusion.

What kind of rudeness was this?

Namgoong Chaegong rubbed his forehead, giving a stern warning.

“No matter how much of a benefactor you may be… there’s a degree to which one should behave. A meeting is being held to decide the affairs of the family, and you—”

“Namgoong Myung is coming with me.”

“… ?”

“I will heal him and bring him back.”

Everyone froze at his bold proclamation. What was that insane Taoist rambling about? Among them, the family physician blinked in disbelief and stuttered out a question.

“… A-are you saying, you have a way to heal his Dantian, Taoist?”


A wave of murmurs spread through the room. Such sweet words! Is that true? If so, that would be a tremendous blessing; however, to hand over Myung to a freak like him was surely a falsehood.

As the commotion began to swell uncontrollably, Namgoong Chaegong raised his hand and slammed down on the armrest.



The armrest splintered under the force, causing the Great Hall to fall silent.

“Explain yourself clearly, young Taoist. What is your method?”

“I can’t tell you. If the secrets leak, I could lose this opportunity.”

“And the destination?”

“I can’t reveal that either. It’s the same reasoning.”

Envers stood tall, puffing out his chest. Seeing that, Namgoong Chaegong let out a hollow laugh. He then summarized and asked once more.

“So… both the means, the method, and the destination are secret, yet you’re asking us to hand over my son, and you’ll fix him?”


“Have you lost your mind?”



Namgoong Chaegong stared deeply into Envers’ eyes, attempting to read his intentions. And in those depths, he could see the boy’s determination. Those azure eyes sparkled with sincerity, reflecting an unwavering will.


Namgoong So drew his sword and stood up.

“Lord, I will chase out this rogue—”

“Sit back down. Taoist Cheong-Hwi, what is it you desire? If you can fix the Dantian, you must be wielding immense treasures or employing incredible techniques.”

“I’ll use a treasure. You don’t have to worry about any evil tricks that involve feeding someone something. I won’t ask for any payment in return.”

“Wha… What?!”

Namgoong Chaegong sighed as if at a loss, hitting his forehead a few times before bursting into uproarious laughter. He clutched his stomach, laughing heartily for a good while.

“And if I refuse?”

“I’ll have to take him by force.”

“Of course, you’ll have to defeat me first. You will need to beat all the members of the Namgoong Family gathered here. I’m much stronger than you. So, is that really—”


“Hahahaha! So, you’ve finally found your sense of chivalry, huh?”

Envers had even assumed a fighting stance. He didn’t seem to be acting, but genuinely thought he could win. His resoluteness was commendable.

Namgoong Chaegong finally questioned one last time.

“This won’t benefit us at all. Naturally, as a father, if something were to go wrong with Myung, I’d tear you apart. You’d find yourself in a position where you’d have to hand over everything. Is that still what you want?”

“Of course. If you’re going to block me, then block me; otherwise, hand him over!”

“Very well. Take him!”

“… Father!!”

Namgoong So cried out in desperation.

Namgoong Chaegong waved his hand for calm, looking at Envers, and spoke straightforwardly. If he were to clash with someone this earnest, perhaps there was hope.

“I do admire that you don’t ask for any payment. If you manage to fix Myung’s Dantian, I will bestow upon you the most precious thing I can give!”

“I’ll be back.”

As soon as Envers heard the head of the family grant permission, he whipped around and strode confidently out of the Great Hall, showing a resolve that seemed unshakeable. Behind him, the sound of the lord’s hearty laughter echoed.

Envers clenched his fists.

He had heard information from that beggar.

There was a cave at the bottom of Lake Tianjing, where a precious elixir was said to be found. Originally, he intended to use it for his own improvement, but…

‘The elixir hasn’t matured yet, and it seems the serpent will absorb its energy to grow. I figured if I left it alone for about ten years, it should be a suitable time for it to bloom.’

‘Sometimes, martial artists undergoing transformation from consuming supreme elixirs might experience body and soul metamorphosis. I wonder if that can apply to someone from this world as well. There are differences in internal structures, after all…’

With this, he thought he might coax Namgoong Myung’s transformation to repair his Dantian.

Envers burst into the hospital room, exclaiming, “I have the head of the family’s permission!”

“… Y-you have permission, you say…?”

“Yes. Once you’ve recovered enough to move, we will head to Lake Tianjing together! Manage your expectations, just fifty percent.”

“… I didn’t expect to venture out into the world like this…!”

Namgoong Myung wore a face full of confusion, unsure if he should hold onto hope or not. Envers also felt conflicted. He couldn’t guarantee a 100% success rate.

However, he thought this choice would prevent regret from lingering.

“Wait! Taoist Cheong-Hwi! If you’re going, I want to go with you. I want to…!!”

Namgoong Seung-Ah jumped in, hoping to catch the last train.

And thus began their raucous journey into the world.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


not work with dark mode