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Chapter 152

Chapter 152: Inviting Me to a Banquet? I Make Keys, Do Your’s Match?

In the Prime Minister’s residence, the lights were as bright as usual.

However, what was different was that Lu Buwei was not in one of his secret studies.

Instead, he was in a magnificent hall with a group of advisors and officials.

The luxurious hall was filled with guests.

These people either held important positions in the court or were close confidants of Lu Buwei.

The guests were seated on both sides.

In the center, a group of gracefully beautiful dancers performed.

It was clear that a banquet was being prepared.

Lu Buwei was not there at that moment.

Given his status, he naturally wouldn’t arrive at the start of the banquet.

Instead, he was chatting in the backyard with a few staunch supporters.

“Prime Minister, there is something I don’t understand,” one official, seeing Lu Buwei in a good mood, raised his hand and spoke.

Lu Buwei’s sharp eyes glanced at him.

“You want to ask why I agreed to the Emperor’s request today?”

The reason for Lu Buwei’s approval of conferring the title of National Advisor had eluded many.

The National Advisor was close to the Emperor.

By agreeing, wasn’t he essentially putting himself at a disadvantage?

The official flattered, “Indeed, it cannot escape the Prime Minister. That is precisely what I wish to ask.”

Lu Buwei seemed pleased with the question.

His face relaxed a bit as he slowly said, “The Emperor’s trust in the National Advisor is also an advantage for me.”

The officials exchanged glances, clearly not understanding his meaning.

Lu Buwei explained unhurriedly, “Those who enter the court as officials do so for either fame or profit.”

“And as far as I know, that National Advisor seeks both.”

Someone interjected, “But the National Advisor holds no actual power, at most, he is just close to the Emperor.”

“He has the fame, but the profit…”

Even if he enjoyed a salary, how much could he actually gain?

Honestly speaking, the National Advisor’s high status was just an empty title.

He couldn’t gain any real benefits.

Another voice inquired, “How did the Prime Minister see through this?”

Lu Buwei laughed heartily.

Stroking his beard, he said mysteriously, “Naturally, I know.”

Others might not know Li Mo’s true identity, but Lu Buwei knew it very well.

“Let me ask you, do you think that National Advisor is extraordinary and unfathomable?”

“The techniques displayed today are miraculous?”

Everyone looked at each other and nodded silently.

All the civil and military officials were shocked by today’s scene.

Not only did the magical book appear out of thin air with annotations, but half of them immediately came true!

The fire phoenix that soared in the hall left them in disarray.

How could an ordinary person have such abilities?

Lu Buwei shook his head disdainfully.

“These things are merely to fool you.”

“To deceive me, the National Advisor is still too young.”

Someone’s eyes brightened, and they exclaimed, “Prime Minister, do you mean the National Advisor’s divine act today was a trick?”

Lu Buwei snorted, “I am fully aware of the National Advisor’s background.”

“He has a beautiful woman by his side, who comes from the Baiyue region and has innate fire-control abilities.”

“Today’s fire phoenix was just a deceptive trick.”

The others suddenly realized.

“So that’s it!”

The National Advisor had put on quite a show!

Turns out that fire-controlling woman was secretly aiding him.

Suddenly, someone frowned, still puzzled.

“But what about the magical book with invisible text?”

“Yeah, how did the writing appear on that scroll out of thin air?”

Lu Buwei squinted at the two of them.

He didn’t answer.

Because he had no idea!

The appearance of the fire phoenix could be explained.

But the annotations appearing on the magical book by themselves baffled him.

Unwilling to admit he didn’t know, Lu Buwei changed the subject, “One reason I agreed today is because of those words.”

He pondered for a moment.

“Fire Phoenix spreading its wings, heavenly blessings descend; Mandated by heaven, longevity and prosperity!”

“These sixteen characters are well said.”

“Even I can’t refute them.”

Li Mo said he came with the will of heaven.

Then these sixteen characters represent the will of heaven.

It predicts the prosperity and flourishing of the Qin state.

If he refuted it, wouldn’t that imply he doesn’t want the Qin state to prosper?

If it were someone else, it would be fine.

But as a Prime Minister, he cannot have such thoughts whatsoever.

Recognizing these comments would mean recognizing the master.

Such simple sixteen characters forced him to nod.

“So this is the reason why Prime Minister agreed~”

Lu Buwei waved his hand: “Not at all.”

“This is just one of the reasons.”

“Another reason, I just mentioned.”

“This National Advisor is deeply trusted by the emperor, but has a name without power.”

“Without power, naturally no benefits.”

“However, I can give him what he wants.”

“In the Qin state, I can give him anything he desires.”

This is not Lu Buwei boasting.

Except for his life, he indeed has this capability.

At this point, someone finally realized.

“The Prime Minister intends to bring this National Advisor to our side?”

Lu Buwei’s eyes sparkled with brilliance.


“Since this person can gain the Emperor’s trust, if he bows to me, even after the emperor comes into power himself, I can still control the entire Qin state.”

Everyone here is his confidant.

So there was no need to worry when saying these things.

“Brilliant, brilliant, foreseeing the future.”

“The Prime Minister indeed has a unique vision.”

Lu Buwei showed a proud expression.

The most correct investment he ever made in his life was investing in the previous emperor.

Turned him from a hostage into the emperor of Qin state step by step.

Now, he wants to make another investment.

And that is in this National Advisor.

He couldn’t believe there was someone who wouldn’t be moved by benefits!

“It’s not just me with vision; even the Empress Dowager has the same thought.”

Zhao Ji summoned Li Mo today, and this couldn’t be hidden from him.

Although a step late, Lu Buwei didn’t think it mattered.

What could an Empress Dowager in the inner palace give him?

She could barely protect herself, yet she wanted to support someone to fight against him?

“What? The Empress Dowager summoned him too?”

“What if he sides with the Empress Dowager?”

You could hear the worry in their words.

Lu Buwei waved his hand confidently: “This National Advisor is no fool.”

“If he sides with the Empress Dowager, he’d be against me.”

“Who doesn’t know that I am the true power in the Qin state today?”

“I have no grudge against him; what reason would he have to take such a big risk to oppose me?”

He sighed: “People speak according to their interests.”

“As long as the interests are sufficient, even if he initially stands with the Empress Dowager, I can pull him over.”

Lu Buwei saw through people after years of struggle.

Why do these people follow him?

Is it not because of power and benefits?

If he fell, you would see how they would try to distance themselves!

They would be eager to cut ties with him.

Seeing Lu Buwei’s confident words, the few people felt relieved.

Lu Buwei looked at the time.

Estimating that Li Si would be back soon.

He stood up, full of vigor: “Let’s go to the main hall.”

Few people watching his steady back felt more respect.

If the National Advisor showed up today, it would mean he shares this thought.

In the future, the Qin state would truly be Lu Buwei’s Qin state!

Once Lu Buwei appeared in the main hall, he was greeted with flattery from the crowd.

He pressed his hand, signaling everyone to be seated.

“Everyone, today’s main character is our National Advisor.”

“So please be patient, once the National Advisor arrives, we will start the banquet.”

Those who could enter weren’t fools.

They vaguely understood Lu Buwei’s intention.

Now that he said this, everyone became even more certain.

As Lu Buwei sat down, he saw a figure walking in quickly.

It was Li Si, who had gone to meet Li Mo.

Li Si walked into the main hall, looking strangely at the people sitting on both sides.

Lu Buwei waved his hand to stop him from saluting.

He asked, “Where is the National Advisor?”

Everyone’s eyes fell on Li Si.

With the addition of the National Advisor, their team would be even stronger.

Therefore, tonight’s banquet was crucial.

Even if the National Advisor couldn’t make a decision immediately, he wouldn’t dare offend the Prime Minister.

Wouldn’t that mean openly going against him?

So, he would definitely come!

Li Si pursed his lips heavily and scanned the crowd again.

Lu Buwei frowned.

Li Si was not a man who dallied.

Why was he hesitating to answer now?

Suddenly, he had a bad feeling.

Li Si raised his hand and bowed slightly.

Cautiously, he said, “The National Advisor has… refused to attend the banquet.”

The hall fell into deathly silence.

Refused to attend the banquet?

What? How could he refuse?

How could he dare refuse?

Regardless of whether he chose to join Lu Buwei’s faction or not, he shouldn’t have refused outright.

The most sensible approach would have been to attend the banquet and then give a vague answer.

Everyone would understand what he meant.

Although it might displease the Prime Minister, it would at least save face.

And in the future, they wouldn’t have to tear each other apart.

But he’s new to Qin and he just became the National Advisor.

Where did he get the courage to disregard the Prime Minister’s face?

Lu Buwei’s face immediately darkened.

He had just boasted that the banquet was held for the National Advisor.

Now the banquet was ready, but the person didn’t come?

How was he supposed to wrap this up?

“This National Advisor is unbelievably arrogant!”

“Young as he is, becoming the National Advisor already went to his head?”

“Preposterous! Doesn’t he know that being invited by the Prime Minister is an honor?”

“Does he really think he’s some big shot?”

Lu Buwei didn’t speak, but the crowd erupted in a series of scoldings.

The more Lu Buwei listened, the angrier he got.

He snorted coldly and asked sternly, “What did he tell you?”

If he still had any decency, he should have refused with an excuse.

Illness, acclimatization, a slight cold.

There were plenty of excuses.

Under Lu Buwei’s angry glare, Li Si dared not hide anything.

“The National Advisor said… he says he won’t come.”

“When I asked for a reason, he said there was no reason, he just didn’t want to come.”

The crowd was instantly in an uproar.

This National Advisor had some gall!

The Prime Minister invited him, and he just says no?

Lu Buwei’s hand gripped the armrest tightly, veins popping out.

In decades, no one had ever dared to treat him like this.

Through clenched teeth, he asked, “What else did he say?”

Li Si wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Li Mo did say something else.

But what he said wasn’t easy to convey.

He glanced at the crowd.

These words were hard to say.

But under Lu Buwei’s questioning, he couldn’t avoid it.

After thinking it over, Li Si lifted his robe.

He thought of whispering it to Lu Buwei.

But Lu Buwei was fuming.

Seeing this, he shouted angrily, “Nonsense! Who do you think you are, coming to my head?”

“Stand there and speak!”

“Say every word clearly!”

Being scolded, Li Si felt a surge of resentment.

I intended to save your face, but you humiliate me like this.

You asked for it.

He cleared his throat and said loudly, “The National Advisor asked me to relay to the Prime Minister.”

“He said before he went blind, he was a locksmith.”

Lu Buwei frowned.

The crowd was puzzled.

What does being a locksmith have to do with not attending the banquet?

Liston paused, then continued: “He also said that he’s a locksmith who specializes in making keys for others.”

“He asked me to pass on a question.”

“Prime Minister, do your’s match?”

There was a moment of silence in the hall.

Everyone was pondering the meaning of this sentence.

After a moment, they almost simultaneously understood!

Do your’s match?

It’s not about whether you can make the key.

It’s about, do you qualify to invite me to a banquet?

Once everyone understood, they held their breath, not daring to even breathe loudly.

This wasn’t just a matter of disrespect.

This was practically slapping the Prime Minister in the face!

“Outrageous! Absolutely outrageous!”

Lu Buwei instantly lost control of his emotions and kicked over the low table in front of him.

“Get out, get out, all of you get out!”

Still thinking about holding a banquet? What a joke!

The more people come today, the bigger the loss of face for him!

“Alright, alright, very well, National Advisor.”

Lu Buwei locked himself in his study, and after more than half an hour, he still couldn’t calm down.

Isn’t it obvious?

Li Mo was clearly taking the Empress Dowager’s side!

But Lu Buwei couldn’t understand.

Even if you side with the Empress Dowager, you shouldn’t oppose me so openly.

All these years, even the Empress Dowager didn’t dare to tear face with him.

Where do you get the courage?

The sheer curtain in the study suddenly swayed lightly.

Yan Ri appeared in front of Lu Buwei like a shadow.

“Master, according to our reports, the National Advisor refused your invitation and accepted Wang Jian’s invitation instead.”

“Right now, he is being hosted at Wang Jian’s residence along with that woman from Baiyue.”

Lu Buwei’s eyebrow twitched.

You damn it, slap my face again?

First rejecting him, saying he was unworthy.

Then going to Wang Jian.

Am I, the Prime Minister, not as respectable as Wang Jian?

“Master, should we send people to ambush on the way?”

Lu Buwei looked up and glared at him, cursing, “Is your brain filled with dung?”

“So many people knew today that this Prime Minister was snubbed by the National Advisor.”

“If he runs into an ambush now, wouldn’t it clearly tell the world that I sent someone to do it?”

Li Mo’s current identity is different.

If it were someone else, killing him would just be killing him.

But he is the National Advisor freshly appointed by the Emperor of Qin!

Watched by the entire Qin Empire!

If he gets killed in Xianyang.

Where would Qin’s face go?

Being the Prime Minister, I would be the first to be held accountable!

Where would my face go?

To deal with him, we can’t use this method.

At least not now.

“You just said he went to the banquet with that woman from Baiyue?”

Lu Buwei suddenly calmed himself, asking in a deep tone.

Seeing Yan Ri nod, he asked again, “Is there another woman living with him?”

Yan Ri nodded again and said, “Indeed, that woman’s demeanor is extraordinary, likely from a prominent family.”

Lu Buwei sneered.

A cold light flickered in his eyes: “Then it’s easy to handle.”

He looked at Yan Ri: “Send some people to capture her.

“If I can’t kill you, I’ll make you remember me.

“I’d like to see, when you come begging me, if you can still be so high and mighty!”

Yan Ri, whose mask-covered eyes showed no emotion.

“Rest assured, Master, we will complete the task.”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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