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Chapter 151

Chapter 142: A Few Words Enlighten Fei Yan, Gaining a Little Admirer!

“Subordinate Li Shouren.”

“Sun Zhiyao.”

“Wang Hai.”

“We greet the National Advisor.”

Three middle-aged men bowed to Li Mo, appearing quite respectful.

Li Mo sat upright on a stone bench.

To his left was Fei Yan, and to his right was Yan Lingji.

With these two stunning beauties beside him, his status instantly elevated to a level unattainable by ordinary people.

He searched his memory.

These three… never heard of them.

Not a single one!

“No need for formalities, what business do you have with me?” Li Mo asked indifferently.

Although Yan Lingji and Fei Yan were rare beauties, anyone with a bit of sense knew.

Which women could be looked at and which couldn’t.

Obviously, these two standing by the National Advisor couldn’t be stared at.

Though the National Advisor couldn’t see.

He was a deity descended to earth, bringing divine will.

Li Mo’s extraordinary performance in the court had already awed most people.

“Your Excellency, we have prepared a feast in the restaurant.”

“We wish to invite you to the banquet. Would you honor us with your presence?”

One of the leaders stepped forward, smiling obsequiously.

Currently, Lu Buwei’s attitude toward Li Mo was ambiguous.

He had not only refrained from taking a stance but also readily agreed to Li Mo’s promotion to National Advisor.

Those with sharp instincts had sensed Lu Buwei’s intention.

He wanted to win the National Advisor to his side!

Hence, these men came early to make themselves known.

Li Mo gently shook his head.

Under their expectant gazes, he slowly said, “Today, I am bathing and burning incense, fasting.”

“You may leave.”

Yan Lingji quickly covered her mouth.

A moment later, she would have burst out laughing at Li Mo’s solemn charlatan act.

On the other side, Fei Yan’s mouth also twitched up.

This guy really put on a convincing act.

Seeing his calm, profound demeanor, Fei Yan suddenly found it familiar.

After some thought, she suddenly realized.

Moon Goddess seemed to have the same demeanor.

One wore a purple veil, the other had a black cloth over his eyes.

This profound, mystic demeanor was practically cut from the same mold.

Of course it was!

Li Mo had never been a charlatan.

He was just imitating Moon Goddess from his memory!

The officials were deeply shaken!

The National Advisor was truly a divine being!

He had reached the state of fasting; what else could he be but a deity?

To invite the National Advisor to a banquet, if he came, it was their immense honor.

If he didn’t, they wouldn’t dare insist.

They left the courtyard in disappointment.

As soon as they left, Yan Lingji couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

She circled him, scrutinizing, and teased, “You, were you a fortune teller before?”

“You’re quite good at acting the part.”

Li Mo wasn’t proud at all; he even humbly asked, “Really?”

Fei Yan had a gentle smile on her lips.

She couldn’t help but nod, “There’s indeed some charm to it.”

Moon Goddess exuded an ethereal aura.

But Li Mo had an aura of casual ease and friendliness.

It had a sense of harmony between heaven and man.

As the three chatted, footsteps were heard outside the courtyard.

Soon, several figures appeared, entering the courtyard together.

Yan Lingji rolled her eyes helplessly.

Can’t they let people chat?

No surprise.

These people were also here to invite the National Advisor.

Li Mo dismissed them with the same excuse.

Turning back, he had barely exchanged a few words with the two women before more people arrived.

In less than half an hour, four or five more groups had come one after another.

Yan Lingji, resting her chin on her hand, sat in a nearby pavilion with the dignified Fei Yan.

She extended a finger, counting the people.

Then she mumbled, “Eighteen.”

“In such a short time, so many people have come.”

Fei Yan chuckled, “The National Advisor holds a high status, naturally, people want to ingratiate themselves with him.”

“This is just the beginning, there will likely be even more later.”

Yan Lingji’s bright blue eyes turned anxiously.

She worried, “Won’t people come even while we’re sleeping?”

Fei Yan laughed, looking at her with deep meaning, “Don’t worry, they won’t.”

“Even if they don’t sleep, they wouldn’t dare disturb you and the National Advisor at night.”

Only then did Yan Lingji feel reassured and nodded.

At least they knew their place!

But then, she suddenly froze.

Slowly turning her head, she looked at Fei Yan with wide eyes.

Pointing to the yard where Li Mo was acting mysterious.

She slowly asked, “Did you just say these people are all here to flatter that guy?”

Fei Yan nodded gently.

Every frown and smile, every movement, exuding grace.


“As the National Advisor, his status is equal to the Emperor of Qin and the Empress Dowager.”

“Although he doesn’t hold power, he can influence the Emperor of Qin’s decisions.”

“Naturally, these people want to curry favor with him.”

Yan Lingji jumped up as if she had realized something serious.

These people were here to curry favor with him.

Doesn’t that mean she lost the bet with him last time?

Wouldn’t that mean she has to help him…

At that moment, after sending away another group of people, Li Mo turned to smile at her.

Yan Lingji suddenly realized how smug his smile was!

“What’s wrong, is there a problem?” Fei Yan asked, puzzled by Yan Lingji’s agitation.

Yan Lingji’s large, round eyes glared at Li Mo, her teeth grinding in frustration.

Of course there’s a problem. A big one!

Li Mo continued to monitor their movements. Sensing Yan Lingji’s reaction, his smile grew even wider.

“Admit defeat and don’t renege. You promised!”

Yan Lingji almost couldn’t resist throwing a fireball at his face.

She felt tricked by this scoundrel!

He must have known all along that the Emperor of Qin would appoint him as National Advisor, which is why he made that bet with her!

He was certain he would win!

Actually, Yan Lingji misunderstood Li Mo.

Because whether he won or lost, he was happy!

Winning would be satisfying, losing would be a valuable lesson.

Once everyone had left, the two women returned to his side.

Yan Lingji was clearly upset.

She sat heavily on the stone bench opposite Li Mo.

Li Mo felt a pang of heartache.

Not for the bench, of course, but for Yan Lingji’s firm, round bottom.

Fei Yan gently smoothed the back of her long dress before sitting down gracefully.

Elegant and dignified, with a full, soft figure.

Her posture was as round as a full moon.

She looked at Li Mo with curious eyes and asked softly, “Fei Yan is really curious, sir, how do you manage to paint?”

“I thought about it while sitting in the pavilion and couldn’t figure it out.”

Since she couldn’t understand, she decided to ask directly.

“Painting is like reading; it’s not about using the eyes.”

Yan Lingji blinked her eyes, “If not the eyes, then what?”

How could one paint or read without seeing?

She knew that Li Mo could “see” and understood his abilities well.

Just as he knew her abilities and depth.

But that didn’t mean he could just make things up!

Li Mo pointed to his chest and said, “With the heart.”

“With the heart?”

Fei Yan’s eyes flickered, as if she had realized something.

Her plump red lips parted slightly as she pondered, “So you see people with your heart too, sir?”

Li Mo was slightly stunned.

How is this woman so smart?

“Exactly. What the eyes see is only the surface, and the surface can easily be disguised.”

“Only by looking with the heart can you see the essence.”

Fei Yan’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Li Mo’s chest.

She nodded thoughtfully, “No wonder you could see through my identity, sir.”

“Your wisdom is truly beyond ordinary people.”

“Fei Yan has learned a lot.”

Yan Lingji looked at Fei Yan, who was full of admiration for Li Mo, with her mouth slightly open.

“You believe him?”

You really believe that?

How can you be so easily fooled?

Fei Yan lifted her gaze, smiling, and said, “Why wouldn’t I believe?”

“Everything sir said makes sense.”

“Not only do I believe, but I also admire sir even more.”

“Master Xun borrowed books to understand life, Master Beiming connected with the heavens through meditation, Eastern Emperor Taiyi observed the stars to deduce past and future, and Master Guiguzi used swords to dispel confusion.”

“And sir, you observe the world with your heart.”

“To achieve such an understanding at sir’s age is unprecedented.”

“I have been stuck in the Free and Unfettered Realm for many years, and today sir has enlightened me, giving me new insights.”

“Sir, please accept my bow.”

As she spoke, Fei Yan stood up, clasped her hands together, and respectfully bowed.

Yan Lingji: “??”

A charlatan!

A great charlatan!

Sister Jing Ni, come quickly, our husband is deceiving girls by pretending to be a sage!

Hurry and deal with him!

Yan Lingji’s mind was buzzing!

What exactly did he say that enlightened you?

Why didn’t I catch it?

Li Mo, casual and calm, smiled contentedly and said, “Miss Fei Yan is indeed wise.”

“No need for such courtesy, I just made a few casual remarks.”

“Consider it my thanks for your help today.”

Fei Yan straightened up, her eyes filled with unusual emotion as she looked at him.

She sincerely and softly said, “Sir is magnanimous.”

“Today, my help was just a small effort. If there is anything I can assist with in the future, please do not hesitate to ask.”

“I will do my best.”

Li Mo nodded, not being overly polite.

Yan Lingji watched, her mind filled with questions.

How did she become a little fangirl so easily?

You are the Eastern Sovereign of the Yin-Yang School!

How could you be so easily convinced?

And what exactly did you understand?

After speaking, Fei Yan did not sit back down. She said to Li Mo and Yan Lingji, “I won’t disturb you two any longer.”

“What sir said just now has given me a lot to ponder.”

She meant she was going back to her room to reflect, implying she wouldn’t come out again tonight.

So you can be louder tonight.

Watching Fei Yan return to her room and close the door with a meditative posture, Yan Lingji scooted closer, directly sitting on Li Mo’s lap.

Wrapping her arms around his, she leaned in with wide eyes and asked, “What exactly did you say to her?”

Li Mo pursed his lips.

How would I know?

I just talked about seeing the essence through the phenomenon; who knew she would gain so much insight from that?

Li Mo was also confused.

However, judging by Fei Yan’s demeanor, it seemed she truly grasped some significant insights from his words.

She had mentioned being stuck in the Free and Unfettered Realm for many years without progress.

To enter the Transcend realm, talent alone isn’t enough.

The hardest part is converting force into Qi.

This requires accumulation.

Moreover, to transform Qi, one must first find their own path.

It’s like knowing there are countless treasures on the other side of the ocean.

Before worrying about how to bring them back, the most important thing is to find the way there!

Only when you can reach it can you consider how to claim it as your own.

To either pave a road or build a bridge, or to leap across the sky.

Fei Yan now needed to find her path first before she could proceed to transform force into Qi.

In other words, to transport the countless treasures from across the sea and claim them as her own.

She sat cross-legged on the soft bed after removing her shoes.

The hem of her black-and-yellow long dress spread out like a blooming plum flower, covering half of the bed.

It covered her folded legs and jade-like feet completely.

From Li Mo’s words earlier, she had indeed grasped some insights.

The known few who have reached the realm of divine powers in the world today all share a common trait.

Each of them has a unique way of perceiving the world.

In other words, they have their own world in their eyes.

This is how they transcend ordinary people and reach the realm of divine powers.

Fei Yan slowly calmed her mind.

If this is the case, how should she perceive the world?

What is her world?

“Will she fall into a trance?”

In the courtyard, Yan Lingji, who finally got her answer, was sitting on Li Mo’s lap.

Leaning lazily against his chest, she played with his stick.

Watching Fei Yan’s closed door, she asked worriedly.

“Be careful not to burn my stick; it took me a long time to find it.”

Bamboo sticks are quite susceptible to catching fire around someone like Yan Lingji.

Li Mo reminded her with concern.

As for Yan Lingji’s worry, it was completely unnecessary.

No matter what Fei Yan comprehends, if she understands it correctly, she will advance further.

If she doesn’t, the worst that can happen is feeling frustrated.

Falling into a trance is out of the question.

Yan Lingji tapped the bamboo stick in her hand and looked at Li Mo, softly saying, “You’re worried about me burning this bamboo stick.”

“Then why aren’t you worried when I play with that…?”

Li Mo smiled slightly, “Would you really?”

“And let me correct you, it’s not called a bamboo stick.”

“It’s called a towering tree.”

Yan Lingji rolled her eyes but didn’t refute him!

It seemed she accepted his words!

At that moment, Li Mo’s lips curved slightly.

He patted Yan Lingji’s soft back, saying, “Someone’s coming.”

Yan Lingji, hugging his neck, looked towards the entrance of the courtyard but saw no one.

Just as a puzzled expression appeared on her face, she heard Li Mo explain, “They just entered the tavern.”

Yan Lingji turned back, blinking her charming, alluring eyes.

“Just entered the tavern? Then there’s still time!”

Li Mo was taken aback, “Time for what—”

Before he could finish, two soft, tender lips pressed against his, silencing him.

Moments later, Li Mo squeezed her firm bottom.

Yan Lingji knew people were almost there.

After they parted, she leaned close to his ear, her nose brushing against it.

Her eyes shone with seductive softness, like water about to overflow a pool.

She whispered with a fragrant breath, “Quickly send them away, I’ll be waiting for you in the room.”

Her sultry voice was like a cat’s paw scratching Li Mo’s heart.

With a flick of her long hair, Yan Lingji hopped back to her room, hands clasped behind her.

Li Mo rubbed his nose, which was still tickling from her hair.

The lingering fragrance on his hand was even more captivating.

This enchantress!

How could the old witch of an empress compare to this young enchantress?

Where did she get her confidence from?

Just as he finished smoothing out the wrinkles on his clothes left by Yan Lingji, a figure steadily walked into the courtyard.

“Li Si, at your service, National Advisor.”

Li Si gathered his wide sleeves and saluted.

“No need for formalities.”

Li Mo nodded slightly.

Li Si was a genuinely talented individual.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to become a disciple of Master Xun.

However, he was overly ambitious.

But if one didn’t have aspirations, what was the point of acquiring skills?

Unlike his junior, Han Fei.

Han Fei was born a noble of Han, with high status and privilege.

Li Si, on the other hand, came from humble beginnings.

To achieve something, to become a person of importance, he had to put in countless more efforts and hard work than Han Fei.

So, he excelled at seizing opportunities.

He would volunteer for tasks others avoided.

Diligent and uncomplaining.

It was this quality that earned him the appreciation of Lu Buwei, who took him in as an advisor.

And this time, he came following Lu Buwei’s orders.

“National Advisor, Prime Minister Lu invites you to a banquet at his residence.”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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