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Chapter 150

Chapter: 150

The reception room was tidily arranged, but the area around Namgoong Chaegong’s main seat was a chaotic mess. Brushes rolled around, and books lay askew at odd angles.

Envers quickly understood the reason. It seemed Namgoong Chaegong, perhaps feeling restless, was idly picking up and rolling the brushes, making a fuss.

The servants of the Namgoong Family tidied up promptly, but it appeared that Namgoong Chaegong was mostly the one causing the mess.

He observed Envers quietly while resting his chin on his hand, before casually saying, “Yes, I was watching everything. I saw you getting along with Myung, and I also noticed you staring at my daughter’s body, your eyes practically boring into her.”

“That was…”

“Hahaha, young Taoist, you certainly lack in experience if this flusters you so much.”


It seemed to be a sort of joke. He didn’t seem too bothered by it, whether it was seeing his daughter or that he’d taught some other skills to his kids without permission.

However, he touched on another point.

“While I may have had a bit of a wild past and my reputation in the Martial Arts World is not exactly stellar, I still keep in touch with a few friends. Because of that, I know some strange winds are blowing in the Martial Arts World.”

“Strange winds, you say?”

“Some of those who faced the Heavenly Demon have started to emulate his martial arts. One might say they’ve lost their humanity… focusing more on form than essence, just like those movements of yours.”

“…You saw that in my movements?”

Namgoong Chaegong nodded.

“I caught glimpses of it when you were playing the game of ‘dodging with your eyes closed’ with Seung-Ah. There were oddities in the way you moved, like a wooden puppet instead of a person. Quite fascinating, really.”

“Strictly speaking, I didn’t learn it from the Heavenly Demon…”

Even if the order was flipped, it wasn’t a highly different statement. Envers had learned from Luna, and both Luna and the Heavenly Demon were aligned in their moves.

“It seems you have some connection to the Heavenly Demon. Whether direct or indirect, it’s been 30 years since, but it’s a really interesting happening.”

“…Are you suspicious of me?”

“No. Since Myung trusts you, I shall trust you too.”

“That blabbering Taoist might have been right in all his rambling, but you… picked up traces of the Heavenly Demon in my movements. It seems there’s ample reason to be suspicious. So why do you choose to believe me?”

“Because that’s the Namgoong Family way.”

Namgoong Chaegong raised a finger and pointed at a potted orchid growing in the corner of the room.

“There are times when the overarching goal is more important than any individual target. A plant without roots cannot survive, even if it bears fruit.”

“…I don’t quite understand.”

“It’s a simple question. If I offered you a million gold pieces, would you kill Myung?”


Startled by the sudden morbid question, Envers looked up at Namgoong Chaegong. The elder simply smiled faintly, as if urging him to answer.

A million gold. To kill that young boy for mere money? Was such a thing even conceivable?

The hesitation didn’t last long. Envers shook his head resolutely, and Namgoong Chaegong responded immediately.

“In that case, the ‘you’ who would accept a million to kill Myung… isn’t the you that is here today. If you were such a person, you’d never have saved Myung from the Demon Cult in the first place.”

“…That seems right.”

“When one gets blinded by immediate gain, and repeatedly chooses to forsake their principles… eventually, nothing will remain. Even if you hoard plenty of wealth and fame, what you originally wished for will be nowhere to be found.”

A picture of the Open Faction flashed through Envers’ mind. Hee Yeong-Hyun had sacrificed everything to maintain the Open Faction, her expression filled with despair.

The current state of the Open Faction was likely not the vision she had hoped for.

As Envers sank deep into thought, Namgoong Chaegong spoke again.

“It seems your heart is wandering, either floating or tied down to something.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Quite literally. Your actions seem rather passive, given your skills. We have no intention to tie up our guests, especially not friends.”

You’re free to move comfortably. With those words, Namgoong Chaegong sent Envers back outside.


Leaving the room and gazing up at the broad, blue sky, Envers pondered. The sky was so free, yet why did the human heart feel as weighed down as a lead weight?


A child wishing to be the right hand of his brother.

It was unavoidable to perceive the overlapping feelings.


On the way out, Namgoong So was standing in the path, seemingly waiting for Envers. He smiled as he pulled at the corners of his mouth and offered an apology.

But it didn’t seem like a genuine apology.

“I’m sorry. I had brought in a Taoist skilled in reading the skies, but who would have known he would cause such a stir?”

“No, in the end, I was expelled, so it’s fine.”

“Indeed, a wide-minded Taoist, true to your lofty stature. That Taoist… I shall find him and punish him, so do not worry too much.”

“…Do you have something to say to me?”

The conversation with Namgoong So felt rather uncomfortable. Envers wished to keep it as short as possible.

He treated everyone with respect and courtesy, so compared to Roderus, who dismissed him right from the get-go, he seemed like a decent person.

Yet for some reason, he couldn’t sense the warmth that Roderus had emanated; even after only meeting twice, it felt far from enjoyable.

Envers couldn’t hide his discomfort, but Namgoong So paid no mind to it. He spoke casually.

“Do you know what day it is a month from now?”


“It’s the day when the next head of the Namgoong Family will be appointed. My father intends to announce the successor early to avoid any turmoil in the family.”


Is he bragging?

All signs pointed to Namgoong So being the leading candidate for the next head of the family. There was a considerable age difference with the second son, and he heard he had accomplished quite a few deeds.

However, upon observing his expression closely, that smiling face did not look boastful. Instead, it appeared somewhat unstable.

“So… that was why you called the Taoist. My father’s birthday and the day of the head’s appointment are both very important days. I thought it would be nice if the Taoist could offer some blessing.”

“What is it that you want to say?”

“The previous Taoist has gone, and only the new one remains. I suppose I must at least ask for a blessing from the remaining Taoist. Taoist Cheong-Hwi… please bless my ascension to headship.”

“…You will surely be the most likely choice. But it seems odd to bless something that has not materialized yet.”

In response to Envers’ logical stance, Namgoong So stared at him quietly.

Just quietly.

Then, as if casually brushing it aside.

“Taoist Cheong-Hwi is right. I did speak out of turn.”


“Have you met my father? He’s a free spirit, like rolling clouds. Today is his birthday banquet; please focus on congratulating him. I trust you won’t refuse even this?”

“Of course, I will….”

Namgoong So turned his back and walked away before Envers could even finish his reply.

That felt ominous. But what could he do about it? If he pressed Namgoong So, who was cast in the shadow of the Redburn Mansion, what could he possibly achieve?

No, no.

Envers could take action. He had the mysterious scrolls left by his friends and the budding connections that were slowly forming, not to mention that his own strength was far from lacking.

But the reason Envers remained still in that moment was due to the reminder of Namgoong Myung’s trusting gaze.

Aren’t they brothers in harmony?

Twisted by the betrayal of an elder brother, harboring hatred in confusion, now lost on what each other might be doing. Not such a relationship.

But harmonious brothers who believe in and lean on each other with warmth. So, how could he dare to doubt and break that bond?

Envers couldn’t bring himself to do that.


What’s happened until now?

● Saved Namgoong Myung from an ambush, becoming a guest of the Namgoong Family.

● Met Hee Yeong-Hyun from the Open Faction but failed to return the Taegu Bongbeob.

● Taught the Namgoong siblings the Eye Insight technique.

● Rid the place of the Taoist who conspired against him.

How did the challenge achievements stack up?

● None achieved.

What is there to ponder?

● The con artist Taoist.

Was he either overly careless, or perhaps he was just that desperate?

He behaved like someone who was chased. As if something terrible would happen if he didn’t get rid of Envers right away. He had neither connection nor grudge, so it must’ve been necessary.

● The Demon Cult?

The group of dark beings targeting Namgoong Myung had fled. The fact that he hadn’t heard any news of their capture suggested they were still alive and would undoubtedly return.

The identity of that group raised suspicion. Was their enmity truly directed at the Namgoong Family?

● Myself


“It’s not about the wall; it’s about you, Envers.”

“Enjoy yourself.”

His thoughts flickered, seeming to touch something just out of reach.

He still seemed to need more time…


In the darkness, a figure sat curled up, calmly staring at a book, murmuring.

The secret of Magic Conjuration reveals its true power on a full moon night.

The full moon was rising. After the full moon, there would be no opportunity.

Now was the time.

Even with that Taoist variable, he had no choice but to proceed.

To obtain what he desired, he would have to abandon everything.

By the end of the banquet, the person who must die shall indeed perish.

If he was a zombie infused with the power of the Heavenly Demon, he would undoubtedly achieve his goal.

The red glow in the darkness flickered chaotically.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


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