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Chapter 150

Chapter 141: Looking for the National Advisor? Just wait! Yan Lingji panicked, and the First Lady Jing Ni arrived?

Inside Wanfu Building.

The shopkeeper was nestled behind the counter as usual, calculating accounts.

The restaurant’s servant hurriedly came down from upstairs.

He ran to the shopkeeper with a treasure-like excitement, whispering mysteriously, “Shopkeeper, shopkeeper, I have big news for you.”

The shopkeeper glanced at him sideways and said indifferently, “If there’s nothing important, go wipe the tables. That’s the big deal.”

The servant grinned and said, “This time it’s really big news! Huge news!”

The shopkeeper snorted, frowned, and asked, “What news? Could it possibly make my business better?”

After the Lantern Festival, business in the shop had noticeably declined.

The more the shopkeeper calculated the accounts, the more worried he became.

“It might just be possible.”

The servant pointed to the upstairs private room and whispered, “There are a few officials sitting upstairs.”

“I just went up to deliver tea and overheard something.”

“It seems like they were saying that the emperor appointed a National Advisor today.”

“They’re all discussing this!”

The shopkeeper’s thin eyebrows raised in surprise, “Goodness, a National Advisor?”

Everyone, even ordinary civilians, knew the status of a National Advisor.

It was a prestigious and exalted position.

A National Advisor had the privilege of being on par with the emperor and the Empress Dowager!

It could be said that no matter who you were, once you became a National Advisor, you were like a fish leaping over the dragon gate!

But then he frowned again, “But what does this National Advisor have to do with my place?”

The servant, eyes gleaming with shrewdness, leaned closer.

In a low voice, he said, “From what I heard, it seems like the National Advisor is staying here.”

“They’re waiting to meet the National Advisor.”

“Think about it, if the National Advisor really stays here, once the word gets out, wouldn’t our place become famous?”

“Wouldn’t that bring business?”

The shopkeeper looked at him like he was a fool.

Then he kicked him in the butt.

He scolded angrily, “Are you out of your mind?”

“What kind of status does the National Advisor have?”

“What kind of place is this?”

“Would a dignified National Advisor stay here?”

Just think about it, it’s impossible!

Not to mention the National Advisor, even an ordinary official in the court.

During their term, the court would provide accommodation.

So the National Advisor, even more so.

Their home’s garden is probably bigger than this whole restaurant!

Would they leave a big mansion and come stay in this little restaurant?

The servant retorted, “But isn’t he just appointed? Maybe the house hasn’t been arranged yet?”

The shopkeeper gave him a sideways look and scolded, “Go away, stop talking nonsense.”

“If the National Advisor stays here, I’ll double your salary!”

“Don’t always jump to conclusions and get all worked up. Go wipe the tables.”

The servant, scolded and covered in lumps, pouted and was about to speak.

But the shopkeeper’s exclamation interrupted him.

“Oh my, General Wang! What brings you here?”

It wasn’t just anyone; it was Wang Jian’s son, Wang Ben!

Wang Jian had fought for Qin all his life, winning countless battles.

Therefore, the Wang family’s reputation among the people was unmatched by those civil officials.

Who wouldn’t respect a general who brought stability to the nation?

Seeing Wang Ben, the shopkeeper’s smile became more genuine.

Wang Ben rode a tall horse, looking up at the restaurant’s sign.

He then dismounted, tidied his clothes, and walked in, asking, “Has the National Advisor returned?”

The shopkeeper opened his mouth to answer but then froze as he realized something.

Wang Ben asked if the National Advisor had returned, not if the National Advisor had arrived.

This left the shopkeeper at a loss for words.

After mumbling for a while, he said, “Well… the National Advisor… hasn’t come to my place.”

As the shopkeeper, he knew exactly who was staying at his inn.

There was only one house currently occupied.

It couldn’t possibly be those two stunningly beautiful women, right?

The only other person staying there was the blind man sharing the house with them.

Could he be the National Advisor?

That was even more impossible!

Becoming a National Advisor wasn’t about looks.

How could a blind man have the skills to become a National Advisor?

Wang Ben’s eyes widened, “He hasn’t come here? Is there more than one Wanxiang Building in Xianyang?”

The shopkeeper’s mouth twitched, and he replied with a forced smile, “To answer General Wang, this is the only Wanxiang Building in Xianyang.”

If the National Advisor were staying here, that would be something!

If word got out, his restaurant would certainly gain a lot of prestige from the association!

Wang Ben scratched his head in confusion.

This was strange.

In the palace, the National Advisor had clearly told him he was staying here.

Just as Wang Ben was about to turn back and ask his father if there had been a mistake, he noticed two figures approaching.

The servant beside him suddenly lit up.

He stared dumbfounded at the entrance.

Following his gaze, the shopkeeper immediately understood.

With a smiling face, he greeted them, “Oh, the two young ladies are back.”

“Have you had dinner? Should I send someone to bring it to your house?”

Who else could make men stare dumbfoundedly but the charming Yan Lingji and the elegant Fei Yan?

The two seemed uninterested in stopping and walked past everyone.

Halfway through, Yan Lingji turned her head slightly and said, “We’ve already eaten.”

The servant’s legs went weak, almost kneeling at the sight of her stunning glance!

“Alright then, if you need anything, just call.”

The shopkeeper, being much older, remained composed.

Yan Lingji’s bright eyes narrowed slightly as she glanced upstairs.

She murmured, “It seems everyone is here to see that guy.”

Several carriages were parked at the entrance.

The decorations on them indicated that they belonged to court officials.

Li Mo had just become the National Advisor today, and so many dignitaries had already come to this inn.

It wasn’t hard to guess who they were here for.

Fei Yan smiled gently, saying, “They will probably be wasting their time.”

Yan Lingji gave her a curious look and asked, “How do you know that?”

Fei Yan, still smiling, replied, “Sir has a calm demeanor and dislikes formalities. He likely won’t attend their banquets.”

Yan Lingji shrugged slightly, a seductive smile curving her lips.

She looked at Fei Yan with a playful smile, “You really know him well, huh.”

Wang Ben, with sharp hearing, caught a bit of their conversation.

He hurriedly stepped forward.

“Young ladies, please wait.”

The two stopped, and Yan Lingji’s large blue eyes darted around.

Seeing it was just the two of them, she slowly asked, “Are you talking to us?”

She looked Wang Ben up and down.

Didn’t recognize him.

Probably not a good person!

That guy said to be more cautious when out and about.

“I don’t seem to know you. Do you know him?” she asked Fei Yan, turning her head.

Fei Yan gently shook her head.

Before meeting Li Mo and Yan Lingji, she had rarely spoken to others, let alone had any acquaintances.

Yan Lingji pouted and said bluntly, “Where did this big fool come from, shouting at people like that?”

The shopkeeper and the servant were both shocked.

This man was the son of a great general and an important court official himself.

As a military officer, it was normal for him to be tall and strong.

How did he become a big fool in her words?

Wang Ben’s eyes widened.

Goodness, this was the first time anyone had insulted him like this!

“Miss, miss, this is General Wang. You can’t speak like that,” the shopkeeper quickly explained.

Yan Lingji blinked and instantly understood why Wang Ben had stopped them.

“You’re also looking for that guy?”

Everyone except Fei Yan was stunned by her words.

That guy?

Who was that guy?

Wang Ben, not being a fool, asked tentatively, “Miss, do you mean the National Advisor?”

Yan Lingji pouted and said, “Isn’t that who we’re talking about?”

“He was called by the Empress Dowager and hasn’t returned yet.”

“Just wait.”

She tossed this comment lightly over her shoulder as she turned and walked towards the back courtyard with Fei Yan.

What else could they do but wait?

They couldn’t bring him into the courtyard.

There were only two weak women there; how inconvenient would that be!

The shopkeeper and the servant were struck by a sudden realization.

Their breaths seemed to stop in that instant.

Their hearts pounded loudly!

From her words, could it be that the National Advisor really was staying here?

Even more shocking was that Yan Lingji seemed familiar with the National Advisor.

If she was familiar with him…

The shopkeeper and the servant stiffly turned their heads, looking towards where the two women had walked.

That could only mean the blind man staying with them!

“He’s really staying here?”

“He’s really the one?”

The shopkeeper and the servant exchanged glances, seeing the disbelief on each other’s faces!

Wang Ben, far from being angered by Yan Lingji’s instruction to wait, was overjoyed!

“As long as he’s here, I can wait as long as needed!”

The shopkeeper, however, felt no joy upon realizing this.

Instead, he grew anxious and uneasy.

What if the National Advisor was displeased with something during his stay?

My business would be finished for good!

The servant’s legs went weak with fear.

When Li Mo first brought Yan Lingji to eat here, the servant had inwardly scorned him!

He had thought that a blind man wasn’t worthy of such a heavenly beauty.

Who could have imagined he was the National Advisor?

What would happen if the National Advisor found out?

This was the reality of fearing what you wished for.

When the National Advisor wasn’t here, they wished he would stay at their place.

Now that he really was here, they felt terrified.

The two women returned to their rooms to rest when Li Mo’s voice suddenly called out from the courtyard.

“Honey, honey, come and help me.”

Yan Lingji was lying on her bed, leisurely swinging her white, tender feet.

Upon hearing his voice, she sprang up from the bed in a panic!

Her pretty face was full of anxiety!

Jing Ni has arrived?

Oh no…

How should she explain her relationship with Li Mo?

I haven’t even figured that out yet, and now she’s here?

The usually fearless Yan Lingji suddenly felt nervous.

It was like the feeling of an awkward bride meeting her in-laws…

Though she wasn’t ugly.

And she was quite familiar with Jing Ni.

But now, the relationship had changed!

I was supposed to help my husband, but I ended up sleeping with him?

Yan Lingji hurriedly fixed her hairpins and clothes, took a deep breath.

If I must face it, so be it. There’s no hiding it!

She opened the door and looked out.

Aside from Li Mo, there was just the big fool following him.

“Huh, it’s just you two?”

Yan Lingji was puzzled, looking around for Jing Ni.

Li Mo chuckled, “Who else would it be?”

“Go to my room and bring me some paper. I need to draw something.”

Since starting his relationship with Yan Lingji, Li Mo hadn’t returned to his own room.

He had been staying with her these days.

Eating together, bathing together, sleeping together!

This enchantress was truly captivating!

Yan Lingji suddenly realized something.

Pointing to herself, her bright eyes sparkling, she asked, “So earlier, you were calling me?”

Li Mo replied with a hint of exasperation, “Who else? Did you think I was calling her?”

He pointed to Fei Yan’s room.

Though Yan Lingji hadn’t officially married him like Jing Ni, she was still his.

By counting, she would be… the sixth wife.

Just like the six hairpins in her hair!

Yan Lingji’s heart fluttered.

Her sexy lips curled into a playful smile.

“Call me that again.”

It was the first time she heard Li Mo call her “Honey,” and it felt sweet.

Li Mo, unable to suppress a smile, said, “Would honey please go to my room and fetch me some paper?”

Yan Lingji giggled, her eyes narrowing like crescent moons.

She quickly ran to get a sheet of white paper,

Laid it flat on the stone table in the courtyard, and snatched the inkstone from Wang Ben’s hand.

“I’ll help you grind the ink.”

Seeing Yan Lingji’s obedient and thoughtful behavior, Wang Ben was puzzled and grinned. Was this really the same girl who had called him a big fool earlier?

Fei Yan also heard the commotion and came out of her room. She immediately saw Wang Ben standing in the courtyard and the two people by the stone table. Yan Lingji was holding her sleeve with one hand and slowly grinding the black ink stick with the other.

Fei Yan curiously looked at Li Mo. From the way he rolled up his sleeves and picked up the brush, it seemed like he was preparing to write or paint.

Wang Ben was also stunned. He had assumed that Li Mo would have his wife do the writing. Who would have thought that he would take up the brush himself?

“National Advisor,” Wang Ben called out.

Li Mo paused and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Wang Ben had a strange expression, looking as if he wanted to say something but stopped.

“Uh… cough, nothing, nothing.”

He decided not to voice his doubts. What if he offended the National Advisor and made him unhappy? If Li Mo refused to paint, he’d be in big trouble when he returned.

Fei Yan also had a look of deep anticipation. She clearly wanted to see how a blind man could paint.

Li Mo dipped the brush in ink and, under their curious gazes, began to move the brush skillfully.

As each stroke was laid down, a simple and clear drawing gradually took shape. Wang Ben’s eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

Every stroke Li Mo made connected perfectly with the previous one, even capturing small details. His drawing was more meticulous than that of a sighted person!

Wang Ben was dumbfounded. He looked at the nearly finished drawing and then at Li Mo’s nonchalant demeanor, feeling a chill on his scalp. He was more shocked than when he found himself surrounded on the battlefield!

Even if Li Mo was pretending to be blind, with the black cloth over his eyes, pretending would make him truly blind! How was he able to draw so flawlessly?

Even Fei Yan was astonished, her beautiful, fair face showing disbelief. For experts like them, it wasn’t difficult to locate objects by sound alone. But to draw a picture? How could one do that just by listening?

“Done,” Li Mo finally said, finishing the drawing under their stunned gazes.

Yan Lingji was no longer surprised. This guy had always been extraordinary, seeing things more clearly than those with sight.

“All done, General Wang? General Wang?” Li Mo asked as he blew on the ink to dry it and folded the paper to hand to Wang Ben, only to find him still standing there in a daze.

“Oh? Done?”

“Thank you, National Advisor,” Wang Ben said respectfully, taking the paper with both hands and glancing at the black cloth over Li Mo’s eyes.

“You’re welcome, General Wang. No need to be so formal,” Li Mo replied with a friendly smile, not putting on airs despite his status as the National Advisor.

Wang Ben had barely left, without even having a chance to speak to Yan Lingji and Fei Yan, when a few more people entered the back courtyard. They were momentarily stunned upon seeing Yan Lingji and Fei Yan.

Then their gazes turned to Li Mo. No wonder he was the National Advisor; even the women around him were exceptional beauties, and there were two of them!


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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