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Chapter 149

Chapter: 149

The Namgoong Knights surrounded Envers, seemingly eager to witness the situation unfold. The very mention of the Demon Cult held grave implications, and thus they remained on high alert against the Taoist’s accusations.

Namgoong Pae, who had already been wary of Envers since the carriage ambush incident, rested a hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to act should clear evidence arise.

The Namgoong siblings stood in shock, dumbfounded, unsure of what to say as they froze in disbelief.

Now that the die had been cast, they had to untangle the web of allegations. No one knew how this would end; one thing was certain: either Envers or someone from the Namgoong Family would face expulsion—or something worse.

“Why on earth would you fabricate such accusations…?”

“That guy is definitely a pawn of the Demon Cult! No doubt about it!”

Thus began a verbal tussle between the Taoists, morphing into a makeshift courtroom drama. Guests who had arrived to celebrate Namgoong Chaegong’s birthday, and townsfolk hoping for a free meal, gathered in anticipation alongside the family’s warriors.

Meanwhile, all eyes were on the center of this commotion. Envers felt dizzy from the sudden chaos; it was bewildering. The level of accusation being thrown around was absurd and unsettling, especially in a celebratory place like this.

“Listen, I shall clearly state the reasons for suspecting the individual in question, so listen well and deliberate wisely! You are all esteemed guests at the Namgoong family banquet, so I trust you’ll make a sound judgment!”

The unexpected arrival of Envers, who was as much an outsider as a sky falling from nowhere, had no prior debts or promises in this rough world. His only conflict with the Taoist had been a verbal spat.

Surely, it made little sense to blame someone to the point of wanting murder over a mere argument. And especially not at such a festive gathering—there was no reason for this uproar.

So, what could possibly be the motive?

“…Then why don’t you tell us what makes you suspect me of being from the Demon Cult?”

“Ah, listen closely! First of all—the Dog-Beat Stick Technique! It surely vanished during the final battle of the Righteous vs. Demon War! How could you possibly possess it?”

“…I acquired it through connections.”

“Indeed, I find those connections dubious! Wouldn’t it make more sense that a minion of the Demon Cult dug up this secret from a corpse rather than it serendipitously ending up in the West?”

That was a farfetched accusation.

Envers pondered how to explain the truth without coming off as insane by detailing his origins and the Tower of Trials. It would be too ridiculous.

Instead, he decided to dissect the flawed logic. While miraculous occurrences do happen in the world, it was suspicious to wrongfully blame him for something so vague.

After all, wasn’t the Demon Cult not the only villain out there?

Was it necessary that it be them?

“You are being absurd! With that reasoning, I could label anyone with any kind of accusation! Why particularly associate it with the Demon Cult?”

“Because you conned the Namgoong Family’s young master into being complacent and infiltrating the banquet!”

Hearing this, Namgoong Myung defended Envers vehemently.

“Don’t insult my benefactor! Taoist Cheong-Hwi saved me from the Demon Cult’s ambush!”

“That could be a ruse!”

The Taoist snapped his fan shut and pointed at Envers.

“It was said that the Namgoong young master was attacked by Demon Cult minions in the forest! And that the so-called Taoist here chased them away. What would make those vile brutes let their target go so easily?”

“Because Taoist Cheong-Hwi’s skills have surpassed the ordinary!”

“Or perhaps you two are in cahoots, playing a double act! I could conjure a thick fog as well, but do you think it makes sense that mere fearful knights would retreat from something as innocuous as black smoke? Even those infamous Demon Cult scum?”

That was a fair point. Even Envers thought it was sketchy. The faction that called themselves the Demon Cult had given up rather easily.

They had been numerous and, judging by their swift movements, well-equipped. Surely they could have pushed through a bit of black smoke. At that moment, Envers was even preparing to unleash a massive explosive scroll!

Drawing upon his memory, Envers ventured forth.

“I did see those pursuers. But, it struck me as odd. They called themselves the Demon Cult. Yet, if I recall correctly, they referred to themselves as ‘Celestial Demon Sect!’”


“It made me think: could they not truly be the Demon Cult but merely miscreants donning that name? In which case, my accusations against me would lose weight, logically!”

If it turned out that the pursuers were not from the Demon Cult, the link between him and the Demon Cult would sever. That would mean there were no grounds to accuse him regarding the Dog-Beat Stick Technique.

The Taoist retorted, “No, they were indeed from the Demon Cult!”

“And what makes you say that?” Envers challenged.

“Because the Demon Cult despises the Namgoong Family! As you all know, the renowned swordsman from the Namgoong Clan, Namgoong So, has taken down numerous Demon Cult lackeys! The Cult trembles in fear at the mention of Namgoong!”


Envers looked over at Namgoong Myung, who nodded nervously in agreement and added, “Yes, brother has dealt significant blows to the remnant Demon Cult that hid in Anhwiseong multiple times! Therefore, I thought the poison they hold against me runs that deep…”

So, the Demon Cult had indeed been present in Anhwiseong. Now the caution from the Namgoong Knights made more sense. Initially, he thought their suspicion was merely because of his foreign status, but…

If these were not remnants from 30 years ago but outlaws causing disturbance even now, they would understandably be sensitive.

At this moment, Namgoong Seung-Ah, with an irritated face, questioned: what on earth were they thinking to her benefactor?

Since Namgoong So had called for the Taoist, she was trying to hold her temper in check, but this baseless accusation against Taoist Cheong-Hwi made her blood boil.

“How can you be so unreasonable, Taoist! If you drive away my benefactor with such trivialities, how will we be perceived in society? They will call us ungrateful scoundrels for returning kindness with malice!”


The Taoist’s eyes flickered. He seemed perplexed as to why Namgoong Seung-Ah would defend Envers.

Eavesdropping through a breach of etiquette, Envers figured that the siblings must have clashed over him in the past.

Did he think he could trap them into an accusation this easily?

Just then, the Taoist perked up, as if he had heard something.

“…Then show us some proof of your abilities! If you can display it, I shall gladly concede! You—let’s see you conjure some dark clouds right here!”


“If what you say is true—that you are indeed a refined Taoist—then show us your mystic arts here! If you are from the Demon Cult, even your malevolence will be apparent at a glance!”

The Taoist pressed him to demonstrate.

Yet, having used up the smoke scroll given by Selvier, all that remained were trivial convenience spells and combat scrolls. He couldn’t very well cast something lethal right now!

Envers was baffled.

“…There’s no reason I should comply with your whims, and I’ve already used up that amulet, so it’s not available now! Besides, this issue is off-topic. Can you truly accuse someone without any evidence?”

“Evidence, eh? Well spoken!”


The Taoist dramatically opened his fan and launched into a string of fabricated lies.

“I had a minion of the Demon Cult stay in the adjoining room, and throughout the night, dreadful ghostly sounds emanated from there! The Demon Cult’s martial arts are evil and akin to ghostly pranks!”

“That’s pure nonsense!”

“If this is a misunderstanding, I’ll even kneel. However, I assure you! If we inspect his belongings, we shall find the evidence!”


Was this a deliberate trap?

It seemed that his sloppy slander was merely a ruse to force a search of Envers’ belongings. And it was highly likely that they would—with good odds—plant suspicious items within his bag to frame him.

Given that he had often left the room vacant, that Taoist would have ample time to pull a fast one.

Could Envers clear his name?

What if there were strange books or symbols found among his things related to the Demon Cult? How could he make them believe that they were not his?!

Would he be able to leave this place without a smear on his name? If he were to get embroiled in accusations and driven out, would he also have to battle the Namgoong siblings…?!

As Envers racked his tangled thoughts, his hand instinctively reached into his robes.

Suddenly, a bright, youthful voice pierced through the fray.

“Sky Beyond Infinity!”

Namgoong Myung stepped forward among the crowd.

“If one were to name a single sword art from our family, it would be the Sky Beyond Infinity Sword Technique. The very meaning behind it is this: the heavens are vast and unending!”


“True to its name, the Sky Beyond Infinity stretches wide and bold. We do not merely mimic the movements; we embrace the vastness of the skies into our hearts as we wield! That’s why the Namgoong Clan’s principles shine vividly and bear no shame!”


With a single blade flourish, the young boy demonstrated, albeit clumsily, but it was a vigorous swing that invigorated the soul. Namgoong Myung showcased this sword for all who had gathered.

“I understand the doubts that arise… You might worry if a passerby could go rogue, or if the ground could swallow you whole, or if the benefactor has turned into a foe. But!”


“The heavens do not act with suspicion! They mingle without doubt, and those who are grand must naturally bear the burden of their grandeur! Taoist Cheong-Hwi is my benefactor, so if you mean harm to him, you will have to walk over my body first!”

With that declaration, the Namgoong family members widened their eyes in surprise.

They soon nodded in unison, a smile blooming on each face. Given the recurrent threats that had befallen the Namgoong family lately, it was a foregone conclusion that they should uphold the spirit of the Sky Beyond Infinity!

Namgoong Pae, responsible for security, came to a realization.

While he must indeed remain vigilant and protect the Namgoong clan, if he got too caught up in mere suspicion, he would lose that essence, much like how the heavens above always remain indifferent.

Namgoong Pae interjected, “While it is true that Taoist Cheong-Hwi raises some doubts, I cannot ignore that there seems to be a dearth of rationality in your claims. I can no longer condone this commotion—please exit the premises.”

“N-no! This is…”

The Taoist’s complexion faded dangerously.

Envers seized the moment, standing abruptly as the atmosphere shifted rapidly.

“I believe you wished to witness some mystical arts? Allow me to oblige.”

With that, the young foreign Taoist produced a peculiar talisman, tearing it in half, causing a drenched con artist to dry up and become spotless right before their eyes!

Those among the gathered warriors with keen perception were left astonished.

“Is that… the Mystic Drying Technique?! Did he really emit such heat from afar?!”

“No, I don’t sense any heat. It’s as if he’s scooped the moisture away with a mystical technique!”

Indeed, anyone handling such a sophisticated spell would compel even the Demon Cult to take a step back. The crowd buzzed in astonishment. Even those who had sided with the con artist recoiled in surprise.

Thanks to the spirited conviction of young Namgoong Myung, they had successfully avoided casting suspicion upon a benefactor! They almost kicked out someone of importance without realizing it!

The con artist went pale while staring wide-eyed at Envers before making a hasty exit, dashing through the door like a bat out of hell.

Meanwhile, Envers left the scene, still bewildered, struggling to catch up with his own thoughts. He had been accused of being a dark sorcerer! Surely, it would be customary to strip him down for a search.

How had he been convinced by a mere child to rethink his wariness? Was everyone under some kind of hypnosis?!

Envers turned to Namgoong Myung, noticing the boy’s shoulders were still puffed up with pride.

“…How did that happen? Why did the Namgoong family change their stance so quickly?”

Namgoong Myung opened his mouth, ready to elaborate, but another voice interrupted—a suave one.

“Because it is the spirit of the Namgoong Clan. Myung, you’ve truly learned well! Your uprightness and audacity were a gift to me, saving me from a potential blunder; hence, there is no need to worry about gifts for my birthday.”


At the unexpected revelation, Envers jumped, realizing a middle-aged man had appeared beside him without a sound.

Dressed in a blue robe with a neatly groomed beard, he emanated a refined air, but when one observed the calloused hands and immovable posture, it was clear he was an immensely trained swordsman.

It was someone he couldn’t ignore.


Namgoong Chaegong, the head of the Namgoong Clan, had arrived.


Namgoong Chaegong tidied up the generated chaos before leading Envers to the reception room. He then sat comfortably and spoke casually without need for formality.

“I believe that technique is called Explosion Sprinkle, quite a flamboyant method, isn’t it?”


The Explosion Sprinkle had been employed once during his duel with Namgoong Seung-Ah. He hadn’t used it since. So, it seemed he had witnessed everything!

Was he merely trying to tease Envers about it?

“Is this all a jest to humiliate me, Taoist Cheong-Hwi…?!”

It became apparent that he hadn’t just been focusing on the swordsmanship of Namgoong Seung-Ah to practice his sight…

Cold sweat broke out on Envers’ forehead.

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


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