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Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Empress Dowager, cooperate with me! The Empress Dowager compromises! The strange palace maid!

Five fingers, long and white.

Nails trimmed neatly and exquisitely.

But they are a bit too long, not suitable for probing the subtle.

Very dangerous, a slight mistake could lead to a bloodbath.

But quite suitable for capturing secrets of the heavens.

Zhao Ji held her hand in the air for a long time and saw that Li Mo had no reaction.

She couldn’t help but frown.

With an angry expression, she said, “You are the first person to make me lower myself like this.”

“But you are still indifferent. Do you think I can’t do without you?”

She thought Li Mo was being a bit too arrogant.

Li Mo sensed Zhao Ji’s jade hand stretched out in front of him and had no intention of holding it.

He said calmly, “Does the Empress Dowager want my help to get rid of Prime Minister Lu?”

“The National Advisor is unwilling?”

Li Mo shook his head slightly: “It’s not unwilling, but insufficient.”

Zhao Ji’s arm in the air was somewhat stiff.

It wasn’t until she saw Li Mo shaking his head and the black cloth swaying in front of her that she suddenly remembered that this National Advisor was blind.

So he didn’t know she had extended her hand.

(TN: So she intends to shake hands, huh?)

Zhao Ji silently put her hand down.

Looking a bit embarrassed, she said, “Insufficient? Then what does the National Advisor think would be sufficient?”

Li Mo didn’t expect the Empress Dowager to comfort herself so much.

Not holding her hand was because he felt that if he agreed right away, the conditions couldn’t be negotiated.

“If you want me to agree, it’s not impossible, but I have a condition.”

Zhao Ji quietly placed her hands on her flat lower abdomen and looked at him with interest: “Oh? What condition, go ahead and say it.”

Li Mo shamelessly said, “The Empress Dowager just needs to cooperate and listen to my arrangements.”

Zhao Ji’s eyes immediately narrowed, her voice cold: “You want me to listen to you?”

“That’s right.”

Seeing Li Mo nod, Zhao Ji couldn’t help but sneer.

“The National Advisor is quite bold, daring to make me obey you?”

“Do you want to overturn the heavens?”

Li Mo explained unflinchingly: “It’s not about obeying me, just not putting me in charge.”

This was his goal.

Easily agreeing to her invitation would only put him in a passive position.

Following her orders?

If she really had the ability to deal with Lu Buwei, she wouldn’t have waited until now.

If he listened to her, who knows what bad ideas she might come up with.

My spear is not for you to use recklessly.

I stand firm when needed, but I’m not here to grant every wish.

Zhao Ji angrily turned around with a flick of her sleeve.

Her voluptuous figure exuding endless charm, she walked back to the phoenix bed step by step.

Then suddenly turned around.

With arms spread, she sat down imposingly.

Looking at Li Mo arrogantly, she said word by word, “Does the National Advisor really think I can’t do without you?”

“My Qin state is full of talents.”

“Not lacking one like you.”

“My personal invitation to you is already a high regard.”

“National Advisor, aren’t you being a bit ungrateful?”

Li Mo nodded: “Oh.”

He stood up and left!

Who are you trying to fool?

If you really had a solution and someone you could use, would you still be wasting time arguing with me here?

I think you don’t know your place.

Who are you showing your Empress Dowager’s arrogance to!

Zhao Ji was stunned by his sudden turn to leave.

How could he give no face at all?



“I order you to stop!”

Zhao Ji shouted three times, but Li Mo ignored her.

It wasn’t until she angrily slapped the bed that Li Mo’s steps paused.

The palace maids outside heard Zhao Ji’s string of angry shouts and immediately rushed in.

Once inside, they felt the atmosphere in the sleeping quarters was a bit strange.

The Empress Dowager was sitting by the bed, her fingers tightly clutching the sheets.

She glared at the National Advisor’s back with eyes full of fury.

Her chest heaved with anger, like a resentful woman abandoned after being wronged.

The National Advisor appeared indifferent.

He looked like a scoundrel who, after toying with someone’s emotions and body, was about to leave without a second thought.

The palace maids’ dazed gazes darted between Li Mo and Zhao Ji, not knowing what to do.

“Who let you in? Get out!”

Zhao Ji, holding in a belly full of anger, lashed out at the intruding maids, who quickly retreated.

Li Mo didn’t walk out, and Zhao Ji stopped addressing him.

The sleeping quarters fell silent, except for Zhao Ji’s heavy, angry breathing.

Li Mo stood there, leaning on his bamboo staff, not in a hurry.

Listening to the sounds, Zhao Ji was really upset.

She and they, would they explode with anger?

“You win.”

After a long while, Zhao Ji suddenly said quickly.

A slight smile gradually appeared on Li Mo’s lips.

He asked knowingly, “What did the Empress Dowager say?”

Zhao Ji glared at his back, wishing she could tear him apart.

Through gritted teeth, she said, “I said, you win!”

“Are you satisfied?”

This man was impervious to both soft and hard tactics.

Yet he always remained in control.

He actually forced her, a high-status and proud Empress Dowager, to finally compromise.

Zhao Ji wished she could rip him to pieces!

“You are the first to make me compromise!”

Zhao Ji gradually calmed her anger, releasing the clenched sheets.

Her phoenix eyes looked calmly at Li Mo’s back.

“But let me warn you.”

“I’ll follow your lead.”

“But if you can’t get rid of Lü Buwei, I won’t let you off easily.”

Li Mo finally turned around, his face not showing the smugness Zhao Ji expected.

Instead, he looked calmer than she did.

As if her compromise was not something worth being moved by.

As if her compromise was entirely within his expectations.

“The Empress Dowager can rest assured.”

Zhao Ji gently nodded, thinking he would give some assurance.

But then Li Mo added, “You won’t have the chance.”

Zhao Ji couldn’t stand it anymore!

Instantly, she lost her composure!

She grabbed a pillow from the bed and hurled it at Li Mo.

“Do you know, I really hate you!”

It wasn’t that she hated Li Mo personally.

But for someone as proud as she was, the worst feeling was having the will but not the power, being manipulated by someone else!

Ever since he set foot in this chamber, she had been on the defensive.

She had intended to give him a warning.

But instead, she was the one threatened!

She tried to use both kindness and force.

But he was impervious to both!

Li Mo tilted his head slightly, easily dodging the pillow Zhao Ji threw.

He said calmly, “That’s fine. I don’t particularly like you either.”

“Evened out.”

Zhao Ji’s breath caught in her chest, leaving her gasping with anger.

It made her stomach ache with frustration!

Who was even with whom?

What was his status compared to hers?

How dare he say something like that to her?

But then she thought about it.

There really wasn’t anything he wouldn’t dare to say!

Zhao Ji’s eyebrows shot up, and she glared at Li Mo with eyes full of fire.

But as she glared, her mouth suddenly twitched.

Then she burst out laughing.

Li Mo looked baffled.

Had he driven her mad?

Was her resilience that weak?

Zhao Ji’s laughter was like flowers blossoming, her voice as crisp as bells.

She lightly covered her mouth with the back of her hand, looking at Li Mo with eyes full of meaning.

After stopping her laughter, she suddenly changed her previous arrogance.

In a coquettish and soft tone, she said, “Does the National Advisor think I’m an old, decrepit woman, wrinkled, with gray hair, and showing all the signs of age?”

When people hear “Empress Dowager,” they typically think of an old woman.

She thought Li Mo, being blind, would surely think the same.

So, he would say he didn’t particularly like her, assuming she was an aged Empress Dowager.

Li Mo raised an eyebrow, a playful smile appearing on his lips.

“Isn’t that so…?”

Zhao Ji looked smug, her eyes full of pride.

She raised her charming face, looking haughty, “Unfortunately, the National Advisor cannot see my true appearance.”

“Otherwise, you would regret saying such things.”

Li Mo: “…??”

Where did she get this mysterious confidence?

Does she think I’ve never seen the world?

He nodded seriously, “Oh.”

Zhao Ji: “?”

That’s it?

Just an “oh”?

Aren’t you even a little curious, surprised, or willing to offer a compliment?

“Everything that needs to be said has been said, and it’s getting late.”

“I have a lovely wife at home eagerly waiting for me, so I won’t disturb the Empress Dowager’s rest any longer.”

Li Mo said, as if sensing her thoughts at that moment.

Don’t wait; there are no more flattering words coming.

In this cold weather, it’s much more comfortable to hold his warm, lovely wife.

Why waste time with this old hag!

“Humph! Just a small inn, probably without even a heater?”

“Doesn’t my warm palace accommodate you well enough?”

Naturally, Zhao Ji could find out where Li Mo was staying.

She finally understood.

Expecting this man to utter a single flattering word to her was impossible!

She felt that he seemed to have a great deal of disdain for her.

She couldn’t pinpoint why, but the feeling was there!

Li Mo’s smile was faint as he said with a look of longing, “No worries, my wife is warm.”

“Sleeping with my wife, I feel both secure and comfortable.”

“With a steady pillow and warm quilt, full of affection and sweetness.”

“It’s not only cozy, but also someone to talk to and chat with.”

“That’s far better than any heater that can only provide warmth.”


A faint tearing sound suddenly echoed.

The more Zhao Ji listened, the worse her expression became.

Her face turned dark as she clutched the quilt under her.

Unable to control her strength, she tore a hole in it.

Well said, National Advisor!

Insulting without using foul language, killing without shedding blood.

Every word struck her heart!

Just now she had mocked his blindness, and now he was ridiculing her for being alone in her empty boudoir.

Can’t you be a bit more magnanimous as a man?

Li Mo’s mouth curved slightly as he showed concern, “The weather is dry. Empress Dowager, remember to drink more water, so you don’t get irritated.”

“Get out.”

Zhao Ji spat out a word with a grim face.

Where did her anger come from?

Wasn’t it you who stirred it up?


“Then I’ll take my leave.”

“Oh, by the way, it’s best to add some honey to the water.”

“It can beautify and moisturize the skin, alleviating the signs of aging and sagging caused by getting older.”

“It can also promote sleep, so you don’t have trouble sleeping alone at night, and it can…”

Beautify the skin, aging, sagging skin, sleeping alone…

Li Mo’s words felt like knives stabbing into Zhao Ji’s heart.

Her eyebrows trembled with each stab.

“Get out!!!”

Li Mo shrugged.

Out he would go.

Good intentions taken for ill.

This old witch is really ungrateful!

Just as he reached the door, Li Mo paused.

In Zhao Ji’s murderous gaze, he hesitated for a moment.

With his back to her, he said, “If the Empress Dowager truly wants to enjoy her high status and glory, it’s best to heed my advice.”


Zhao Ji gritted her teeth, feeling like her emotions were about to lose control with every word she exchanged with him.

Li Mo said solemnly, “Follow the mandate of heaven.”

The sleeping chamber returned to silence.

The anger on Zhao Ji’s face gradually faded.

She sat quietly on the edge of the phoenix bed, her gaze calm as she looked in the direction Li Mo had left.

“I’ll see what you can bring to Qin.”

“No matter how powerful you are, you won’t escape my control!”

The palace maids entered in an orderly manner.

Her eyes flashed, filled again with cold arrogance.

There was no trace of the earlier loss of composure and turmoil in her heart.

“Change the quilt and prepare a bath for me,” Zhao Ji commanded coldly, flicking her sleeve as she stood up.

“Yes,” the palace maids responded in unison and started to work.

Two maids worked together to change the bedsheet. One of them suddenly noticed the torn spot.

This tear looked like it was made by someone pulling it forcefully.

But how could a perfectly good quilt get torn like that?

A shiver ran down the maid’s spine!

Could it be that the National Advisor was too forceful, so the Empress Dowager used too much force?

Her face turned pale, filled with fear.

She glanced at Zhao Ji’s graceful back in disbelief.

No wonder she had heard the Empress Dowager’s shouts from outside the door!

Zhao Ji sat at the luxurious dressing table.

The maid who had brought Li Mo to the palace and then returned after sending him off was now standing behind her, removing the intricate headpiece from Zhao Ji’s hair.

With her eyes closed, Zhao Ji suddenly asked, “When you brought the National Advisor here earlier, did he say anything or ask you anything?”

She suspected that this maid might have inadvertently revealed something to Li Mo.

Otherwise, how could he always have the upper hand?

However, although this maid was her close servant, she wouldn’t know the real purpose of Zhao Ji summoning Li Mo!

“Your Majesty, the National Advisor did indeed speak,” the maid replied humbly in a soft voice.


“What did he say?”

Zhao Ji opened her beautiful eyes, a cold glint flashing briefly.

The maid respectfully answered, “The National Advisor said that Your Majesty’s voice is pleasant and reveals a beauty that can captivate a nation.”

“And that he is honored to be summoned by you.”

“He also asked me if there was anything he should be mindful of when meeting you.”

Zhao Ji raised her eyebrows slightly.

“Did he really say that? Did he truly praise my beauty?”

This maid had been with her for nearly ten years and had earned her trust.

She wouldn’t dare to deceive her.

But Li Mo’s behavior earlier did not match what he supposedly said!

As the maid carefully combed her long hair, she continued honestly, “How could I dare deceive Your Majesty?”

“Even when the National Advisor was leaving just now, he asked me to speak well of him before you, saying he might have unintentionally angered you due to nervousness.”

Zhao Ji suddenly turned around, staring intently at the maid.

The maid stepped back a few paces, lowering her head in fear.

After scrutinizing her for a few moments, Zhao Ji asked with a strange expression, “Really?”

The maid dared not hesitate, “Really.”

“You didn’t lie to me?”

“I wouldn’t dare.”

Zhao Ji snorted softly and turned back around, “I thought you wouldn’t dare.”

So, that rascal was really so nervous that he didn’t know what he was saying?

Zhao Ji gently pinched her chin, recalling their conversation and interaction from start to finish.

She didn’t sense any nervousness from him!

Could it be that she was biased from the start?

Because he didn’t bow to her or flatter her, she felt dissatisfied and it clouded her judgment?

But he was the National Advisor, he had the privilege of entering the palace without paying homage!

Zhao Ji frowned slightly.

It’s possible!

The confusion in her eyes and the cold arrogance on her face gradually eased.

This man who says one thing and means another.

Couldn’t he have just contradicted me a little less earlier?

Why wait until after the fact to have a maid speak well of him?

Forget it, forget it.

I’ll be magnanimous and not hold it against you.

“I’m thirsty, go get me a cup of water.”

After a pause, Zhao Ji added, “Remember to add some honey.”

The maid glanced at Zhao Ji from the corner of her eye, a barely perceptible, strange smile appearing on her lips.


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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