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Chapter 147

Chapter: 147

The long-nosed Envers, who had fallen into this world, had received some education from a beggar beforehand, but someone who only learned about the world through knowledge inevitably experiences gaps in understanding.

Moreover, if the source of that knowledge was a great master who had last been active thirty years ago, he couldn’t be expected to grasp the trendy culture of the modern MZ martial world.

“Master Cheong-hwi, these days, tying threads at the end of the sword is more popular than engraving characters on the blade itself. The children in the market tie red threads to the ends of twigs, playing soldier with them—”

“Cheong-hwi, your face looks so young—I’d say you’re even younger than me—yet you don’t know these things? Truly, a long-nosed foreigner is…”

“Sister! No matter how long the master’s nose is, it’s neither good to wet it nor to insult it!”

Besides, with the immature little ones chattering endlessly, Envers found himself mercilessly cornered from both sides.

In a way, this wasn’t entirely bad. Wasn’t it a great opportunity to build friendships with the children of the Namgoong Family while also learning some common sense?

And there was another reason to stay with the Namgoong Clan.

“I asked Father. When I told him that Master Cheong-hwi saved my life, he was overjoyed and promised to reward you at the banquet,” Namgoong Myung said.

“The banquet… it’s in two days, right?”

“Yes, Master Cheong-hwi. By that time, I could have sparred three times!”

The reward for saving a life.

Beyond the compensation from Namgoong Myung, the head of the Namgoong Family had personally promised to give a reward. Isn’t that something to look forward to?

Thus, Envers found himself joyfully mingling with the Namgoong siblings. Not only could he glean knowledge about the martial world, but he also enjoyed hanging out with the lively kids.

Speaking of which… since he had to follow up on the beggar’s request, it was a perfect time to ask. Envers suddenly blurted out.

“I’m curious, do you know anything about the Heavenly Demon?”


Namgoong Myung and Namgoong Seung-Ah’s expressions turned slightly pale.

“…Did I ask something I shouldn’t have?”

“No, Master Cheong-hwi. It’s just… our elders have frightened us a lot. Since we were little, we’ve been told, ‘If you do bad things, the evil Heavenly Demon will come to capture you…’”

“Can a dead old monster from thirty years ago still catch us? It’s all a lie from the adults, just some spooky tale to scare us. At our age, we shouldn’t be frightened by such nonsense!”

It seemed that growing up hearing ghost stories since childhood had made them feel a chill even at the mention of the Heavenly Demon. Envers burst out laughing.

“In my family, we had a similar tale. It was a ghost story about ‘if you don’t hide your light, a dragon will come and take you to its nest’… so my brother and I purposely put pretty pebbles on the windowsill.”

Better to be taken by a dragon than to be raised in a house as a bastard, he thought.

“Aren’t dragons divine creatures?”

“They’re nothing like the eastern dragons. And… I don’t really know the details either; it’s just a name from fairy tales and bard’s nonsense, you know?”

“The same goes for the Heavenly Demon. Of course, there’s confirmed evidence that he existed, but… it’s a painful memory for everyone, so it’s rarely mentioned.”

“Luckily, our main family avoided trouble during the Bloodshed of thirty years ago. But you know, Master Cheong-hwi, it’s those who have escaped danger who need to be careful about what they say.”

Thirty years ago, during the Righteous vs. Demon War, countless martial artists met their deaths at the hands of the Demon Cult, and the last battle against the Heavenly Demon weakened the entire righteous faction significantly. Some sects completely closed their doors, while others lived only to suffer.

From among the sects that avoided being swept away by the Heavenly Demon, those who retained their strength thrived. Among them was also the Namgoong Clan.

At that time, the young head of the Namgoong Clan, Namgoong Chae-gong, had decided to close the gates for seclusion training before the Righteous vs. Demon War broke out. The reason was to delve deeply into the ‘Heaven-Cutting Sword’ of the Namgoong ancestors.

“Did they close the entire clan just for martial arts training?”

“Though it sounds excessive… there were reasons behind that.”

It was said that the previous head, Namgoong So-hyeol, on the verge of death, passed the clan’s leadership to the young Namgoong Chae-gong, advising him not to aspire to the heavens but to focus on managing the clan.

Whatever he was concerned about, Namgoong So-hyeol had passed away without revealing the location of the legendary sword mark. As a result, Namgoong Chae-gong believed his father looked down on him and fell into despair.

‘Is my talent so meager? No, I can’t accept that! I will find the location of the legendary sword and recreate my ancestor’s legacy with my own hands!’

Namgoong Chae-gong was a well-known sword fanatic who knew nothing but swords in his youth. He was so determined that he commanded the entire clan to go out and find the spiritual heir.

It was an arrogant move, but eventually, the clan members agreed, believing that if Namgoong Chae-gong were to obtain the Heaven-Cutting Sword, the Namgoong Clan would flourish as well. After all, the existence of an absolute master in the martial world was critically important.

After hoarding a vast supply of food, the entire clan locked the doors and devoted themselves to training and searching. However, thanks to that timely decision, they coincidentally avoided disaster.

When they eventually opened the gates, half of the martial world was on fire, and the Namgoong Clan, having not fought at all, inadvertently became the number one clan in the martial world.

From the perspective of sects that lost both masters and disciples during the war, the Namgoong Clan’s passive avoidance appeared quite odd.

Having taken the sweet fruit of victory without shedding blood, it was bound to arouse suspicion.

As a result, the Namgoong Clan faced numerous suspicious glances and disadvantages. Their exchanges with other sects were severed, and within the martial alliance, they were secretly scorned as cowards.

That’s why even now, thirty years later, the members of the Namgoong Clan still worried about the world’s judgment. It wouldn’t be strange if resentment over the Heavenly Demon’s death headed this way.

“What happened to the legendary sword? Did you never find it?”

“Oh, the legendary sword…”

It was said that Namgoong Chae-gong eventually found the legendary sword’s location. However, he couldn’t learn the Heaven-Cutting Sword, and after that day, he underwent a significant transformation.

What he saw there—what he left behind from the farewell of his father—he devoted himself to managing the clan and slightly tempered his flaming temperament.

However, even Namgoong Chae-gong told his children this: Don’t aspire to the heavens; just walk the path of a human.

“Even if I ask, you won’t tell me the reason, huh…”

“If I show affection, they would tell me anything. However, when it comes to the tale of the legendary sword, they shake their heads. So I gave up long ago. I figured it must have its own purpose…”

How odd.

After listening to that story with interest, Envers casually inquired.

“…By the way, what about the Open Faction?”

“The Open Faction? You mean the faction of beggars? It’s a rather obscure name that’s hard to come by, and I’m really surprised that the foreign Cheong-hwi knows it!”

“They’re in search of something. I have a favor to deliver on behalf of a friend… but why is it an obscure name?”

The beggar from the Trial Tower had said that the Open Faction exists everywhere and knows everything. It was even reputed to be one of the best information organizations in Central Plains. How could such a name be rendered obscure?

“Well, that’s…”

As Namgoong Myung hesitated, glancing at him uncertainly, Namgoong Seung-Ah boldly filled in the truth.

“They flopped miserably.”


“What should I say? They flopped, so I said it!”

“Still, maybe phrase it differently…”

While Namgoong Myung struggled to manage his sister’s words, Namgoong Seung-Ah continued without hesitation. Now the Open Faction had become practically non-existent.

“I heard that after the previous head of the Open Faction, Gu Seung-gae, went missing during the Righteous vs. Demon War, the divine martial arts passed down through generations were lost. Without its root, like a plant without roots, it was bound to wither and die.”

“…So, I believe the Open Faction has been absorbed under the new rising force, the Hao Sect. The Open Faction has become a sub-faction of Hao Sect.”


Could martial arts hold such heavy significance? Just forgetting how to move one’s body made an enormous faction dwindle away like that?

For Envers, who had only little training knowledge passed down from his clan, the concept of passing down traditions through generations was quite difficult to grasp.

However, hearing that the group the beggar had cared about had fallen, he felt rather sour.

It seems they were barely getting by under another faction…

“…Is there a way I could meet them?”

“You mean the sub-faction under the Hao Sect?”


Namgoong Seung-Ah pondered for a moment before her eyes lit up.

“Well… you can’t go by yourself! Master Cheong-hwi, what if you get lost in the wide Anhui City? Namgoong Myung, don’t you think so?”

“Uh? Sister, surely even the master would have the ability to navigate…”

“Then it’s settled! It wouldn’t be good to leave a guest of the main family lost as a stray!”

“…Ah, I see! Your sister is right! Master Cheong-hwi, if we go together, it would be a great help! We know the area well and are familiar with the people of Anhui City, so we can effectively prevent any unfortunate incidents! Of course, we will turn a blind eye to things that shouldn’t be seen!”

Twinkle, twinkle.

Namgoong Myung and Namgoong Seung-Ah’s eyes sparkled brightly. Their eyes seemed to scream, “We want to go!” Seung-Ah openly shot daggers with her gaze demanding, “Take me along!” while Myung hesitated, worried if it was too rude.

There was some merit to their words. Finding the Open Faction among the vast city would be immensely challenging. Having local help would make things much easier.

The only problem was.

“Is it really okay for you to join me?”



“…We’ll have to ask our uncle. I’ll ask him, Master!”

“Myung, me too! I’ll quickly get permission, so don’t run away or anything!”

Thud, thud, thud.

The Namgoong siblings rushed off to get permission. They successfully gained approval, and Envers was about to explore the streets of Anhui City with them.


The streets of Anhui City were bustling and lively. After a significant threat like the Demon Cult had receded for thirty years, the atmosphere of war had settled down sufficiently to allow peace to wash over the land.

Carriages pushed passersby aside, and merchants at stalls called out to attract customers—life here was no different from that of the original world or the martial world. However, there was one notable peculiarity.


“Could you catch a butterfly with your tiny golden stick?!”

Even drunken men bickering with each other were showcasing martial skills.

“You! Don’t walk on the rooftops.”

“I had to! I was in a rush for delivery!”

A young man, seemingly doing delivery, leapt between rooftops using a long pole as support.

“What elastic poles you have! What acrobatics!”

“…Master Cheong-hwi truly loves martial arts, don’t you?”

“Which is why I could dodge your attacks even while my eyes were closed. It wasn’t like I was reading your energy.”

“You dodged my attack with your eyes closed?!”

Namgoong Myung’s engine started running. Was this the rumored divine ability? Or was it so enchanting that you could see through someone with an ability? If it was martial arts, wasn’t it challenging to combine it with magic?

Before Myung could say more, Envers provided the answer.

“…It’s a skill. Just a skill. A friend taught me this technique called ‘Gaze Insight.’”

“Gaze Insight? Trully astonishing!”

“…Reading someone’s gaze? Hmm, I can hardly believe that.”

“Well, if you’re blindfolded, just look around anywhere. I’ll guess. Left hand, right foot, calf, butt, butt, left ear, shoulder—done?”


The Namgoong siblings jumped with amazement and excitement. How could he discern someone else’s gaze so keenly and accurately without eyes?

Clearly intrigued, Envers asked casually.

“Would you like to learn? I’m not sure you can, but…”

“…Yo-You’re really going to teach us?! I would be so grateful, but I worry deeply if I’m receiving something before repaying my debt to saving my life—”

“Yeah, hand it over.”


Envers had no hesitation in sharing the secrets of Gaze Insight. It didn’t require any special ceremony; it was merely a skill discovered through practice.

Additionally, there was variability in people, as Selvier had thrown in the towel after practicing for about three hours, complaining of dull sensitivity.

Nevertheless, feeling a bit guilty for giving away something for free, Envers set a slight condition.

“…Teach me your martial arts in return.”

“…!! So you’re trying to steal the Namgoong Family’s martial arts, huh?!”

“No, no. I don’t mind if it’s martial arts you can share with others. It could be any style wandering around the market, even if it’s something of lower caliber and seemingly useless. I’m not looking for anything unreasonable.”

“If that’s the case, there are various miscellaneous books in the main family’s library! I’ll need to ask, but I’m sure there’ll be some martial arts manuals we can share!”

The Namgoong siblings and Envers quickly struck a simple agreement.

They agreed to teach one another martial arts that they could impart without burdening each other.


Stepping just a bit away from the bustling main street, they arrived at a serene lane adorned with swinging lights of various colors.

A place where alcohol, song, and dance were sold. An entertainment complex in Central Plains filled with diverse establishments. Though the sun was still high, business had yet to commence.

As night deepened and the lights flickered to life with the rising spirits of the guests, the sleepy street would awaken, putting on a flashy and beautiful display.

Among such streets, the tallest building marked with the name ‘Chuihŭngru’ stood as their destination.

Namgoong Myung knocked on the closed door of the establishment lightly, raising his voice intentionally.

“Ahhem, is anyone there?”

“Oh my, young master. It’s not business hours right now—oh, you are a young master of the Namgoong Clan? What brings you here…?”

The door cracked open slightly to reveal a female servant. She had intended to chase away a young boy who had arrived in the daytime but realized his identity as a direct descendant of the Namgoong Clan, doubling her courtesy.

“I understand this is a sub-faction of the Hao Sect. Here, Master Cheong-hwi has some connections with the Open Faction and wishes to meet them. May we request your assistance?”

“Oh my, of course! They happen to be idly waiting around too, so you should be able to meet them right away. Come in, please!”


A faint smirk crept onto the servant’s face. Envers skillfully sensed her condescending expression. It seemed she looked down on the “Open Faction.”

He felt uneasy. Thinking that his master’s faction was in a dire state like this made him feel compelled to return the Dog-Beat Stick Technique he had borrowed.

Following the servant inside the luxurious establishment, it seemed that it was also the first time for the Namgoong siblings to visit such a place, as they marveled at their surroundings, satisfying their curiosity. Envers would have joined them, but he felt no desire to look around.

After meandering to a corner of the building, they stopped in front of a door that hadn’t even been cleaned. The servant paused and called out through the door.

“A guest has arrived, so you must attend to him.”

“I clearly said that I won’t entertain guests. I’m a martial artist and an informant, not just a mere entertainer.”

A sharp and biting voice echoed from within the door. It was laced with a peculiar malice, jolting the listener’s body.

“Hmph, this time it will be different! The young masters and mistresses of the Namgoong Clan have come to visit!”

“Then your tongue is the issue for not speaking correctly. To say that the honorable members of the Namgoong Clan have come merely for the entertainment of beggars? Do you understand your shortcomings? Time to pick up a brush instead of applying makeup.”


“Enough. Step aside. Thank you for showing me the way.”

Envers stepped forward and dismissed the servant. Then, through the firmly shut door, he conveyed news that crossed dimensions.

“…I bring tidings of the Open Faction. Including the stolen techniques of the Dog-Beat Stick.”

“…This is quite a ridiculous game.”

Bang! The door swung open.

And out came a woman, damp and serpentine in demeanor.

Her eyes were turned downward in an arc, giving a timid impression at first glance, yet there was an unsettling brilliance glowing beneath her eyelids.

Dressed in attire that subtly revealed her voluptuous form, rather than elegance, she radiated an aura of chill. One wondered if something sharp might be hidden under that slightly exposed shoulder.

Her hands…

By closely observing which muscles had developed on her hands, one could gauge what weaponry she was proficient with.

The Open Faction, having lost its greatness, what had it replaced its grand purpose with? Exactly with poison.

Judging by her hands, she was someone who had trained insidiously in the dark.

She gazed at the stiff Envers and parted her scarlet lips to speak.

“I am Hee Yeong-Hyun, representative of the Open Faction under the Hao Sect. Pleased to meet you.”

Hee Yeong-Hyun.

A name that means “Essence of the Eternal Dark.”

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


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