Switch Mode

Chapter 146

The command room of the Wall Base has two locations. One is in a bunker somewhat removed from the back of the wall, but unless it’s a truly critical moment that the commander has to be on the frontlines, this is usually where the commander stays.

Well, of course. If the commander dies fighting on the frontlines, the entire army would be thrown into disarray… not to the extent of completely paralyzing, but there would be a significant breach in the command structure.

Of course, there are related operations and ongoing training in preparation for the commander’s potential death, but no matter how much you train like it’s actual combat, training is training, and actual combat is actual combat. For the military, preventing such situations from happening as much as possible is essential.

And the other command room is located right at the top of the wall, in the center of the main gate.

It’s positioned for excellent visibility, allowing a broad view of the area beneath the wall. Although it was initially built for situations where the commander needs to be on the frontlines, in reality, it’s more often used for media coverage or visits from higher-ups.

You couldn’t call it useless, but neither could you truly call it helpful; it was practically a decorative command room—

And now, I found myself in that command room.

After a lot of brainstorming by the smart operations officers of the headquarters, they decided to immediately deploy the waiting troops as soon as the bombardment ended.

The operation itself was quite simple, but what those people did was to orchestrate it in a way that made it feasible. They had to move the artillery units within the battalion to optimal locations so that the firepower could be more effective over a larger area.

To avoid any gaps in firepower, they adjusted the times for air support and bombings, making sure to sequence the artillery shells so they would land simultaneously.

…And I pay my respects to the government forces who managed such a massive operation overnight.

Honestly, not being able to do it in a day would be quite troublesome.

For me.

Because I need to head back tomorrow. To be more precise, I must catch a flight before midnight transitions into tomorrow if I’m to barely make it to school.

It was quite embarrassing to admit openly, but anyway, I had to maintain my grades.

Magical girl series really are something else. How do they manage to fight evil every day while keeping their grades up?

Maybe it’s not that they wander around looking for work, but rather that they wait for incidents to happen before working?

Anyway, the scene of countless shells fired from the newly adjusted artillery sweeping away the distant forest was magnificent.

Boom, crunch, the heavy sounds of exploding shells echoed from afar. Flames ignited with every bomber and airstrike that passed high in the sky.

I could understand why firepower enthusiasts go wild over firepower.


I wasn’t the only one silently watching that spectacle from the command room. Rina, Jian, Aurora, Linea, and many officers—all watching in awe at what was likely their first sight. After all, none of them had thought much about extending beyond that desiccated wilderness for quite a while.

While the sounds may not have reached us, I imagined there were countless Demons and Beasts screaming in the burning forest.


Someone muttered. The forest, untouched by human feet for centuries, was slowly disappearing, revealing the skeletal remains of what had once been a lush wilderness.

It was chilling to see.

Even from this far away, the magic points looked distinctly large—dozens, if not hundreds of them. Counting each one felt ridiculous.

“I didn’t think there’d be this many.”

I caught a glimpse of someone shooting me a look, but I chose not to react.

Dozens of magic points aren’t a significant problem. Even without the power of miracles, they can be dismantled.

The real issue was the ‘large number’ of high-ranking Demons lurking nearby, no matter how many magic points were revealed.

Although I hadn’t seen them directly when I arrived, based on my testimony and the collected corpses, similar figures—massive, both demonic and humanoid—had been observed several times far beyond the wall. Each was different, and they counted in the double digits. The exact number was uncertain, but I had heard at least twenty-two.

I hope all those high-ranking Demons come charging at me. I definitely don’t want to see people dying in the operation I pushed to execute.

Well, if they have brains, they’d come at me.

If they can’t kill me, they won’t have a chance.

I glanced over at Jian and Rina. Both wore expressions difficult to read, but they didn’t seem particularly tense. Rina, especially, looked more bored than anxious.

Those ridiculous kids.

That’s why I brought them along.

“Is it alright for Linea and Aurora to wait here?”


They both nodded with sour expressions.

Jian had already proven himself in the last battle. Everyone knew that having him, with his swordsmanship rivaling that of a tactical weapon, on the battlefield would ensure overwhelming advantage.

As for Rina, I had felt a bit uneasy about her being deployed in combat until recently, but after seeing her wipe out Demons and Beasts yesterday using her own abilities, I felt she’d manage just fine.

Though, she definitely needed to practice sharing her output accordingly.

The reason Linea and Aurora wouldn’t be deployed wasn’t due to skill issues but rather legal matters. Only those recognized by the Church or the government for their verified skills, showing they could survive, could stand on the battlefield.

Otherwise, only adults trained in combat could be deployed.

While Linea and Aurora had been deployed in combat before, their role had been to heal soldiers from the rear.

Normally, unless you’re an adult, the chances of gaining the right to battle are slim, but thanks to the Cardinal’s antics, Andrea’s suggestion, and by mere coincidence with Jian, Rina had gained that right through my permission.

Man, whoever drew up these laws sure made it complicated.

And very light novel-ish.

The bombardments and airstrikes were starting to wane. A considerable area of the forest had been obliterated. The magic points, surprisingly, weren’t that widespread; they were clustered like various-sized black orbs, almost like festering sores on the skin.

Oh, I can’t stand this.

I need to go blow them up.



As I greeted him, Uncle Paul bowed his head. It’s truly been a while… not that this was our first meeting, as we had seen each other once during summer break.

We had utterly walloped a high-ranking Demon alongside Andrea. Hmm.

“Saintess, it’s been a while.”

Grace, the vice commander, greeted me without formality. It seemed she wasn’t wearing her usual attire that emphasizes her chest due to the battlefield context.

“You look fantastic in armor. I’ve never seen you wear it before.”

Well, the armor is quite impressive.

The armor I wore wasn’t the chainmail type I’d worn in the last battle. Rather, it was strikingly similar to what the Knights wore, and one might assume I was part of the Saint Knights just by looking at my pure white plate armor.

I had heard that plate armor was incredibly uncomfortable when first worn, but this one didn’t feel that way at all.

Especially my lower half was a skirt with additional undergarments and greaves.

…Though it resembled designs from some F●TE/some such series, we’ll just ignore that. In a light novel world, arguing about the design of armor worn by cute girls is a losing battle.

“The number of members has increased quite a bit.”

The number of the Saint Knights standing before me was undoubtedly higher than the first time I saw them. Each knight was selected and vetted meticulously; it made me feel secure.

“We worked hard to recruit more. Once your official accomplishments as the Saintess became public, many people started joining. And, of course, we only selected the best, so there’s no need to worry about the decline in quality.”

Nodding at Uncle Paul’s explanation, I felt a bit guilty. I had been quite busy lately, but not thinking to visit my direct subordinates was a serious oversight.

I should drop by later to say hello.

The expressions of the knights looking at me were bright and innocent, showing they didn’t harbor any ill feelings towards me.

“Before we proceed with the operation, I’ll explain the details. First, if human-like Demons appear, please refrain from using Holy Power. They are powerful Demons but are also immune to Holy Power. It would be advisable to form teams and work together to resolve the matter quickly.”


A resonating chorus of agreement.

Though high-ranking Demons are certainly powerful, they are by no means unbeatable foes. If enough adequately trained soldiers are present, they can face them head-on. Uncle Paul or Andrea could likely manage it alone—though it would depend on the opponent.

“Then I’ll trust you all.”

As I uttered that, a cheer erupted. The size of the roar, though fewer than fifty, rivaled that of a full company.

As I stepped down from the platform, I saw Rina glancing at me, looking oddly perturbed.

“Um… well…”

Rina appeared surprisingly flustered, standing at the podium addressing the Inquisition Knights.

That’s right. I found myself giving a speech to the Knights of the Inquisition, who are devoted to hunting Demons.

Without thinking, I had ended up having to speak before everyone, and while I had grown to manage such scenarios somewhat, I figured it was likely very unfamiliar territory for Rina, who always had to hide her identity.

Initially, standing in front of others would undoubtedly be an uncomfortable experience for her.

…Hmm, putting it this way, Rina fits the definition of a total introvert. I suppose you could call it voluntary in her case.

Ultimately, didn’t Andrea notice Rina’s discomfort and stepped onto the platform to stand beside her?

“Don’t be scared! We’re all accompanied by the will of the Divine!”

And she grabbed the startled Rina’s hand and raised it high. Because Rina was slightly shorter than Andrea, she ended up dangling as Andrea lifted her. Rina blushed, probably out of embarrassment, but that seemed more than enough for the Knights of the Inquisition.


The cheer rivaled even that of the Saint Knights.

After looking away, not wanting to say anything to the totally flustered Rina who stumbled down embarrassed, I turned to the still-appearing Andrea, catching her attention.

“Are the Knights of the Inquisition now entering under Rina?”

“Well, I can’t say we’re entirely in yet, but the groundwork is almost done. It will be soon.”

As I observed Rina, uncomfortably slumping next to Jian, I remembered something and curiously asked.

“So, once they’re under Rina, will they address her with honorifics?”


Andrea glanced at Rina, whose focus was on something far away, smiling softly.

“If I were to use honorifics, I feel like I’d trigger a meltdown.”

“That’s true.”

At this point, if Andrea were to start using honorifics, I’d be begging her not to as well.


Behind the imposing massive gates of the wall, an enormous army marched forward.

Some soldiers walked or ran, but most were those installing mortars for fire support near the wall. Numerous trucks brought sandbags and infantry to set up a temporary base outside the wall.

Of course, the troops ready to charge towards the magic points were all mounted on vehicles.

The Knights of the Inquisition and the Saint Knights were all mounted on massive steeds.

Government forces sat in armored vehicles and trucks.

And countless tanks were scattered here and there.

This grandiose expedition, combining fantasy knights with modern technology, boasted an impressive and formidable presence.

For reference, I was situated smack dab in the center of all that.

The very front unit heading closest to the magic point was made up of the Saint Knights, followed by the Knights of the Inquisition, with the vehicle carrying me, Rina, and Jian right behind.

Surrounding us were elite Knights personally selected by the Church.

Once we approach the vicinity of the magic point, there would be a temporary halt in bombardment to avoid friendly fire. Though, Demons and Beasts would still pour out in the meantime, so if any Demons or Beasts reach near me, the surrounding Knights will engage them.

On either side, the government forces, while they can match church soldiers in firepower, their effectiveness isn’t as high against Demons and Beasts compared to the church troops. Their role is to provide close-range fire support without friendly fire.

Additionally, they were responsible for backup just in case the Knights couldn’t hold against the Demons and Beasts.

“…Then, may God’s blessings be upon you all!”

As I shouted this before boarding the armored vehicle, the roar of approval echoed louder than any I had ever heard in my life. A voice so powerful it felt like it could shake the ground.

As I hopped inside the armored vehicle, a driver in a church-pattern uniform, somewhat different from the government army’s pattern, spoke to me.

“I will serve you safely with my life on the line.”

“Then I’ll protect that life of yours.”

My words made the driver chuckle, then he pressed the accelerator in tune with the leading Knights.

Vroom, the engine roared as the armored vehicle began moving.

“It’s quite a distance, but there are no obstacles along the way, so it shouldn’t take long. There haven’t been any signs of Beasts or Demons yet.”

If they had shown up, it would have been a catastrophe. Even high-ranking Demons couldn’t withstand that level of bombardment. The main reason we came with such numbers was to ensure that at least a few would reach the wall.

“Surely, the closer we get, the more Demons and Beasts we’ll encounter. It’s common sense, after all; they must’ve put in just as much effort to create such strong magic points. As we approach, our supporting fire will also gradually decrease.”

“Right, we need to wrap things up as soon as possible.”

I nodded in agreement.

There was a lull in the armored vehicle, a comfortable silence enveloping us.

“…You’re surprisingly good with words.”


Feeling the awkwardness of silence, Rina spoke up.

“Like addressing the troops before them. Are you enjoying yourself to some degree?”


If I had been the type to enjoy that, I would’ve happily accepted becoming the Pope. What would I be fighting you for?

“I’ve just gotten used to it since I do it often. More important, you need to practice; you live too isolated. Your basic communication doesn’t even work anymore. You should make an effort to mingle with people.”

“…That’s rich coming from you.”

“Regardless of whether I become Pope or not, incidents like this will happen more often. You can’t always rely on the captain of your Knights.”

As I teased her, Rina merely huffed, not responding.

“I’m relieved to see you’re not too tense.”

Jian smiled as he said that.

“Tensing up won’t change anything. Eventually, the Witch will emerge, regardless of what we do.”

I leaned forward, resting my arms on my knees with my chin in hand, feeling the vibrations of the uneven terrain guide my thoughts. How does Rina manage to keep her voice steady in this position?

Eventually, I gave up that stance, sat up straight, and said, “Instead, it’s better to stay a bit relaxed and keep your perspective wide. We can’t have anyone dying.”

“Very saintly of you.”

“More human, really.”

At my words, Jian chuckled heartily.

“Certainly, that’s true.”

Rina still turned her head away but didn’t outright reject my words.

By the way, speaking of people…

Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate that definition.

Just as hybrids, Gnomes, and Elves are considered people in this era, if beings embodying the characteristics of ‘people’ can coexist and even produce offspring, then there shouldn’t be a problem seeing them as ‘people,’ even if it’s a minimal number, right?

…Maybe I’ll sneak this consideration into the ‘war crimes tribunal’ post-battle.

As I plotted my thoughts, I waited for the armored vehicle to arrive at our destination.

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not work with dark mode