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Chapter 143

Chapter 143: To Achieve Great Things, One Must Be Willing to Kill Even Their Closest Kin! Court Struggle!

“What… what did he say to you?”

Zhao Ji stood up, her alluring figure taking a few steps forward.

Through the gauze curtain, she looked at Ying Zheng and asked.

Ying Zheng took a gentle breath.

His hands behind his back slowly clenched.

Zhao Ji’s reaction essentially told him that Cheng Jiao’s matter was related to her.

Otherwise, she should have asked if he had misheard or seen incorrectly.

But she first cared about what Cheng Jiao said to him.

Ying Zheng’s gaze slightly darkened.

His tone remained calm as he said, “I asked him why he betrayed me and Qin.”

“What did he say?”

Through the gauze curtain, Ying Zheng couldn’t see Zhao Ji’s expression.

But he could hear a bit of coldness in her voice.

Ying Zheng’s gaze sharpened, and he said frankly, “He told me to ask Mother.”

“So, you came?”

Hearing this answer, Zhao Ji seemed to sigh with relief.

Her words carried a hint of displeasure.

Ying Zheng’s expression didn’t change as he said, “That’s right, I want to ask Mother why Cheng Jiao betrayed us back then.”

Zhao Ji scrutinized him from behind the gauze curtain.

Suddenly, she flicked her sleeve and let out a cold snort.

She turned and sat back on the phoenix bed.

“Are you here to inquire or to interrogate me?”

Ying Zheng’s attitude and tone displeased her, and the atmosphere in the palace seemed to grow tense.

He hadn’t been like this before.

He had always been respectful in front of her as his mother.

Why did he seem like a different person after going out once?

Ying Zheng said calmly, “Mother, you are overthinking. I just want to know the answer.”

Zhao Ji gently shook her head.

“You don’t need to ask about this.”

Ying Zheng asserted, “Is it that I have no right to know?”

“Mother, don’t forget, I am not only your son but also the Emperor of Qin!”

Zhao Ji abruptly stood up, her hazy shoulders visibly heaving.

It seemed she was quite angered by Ying Zheng’s words.

Almost gritting her teeth, she said, “Who taught you to speak to your mother like this?”

“Have all the years of etiquette and Confucian teachings been for nothing?”

Ying Zheng had never spoken to her like this before.

In Handan, they had depended on each other, and after many hardships, they returned to Qin.

So Ying Zheng had always been filial to her.

What could have caused such a drastic change in him?

In truth, it was her own fault.

Ying Zheng had become paranoid.

Especially after learning about Cheng Jiao’s matter related to Zhao Ji and her continuous deception.

He no longer had anyone he could trust in the whole of Qin!

Ying Zheng showed no intention of compromising and asked again, “I just want to know the answer.”

“Was Cheng Jiao’s matter related to you, Mother?”

Zhao Ji propped herself up on the bed with one hand.

Her other hand clutched her chest, and she turned her head to gaze at Ying Zheng.

Her voice carried a hint of helplessness as she said, “Mother did it for your sake.”

“I need the truth.”

Zhao Ji’s eye twitched.

She realized now.

This son of hers seemed to have truly changed!

As Ying Zheng’s resolute voice fell, a brief silence enveloped the large palace.

Zhao Ji patted her chest, taking a few breaths to calm herself.

Her expression gradually became serene.

She realized that if she didn’t speak today, Ying Zheng would not let it go.

“Yes, it is indeed related to me.”

Ying Zheng’s face was stern as he waited for Zhao Ji’s next words.

Zhao Ji slowly stood up.

She said slowly, “Cheng Jiao did not betray us.”


Ying Zheng’s whole body shook, a flash of shock in his eyes.

Zhao Ji repeated and explained, “Cheng Jiao never betrayed us from beginning to end. His charges were imposed by me.”

Ying Zheng immediately felt a tightness in his chest.

His fists behind his back turned white from gripping so hard.

No wonder Cheng Jiao was so agitated when questioned at Purple Orchid Pavilion!

“Why did you do this?”

Ying Zheng’s eyes were blazing with anger.

Cheng Jiao and he had been deeply connected since childhood.

Hearing that he died because of rebellion, Ying Zheng felt only a slight discomfort.

But now, knowing he was falsely accused!

And the person who wronged him was his most trusted mother.

The most trusted person caused the death of the closest person.

Anyone would find this hard to accept.

Zhao Ji snorted coldly, “Why?”

“Naturally, for you, for your throne!”

Cheng Jiao was Ying Zheng’s half-brother, equally noble.

He had considerable prestige in Qin’s court and among its people.

At fifteen, he represented Qin in a mission to Han, forcing Han to cede a hundred miles of land to Qin.

Such great achievements at a young age earned him the title of Lord of Chang’an.

Compared to Ying Zheng, who had no power and couldn’t even speak in court.

Cheng Jiao’s influence among officials and in the court was greater.

Moreover, his mother was of Han nobility.

If he ever harbored disloyalty, causing internal strife, he would certainly have supporters.

Moreover, for Lu Buwei, Ying Zheng had been increasingly uncontrollable these years.

If he decided to support Cheng Jiao’s ascension, Ying Zheng would stand no chance.

So Zhao Ji made the same choice as Lu Buwei.

To nip the threat in the bud.

Ying Zheng’s uncontrollability was a threat to Lu Buwei.

Cheng Jiao’s prestige was a threat to her!

Ying Zheng suppressed his anger, speaking in a deep voice, “But Cheng Jiao never had such intentions!”

“But he had the capability!”

Zhao Ji’s sharp tone cut him off.

She looked mercilessly at Ying Zheng outside the gauze curtain, saying each word distinctly, “That is his crime.”

Ying Zheng gritted his teeth, his eye twitching uncontrollably.

I did not kill my brother, but my brother died because of me.

Zhao Ji calmed down, speaking softly, “Have you ever thought, if Lu Buwei supported Cheng Jiao and deposed you, what would happen to us?”

Suddenly, her tone turned cold.

She said icily, “Remember this, Zheng’er, to achieve great things, one must be willing to kill even their closest kin!”

Ying Zheng’s whole body trembled violently!

He stared at the hazy figure behind the gauze curtain in shock, unable to speak for a long time.

After a long silence, he finally spoke in a low voice, “Even without Cheng Jiao, Lu Buwei has already made his move.”

“What did you say?”

Now it was Zhao Ji’s turn to be shocked.

Lu Buwei wielded immense power at present.

But without Cheng Jiao, if he killed Ying Zheng, did he plan to become the ruler himself?

Ying Zheng composed himself and said solemnly, “Does Mother know why I secretly left Xianyang, yet made a grand display of having the border guards escort me back?”

Zhao Ji frowned.

She asked, “Wasn’t it because you discovered Wang Yi’s treasonous intentions and were concerned about further trouble on the journey?”

A cold gleam flashed in Ying Zheng’s eyes. “In fact, I was already assassinated in Han.”

Zhao Ji’s heart tightened, and she quickly asked, “Were you injured?”

Ying Zheng slowly shook his head.

“Fortunately, I was unharmed thanks to the assistance of a wise man.”

Zhao Ji nodded lightly, relieved.

“In that case, this person should be greatly rewarded.”

Ying Zheng continued, “It was not I who detected Wang Yi’s treasonous intent but that wise man who foresaw it in advance.”

“It was his warning that allowed me to escape unharmed.”

Doubt appeared in Zhao Ji’s eyes.

“Foresaw it in advance?”

“You mean he predicted that Wang Yi would attempt to harm you?”

Ying Zheng nodded, “Not only that, but he also predicted that Meng Tian would be the key to my turnaround in the Wusui military camp.”

Zhao Ji’s frown deepened, her expression changing from doubt to surprise.

Curious, she asked, “You mean he saw through everything from the beginning?”

Ying Zheng raised his hand towards Zhao Ji, speaking earnestly, “Indeed, I came here with another matter to discuss with Mother.”

Everything before this was merely to gauge Zhao Ji’s attitude and stance.

What came next was his true purpose for this visit.

Half an hour later, Ying Zheng walked out of the palace.

He raised his head, facing the cold wind, and took a deep breath.

Time passed bit by bit.

An entire night seemed to pass in the blink of an eye.

The tightly shut gates of Xianyang Palace were slowly pushed open.

Outside, orderly rows of civil and military officials had long been standing.

Lu Buwei stood proudly at the forefront.

After the palace gates opened, he walked steadily inside.

Entering the main hall, the civil and military officials took their seats on either side.

Before long, Ying Zheng’s figure appeared before the officials, announced by the eunuch’s sharp voice.

Finally, Zhao Ji arrived late.

As usual, she sat behind the curtain.

Ying Zheng stood before the high throne, his gaze sweeping over the civil and military officials.

His authoritative gaze instilled a sense of awe and fear.

This young ruler seemed to be exuding more and more imperial majesty.

Lu Buwei slightly frowned,

Then he relaxed again.

Because he noticed Ying Zheng’s gaze did not linger on him.

It was the same as before, unchanged.

Except for a few, Ying Zheng’s reappearance in court did not cause much of a stir.

After all, the real powers in Qin were still the one behind the curtain and Lu Buwei, the head of officials.

The court proceedings continued as usual.

Officials from various departments orderly read their reports.

Only after this process ended did Ying Zheng’s sharp gaze brighten.

He slowly said, “Since there are no matters to report, I have something to say.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the officials below varied greatly.

For many years, the Emperor of Qin had almost always been a listener.

To put it nicely, he was learning the ways of governance.

To put it bluntly, he was just a figurehead.

Lu Buwei’s shrewd eyes flashed, and he gave a light cough.

The officials who were exchanging glances immediately retracted their gazes and sat up straight.

Ying Zheng observed all of this clearly.

With a calm expression, he said, “I recently traveled outside the palace, as you all know.”

“While passing through the Wusui military camp, I discovered that Wang Yi harbored treasonous intentions. I executed him on the spot and ordered the extermination of his three Schools.”

“Do any of you have objections?”

This news had already reached Xianyang.

Now that Ying Zheng brought it up again, no one would object.

Nor would anyone plead for Wang Yi.

Wang Yi’s plot to harm Ying Zheng was a fact; anyone who pleaded for him would be seen as aligning with traitors.

No one would be so foolish.

“What the Emperor did is reasonable and just. We have no objections.”

Lu Buwei took the lead, followed by a chorus of agreements.

Ying Zheng’s expression remained unchanged, his face showing no emotion.

He continued, “All those who recommended, endorsed, or approved his promotions will be thoroughly investigated. Do any of you have objections?”

As soon as he finished speaking, murmurs of concern erupted below.

Wang Yi was an old general of Qin.

If all those involved in his promotions were investigated, many would be implicated.


Suddenly, a light cough was heard.

The murmuring immediately quieted down.

An official raised his jade tablet and said loudly, “Your Majesty, I object.”

Ying Zheng’s sharp gaze swept over him.


The official stepped out of his seat, bowed to Ying Zheng, and said, “I believe Your Majesty’s approach is inappropriate.”

“Wang Yi joined the military at sixteen and has served for nearly fifty years.”

“His promotion process spans too long a period, making a thorough investigation excessively difficult.”

“That’s the first point.”

“Secondly, Wang Yi has always portrayed himself as a loyal and patriotic figure. This villain deceived us for decades.”

“Therefore, the involved officials were unaware of his treasonous intentions.”

“His promotions were based on his military achievements.”

“To implicate them now would be somewhat unjust.”

It’s not that he had a great sense of fairness.

It was because he was responsible for official promotions.

If a thorough investigation were conducted, he would be the first to suffer.

After his speech, there was a wave of agreement from below.

The approval of military promotions was in the hands of civil officials, most of whom were part of Lu Buwei’s faction.

If Ying Zheng used this reason to purge them, it would not be a significant blow.

But it would certainly damage Lu Buwei’s prestige.

“What does the Prime Minister think?”

Ying Zheng’s hand, hidden in his wide sleeve, tightly gripped the throne’s armrest.

Outwardly, he asked calmly.

Lu Buwei raised his hand slightly, straightening his back as he kneeled and said, “I believe Minister Zhang’s words are reasonable. I urge Your Majesty to rescind the order.”

“We urge Your Majesty to rescind the order!”

“Please, Your Majesty, rescind the order!”

With Lu Buwei leading, the officials seemed to find their backbone.

Voices urging the Emperor to retract his decision echoed throughout the hall.

Ying Zheng squinted his eyes, hiding the rage burning within.

He understood that without holding true power, any amount of anger was nothing more than helpless roars.

“In that case, I will follow your advice.”

“Minister Zhang, you may return to your seat.”

The official calmly bowed and returned to his seat, having never felt a moment of panic. As long as Lu Buwei disagreed, Ying Zheng was powerless. Moreover, the Empress Dowager’s silence indicated her disapproval of the Emperor’s proposal.

As the official settled back in his seat, Ying Zheng glanced at the back of the hall.

“Since Meng Tian of the Wusui military camp has rendered meritorious service in protecting me, I wish to promote him to Left Shuzhang, replacing Wang Yi. Do any ministers have objections?”

Meng Tian, at the back, was startled and looked up in surprise. He was originally a commander of a thousand, several ranks below Left Shuzhang.

The generals among the military ranks exchanged glances and quickly expressed their agreement. Meng Tian was the grandson of Meng Ao, a family with a long military tradition. Though Meng Ao had retired due to age, his influence remained strong in the army. They had no objections to Meng Tian’s promotion.

Lu Buwei, however, narrowed his eyes. The officials beside him immediately understood his signal.

“I believe this is inappropriate.”

Wang Ben, behind Wang Jian, loudly questioned, “What is inappropriate?”

The Wang family had a good relationship with the Meng family. Wang Ben was a generation older than Meng Yi and Meng Tian, while Wang Jian and Meng Ao were contemporaries, and Wang Ben and Meng Wu were of the same generation. Thus, Meng Tian was akin to a nephew to Wang Ben. Hearing someone obstructing his nephew’s promotion, Wang Ben naturally would not stand idly by.

His loud question startled even the Empress Dowager behind the curtain.


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Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
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