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Chapter 143

Chapter: 143

As I stepped into the office, Karl naturally tried to follow me, but I blocked him.

What I was about to discuss inside was not the kind of conversation a regular person would want to overhear.

I forcibly sent Karl away and immediately ordered the soundproofing magic to be deployed as I entered the office.

I thought it would be wise to be cautious regardless of how much Alsetin had found out.

“I’ve already set it up, Young Lady. It’s a topic that could be dangerous if overheard.”

Alsetin seemed to share my thoughts, having already cast the soundproofing spell before I even mentioned it.

Given how much we were discussing, it seemed we’d come pretty close to the truth.

As soon as the office door closed, Alsetin unceremoniously seated me in the main chair and stood before me.

‘What have you uncovered?’

“Information broker. To what extent have you dug?”

“I couldn’t delve deeply. The timeframe was too short.”

That makes sense. The Church of the Diety, having influence over the entire continent, wouldn’t be careless, right?

If there were someone capable of unearthing everything within just a month, Alsetin wouldn’t be rotting away in this back alley.

Anyone with that level of ability would have become a puppeteer in the underground world by now.

“However, I believe I have an idea of what you seek. The Church of the Diety is conducting some sort of research, using the children from the orphanage they run.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean Alsetin is incompetent. The fact that he reached this far with just a few clues I’d given him was proof enough of his skills.

I barely provided him with any hints, yet he managed to track down that far. The connections his mentor provided must be serious.

Hmm. Even if I eventually tie in with the Newman family, I think it’s best to maintain my relationship with Alsetin.

‘What’s your basis?’

“Information broker. There’s no way to know if what they’re saying is just delusions or the truth unless I have proof.”

“That’s what I was about to explain.”

Alsetin started his explanation by saying that the tidbit I had shared—about the Church of the Diety engaging in wrongdoing—was a great help.

He followed the connections he had already known and pursued them methodically until he finally uncovered traces of the Church’s orphanage in some remote rural area.

“I haven’t fully grasped the exact details yet, but strangely enough, many individuals have been coming and going from that orphanage.”

High-ranking clergymen who rarely budge from their headquarters, an alchemist who became the Church’s public face after engaging in research related to life, and a black magician who should be a target for elimination.

“It’s a lineup that doesn’t fit a small rural place.”

What’s even more suspicious is that a coroner has been visiting that orphanage frequently.

“I suspect that some kind of research is being conducted utilizing the children. I pulled back as I felt that if I pushed further, I might encounter a problem myself, but with more time, I think I could thoroughly grasp it.”

Listening to Alsetin’s report, I was impressed by his information-gathering abilities.

In games, I often saw him as a convenient NPC fetching all sorts of information, but in this reality, it’s truly fascinating.

If it had been an ordinary person, they’d likely have disappeared without a trace while following the Church of the Diety.

Although I trusted him to some extent, it was still impressive.

“I’ve only investigated this much so far.”

[Young Lady. Is what he said true? ]

As soon as the discussion ended, Grandpa interjected with an unusually shaky voice.

Unlike me, who has no favorable feelings toward either the so-called ‘pathetic deity’ or the Church, Grandpa is deeply loyal.

Hearing that the Church of the Diety he helped elevate to power has turned dark must bring him no joy.

‘Yes, that’s right.’

Still, I had to speak the truth.

After all, if he stays with me, he will naturally face everything, so isn’t it better for him to be prepared instead of facing it blindfolded?

‘To supplement Alsetin’s explanation, what’s happening at the orphanages is that they are trying to create someone blessed with immense divinity.’

It’s well-known that our pathetic deity doesn’t handpick disciples.

While countless apostles of gods roam the continent, Armadi never created any disciples for himself.

He only speaks to those he believes in, guiding them in the right direction.

Though the Church of the Diety publicly claims that he loves the world equally for all, inwardly, they harbor different intentions.

They envied the apostles of other gods.

Not because those apostles had a special bond with their god or possessed unique powers, but rather because being an apostle provided them with justification.

To the high-ranking church officials, who faced opposition whenever they tried to act, how tempting would an apostle be?

So, the high-ups of the Church of the Diety decided to create someone who would serve as this justification. They revived the title of ‘saint,’ which had existed from the past but rarely appeared.

‘Initially, they were selecting orphans who might fit to be called saints, blessed as they are, but it’s unlikely such geniuses would just pop up, right?’

[So you’re saying they’re artificially creating individuals with high divinity? ]


[Ha. I’m going to lose it. Why are these people professing to believe in gods getting more sinister by the day? ]

Grandpa sighed, suggesting that the Church hasn’t been a clean organization in the past either.

That makes sense. Like any group, it’s impossible for everyone to be good. That’s something that only happens in cartoons, right?

[That being said… one of your friends, Phoebe. ]

‘That’s right. She’s a created saint.’

Phoebe, even if she’s unaware of it, was artificially created by the Church to be a saint.

Her personal story revolves around her discovering that she’s a false saint, navigating confusion, and eventually becoming a true saint.

I really liked seeing her remain kind-hearted even through countless adversities.

[…If that child, who is now so shaken, learns of this, it would be a disaster. ]

‘That’s right.’

Phoebe, unlike her in-game self, is carrying a lot of turmoil right now.

She worries about her failures and has doubts about the deity. What would happen if this truth crashed down on her?

Since it’s a scenario that didn’t exist in the game, I can’t say for certain, but I don’t imagine it would be a happy ending.

The reason I ordered Alsetin to investigate is that I want to gradually reveal the truth to Phoebe.

Why would you inject someone with a vaccine, starting with a strong one right from the get-go?

You ease them into it, so they can endure when faced with something tougher.

At this point, Alsetin’s evidence remains circumstantial, and I can’t share anything concrete with Phoebe just yet.

Well, there’s no rush. Phoebe’s encounter with the truth will start after the second year begins.

By then, Alsetin should have more to bring to the table.

‘Keep up the good work.’

“Haa. Information broker, it’s simply circumstantial evidence, isn’t it? Aren’t you embarrassed to say you did this? It’s downright pathetic. You shouldn’t even take pride in calling yourself an ‘information broker.’”

“…I’ll make an effort.”


Several days had passed since the field study, and Phoebe was starting to sort through the recent chaos to some extent.

It’s not that she wasn’t still jealous of Lucy. As the apostle of the deity, she hears the voice of her god, and Lucy remains an object of envy.

But she no longer blamed or resented her blindly as before. Phoebe had come to acknowledge that Lucy was indeed deserving of being an apostle.

The events during the field study had a significant impact on this decision.

Phoebe had witnessed her risking immense shame for her sake, not hesitating to bear infamy for others’ growth, only to succeed in creating a happy ending for everyone.

Having seen all that unfold, Phoebe couldn’t deny Lucy any longer.

Compared to her own numerous shortcomings, Lucy was truly someone fit for the position of an apostle.

It was only natural. There’s no way the grand deity would have chosen anyone with ill intentions as an apostle.

From the moment Lucy was chosen as the apostle of the deity, she had already attained enough qualifications.

After acknowledging all this, Phoebe felt a wave of comfort washing over her.

In other words, it was also a sign that she was still not enough, which is why Armadi didn’t reach out to her.

If she endeavored to become a better person, perhaps someday Armadi would talk to her.

So until that time arrives, she would strive to be better.

Yes. The deity surely wouldn’t appreciate Lucy Alrn’s disrespectful remarks.

There’s probably something more than enough to substitute for that.

Knowing the deity wouldn’t act that way, the doubts I harbored about Him can only be explained as my own shortcomings.

After the Academy’s classes ended, while on her way back to the church, Phoebe stopped and chuckled to herself.

Sigh. Letting go of some of the worries she’d carried made her feel lighter. It should have been this way from the start.

“What are you thinking that has you smiling so merrily?”

At that moment, she heard a voice behind her, one that was solemn yet somehow slippery.

“It’s you.”

“It’s been a while. I’ve been preparing a satisfactory answer for you, the one who aided me, but it took longer than expected. My apologies.”

The apostle of the Evil God smiled, enclosing Phoebe in shadow with his towering figure.

“In return, I’ve come with an answer that should satisfy you…”

“Please go away.”


Phoebe took a step back from the shadow and spoke up.

“I no longer wish to hear what you have to say. If you come any closer, I’ll call the Church’s people.”

“Are you really going to do that? Don’t you want to know the reason Armadi isn’t speaking to you?”

“I already know, so it’s unnecessary.”

Unlike when she was previously ensnared by temptation, Phoebe now understood the answer.

All her issues stemmed from her own inadequacies, so there was no need to hear reasons.

“Aha. Do you think that maybe you’re unable to hear His voice because you feel inadequate?”

The apostle of the Evil God looked at Phoebe’s face, raising the corners of his mouth as he spoke, almost as if mocking her thoughts.

“Such a cliché, boring answer.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I can assure you, the reason Armadi doesn’t speak to you is not due to that.”

In fact, your very beginning was flawed, meaning no matter how hard you try, you wouldn’t be able to hear Armadi’s voice.

The apostle of the Evil God wrapped Phoebe again in shadow, continuing to speak.

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not work with dark mode