Switch Mode

Chapter 141

Chapter: 141

There have been times when this clumsy fox followed me around the Soul Academy.

But anyway, this little furball ignores all rules and discipline the moment it takes a liking to someone.

Still, at least it’s not an enforced join-in event. It does ask for the other person’s consent, after all.

This fox doesn’t care if its crush hates it, but it definitely doesn’t want to earn any real hatred!

In the game, if someone said they didn’t like it, it would pout and sulk but wouldn’t resort to stalking like this!

But what’s going on now? Stalking me while declaring it doesn’t matter if I hate it? What kind of logic is that?

I stared at the fox waggling its tail beneath me, pressing my eyes shut. There’s really nothing I can do in this situation where it’s screaming, “Do you care or not?”

If I try to chase it away, it will implicitly follow me around, watching me; if I tell it to stay, it’ll just smile and do something weird.

As much as I want to knock it out, there’s a difference in strength here.

After all, this guy is strong enough to be the master of the forest. I can’t take it down just yet.

If this were a game, I could solve it with all kinds of tricks and controls, but this is reality.

Even if I swing my mace with all my might, it’d just taunt me, asking for more.

“You seem deeply troubled.”

‘Shut up, please.’

“Clumsy fox? Can you please close that stinky mouth of yours? It’s making me nauseous.”

Theoretically, grandpa is right. This creature’s presence is undeniably helpful.

Among the forest’s various rulers, this clumsy fox boasts a versatile set of skills, so having it around wouldn’t be a loss.

But. But still.

I just can’t accept it physiologically.

I can’t be seen with a psycho who would lick up spit and call it a reward!

Even if I met this beast while I was still a guy before becoming Lucy, I would’ve been horrified to keep such a thing nearby!

Ugh. My brain is so tangled that I can’t even open my mouth.

Even if I try to say something rational, that damn word seems to attach itself at the end.

No, no, no! You’re a cat? You’re a fox! So why are you crawling up to me and saying, “Be my master!”?

Knock, knock.

“Lady Alrn, are you inside?”

Hearing that voice, I lifted my head while glaring at the cheerful fox between my fingers.

That voice… could it be Professor Anton? He’s usually super busy being the key player in Combat Studies, so what’s he doing here?

If I had to guess, it probably has something to do with the last field study. Exact details are unclear, but regarding that, I didn’t have anything to feel guilty about.

In fact, it’s kinda amazing! Ever since the field study ended, my reputation has actually gone up!

I had successfully shifted people’s anger toward the professors, so I was totally ready for my rep to take a hit.

But after everything, Arthur must’ve said something to the other students because my reputation actually improved a bit!

Sure, they might’ve been harsh, but it felt like they were now caring a little more about their surroundings than before.

Though, I have to take what Avery, Visi, and Joy said with a grain of salt, it’s still true that my standing has improved.

Arthur, what on earth did you say to those students with your silver tongue? Seriously, thank you!

Unlike that gross fox offering me nothing but revulsion, you’re the real deal!

I was grateful for how you rallied everyone during the field study, but now you even helped with the aftermath!

Just wait! I’ll get you the best gift you could ever want!

“Lady Alrn?”

‘Just a second!’

“Hold on, you pathetic gorilla professor. I’ll be stepping out.”

“Yes, understood.”

Hah. Well, since I can’t solve my fox problem just by stressing over it, let’s just push that thought to the back for now.

Maybe stepping outside for some fresh air will help me come up with a better idea.

…Hmm. But is it really okay to leave the clumsy fox in my room? What if this perv does something weird again?

No matter how you slice it, there’s a limit to decency.

This crazed stalker isn’t the type to have any concept of common sense, declaring boldly that it’ll follow me around!

But I don’t want to take the source of my stress home with me.

What to do?


[What is it, dear? ]

“I’m leaving this thing as-is. If that creep does anything strange, please let me know later.”

I can see her casually stealing my underwear! It won’t take long, so please keep an eye on her for now.

After I reiterated my request, grandpa agreed.

So, shall I just take a break and head out? It sounds odd saying I’m going out for a breather while leaving my room.

Sigh. What can I do about things that have already happened?


After Lucy instructed Rina to wait while she stepped out for a bit, Ruel quietly observed her looking around the room.

Man, the world is full of oddities! How can the ruler of the forest lack such dignity?

What’s worse is that she clearly knows how to be dignified.

Before Lucy donned those skin-colored clothes, she was all proper.

She used to be a noble, a holy knight, and a hero, after all.

In Ruel’s eyes, Rina’s poise would hold up flawlessly even among the nobles in court.

Yet, the moment Lucy put on that skin-colored outfit, Rina tossed all decorum out the window.

Crushed by her own desires, she lost sight of even the most basic etiquette.

No matter how beautiful our girl is, this is just too much!

If she were just a regular human and not the master of the forest, she’d have been locked up as a criminal by now.

As Rina strolled around, wagging her tail, she leapt up on the table the moment she heard Lucy’s footsteps fade.

Looks like she’s getting ready for some antics. I hope it’s nothing too weird.

While it’s a problem that our girl suffers mentally, I’m also not feeling good seeing Rina act that way.

Rina sniffed the air in the room with a nasty grin, picking her direction and moving along.

Huh? Why’s she coming this way? There shouldn’t be anything related to our girl around here, right?

…Wait, that’s not true. There’s one.

The weapon that’s always been with the girl since long ago, firmly resting in her hands—me.

No way. No way she’s aiming for me, right?

No, stop! Don’t you dare!

I don’t want to be toyed with by you!

In that moment of desperate prayer, Rina reached out her hand and placed it upon me.

As that chilling moment passed, Ruel braced himself for whatever was coming next.

‘Greetings, oh wielder of the mace.’

Rina spoke to me.

[…Are you referring to me?]

‘Is there anyone else here to talk to?’

[That’s true. How did you know I was here? ]

‘Well, I’m the fox, I can see souls.’

I have no clue how seeing souls and being a fox are related, but given her strength to be the master of the forest, it wouldn’t be too strange.

[In some ways, this may actually be fortunate. Rina, please refrain from doing anything bizarre here.]

Knowing someone is watching would lessen the weird antics compared to being alone.

‘So what do you consider me to be?’

[Well, considering how much trouble you’ve caused… ]

‘All I’ve done is show my affection!’

For a moment, I was momentarily flabbergasted by Rina’s lack of guilt, her response suggesting she didn’t think she did anything wrong.

Was it foolish of me to expect reason from a madwoman?

‘Enough idle chit-chat. Let’s get to the point. I don’t know when that beautiful girl will return.’

[Not idle chit-chat, but okay… ]

‘To put it bluntly, I will help you stay beside that girl.’

[No, thanks.]

Rina is definitely an amazing being; I know she holds immense power behind her charm.

But that does not change the fact that this deviant fox is not a positive influence on Lucy.

Sure, she might help, but the mental damage she’d inflict will outweigh those positives!

‘It’s something necessary for that girl.’

[More like something you wish for. ]

‘Yes, that’s a part of it, but that’s not the only reason. There’s something more important.’

Ruel knew Rina would babble on, but he let her continue speaking.

Even as she spoke nonsense, time would keep moving, and eventually, Lucy would return!

‘That girl is carrying an extraordinary light within her. One could say she’s receiving the love of the heavens.

Considering that girl’s beauty, it’s natural to receive such favoritism, yet having someone’s love concentrated on one individual will breed negative feelings from others.

Do you understand? She will certainly face significant threats. So far, it seems she’s managed to overcome them in one way or another, but can we be sure that’ll keep happening?’

[…So, are you suggesting, Rina, that you will protect her?]

‘Exactly. If I did not intend to do that, why would I follow her so closely without even asking for her permission?’

As long as she doesn’t break apart and go crashing down, Ruel felt a sense of relief in knowing that.

He has spent enough time with Lucy to be well aware of how many crises she’d faced.

Having this fox’s help in case of emergencies would be welcome.

‘If you’re genuinely worried, then I’ll…’


Professor Anton called me over to discuss the rewards for the field study.

Once rewards were tallied up, it seems my party secured first place right away!

Hearing that we gathered the most loot ever in the Soul Academy’s history, he praised us with a smile, showing he didn’t hold any ill feelings toward me after all the chaos I’d caused.

And yet, he smiled, even though I had dark circles under my eyes from all the trouble I’d stirred up.

What a great guy, Professor Anton.

The first-place reward from the Academy turned out to be a Protector’s Brooch. The same one that saved my life from that Minotaur before.

This one would keep me safe from death at least for one time.

Ideally, I wouldn’t even have to use it, but that might be pushing it considering all the events I’d been through.

Like I said, any danger coming up next wouldn’t be a surprise anymore.

With those thoughts crossing my mind, I returned to the dorm, standing at the door and letting out a sigh.

Am I really going to face that clumsy fox’s antics again?

The thought alone makes me shudder, but what can I do? This is my room. I can’t just run from my own space.

After some hesitation, as I opened the door, the sight that greeted me was the human-shaped clumsy fox kneeling at the entrance, ready to welcome me, bowing down.

“Welcome back, my master.”

…What kind of play is this? Clumsy fox?

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not work with dark mode