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Chapter 140

Chapter: 140

The Kill Shot: Sensing Danger Suddenly

Kill shots often come unexpectedly, but a wise person can pick up on the signs beforehand.

You might predict a building’s collapse from cracks in the walls or foresee a stock market crash by recognizing trends. I, too, had some instincts like that.

While the Bennett Party was having a cozy chat about the quick draw, I felt a sudden, clear kill shot approaching. Cold sweat trickled down my cheeks.

And the hunter targeting me was also aware that I had sensed it. I had to move now to survive!

As I hastily prepared a silence spell, the hunter pulled the trigger and aimed the gun at me.

“Care for a shot, crazy wizard?”

“Stop right there! I know what you’re aiming for and what effect you want. I’ve figured out all your schemes, so you’d better halt…!”

Prick. Yuna’s ears perked up.

That was not a good sign. I had to block Pink Balrez’s next line; it was critical!


I discreetly cast the silence spell, but Pink Balrez pulled out an artifact from their pocket, countering my magic. And then they pulled the trigger.

“Been a while.”



I loaded my virtual shotgun and aimed at Pink Balrez, who quietly clasped their hands behind their head and lay on the floor. But it already felt too late.

The bullet from Pink Balrez’s words hit me precisely in the vital areas.

“… What do you mean by ‘been a while’?”

Chills ran down my spine.

It was the kind of stare that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Quietly, I clasped my hands behind my head and laid down as well. Yuna’s gaze was far scarier than any gun.

As she rested her hands on my shins, she asked softly, “What do you mean, huh?”

“Well, it’s… complicated.”

Pink Balrez ghosted with a follow-up.

“It really is complicated.”

“Just stay quiet for a minute.”

“Are you two… dating?”

“No, it’s not like that! We’re friends—not SECRET friends, mind you.”

I barely managed to gloss over the days of clinging to Yuna. The scariest part was that this was all a threat related to, “When are you going to take me on that promised TS date?!”

They intended to keep bargaining until I complied.


A few days ago, Yuna and Pink Balrez returned from a trip. After that, life resumed as usual. I attended classes, they teased me, and Yuna relaxed.

Once the regular schedule was done, we all gathered in the lab. We sat huddled on the couch, watching a stream of Envers’s Heart-Throbbing Trial Tower strategies together.

The seating positions changed daily. Typically, it would be Yuna above me with Pink Balrez beside her, or sometimes Pink Balrez above Yuna with me on the side. Today, it was Pink Balrez and Yuna on top of me.

This might not be the image you’re picturing. I was lying on the couch while the two sat on my back.

Pink Balrez and Yuna engaged in a friendly conversation.

“So, how far did the little ones get?”

“Floor 6! The Luna and Envers couple is hilarious!”

“The Tower Master is a bit too much, though. It seems almost impossible for them to end up together.”

“Hey, why…?! I thought this pairing was right on point?!”

Yuna always honed in on the relationships, and Pink Balrez didn’t discriminate when it came to conversation topics. They analyzed pairings, strategies, and even the lore. Recently, they seemed particularly interested in martial arts.

“It’s incredible that you just input data into the AI and wait for martial arts to emerge. The potential for development is limitless.”

“Thanks for the praise, but keep your hands off my butt. That’s harassment.”

“Well, that was meant as a compliment. One day, I hope you’ll create a personalized martial art for me, right?”

“I’m already working on it.”

I was working on it, but so far without significant results. The Pink Balrez who was crazy enough to use martial arts probably wouldn’t emerge until they’d bulked up a bit more.

Should we talk about the Tower of Trials?

The conquest team managed to reclear Floor 6 by parrying James’s instant-death cheat bullets. I hadn’t intended to raise the difficulty that much, but you know what they say; difficulty is supposed to be fluid.

Since Envers was the protagonist of the hidden piece, the challenges in the latter half of the Tower of Trials were designed to be solvable beyond mere stats. If Envers participated in the duel, even a regular bullet would have killed James.

However, things changed when Selvier, the wizard of the Red Tower, pulled the Bennett Party into the mix.

The challenges were too easy for the brave warriors who turned the tables. I raised the difficulty in real-time. Just enough to allow them a shot at glory.

The Bennett Party truly lived up to their renown. Having gone through tough times, they showcased impressively strong skills. Though my conscience twitched a bit recalling previous sessions, watching them made it a bit easier to shake off that guilt.

I despise the saying that as long as the outcome is good, it doesn’t matter how you got there.

In those moments, it seems someone could think, “Now that you’re a top-tier magician, isn’t it lucky you died in an accident?”

They swiftly cleared Floors 7 and 8.

I noticed Envers looking troubled while watching Bennett beat up his master, and Luna and Niolle engaged in conversations, forming a bond over their “sharp-eyed” status.

Luna was growing more appealing every time I saw her.

“… Do you like her?!”

“… That’s not what I meant.”

As a mentor, of course.

Should I just kidnap her and provide her with funds, a lab, and a tale?

Envers… resembled Rodellus in some aspects. He appeared somewhat petty and extremely jealous. There was a fear of his own incompetence haunting him.

While Rodellus’s issues manifested as him treating others coldly, “You’re a commoner,” Envers seemed to express it as “I’d sell my soul for some power.”

Bennett seemed to take quite a bit of notice of Envers.

Despite his facade, he showed signs of caring, demonstrating refined mana control or analyzing the flow of battle for him.

However, to Envers, that seemed to hit hard. With his mana organs in disarray, wasn’t it like teasing someone without legs by saying, “This is how you leap further”?

Though Envers was trembling from Bennett’s unintentional mocking, he once viewed martial arts as an opportunity to change his situation. He clearly had a romantic obsession with martial arts too.

His fascination with the beauty of the human form was evident.

The fact that he was captivated by Luna’s dance or practiced martial arts earnestly every single day stemmed from this deep-seated fantasy, which is why I paid close attention to Envers.

That momentary inferiority complex had clouded his vision.

So… I prepared a combat AI, Heavenly Demon. I had crafted it meticulously, a monster for close combat. I intended to show him the pinnacle of martial arts that I could implement.

I would showcase something undeniably cool.

Then, would he not realize?

Deep inside, I had a love for martial arts. Even though life is tough, drowning in negativity would lead to missing out on precious things. Wouldn’t he think that?

Did Bennett perhaps feel something similar?

“Life is hard, storms will rage, and fierce waves will always threaten to engulf you. But don’t lose yourself.”

Bennett conveyed one of the three most valuable phrases he remembered to Envers. For reference, the first two were “I love you” from the heroines.

However, all Envers could do was frown.

“… What kind of riddle is that?”

“Just heed the words of an adult.”

“…!! I’m an adult too! How much older could I be than you?!”

As I watched the bouncing Envers through the monitor, Yuna and Yuri shared similar expressions. Maybe something like, “Oh, I see…” was the best way to describe it.

The idea for clearing Floor 9 was provided by Luna. She suggested smashing the base of the orbital elevator and using the elevator structure like a hammer to smash the ground to bits.

She truly ought to join my lab.

We skipped Floor 10 for various reasons. The boss there was The Evil God known as Espoir of Eternal Dark, and when I asked Bennett if he wanted to take him on for a second match, he declined.

Though I could’ve pressed him by asking if that meant his military service was over, I graciously forgave him. Pink Balrez and the Tower Master were in high spirits after returning from their trip.

Manipulating a beggar to recite the intended lines, we opened the secret door to the Tower of Trials. The team began to enter.

Gesturing to divide the world was fun. While a 6 to 1 ratio was fine, scenes like this were best in one-on-one confrontations. Each character would meet their respective Heavenly Demon.

The Heavenly Demon Encounter begins.


A pitch-black void.

On a rock seemingly floating in mid-air stood a man with closed eyes. His unkempt black hair hung loosely, and his beard grew unchecked, obscuring his jawline.

He was muscular. The muscles visible beneath his robe conveyed a compressed power. He resembled a bear.

However, while he exuded some intimidation—did he feel overwhelmingly threatening? No.

In terms of muscle thickness, an ogre would be twice as big, and for atmosphere, the pressure radiating from Vale, the master of the martial arts, seemed far more threatening.

So, the ongoing warnings and entry restrictions made sense; he looked just like a mannequin. Rare, but if you look closely enough, you can find one.

Thus, I felt courageous. Envers carefully opened his mouth.

“… Are you the Heavenly Demon?”

“… … …”

Swish, his eyes opened.

In that moment, Envers understood.

That brief eye contact was enough. He realized why this Heavenly Demon was regarded as such a source of fear. His vision sense flared up.

His gaze moved eerily and mechanically. It quickly scanned the midline, temples, carotid arteries, and all of the body’s vulnerable points. But it didn’t stop there.

All the habits and techniques engrained within, the shapes of his muscles, emotions, and more.

“… … …”

Envers felt as if thousands of eyes were scrutinizing his naked form. Even down to his organs beneath the skin. He felt like a fish on a cutting board, completely disassembled and put on display.

A chill swept through him.

However, he steadied his mind. It was just a gaze. Envers hadn’t even thought of engaging him in a fight.

It was a place where he could die without care; he just wanted to observe and learn about those unparalleled martial arts.

“… I am Envers Redburn. I request… to learn a technique.”

He uttered the words like a mantra. And under that piercing gaze, Envers clenched his fists, preparing his Exploding Burst technique.

A form established with Luna’s help. It was a martial art developed through time and effort as they climbed the Tower, uniquely theirs.

As he watched, the Heavenly Demon quietly said,

“That’s inefficient.”

“… What did you say?”

It wasn’t meant as mockery; he simply stated a fact and demonstrated it through his own body.

The stance of the Heavenly Demon changed. Initially, it mirrored Envers perfectly. Then it began to shift gradually.

He adjusted the right foot for more stability. That would definitely be better.

He widened the gap between his arms. That seemed like a smart idea. I should’ve thought of that.

He meticulously repositioned his fingers. Adjusted the angle of his toes. The changes happened rapidly. I couldn’t understand the intention behind them.

He slightly relaxed the tension in his shoulders. Opened his knees. Changed the distribution of power in his calf muscles. Properly distributed the weight on his feet. How were these lessons even possible? Then, and then some…

Like a caterpillar emerging from a chrysalis to become a butterfly, the martial art was born in an instant.

It was far superior.

The posture Envers had taken felt embarrassing, and he couldn’t help but feel his previous efforts were futile.

“… … …”

How should I describe that emotion?

It took mere seconds to witness him steal a technique and upgrade it to a level seemingly worlds apart, causing Envers to feel… lost.

He felt pitiful compared to this.

“… I-I’m leaving! I’m leaving! You, you show me—!!”

Responding to the Heavenly Demon’s silence, Envers, after much hesitation, threw a punch. The Exploding Burst. Propelling mana from his joints to create destruction and speed beyond imagination.


He unleashed a punch. It felt like a butterfly softly landing on a flower.


With a mere touch against the Heavenly Demon, Envers’s punch veered off, leaving him frozen in place.

It wasn’t a tremendous force pinning him down. Even a seven-year-old could’ve deflected Exploding Burst without any issue.

Wasn’t that saying even a seven-year-old could very well counter it?

It was unreasonable. It felt like battling a nightmare. In dreams, nightmares always win as if it was preordained; he felt like just such a being.

The world seemed to crumble.

… … …

Meanwhile, Luna witnessed something different in the same figure. He possessed the ideal image of a martial god she had envisioned. Someone who knew everything and acted accordingly.

She witnessed that it was indeed achievable.


“It’d be better; come at me.”

Even as he threw a punch, it returned to zero.

Yet, it was not hopeless. It was a priceless time spent absorbing and reflecting on the craft of deflecting attacks gracefully.

She beheld the ultimate skills capable of turning an Exploding Burst into a gentle breeze. And this mastery resulted from meticulous analysis. She could see it in his eyes.

The Heavenly Demon’s gaze mirrored hers; it was just that the performance was on another level. But they shared the same vision.

They continually faced challenges.

If she could follow in his footsteps, she felt she could achieve her dreams. If she could at least claim a fragment of that martial art, it would suffice. That alone would be enough to fulfill her goals.

… … …

Thoughts collided.

Luna thought, “That’s it. I need to follow that!”

Envers thought, “That’s impossible. No way could I do that.”

Some looked at the towering wall, while others saw a ladder.

And so ended their swift duel.


“How was it? Did you enjoy yourself?”

He appeared out of nowhere like encroaching mist. He struck a funny pose, patting his waist with what seemed to be a heavy object.

As the Bennett Party caught their breath and reminisced about the battle, they voiced serious concerns.

“… That crazy wizard. Is that Heavenly Demon alright?”

“Are you sure it’s sealed properly? It shouldn’t be breaking free, right?”

– To subdue him, we’ll need to go in with overwhelming firepower. A blitz strike, completely eliminating technical exchanges.

The crazy wizard waved his hands dismissively.

“Don’t worry, that’s merely an illusion. I have it well controlled. It’s even useful. You know, I also employed it during my swordsmanship lesson with that professor.”

Bennett’s mental translation device for crazy wizard language whirred to life. Just substitute the illusory part with dimensional magic.

=> Don’t worry. It’s been sealed with dimensional magic; it’s safe enough to use for training. When Alexson thought I was good at sword fighting, that was me outsourcing to the Heavenly Demon.

Bennett and Tara nodded, feeling relieved.

“… Alright, I’ll trust you. You’ll handle it well.”

“Well, if you say so… Goodness, that was so annoying. He countered everything thrown at him, didn’t he, Bennett? By the way, did Niolle manage to land a hit?”

– Just a scratch. But I noticed he seemed to respond slowly to truly bizarre attacks.

“Er, Niolle. Please elaborate on that.”

As the crazy wizard politely requested feedback from Niolle, who had uncovered the Heavenly Demon’s deep learning vulnerabilities, Envers stood watching the sky blankly.

As Luna planned to excitedly discuss martial art improvements, she noticed Envers’s expression and alarm bells rang in her mind.

“… My efforts… were in vain…?”

“Hey, Envers, are you okay? Your speech sounds clearer…”

Selvier also gave concerned looks at Envers’s unusual demeanor. The vibe was unsettling. Would he end up taking meds?!

What to do? Should I knock him out first? Luna cautiously balled her fist.

“Ah, Luna and Envers? If it’s alright, I have a suggestion. I want to show one of you the neighborhood where the Heavenly Demon used to live. Due to technical limitations, only one can go, though…”

“… … …”

In this situation?!

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I have re-translated Mesugaki Tank Enters The Academy using an upgraded tool. Now it will handle the glossary effectively, reducing translation errors such as inconsistent character names, places, and unique terms.


not work with dark mode