Switch Mode

Chapter 14

Understanding my own skills and level objectively was quite an important matter.

No matter how much one tries to see things objectively, human psychology tends to lead one to perceive situations subjectively and remain unreasonably optimistic about oneself.

However, Lee Han was always strict with himself.

How could he not be?

He had no master and had to stand on his own.

While he did possess special abilities, they were merely convenient tools at best.

Thus, Lee Han made constant efforts to objectively evaluate his own abilities while working hard.

‘How should I gauge my skills?’

If this world were a martial arts one, most knights would probably be at least top-tier masters or peak masters.

Those skilled in combat techniques, likely at the level of the promising last tier of reputable sects.

Conversely, he had grown strong through methods outside conventional martial arts.

The art of spellcasting or the recovery ability of a troll were where he stood.

Yet, through repeated strengthening, Lee Han surely had reached the brink of peak mastery.

And if he were to surpass that peak and reach an enterprising level of enlightenment, perhaps…


It would be that guy.

Lee Han’s body tumbled brutally against the dirt floor.


But as he rolled, he quickly bounced back up like a spring and charged at his opponent.

His movements were so springy and agile that they evoked the image of a four-legged beast rather than that of a human.


With each kick against the ground, the concrete floor shattered beneath him, and Lee Han proceeded to tackle.

Combining his weight, strength, and speed resulted in a destructive force comparable to a dump truck crashing into something; however, unfortunately, his opponent wasn’t just any guy who could be pushed around like a dump truck.


“You’re still rough. You ought to be more relaxed, you know.”

In a dance with the wind like a butterfly, Baltar effortlessly dodged Lee Han’s powerful tackle, returning a palm thrust right into Lee Han’s back.



The ground shook.

With Baltar’s palm strike penetrating Lee Han, it felt as if mystical intricacies were involved, piercing through Lee Han’s robust build, attempting to knock him down.

If an ordinary person had been hit by that strike, it would have likely caused an explosive chain reaction from within, bursting him apart.

It would certainly have been a gruesome sight.

“…You wretched man!”

“Haha, you’ve grown tougher.”

However, Lee Han’s body didn’t explode, nor did he faint.

He grabbed Baltar’s wrist instead.


With a strength capable of bending steel, he squeezed Baltar’s wrist tightly.

A human wrist was as fragile as a thin twig under that overwhelming strength.

“What’s the use of just being brutishly strong?”

Even under Lee Han’s grip, Baltar showed no signs of pain.

Why is an aura user considered a supersoldier?

It’s because that seemingly weak physique houses unimaginable superhuman strength that catches everyone off guard.

No matter how strong, it wasn’t something you could easily break.

And as expected…



Lee Han was sent flying.

The overwhelming pressure burst forth from Baltar like a volcanic eruption, propelling him away.



Lee Han did not fall; rather, he pushed off the ground in a steady advance.

With power gathering in his calves and thighs, he felt ready to burst, and Lee Han stayed in that stance.


He propelled himself forward.

Launching himself like an arrow.


A whirlwind swept through the area.

The pressure and shockwave transformed even the scattered stones around him into dust, showcasing the true extent of his might.

For the first time, the smirk that had constantly adorned Baltar’s face vanished.




He drew his sword for the first time.

Although the sword was still sheathed, just the act of drawing it changed the atmosphere.

“That was wicked!”

Before Lee Han could reach him, Baltar swung his sword.

He slashed at the air.

It may look ridiculous, almost as if questioning his stance, but the changes that followed were anything but laughable.



With a bang, Lee Han collided with something, his trajectory completely altered, sending him tumbling backward.

Unlike an arrow hitting a shield, the barrier of air was surprisingly firm yet soft, rebuffing him without causing injury.

“Did you just make a shield out of wind, old man?”

“It’s a small trick. But it’s a fairly decent move against a beast as ferocious as the tyrant of the mountains.”

“…I’m losing it here.”

Lee Han sat down in a rather humiliating position, gasping for breath and making a face.

However, he didn’t seem too worn out.

He hadn’t been hit as much as usual, but his stamina was definitely beyond normal. This barely fazed him.

Of course, it wasn’t entirely without impact from facing an aura user.


“…My rib’s broken.”

“Really? Just that?”

“I say ‘just’ when it feels like I’m about to die from the pain!”

He’d probably need at least an hour to recover before they could fight again.

“Good! You made me use that move.”

“How do you do that?”

“Anyone can do it as long as they can read the currents of the wind. I’ve seen spellcasters use it a lot.”

“…I didn’t know you could use magic without a chant.”

“In the world of martial arts, there are endless depths. If you keep at it, you’ll be able to use the techniques of spellcasters with ease.”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

The spellcasters would likely be saying something similar as well.

Such absurd statements were, well, absurd.

How exactly is one supposed to break through a wall of wind?

‘No matter how much I slice, it just keeps coming back!’

Indeed, this was a seasoned veteran with seventy years of experience.

His hidden techniques seemed endless.

“What about you? What was that shot from before? It flew like an arrow.”

“I call that ‘Archery Master’s Wind.’”

“…Is that the ‘Diamond’ technique you mentioned? All the moves you use are rather strange.”

“Just another one of those nifty tricks.”

Lee Han mumbled to himself while replaying the recent spar in his head.

‘If I think of that as a sort of martial technique similar to a middle ground technique and the rest as sword winds, that’s how it could be perceived, right?’

‘…I’m not sure about the sword wind, but maybe I can imitate that middle ground technique?’

Is that how it works?



He slammed his palm against the ground but only managed to give it a gentle shock.

This was closer to just channeling energy than actually being the middle ground technique.

While he was feeling disappointed,

“You’ve still got a good sense, haven’t you? To mimic a technique from someone who doesn’t even know the basics of combat? How bizarre.”

It’s only natural for Baltar to be bewildered.

What exactly was the combat technique after all?

Wasn’t it a kind of solidity technique, where a trained warrior could feel the flow of life force within their body and enhance themselves momentarily by channeling that energy?

However, since it resembled a mystical technique that not just anyone could master, it was dubbed the ‘combat technique.’

Feeling the life force within the body and controlling it is purely the realm of talent.

Not to mention, the appropriate time to feel that flow is best during one’s weaker childhood years; any attempts to learn it later in life are usually futile.

After all, the phase where the flow is most fine and weak has already passed by, and for an adult to feel their life flow becomes nearly impossible.

Yet that guy was different.

Even though he was already thirty, his life force was still pulsating like that of a growing child.

Whether it was due to growth or some rare characteristic, he could handle the flow with a sense of intuition.

For instance, the way he just now inflated the muscles in his legs, shooting himself forward like an arrow, or how his internal organs managed to withstand Baltar’s force were all due to such principles.

‘But that guy’s strength is all over the place. It’s merely handled intuitively.’

His foundation in combat techniques was lacking; he could only build up the flow through repetitive training, resulting in an odd state formed entirely of powerful rotational force throughout his body.
The waves inside him surged incessantly.

And if anyone besides Baltar knew the state of Lee Han’s body, they would have been aghast.

This was a man who should have already succumbed to the flow, and yet he remained intact, foolishly just enlarging his vessel.

If a mad spellcaster were to see him, they would surely have tried to experiment on him or dissect him in a frenzy.

‘…How fascinating.’

The only emotion Baltar felt was sheer intrigue.

If such a life force continued to strengthen, and if the vessel could withstand it,

what kind of awakening would he experience if he unlocked his aura and became a superhuman?


‘He might possess a strength on par with legendary figures like the Lion King or the Knight King.’

This was still merely a guess.

Yet imagining the promising future of this young man brought Baltar a peculiar sense of amusement as he thought,

‘In my later years, I’ve found an extraordinary puzzle to ponder, ha ha.’

For a soon-to-retire old man, this was certainly an irresistible diversion.

Baltar hid his aching wrist and laughed heartily.

* * *


The sound of dry saliva echoed faintly.

The clash between the two knights had delivered a jolt of excitement.

Especially for the rookie knights witnessing their first confrontation; their shock was palpable.

They certainly knew that Lee Han was strong.

After all, he had effortlessly subdued Yorde, the top graduate.

However, they had not expected it to be to this degree.

What on earth was that?

‘A mini [Mountain Lord]?’

The Mountain Lord, or the Tyrant of the Mountains, was a formidable ogre-like monster.

Though they had never seen it in person, one could imagine that a human version of the Mountain Lord would be just like this.

One would even begin to suspect if he was not a hybrid of some sort.

‘Why is someone like him still just a knight?’

Regardless of status, someone with that level of skill should undoubtedly hold a higher rank.

While Yorde would admit to his slight bias, he still had to acknowledge that this guy could not remain a mere knight…!

“He has too many demerits, that’s why. So don’t misunderstand.”


“Yes, it’s true many high-ranking folks look down on him due to his low status, but even so, that alone isn’t why he’s still just a knight. It’s because his behavior is so poor.”


“Not only does he consistently arrive late, but he also rarely fulfills his duties. As a result, he racked up quite a few demerits.”


“Looking at his ability, he could have targeted being the vice commander long ago, but who knows when he’ll actually make it big with his current behavior?”

“…He’s certainly a strange fellow, this Lee Han.”

“It’s Lee Han. …But why am I correcting you?”

Yorde gazed heatedly at Lee Han, oblivious to Jake’s side comment.

Though Lee Han may have thought he had been utterly smashed, Yorde saw things differently.

He intuitively understood that Lee Han was not merely a commander; he represented a massive wall and a target to strive towards.

‘To have someone like him nearby is no small fortune!’

A strong ally stood at his side.

Moreover, he’d always been looking for someone to spar with!

This was a golden opportunity for Yorde.

If he were to train against someone so strong, he would naturally grow as well.

‘This is exciting!’

Yorde felt that his time in the Knight Order would be more rewarding than ever.

“─Knight Lee Han Turtle! Due to unacceptable behavior, destruction of facilities, failure to carry out duties over the past four months, and other offenses, it is fitting to consider you for retirement as this brings disgrace to the noble White Lion’s grace. However! Since we cannot deny the merits you’ve accumulated thus far, we will impose an honorable punishment that considers your offenses. You will spend three years teaching the students who will bear the future of Pandragon. This is truly an honorable and wise course of action, so Lee Han Turtle, consider it an honor.”


Unfortunately, it appeared that Yorde’s hopes had flown far away.

Lee Han.

He had been demoted.

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not work with dark mode