Switch Mode

Chapter 14

Episode 14. Can’t be the only one (3)

Originally, I didn’t have any intention of getting involved with characters like Maryd.

They are the ones who will lead the scenario through various trials and tribulations.

It would be troublesome if unexpected variables interfere while defeating the final boss and saving the world.

There’s no guarantee that my existence won’t be hindered.

Furthermore, since they are the main characters, all sorts of incidents will occur around them.

Getting swept up in such events is far from my wish for a stable academic life.

Even if a crisis arises, there’s no need to worry. They will handle it themselves, so what difference would my involvement make?

…However, the variables have already been applied. Variables difficult to leave alone.

Until the destruction of her heirloom in the prologue of the chapter, everything remains same.

The main storyline revolves around how it distracted Jenny, ultimately culminating in the Snow Age rampage.

However, there was no mention of breaking ribs or accidentally using Snow Age during a practical exam.

If those things were to happen as well, trauma would be triggered even more, making the rampage worse than in the main story.

“It’s all because of the variables caused by me.”

Assisting Maryd to control the rampage in the main story is just a typical rampage. The possibility of controlling an intensified rampage is slim.

So, my assistance exposed to Snow Age is needed here. A blizzard unlike anything in the main story is expected to hit.

“Breathe deeper! That way, you can extract the magic stored in your body!”

“Like this?”

“No. A bit lower.”

I’ve been cooperating with Maryd for several days now.

We’re currently conducting a ritual together at a large gymnasium called the Rebel Hall, to extract the Snow Age magic embedded within our bodies.

“Ah-choo! Why suddenly feeling cold?”

“Then you’re almost there! Keep pushing!”

Normally, vein magic tends to dissipate over time. Even after receiving treatment from Professor Stella, it’s highly likely it would have been purified and disappeared.

Surprisingly, however, those magics still lingered within me. If left unchecked, I might have ended up bedridden with a cold.


I exhaled to expel that damn magic.

The technique of filtering out unnecessary magic is said to be a specialty of the Ryudsiehl Magic Tower. Maryd taught me this secret art, which isn’t easily learned by just anyone.

While it’s considered an advanced technique typically mastered by those from the Magic Tower, I feel fortunate to have learned it for free.

“Ah! It came out!”

Along with the sound of wind escaping from my mouth, there were sparkling blue particles mixed in.

Maryd caught those blue particles with a bottle she opened like a lid.

Since it was necessary to extract all those particles, it took some time, and it was finally completed after five days.

The more we extract, the more we can create spells to suppress magic, hence the effort.

“Thank you for your hard work!”


“Hey, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

To filter out magic, I had to twist my veins here and there. Stirring the magical pathways within the body was like boiling the blood in the veins.

After enduring such effort for five days straight, I stretched out as if I had been exercising without rest.

“Since I’ve pushed myself to the limit, it’s natural for my body not to listen.”

“Did I ask too much of you after all?”

“It doesn’t matter. Helping people is what I do.”

The ritual of expelling magic has greatly aided in blood circulation.

With rough breathing, the blood boils as if it’s about to explode.

This affects not only the bones and muscles but also unleashes superhuman strength.

“It seems like it’s directly related to Aura proficiency after all.”

What emerges from the boiling blood is only the magical part, taking on a form.

That’s the essence of Aura. The higher the proficiency, the more things become possible.

Shaping magic like this is the realm of high-level knights.

As a novice, trying to mimic that would render me unable to fight for a while.

It truly suited desperate situations.

“I’m really grateful. Thanks to you, dealing with Aura has become much easier.”

“Don’t mention it! When you do good deeds, such rewards are only natural.”

With Maryd’s support, I stood up. Despite her small stature, she has quite the strength.

Thanks to these five days together, we’ve developed a sort of camaraderie, which isn’t bad. It’ll serve as a foundation for preventing the worst-case scenarios.

“But my role is done now.”

The students quietly watched Maryd and me leave the Rebel Hall. It was ironic that despite receiving attention, not a single breath was heard.

No one dared to approach Maryd recklessly. As someone who accompanied her for several days, I understood the reason well.

“Hahaha! Shall we go eat now?”

It might seem like we’re just regular students looking for lunch… but that lunch isn’t fit for human consumption.

Ever tried insect cuisine? If not, let’s not even talk about it.

“Butterfly~ Moth~ Come here and eat~”

She sings a strange song with a cute face and voice. Walking around like that, Maryd seemed like an entirely unfamiliar presence to anyone who saw her.

Is she planning to feed me strange things again…? Not happening today.

“Hey Maryd, can’t I eat what I want today?”


“I’m just not feeling up to it today. Can you grant me this request?”

“Sure, okay! If it’s what my friend wants.”

Fortunately, the simple-minded Maryd readily agrees to her friend’s request. In the end, she took me to a café to soothe my tiredness.

A café famous enough to be considered a landmark from the novices’ perspective. As soon as we entered, the spacious environment greeted both of us warmly.

After placing our orders, we took a seat on the second floor. While waiting for the food, she took out a book from her bag and started reading.

“She seems like an angel in every way.”

Indeed, Maryd has a bright and kind personality. Even extracting magic from me was all for the sake of her friend, Jenny Chainsilver.

This indicates her disposition to act for the sake of others.

But… her one huge flaw overshadows this advantage.

“So, I’ve endured quite a bit these past five days.”

During that time, I experienced Maryd’s quirky antics firsthand. Besides the ritual of expelling magic, we went through various incidents…

– She pulled out some bugs from her bag and tried to shove them into her mouth, saying, “You need to consume various types of protein for smooth magic circulation.”

– She found a giant slime in the mountains and tried to swallow them, calling them pudding, but ended up provoking them and being chased by the swarm.

– I made the mistake of saying she was short, and her face turned into that of a goblin. Then, she went on a rampage with elemental magic and grabbed my legs to swing me around like a giant swing.

By this point, she’s practically a walking nuclear bomb.

Except for the protagonist, no one can control Maryd. It’s safe to say that.

“This book is so interesting! Won’t you read it too?”

Maryd looked at me and handed me the book she was reading. Contrary to her silly nature, her hobby was reading.

But the problem lies in the fact that her stats rise not in knowledge, but in some unknown, random aspect.

If I were to show Maryd to those who believe that reading books makes you smarter, they’d collapse in disappointment.

“I’m not interested in complicated books. Just looking at them makes me sleepy.”

“Oh… really?”

When I firmly declined, Maryd leaned on the table and slumped down weakly. Then, she pouted her lips and sighed.

“Well… then what will you do during your free time? It’ll be super boring without any books.”

“Oddly enough, I never get bored.”

It’s true. After classes, I’m busy with newspaper activities.

Utilizing the unique information gathering of the newspaper club is necessary to understand how this world is progressing.

As a result, fortunately, the main story progressed smoothly without any issues.

– Travell loses trust in the academy due to friction with Professor Radian.

– First-year magic prodigy “Crona Dellerware” sends a challenge to Jenny, her rival.


“How’s Jenny lately? It’s hard for me to meet her in person to ask.”

Maryd’s cheerful smile faded slightly. She put down the book she had handed me onto the table and spoke.

“I’ve been visiting Jenny’s dormitory every day…”

In the main story, breadcrumbs for Snow Age rampage were hinted at with her hands involuntarily radiating cold. But in this twisted world where I interfered…

“The room was frozen solid. We need to complete the control magic as soon as possible.”

As expected… it was worsening.

Half-baked solutions were out of the question. Unless I can obtain magic identical to Snow Age from somewhere.

“But don’t worry! Thanks to the remnants of Snow Age extracted from your body, things will be easier. Thank you so much!”

At that moment, a waiter from the first floor approached our table.

As he placed coffee and burgers on the table, Maryd’s cheerful expression returned.


Forgetting that the coffee was hot, Maryd grimaced as she burned her tongue. She waved her hands around trying to find something cold.

As mentioned earlier, my role seems to be over. As of today, the issue of Snow Age rampage is as good as resolved.

Even if some unexpected events occur, ultimately, thanks to my cooperation, there won’t be much difference from the main story.

“If it’s about controlling magic rampage, I should be able to complete the spell in two days. It’s all thanks to you.”

The timing of the solution being prepared aligns perfectly with the main storyline. How precise can timing get!

So, I relaxed. There’s no need for me to intervene in matters that will be resolved without my interference.

If I were to interfere again, I might end up facing another five days of trouble. To avoid that, I need to cut ties with Maryd.

“I’ve gained a lot from you too, wouldn’t it be disappointing if there’s no reciprocation?”

“Huh? There’s no need for that.”

“Do you happen to like Nobel Records?”

“Nobel Records? Don’t even get me started! I have over a hundred of them!”

Maryd was a fanatic among fanatics. She’d snatch up anything related to it without hesitation.

“Well, then. I have something for you.”

I took out two Nobel Records from my bag.

Considering how much she loves such things, my actions might seem unrelated to my goal.

But let’s pay attention to the titles of these two works.

[You and Me in Tico]

[King of the Changing Room]

“Hey, these are new titles. Where did you get them?”

“I received them from the head of the newspaper club. I’ve already read them to the point of boredom.”

And this… serves as a means to satisfy my sense of reward.

“What genre are they?”

As expected, when the expected question came, I maintained an indifferent expression.

…and said,

“They’re both healing waters. No harmful scenes, just genres that make your heart feel at ease.”

“Really? That’s great! I’ve been meaning to collect such genres. I’ll have to enjoy them as soon as I complete the sealing spell.”

“You made a good choice. As soon as you enjoy them, your body and mind will be healed as if you’ve stepped into paradise.”

“Thank you so much! You’re my eternal friend from now on!”

“Yeah. I’ll count on you.”

Eternal friend… yes. Only until today. The moment she enjoys them, she’ll declare the end of our friendship and go on a rampage with elemental magic.

But it doesn’t matter. With this, my sense of reward will be satisfied, and I’ll be able to distance myself from her.

“Hehehe. I look forward to the day you enjoy them.”

I chuckled like a devil inside.


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Score 7.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
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not work with dark mode