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Chapter 137

Chapter: 137

On the evening of the third day of the field study, more than half of the first-year students from the Academy gathered in a corner of the forest.

They had different reasons for coming together, but their goal was the same: to take down Lucy Alrn.

“We will make Lucy Alrn, who turned this field study into a hellish frenzy, pay for her crimes.”


As Arthur finished his speech at the center, the students gathered there erupted in cheers.

What filled their eyes was hatred, indignation, and conviction.

In the midst of the crowd’s cheers, Arthur smirked inwardly. Upon closer examination, Lucy Alrn hadn’t exactly done anything wrong.

The looting happening during the field study was allowed by the Academy’s professors. What Lucy had done was simply follow the rules laid out by the professors.

If anyone were to be held accountable for making this forest a mess, it should be those professors who concocted such rules.

If one were to scrutinize Lucy Alrn’s so-called crimes, they could only say that she had shot off the signal for looting rather too heavily.

Arthur was aware of the facts but chose not to point them out. If Lucy hadn’t garnered so much animosity from so many people, he wouldn’t have been able to rally students like this.

Indeed, while Lucy Alrn showcased exceptional abilities in combat and knowledge, she seemed quite clumsy in political maneuvers.

Given that many students would likely be hoarding loot, if they’d attacked only those before the conclusion of the field study, such an alliance would hardly have formed.

Had Lucy Alrn been a bit more cunning, she likely wouldn’t even be able to dream of a revenge like this.

After finishing his speech, Arthur returned to where the leaders of various parties had gathered.

The array of people there was impressive. There wasn’t a single person who didn’t seem to represent a bright future for the kingdom.

Just getting into the Academy meant they were considered elite in the kingdom, and they were amongst those exceptional achievers. There were no incompetent individuals present.

“So, what is the exact plan?”

The first to speak from the crowd was Meryl from the Baines Count family.

Although not as prominently recognized as Lucy Alrn or Frey Kent, she clearly possessed significant power among the first-year students. With passionate eyes, she asked Arthur.

She had some kind of grudge against Lucy Alrn. Perhaps she was aiming to settle a personal score this time. Hopefully, her personal feelings wouldn’t cause her to act rashly.

“Meryl Baines. You’re certainly attending the Monster Hunting class, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am.”

The Monster Hunting subject teaches about all kinds of monsters that have existed throughout human history and how to hunt them. It’s a subject that children of military families, who are expected to take on leadership roles, are often required to study.

“Doesn’t the class demonstrate cases where dozens band together to hunt one monster?”

“Is it guerrilla warfare?”

“Yep. I plan to utilize what I’ve learned from that class here.”

In that subject, they teach methods of hunting humanoid monsters. The standard method considered most effective involves multiple parties teaming up to gradually wear down the monster.

Humanoid monsters are relatively small, making it hard to overwhelm them with sheer numbers, like they would with giants or dragons.

Thus, it’s deemed proper to gather a small elite force to take turns attacking and engaging in a war of attrition.

Arthur, who held second place in the class behind Lucy, had perfectly memorized this method.

“What do you plan to do about the other party members besides Lucy Alrn?”

When the mention of taking down Lucy drew the attention of Jakal Burrow, Arthur smiled.

“I told you. I’m going to use what I learned in Monster Hunting.

There’s a considerable number of people gathered here; it’s not necessary to use all of them against Lucy Alrn.

I’ll divide the parties into four.”

There’s no reason to face a single party with four members. They would be stronger when divided than when gathered.

“We’ll carry out a grand ambush, breaking them apart before defeating them one by one.”

In terms of danger assessment, the first threat was Lucy, followed by Frey. Then came Joy and Paybi.

The first two had the power to protect themselves even when surrounded by dozens of others, whereas the latter two did not.

Thus, they would assign someone to buy time for Lucy and Frey while the remaining elites would swiftly take down Joy and Paybi.

Afterward, they would all gather to hunt Lucy Alrn who was left as the last target.

After sharing his plan, murmurs ran through the gathered students.

In principle, it was sound. There might not be a better method of hunting an exceptional individual. However, the most crucial element was missing from his strategy.

“Is it really possible for Academy students to work together so systematically?”

One of those present raised their hand and posed this question. It was a perfectly reasonable doubt.

While the Academy students were undoubtedly talented, they weren’t trained soldiers.

The majority hadn’t even perfectly adapted to working with their four-person party, so could they move in an organic manner with nearly a hundred people?

The answer was abundantly clear.

“Of course not.”

If such a thing were possible, why would they gather soldiers and knights for training in the territory? They could simply gather farmers whenever something happened and handle things on the fly.

“However, that isn’t an issue. Most of what they will be doing is buying time.”

If this discussion had been about confronting dangerous monsters, Arthur’s statement would have sparked considerable controversy.

It would imply the lives of many would be sacrificed for the sake of time.

However, this wasn’t such a perilous situation. It was a part of the field study.

“You only need coordination for the elite troops gathered to take them out one at a time.”

With that, Arthur confidently established his authority and began to flesh out the plan.


“Lady Alrn. Are you really okay?”

As Joy gazed at the rising sun, her worry about the upcoming ambush came to the surface.

‘I’m fine.’

“Clumsy Young Lady, what are you worried about? Those pathetic losers can’t possibly take me down!”

“Still, it’s said nearly a hundred people will be attacking…”

Last night, after the Clumsy Fox warned us about the risk of ambush, I was preparing for the Academy raid centered around Arthur.

Having decided to become the villain and robbing every person I could see in the forest, I’d thought a similar event would occur but to think the number would nearly reach a hundred.

If the Clumsy Fox hadn’t given me a heads-up, I would’ve been shocked at the number of people assembled in front of me. Just how many pathetic losers does the Academy have?

‘They say it’s fine.’

“Do you really think I’m just like the ridiculous Young Lady who messes up every day? I’ve thought everything through. Don’t worry.”


Although more people gathered than I expected, it didn’t change my plan.

In fact, having more people on my side was advantageous. The more people there are, the harder it will be to control any chaos that arises.

‘More importantly, Joy…’

“Clumsy Young Lady. Instead of saying pointless nonsense, shouldn’t we check the magic? Are you really prepared?”

“Don’t worry about that. Do you think I haven’t used any of that magic even once or twice?”


“I really have no faith in you. Are you sure you haven’t messed up? Really?”

“Well, you know. There’s nothing wrong… huh?”

Knowing how many mistakes Joy typically made at critical moments, I urged her to check again.

Under my persistent questioning, Joy, claiming she was fully prepared, began examining the magic she had created when suddenly her eyes widened and she turned her head.

Even I, who had no expertise in magic, could grasp what that meant.

‘You messed up, didn’t you?’

“Clumsy Young Lady, what nonsense did you pull off this time?”

“It’s nothing big. Just a bit of a mix-up with the volume control.”

Sigh. What would’ve happened if I hadn’t told her to check again?

She really is the Clumsy Young Lady. Making mistakes at important moments.

As I let out an audible sigh, Joy defended herself, saying it was something she could fix quickly.

Joy. That’s not the problem. The problem is that you made yet another mistake.

As my cold gaze fell upon her, Joy’s face slowly reddened as Frey rushed over from afar.

“They’re coming.”

Is it almost time?


“Clumsy Young Lady, hurry and fix it. Don’t pull another silly mistake like before.”

“I got it, just wait a moment!”


“Your Highness. We’ve located Lucy Alrn.”


“In the middle of a clearing.”


A clearing? What does that even mean? What do you mean there’s a clearing in this forest, which is dangerously easy to get lost in?

As soon as Arthur frowned at the news from another student, he soon saw with his own eyes that it was indeed true.

Lucy Alrn was standing right in the middle of that clearing.

By the traces of the cut-down trees, it looked like Lucy Alrn had personally created that spot.

Had she prepared something, anticipating the ambush?

Certainly, she isn’t going to let herself be taken down without a fight.

Arthur clicked his tongue, though he wasn’t surprised that his opponent had realized the threat of an ambush.

After all, given her level of intellect, it wouldn’t be strange for her to predict Arthur’s ploy.

What’s this? Lucy Alrn. Just what kind of trap have you set up in such a short time?

Even if you’re talented, that’s in physical combat.

You’re not a great sorceress, after all. There’s no way you could have prepared something capable of turning the tide in this situation.

Then why can Lucy Alrn stand there so confidently?

It’s just bravado. A ruse to buy time. She intends to survive until the field study concludes.

Ha ha. I can’t fall for that! After a brief moment of contemplation, Arthur was resolute that Lucy’s confidence was mere bluster, ready to instruct the students he led.

However, at that moment—


Lucy’s voice echoed across the clearing.

Is that… an amplification spell? Why would she prepare such a spell typically used during speeches?

“Hello♡ You perverted losers who gathered to harass a girl♡ What are you doing?♡”

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