Switch Mode

Chapter 136

Chapter: 136

“Ah, damn it. Footsteps again.”

“First, hold your positions. Let’s assess the situation.”

Jacob swallowed hard as he heard the footsteps approaching from a distance.

It was the third morning since the field study began. This forest had become a hellscape.

To avoid flunking, the Academy students attacked other parties, and those who were ambushed then targeted weaker parties to keep their grades up.

In an environment where survival of the fittest reigned supreme, Jacob’s party had found themselves playing the role of the weak.

Not that they were suited for this type of strife. They hadn’t formed this party with the intention of getting top marks in the first place.

They were just a group of acquaintances aiming to gather enough loot to pass while planning to enjoy a leisurely camping trip in the woods.

Therefore, their combat effectiveness was lacking; they wouldn’t stand a chance even against a level 10 boss in the Academy’s dungeon.

As a result, they had always been prey since the first night when Lucy Alrn initiated her raids.

They helplessly lost the precious loot they had risked their lives to collect, and after shedding blood and tears while battling monsters, they’d get ambushed again by another party, losing everything they gathered.

For Jacob’s party, this field study wasn’t an educational experience but rather an incessant torment due to their lack of strength.

This wasn’t the kind of field study Jacob had dreamed about.

He had envisioned defeating monsters with friends and chatting by the campfire under the starry night sky.

How had this supposed fun trip turned into such a nightmare? He ground his teeth as he heard the footsteps drawing closer.

“I won’t just sit back and let them take everything! I’ve gone through so much, and we’ve gained experience. This time, we’ll fight back!”

That’s right! We’re going to take some of it back! Resolving to hold his sword firmly, Jacob’s determination crumbled as he caught sight of the person emerging from the bushes.

“Nice to see you.”

Arthur Soladin, the third prince of the Soladin Kingdom, a monster among monsters ranked among the top ten in the current Soul Academy.

The individuals behind him were equally skilled, making them a devastating match for Jacob’s party.

Jacob realized that, no matter how spirited he was, they wouldn’t be able to win against this group.

Damn it! Just my luck! Jacob bit his lip at the sight. Any resistance would be futile. They’d just be annihilated by their sheer power.

Might as well beg for mercy. We have nothing to begin with, so please don’t take everything from us.

“Oh, don’t worry. We didn’t come to steal your loot.”


“Of course! If I intended to take your stuff, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

That was true. If Arthur had intended to loot them, there would’ve been no need for small talk. A simple demand would’ve left Jacob’s party on their knees.

“Then why?”

“I’m currently devising a plan. For that, we need the students of our Academy to unite.”

“Eh? What does that mean?”

“Do you think it’s fair for the culprit behind this mess to be strolling around with a smirk on her face?”

The culprit behind the state of chaos in the forest needed no further identification; everyone here knew that name.

Lucy Alrn.

The Divine being with the greatest power on the continent.

The one who possessed the most profound knowledge within the Academy.

At the same time, she was the century’s genius, continuously breaking new records at the Soul Academy.

The one who had saved Jacob’s life during the entrance exam.

“He’s saying he wants to show her the original sin of her crimes. As much as I’d prefer to repay her myself, Lucy Alrn is simply too strong for that.”

“So, you intend to gather everyone from the Academy to launch a coordinated attack.”

“Precisely. I don’t want to give Lucy a single variable to work with.”

Arthur’s determination was palpable; he wasn’t about to let Lucy have a single edge. If he prepared half-heartedly, it was clear she would dismantle everything.

“Of course, those participating in this will receive appropriate compensation. I plan to distribute Lucy Alrn’s loot fairly.”

Lucy had amassed a significant amount of loot since the first day by raiding many parties at the Academy.

If they could take that loot and distribute it fairly, perhaps Jacob’s party could escape the threat of flunking altogether.

“Is that really true?”

As Jacob’s friend voiced this thought, Arthur nodded.

“I vow on the honor of the prince.”

The weight of a promise made by a prince was no light matter.

As Jacob’s party began to buzz with hope, he took a step forward.

“I’m sorry, Prince Arthur.”

“Are you refusing my offer?”

“Yes. Lady Alrn saved my life. I cannot betray her.”

Lucy had likely erased Jacob’s existence from her mind a long time ago. To someone like her, who was continuously rewriting history, a tiny creature like Jacob didn’t matter.

But even so, a creature of the earth couldn’t forget a star in the sky. As Jacob bowed his head, Arthur regarded him, quietly chuckling at the back of his head.

“Are you not curious about what your friends think?”

“Ah! Um, that’s…”

“No. Prince! We agree!”

“How could we attack the one who saved our friend?”

Jacob was cut off before he could respond, with teammates voicing their support for Jacob’s opinion.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he designated you as enemies!”

“We’ve got nothing left to lose! Feel free to take the dust from our empty pockets!”

Jacob’s ever-chatty friend stuttered out the words and, at last, Arthur could no longer hold back his laughter.

He burst into chuckles amid the silence from others, then cleared his throat, his dove-like smile returning.

“Alright then. I respect your wishes. But don’t interfere with our plans. If you do, I will have to consider you opponents too.”

Having said that, Arthur left, and Jacob’s legs turned to jelly as he collapsed.

That was some serious intimidation. It must be the royal blood that gives him such a powerful presence. I thought I was going to be eaten alive!

“Hey! What the hell are you doing yelling stuff like that without any agreement!”

“Seriously, we thought we were going to be finished by the prince. You idiot!”

“Die! Shit! You better go hunt some monsters and get us some loot, you dumbass!”

However, Jacob couldn’t reflect on what had just happened. Instead, he was met with his friends’ affectionate kicks and punches directed towards him.


Maybe they stole too much over the last two days? The vigilance among the other students of the Academy had risen sharply.

Even if Paybi stepped up, they wouldn’t be at ease; they’d be busy pointing their weapons instead.

But even so, it wouldn’t change the outcome. Just because they squinted at us doesn’t mean they can stop our party’s strength, right?

After getting Paybi’s buff, Joy would launch the first magic attack while I charged in, drawing aggro, then we’d take them down one by one with Frey. How are they supposed to stop that?

Even if they teamed up, these scrubs couldn’t even scratch me.

After yet another party of loot was wiped out, I stored the spoils they had given me for their education in my inventory and checked my haul.

Whoa. I’ve gathered quite a lot. This is a considerable amount even by game standards!

Must be the pride from gathering it all by running around. With this much, first place in the field study is pretty much guaranteed.

I was smiling with satisfaction when I heard the rustling in the bushes but didn’t turn my head. I already knew who it was.

“Lady Lina? What brings you here?”

“There’s only one reason one would come to a place like this, isn’t there?”


As the Clumsy Fox raised her voice, Joy’s sympathetic gaze landed on me.

Paybi was the same. Though she cast me a strange look when we were looting other students, right now, she felt pity for me.

Damn, Clumsy Fox. You must be something if even the other kids feel sorry for me.

I looked at her with zero pretense of hiding my disgust and saw the Clumsy Fox’s tail waving wildly behind her.

“That look is delightful. Care to gawk a little more?”


“Why are you still alive? You’re disgusting. Just die. Go commit suicide.”

“Mmm, it’s quite delicious indeed. As much as I’d love to savor it more, I have something to share with you, so let’s cut it short.”

The Clumsy Fox said, then shifted back into her human form.

Standing taller than most women, she towered over me, who looked like a little brat next to her. Naturally, I had to look up at her.

Looking down on me with her creepy eyes got my blood boiling. Strangely, being around her made my anger threshold plummet.

“Shouldn’t beasts crawl on four legs like beasts?♡ Why imitate humans?♡ Sit!♡ You disgusting perverted fox!♡”


Seeing the Clumsy Fox barking like a dog even without being prompted made my heart soften… not at all!

Ah, damn it. Being around this pervert is making me feel tainted.

“So, what’s the message?♡”


“Are you the lord of the forest with no brain or situational awareness?♡ You pathetic beast♡ You can only play the perv?♡”

The Clumsy Fox seemed thrilled by my words, panting and laughing, only to receive sharp stares from Joy and Paybi, prompting her to cough awkwardly and continue speaking.

And even then, she was still crawling around on all fours.

“It seems the students of the Academy are planning to team up against you.”

‘Centered around Arthur, right?’

“Poor naïve prince is right in the middle.”

“Did you know about this?”

Of course. Given the havoc I’ve wreaked in this forest, it’d be impossible for the hatred not to converge on my direction.

I mean, I’ve already got a rotten reputation. Naturally, I’m bound to become a public enemy.

“I could hide you at my mansion, you know.”

‘No thanks.’

“Hide at a beast’s home? No thanks, I’d rather not smell like an animal.”

What reason is there to hide? The loot from monsters conveniently comes right to me.

“Do you have any countermeasures?”

‘Of course.’


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not work with dark mode