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Chapter 134

Chapter: 134

Watching the clumsy fox throw away all sense of dignity was truly painful.

A little bit of eccentric behavior can be charming, but when it goes too far, it becomes disgusting. I mean, if anyone saw this fox rubbing its face against my leg, they’d think the same. At least my party members would.

Seeing it, Joy froze up like she couldn’t believe what she was witnessing, while even Paybi shut her eyes and started praying as soon as she saw the fox’s antics.

In the midst of everyone in shock, Frey seemed calm. With her craziness, she sat in front of the fox and reached out towards its chin.

“Good girl!”

“Hey! Get away from me! I want to be treated like the beautiful thing sculpted by the divine, not like some awkwardly pretty thing like you!”

The clumsy fox, while being a pervert, had her own principles.

She firmly swatted Frey’s hand away and crawled toward me, making cute squeaks like she wanted me to step on her already.

I didn’t want to touch her in the least, but if it could give Paybi a blessing, I guess it wouldn’t be too hard to get trampled a little.

I just had to give up my dignity. It’s alright. It’s way better than wearing that bunny girl outfit, right? Repeating that in my head, I bit down and placed my foot on the fox’s head.

“Hey, little lady. Sorry, but can you take off your armor and let me step on you barefoot?”

“Shut it! Pathetic pervert fox! Who do you think you are, talking back? If you’re a pathetic little pup, you should be wagging your tail and being happy with what your owner gives you!”

As I pressed her head down with my cold armor, the clumsy fox began to bark happily and wag her tail just as I commanded.

…I’ll have to clean the armor later. Especially around the foot part, I’ll scrub that like crazy.


“I’m sorry, Young Lady Alrn. Because of me…”

‘Please, don’t say a word.’

“Pathetic saint? Keep quiet. I don’t want to hear the complaints of an incompetent person.”

“I’m so sorry…”

Don’t remind me of what just happened! I’m trying to forget about it, and you keep bringing it up?!

If I endured this shame to give you skills, the least you could do is say thank you and shut your mouth!

The fox, squished under my foot, finally got up with an excited look on her face and declared she would bless everyone, including Paybi.

Drooling and looking dazed like she’d just taken some drugs, she might not look dignified, but she still gave proper rewards.

A message popped up, confirming I’d learned a new skill.

After that, the clumsy fox asked if we wouldn’t stay a little longer, but we all combined our will and rejected her firmly.

Everyone understood we wouldn’t gain anything good by sticking around that perverted fox.

Having escaped the clumsy fox’s mansion, we returned to the forest where the practical training was taking place.

It seemed like we spent a long time overcoming the trial with the fox because, high in the sky, the moon was sharing its light with the surrounding stars.

The field study had started around lunchtime, so by now, the first-year students at the Academy would be exhausted, taking a breather.

Everyone must be bubbling with excitement. Aside from the fact that monsters exist in the forest, it’s like camping with their good friends.

By now, they’d be chatting about how amazing they were today and how great each other was.

Even if they learned to prepare for monster ambushes at school, I doubt the excited little newbies would manage proper defenses, right? They must be overflowing with countless slip-ups!

Which means, now’s the time to teach these first-year Academy students about reality, who are in mushy little hearts.

It’s unfortunate for the others, but thanks to that clumsy fox, stress has reached the top of my head. I need a place to blow off some steam.


“Hey losers. It’s time to start that thing I was talking about before. I hope none of you forgot it, you pathetic idiots?”

Let’s begin the hunt.

I’m going to unleash all this pent-up frustration on these innocent folks.


Arthur stirred the campfire with a twig, glancing around. His companions all wore smiles on their faces.

“Matthew! As expected, you’re the one that catches everyone’s attention at the Church! Your divine magic timing is just too good!”

“Haha, that’s all thanks to Viggo and Leez for standing their ground.”

“Don’t say it’s my doing. He’s…”

Arthur’s party achieved outstanding results that day. Not only did each individual have excellent skills, but Arthur’s leadership was remarkable as well.

Upon hearing the field study for the Academy was set in the Saitil Forest, he began researching it.

He wanted to surpass Lucy in performance. This time, he was determined to put Lucy below him.

He studied the geography of the Saitil Forest, what kinds of monsters inhabited it, how to hunt them, how to attract more monsters, and many other things, buying items to apply his knowledge in practice.

Thanks to that, Arthur’s group succeeded in hunting fifty monsters on the first day. It would have been impossible without Arthur’s thorough preparations.

Of course, the process was tough and challenging, but since they reaped rewards equal to their hard work, the mood of the party was lively.

Arthur watched his party members chatting and smiling, contemplating their next day.

In his view, this field study favored frontrunners.

As the monsters in the forest were limited, those who successfully hunted many would leave the latecomers in the dust.

No matter how amazing Lucy Alrn was, if there were no monsters left for her to hunt, achieving a high score would be impossible.

So this field study was the optimal environment for winning against Lucy. Here, strategy would outweigh personal ability.

For now, he would push through with minimal rest, claiming all the monsters in this forest.

There might be complaints, but confidence in tremendous results and the rest afterward would be enough.

Alright. This time, I can surely defeat Lucy Alrn. I can etch that arrogant face with defeat in her eyes.

Just as Arthur was tightening his grip on the cabin, he heard a branch snap from beyond the foliage.

What is it? A monster?

“Everyone, up!”

Having grown accustomed to following Arthur’s orders today, they all took up combat positions without hesitation.

“What’s this? Is this the pathetic prince’s party? No wonder there’s a stench of sad losers.”

However, just as Arthur heard that obnoxious voice from the darkness, he couldn’t help but smirk.

It was Lucy Alrn. In some ways, it was more troubling than a monster popping up.

“Hello, pathetic prince.”

“Yeah. Good to see you, Lucy Alrn.”

As he laid eyes on the armored girl emerging from the thicket, Arthur let his sword slacken.

Lucy Alrn, Joy, Frey Kent, and the saintess, huh?

What a joke. This is practically the best combination one could get in the current first year at the Academy, isn’t it?

There was no way they could win against this party now, and even if they brought in Jackal, a frontal battle would be impossible.

Truly horrifying. To fight me properly, I’d need actual knights from the ranks.

“Why are you wandering about at this late hour? The night forest is dangerous.”

“Could you not compare my party to your pathetic one? It’s quite offensive.”

Is each of them hunting even in the night based on sheer power? Well, I guess that’s Lucy Alrn for you.

Those guys are always leading the charge and practicing endurance.

Frey Kent and Joy have gained a ton of stamina by working with Lucy Alrn, so pulling an all-nighter shouldn’t be a problem for them.

The saintess seems to have better stamina than expected too. Judging by her face, she looks barely tired.

Arthur wished he could maintain that kind of rigorous endurance, but it was impossible for him.

Unlike Lucy Alrn’s party, who was accustomed to pushing themselves, Arthur’s party had limitations.

Even with my thorough preparations, I can’t confidently say I’m going to win. There would definitely be differences in total hunting time.

Tch. I wasn’t prepared enough. I should have gotten my party members ready long before such events took place.

“Good job. But we need to rest.”

Arthur, feeling the weight of his shortcomings, suggested they move aside, but Lucy Alrn didn’t budge.

What’s this? Does she have more to say?

“Pathetic Young Lady.”


As Lucy Alrn called out Joy, Joy unleashed a spell she had been pre-casting.

The ice magic she cast accurately landed on the campfire, extinguishing the only source of light in the dark forest.

What the—?!


Startled by the sudden darkness, Arthur received a heavy blow to his stomach and collapsed right there.

The unexpected attack left him scratching the ground in confusion.

While Arthur struggled to get back up, sounds filled the darkness.

Shouts of people arguing.

Screams from men.

One by one, he could hear their bodies hitting the floor.

Once the moans of men echoed in the quiet forest, the light returned to the woods.

Only then could Arthur weakly lift his head and see his party members sprawled on the ground.

“Lucy Alrn! What on earth are you doing? Attacking fellow students?!”

“What’s wrong with that? I just opened their eyes to reality.”

“What’s wrong? How can you even say that?!”

“Look. The Academy professors aren’t doing anything, are they?”

Hearing Lucy’s words, Arthur finally realized the strangeness.

The Academy professors might have hidden themselves but were spread throughout the forest to ensure student safety.

Why wouldn’t they intervene in this chaos? Didn’t they know it would happen?

That couldn’t be. Just look at who’s here.

A prince, a saintess.

A duke’s daughter and a count’s daughter.

Not a single one of them is unimportant.

Would they neglect watching over this?

They had already faced problems multiple times this year, so that couldn’t be the case. Therefore, this means…

“The Academy is allowing this?”

“Pathetic prince, are you an idiot? This isn’t some act of negligence. This is precisely what a field study is all about.”

Lucy Alrn said that and kicked Arthur’s sword away, sending it flying far off.

What do you mean, this is the way it is?

They were prompting fights between students? From the Academy’s side?

Thinking back, there had been clues all along.

Like not having any rules against attacking others.

Limited monsters in the forest and quotas.

The rewards given upon gathering ample spoils.

Could it really be?

“Are you planning to take the spoils we gathered?”

“Take them? This is an education fee. It’s payment for letting the pathetic prince know the reality. Don’t make me look like the bad person here. The royalty is the one who’s foolishly incompetent.”

Arthur scoffed at Lucy Alrn’s smug grin, feeling genuinely heated.

“Just hand over the spoils willingly. I’ll at least leave a minimum quota for you.”

He was seething, but Arthur had no options. If Lucy Alrn wished it, it would be simple to obliterate this party.

With trembling hands, Arthur handed over the spoils he painstakingly gathered throughout the day.

“I will surely take my revenge. Lucy Alrn.”

“Ha! How can that spineless pathetic prince seek revenge? Try as you might, you’ll just be writhing under my feet.”

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