Switch Mode

Chapter 133

Chapter: 133

Seeing the message about increased rewards didn’t bring me any joy at all. After all, the last time similar words appeared, I got a buff to my Mesugaki skill.

Looking back, it’s terrifying! Words like “pathetic god” and “perverted maiden,” were tossed around like it was casual. The Mesugaki skill that let me say whatever I wanted—even to people I shouldn’t have—was a total nightmare!

Right now, the situation felt eerily similar. After overcoming hardships, I cleared a quest given to me by the pathetic god, and here I was, gearing up to take a jab at him for the reward.

Of course, compared to last time, I wasn’t insulting him with the same intensity. Back then, I was barely escaping a deadly crisis and was furious over receiving such a useless reward. Now, I was just grumbling a bit.

But seriously, would that pathetic god even care?

That stingy and petty so-called “great god” was probably more worried about the cheeky brat who insulted him.

When I thought about it, I realized I didn’t just have one or two karmic debts stacked up. What was it I called him every time?

Upon pondering it deeper, I was too scared to continue.

Um, was I being a bit irreverent? Your Honor! This isn’t my fault! It’s Lucy inside me just rambling on her own!

I meant to talk about the glory of Armadi, but Lucy interrupted and called him a pathetic god! How can you say such nonsense?!

What does it matter? Honestly, if you were in the same boat as I am, Your Honor, you would have probably cursed that pathetic sadistic masochistic god too!


Is this what it feels like to be on death row? The waiting for punishment is somehow worse than the punishment itself. Ugh, what am I even doing here? Let’s just put some armor on. Others might be waiting for me.

– Ding!

As I stretched my arms and went for the armor strewn across the bed, the notification rang out.

What a coincidence, right? You’re not messing with me on purpose, are you? Should I believe it’s a fluke? Well, whether I believe it or not, the message will tell me if it’s a coincidence or intentional.

The message floated before my eyes, but I couldn’t bring myself to look. It felt like whatever it contained couldn’t be good.

It can’t be that my Mesugaki skill is getting buffed again, right? Like, what if my speech becomes even worse? What if I get forced into actions that provoke random duels just by saying a word?!

If that’s not it, how else could they mess with me? I have no idea. Perhaps being a lowly mortal means I can’t discern the grand intentions of the mighty pathetic god.

Ah, whatever. If it’s anything, it’s probably just some petty torment. After all, I’m just the pathetic god’s amusing little toy—there’s no way he’d go all out on me, right?

Thinking that, I raised my head and read a few words from the message with urgency as I quickly ducked down.

[…Your skill will strengthen.]

What the hell?! Is that really what I imagined it to be?! Is the pathetic god so pathetic he can’t even think of something more creative than this kind of torment that’s no different from what a mortal could imagine at all?!

No. No. Chill out. I haven’t confirmed the extent of that yet. Maybe those words aren’t even about the Mesugaki skill.

Cautiously, I lifted my head again to confirm the entire message, forgetting to blink.

[“Iron Wall” skill will strengthen.]

[If you perfectly time your attacks to block them, the damage will decrease.]


That’s a crucial feature in a game that prioritizes control.

Parrying exists in Soul Academy too. It’s a tricky technique to master timing perfectly, making it something only veterans could pull off.

In other words, it’s an essential technique for the seasoned players. Without it, you couldn’t even dream about defeating bosses with your bare hands.

When this world was still a game, I had used that technique quite well. But ultimately, parrying was just another game function that faded away when this world became reality.

And now, it’s back as a buff to my Iron Wall skill! To be precise, it’s a lower-level version of parrying, but who cares?!

The function of parrying is back!

I couldn’t believe it, so I kept reading the text in the message over and over, just like when I randomly obtained a legendary item when I first started playing Soul Academy and couldn’t wrap my head around it.

“Hehe! Hahaha!”

A laugh burst out uncontrollably. The laughter rising from the depths of my heart seemed to erase the word “stop” from existence, causing me to double over in my room with joy.

Eventually, when I calmed down and put my hands together, I sent a prayer skyward.

“Oh great and glorious Armadi! Thank you! By giving this irreverent nonbeliever a gift instead of punishment, you’ve shown just how merciful and great you truly are!”

Starting tonight, I’ll dedicate my nightly prayers to Armadi, thanking him for the presence he holds!

Hooray! It’s parrying! The exhilarating feeling of perfectly executing that technique!

Ah, I can’t wait to fight! I want to parry!

Thinking about it, there are plenty of dummies in this forest to practice my parrying technique on!

Ugh. Those first-year Academy students are totally doomed today.



“So, to save me, Lady Alrn…”

“Lady Alrn wouldn’t wear such an outfit without a good reason, right?”

Paybi, who had heard from Joy about why Lucy was in a bunny girl outfit, was staring open-mouthed, then lowered her gaze and clasped her hands over her chest.

Right. A sensible person wouldn’t willingly wear something embarrassing, would they?

Lady Alrn may be quirky, but she upholds a minimum level of dignity. Even if she speaks harshly and criticizes others, she’s never caused issues with her appearance or mannerisms.

If she wore something shameful, there must have been a reason, but I didn’t even consider that. I was simply confused about what Lady Alrn was doing!

I might have thought a little less of her too.

Lady Alrn was enduring humiliation for my sake while I was…!

…I guess I need to apologize.

Resolved in my heart, Paybi stood up from her seat and spoke.

“I’ll go meet Lady Alrn.”

Pondering what words she should use as she moved forward, Paybi found herself at the entrance of Lucy’s room.

Didn’t they say she was changing? But it’s awfully quiet considering she’s putting on armor. Is she perhaps doing something else in there?

As Paybi stepped closer to knock, she realized the door was slightly ajar. Is she changing somewhere else?

Without thinking, she peeked through the gap and found Lucy praying.

Before the backdrop of armor scattered across the floor and with her bare skin facing the great god, Lucy looked sacred.

Like a religious painting hung in the heart of the Church.

Who would look at that and think Lucy, with her usual annoying smirk, was some haughty person overlooking everyone?

Paybi stared blankly at the scene.

Is Lady Alrn talking to Armadi now? Is she listening to him?

Unlike me, who had to hear his voice through a deceitful illusion, Lucy was likely hearing the genuine voice of Armadi left to her ears.

Then, at some moment, just as Lucy raised the corners of her mouth, it wasn’t her usual annoying smirk but a sincere smile filled with genuine contentment.

Seeing this made Paybi involuntarily step back and then force herself to stop.

Don’t run away, Paybi. If you turn around, it’ll only be the same story again.

When you do something wrong, what matters most is to repent and make it right. Don’t retreat. Move forward.

Paybi took a deep breath and knocked on the door softly.

“Lady Alrn, are you alright?”

“Pathetic saint? Just wait a moment. You know, waiting is the easiest thing for a simpleton like you?”


My life is pretty much a never-ending wait.


Paybi came seeking me out to express her apologies and gratitude.

She wanted to apologize for falling to the illusion despite my prior warning. Moreover, she thanked me for enduring humiliation to save her from that illusion.

I told her it was my fault for dragging her into this trial, but Paybi wouldn’t let it go.

So, I decided to accept her apology. Although Paybi was a kind person, she could be stubborn when it came to this stuff.

Afterward, when we returned to the reception room, the clumsy fox gathered us up.

“Alright, I’ll grant you your rewards for passing the trial.”


Sure, the clumsy fox was a bit of a weirdo, but the blessings given by her were genuinely top-notch.

Considering her trial was related to the mind, the rewards had to do with mental aspects as well.

Here’s what it was. It would raise resistance to debuffs that affected mental states. In simpler terms, it lowers the probability of falling into illusions or being enthralled by something.

You can tell just by how it’s described; the blessing from the clumsy fox is exactly what I need right now.

If I fell victim to the debuffs from the Mesugaki skill, I’d be finished! So a skill that could lower that probability is always welcome.

As my heart raced in excitement awaiting the reward, the clumsy fox cleared her throat and continued to speak.

“However, for the girl following the god, you are the exception. You’ve been consumed by illusions.”

That’s true. Paybi didn’t pass the trial. But thinking about how anxious she was right now, she probably could use that blessing.

If it had been the Paybi from the game, I wouldn’t have worried. But the Paybi beside me right now looked so shaky she might just fall over at any moment.

Hmm. Is there no way to handle this?

“Okay. I understand.”

Seeing Paybi nodding along while expressing agreement got me thinking.

When I consider it, isn’t this clumsy fox a masochist? Wouldn’t she be thrilled if I genuinely insulted her?

Since I just completed the quest given to me by Armadi, I could now leave without a care. If all else fails, I could always give her a swift kick in the rear while in this bunny girl outfit!

Alright. Time for some payback for the indignities bestowed upon me by this clumsy fox, let’s ramp it up with insults!

“Oh clumsy fox ♡ why are you so petty? ♡ Aha ♡ You’re rambling like you want to be insulted, huh? ♡ Pervert ♡ Just seeing you makes me feel nauseous ♡”

“Oh beautiful girl. This isn’t how it works.”

“Liar ♡ You enjoy getting kicked, don’t you? A hopeless masochist ♡ Just admit it ♡ You want my foot to stomp you and make you wail like a pup ♡”

The clumsy fox blushed at my provocation, her lips trembling. Hmm. No matter how serious a masochist she might be, can she withstand the rage of the Mesugaki skill’s provocation?

While I was contemplating whether I should fix this mess by putting on the bunny girl outfit, the clumsy fox suddenly dropped to her knees.

“Woof! Woof!”

Then she crawled around on all fours, barking like a dog.

Ugh. This is the ‘owner of the forest’?

I seriously can’t stand this.

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not work with dark mode