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Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Don’t kill me, I can be a wet nurse for your children!

A slight splashing sound came from the foot basin. Li Mo’s big feet chased after the delicate white and tender feet of Jing Ni, playing around.

These few days of constant running around, the husband and wife rarely slept together without doing anything inappropriate.

It wasn’t until the water started to feel a bit cool that Jing Ni gently lifted the foot that Li Mo was pressing down on to dry it.

When she returned after pouring out the water, she saw Li Mo had not yet gone to bed to rest.

It seemed like he was waiting for her.

Jing Ni’s delicate face blushed slightly. She turned and closed the door, putting on the latch.

Li Mo had been staying in Purple Orchid Pavilion a few days before leaving Xinzheng.

In the past two days, it was inconvenient to stay close to Ying Zheng and Ge Nie.

So it seemed like it had been a while since she had ‘danced’ with her husband in the morning.

Today, Ying Zheng and Ge Nie were staying in another building, rare occasions where Jing Ni understood the meaning behind Li Mo’s waiting for her. “Honey, come over quickly, let me show you a treasure.”

Sure enough, just after Jing Ni put on the latch, Li Mo’s mysterious voice came over. Jing Ni smiled and glanced at him, walking towards the bed. “I’ve seen it before, why make it sound so mysterious.”

How many times had she seen it? Li Mo was taken aback and surprised, “Honey has seen it?”

Jing Ni rolled her eyes speechlessly, “What do you think? I reckon I’m more familiar with it than you are.”

Li Mo was surprised again, “You mean Honey has used it too?”

Jing Ni laughed at his confusion. “You don’t even remember it yourself, bullying me less, right?”

Seeing Li Mo like this, he probably wanted to play some tricks again. So, in cooperation with him, she said, “Then let me see it again, alright?”

Speaking, Jing Ni dragged her shoes and slipped into bed. After covering the quilt with a rustling noise, she took off her long skirt and handed it to Li Mo. “Hang it up for me.”

Li Mo, with one hand in his pocket, took the delicate clothes and skirt imbued with Jing Ni’s scent and warmth. “Looking” at her snow-white jade-like shoulders, he hesitated, “Honey, how are you…”

Jing Ni blinked in confusion, “Do you want me to… wear clothes?”

This kind of thing had happened before. Li Mo had lifted her skirt directly not just once or twice. Jing Ni, seeing his puzzled look, asked as if seeking his opinion, “Should I put it on again?”

Noticing Jing Ni’s confused expression, Li Mo’s mouth twitched a few times. Eventually, unable to hold back, he burst into laughter. Trembling, he pulled out a tiny thing from his pocket. “The treasure I was talking about is this.”

“What was Honey thinking?”

Jing Ni looked at the thing in his hand and realized she had misunderstood. Her face suddenly turned red, “Husband is teasing me!”

What, raising expectations for nothing!

Li Mo suppressed his laughter, “Clearly, Honey misunderstood it herself.”

Jing Ni felt embarrassed by his words. She pulled the quilt over her head and face. Hiding under the covers, she murmured, “Sleep, sleep, we have to travel tomorrow.”

Speak clearly!

I’ve prepared for it, and you show me this?

Li Mo moved closer to her and coaxed, “If I didn’t explain it clearly, that’s all right, right? Honey, help me see what this thing is.”

Jing Ni revealed a pair of deep eyes from under the covers, with a hint of shyness. Her gaze fell on the object in Li Mo’s hand. After looking at it, she asked, “What is this?”

In Li Mo’s hand was a small and delicate pagoda, less than two inches tall. It was jade green overall, and the material was somewhat similar to the jade piece found in the Hanguang Sword before.

“This was taken from Xuanjian’s body, the preserved soul of Eight Linlong. It should be related to this.”

“Have you seen it before, Honey?”

Seeing Li Mo discussing official matters, Jing Ni forgot the awkwardness from earlier. She pulled her whole head out from under the covers, took the pagoda from his hand, and carefully observed it for a while.

Then she shook her head, “I haven’t seen it before, does Husband think this originally belonged to Luo Network?”

If Li Mo asked her, it must be related to Luo Network. After all, as a former top-tier assassin, she knew the inside story of Luo Network that ordinary assassins couldn’t compare to.

Li Mo nodded, “Yes, Xuanjian was made into a killing machine by Luo Network, and his power improvement is also related to this thing.”

However, this kind of improvement was quite special.

It was through the eight Linglong souls that he forcibly improved.

Once the eight souls disappear, his strength will fall back.

What surprised Li Mo was not Xuanjian’s strength improvement.

But that this thing can actually preserve one’s soul!

The soul should be an elusive existence, and should not even exist.

But that day the eight Linglong souls appeared vividly in front of him.

Jing Ni looked at the small tower in her hand, and her eyes suddenly moved.

After handing the thing back to Li Mo, she reached up and touched the red string around her neck.

From her proud assets, she took out the pendant that Li Mo had given her before.

Approaching and said: “Husband, look at this.”

Li Mo’s face stiffened.

Honey’s pendant is really big, no, wrong.

Honey’s pendant is really white, no, still wrong.

“Husband, look, don’t these two materials look alike?”

Jing Ni didn’t know where Li Mo’s attention was.

She compared the pendant around her neck with the small tower.

Li Mo nodded seriously: “Hmm, very symmetrical.”

Jing Ni was stunned for a moment, what does “very symmetrical” mean?

It wasn’t until Li Mo reached out with his hand formed into a bowl shape towards her, that she knew what it meant.

She quickly grabbed his hand and handed him the two things in her hand.

Angrily said: “I mean this.”

Teasing someone just now, and now teasing them again.

Letting you do both serious and non-serious things alone!

Li Mo shrank back embarrassedly, comparing the two things in his hand seriously.

Although the shapes were different, the texture in the hand was almost the same.

Li Mo frowned, thinking of a possibility.

“Azure Dragon Seven Mansions…”

He took out the emerald tower and said, “Honey means, this thing is most likely part of the Qin country?”

The secret of Azure Dragon Seven Mansions is divided into seven parts.

Each of the seven countries holds one.

The jade block in the Hanguang Sword belongs to the Wei country, so the one in Xuanjian’s body, most likely belongs to the Qin country.

The Qin country is now ruled by Lu Buwei, with great power in the court.

And the former Emperor trusted him deeply during his reign.

After the former emperor’s death, he took possession of this thing.

Jing Ni lightly nodded, explaining, “Lu Buwei erased all of Xuanjian’s memories, before putting this thing in his body.”

“So in this case, he knew the purpose of this thing.”

So Lu Buwei erased his memories, making him a machine that only follows orders.

After speaking, Jing Ni picked up the pendant around her neck again, puzzled: “The Qin country’s one can extract a person’s soul, then what is the purpose of mine?”

The jade block was made into a pendant by Li Mo and worn by her.

But even after such a long time, no anomalies were found.

Li Mo did not answer, but was organizing the information he knew.

Azure Dragon Seven Mansions corresponds to seven stars.

Representing seven forces.

Now only the one from Qin country is known.

It can preserve a person’s soul.

The function of the one on Jing Ni’s body is unknown. That one is from the Han country… If nothing unexpected happens, he might find it soon

The items of remaining Yan Country, Chu Country, Qi Country, and Zhao Country are still unknown.

Only by gathering the contents of the items can the true secret of Azure Dragon Seven Mansions be unlocked.

What is the secret of Azure Dragon Seven Mansions?


Martial arts?

Or some kind of power?

It is said that deciphering this secret can control the world.

What kind of power is behind this secret that can control the world?

Now, it’s not just the royal families of the seven countries who know the secret of Azure Dragon Seven Mansions.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin Yang School has always been trying to uncover this secret.

And the clues known by the Yin Yang School may be more than those of the royal descendants.

How the Yin Yang School learned of this matter is itself a secret.

And the appearance of this school was also very sudden.

It is said that they broke away from the Taoist school, and have been dedicated to unraveling the mystery of Azure Dragon Seven Mansions ever since.

So the Yin Yang School can also be said to have emerged for this secret.

The goal of Eastern Emperor Taiyi is too obvious!

The establishment of the Yin Yang School is to unravel the mystery of the Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon. This old guy must know something that others don’t!

But he probably never expected that Li Mo, an outsider, would coincidentally obtain two items. Lu Buwei, that old guy, is also a failure in his sneaky attempts. Thinking of this, Li Mo couldn’t help but laugh. Serves them right!

Since the items are in his hands now, regardless of whether he has an interest in uncovering this mystery in the future, it is impossible to return them. Confucius said: “Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire.”

What I don’t want, others shouldn’t expect to get!

I won’t give them even if they are destroyed!

“Why are you laughing, husband?”

Surprise saw him suddenly laughing and couldn’t help but ask. Feeling that his smile was a bit mischievous. Could it be that he’s thinking of some way to tease me, Surprise thought. Should I… cooperate a bit? Surprise began to anticipate again. As a result, Li Mo’s smile disappeared and he helped Surprise put the pendant back in, also giving a few words of warning: “Nothing, Honey, keep this thing safe so others don’t see it.”

Surprise rolled her eyes at him. Didn’t even take a look at where I put it. Besides you, who else in this world can see it?

“What about this?”

Surprise took the small tower from him, examining it and asking how to handle it. It belongs to the Qin Empire. So should it be returned to Ying Zheng? Li Mo pondered for a moment and said, “No.”

What Qin Empire? Clearly, I snatched it from Xuanjian!

When the former Emperor of Qin passed away, Ying Zheng was only thirteen years old. The former Emperor of Qin probably entrusted the item to the most trusted Lu Buwei, instructing him to inform Ying Zheng only after he came to power. However, that heartless Lu Buwei sneakily kept the item for himself. So whether Ying Zheng knows about the existence of this item is still a question. If lucky in the future, getting a few more items, maybe he can unlock the secret of the Seven Mansions of the Azure Dragon on his own. At that time, he will infuriate that old fellow Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

Obediently, Surprise nodded and asked, “So where should this item be placed?”

It can’t be hanging around my neck, right? Li Mo thought for a moment and said, “Keep it with me.”

As soon as he said that, the small tower in Surprise’s hand suddenly trembled. She froze in place!

Although it was just a slight tremor, for someone like Jing Ni who wields a sword regularly, any slight change in the item in her hand can be felt. The small pagoda indeed trembled just now!

“Husband, it seems like this item moved just now.”

Surprise raised her head, looking at Li Mo in confusion. Li Mo looked surprised, “Moved?”

Surprise nodded affirmatively, “Yes, it trembled a bit, I’m not mistaken.”

“Let me see.”

Li Mo took the small tower back from her. As he inspected it, he curiously asked, “Why did it move, how did it move?”

“Did Honey touch it anywhere just now?”

The small tower remained still in his hand. Surprise shook her head and said in an uncertain tone, “It seems like I didn’t.”

“It was just when you said to put this item in your possession in the future, that it moved.”

“It feels like…”

Surprise tried to think of a description, then her eyes lit up after a moment, “It’s like it was startled by your words.”

Li Mo’s mouth twitched. It’s not a person, how could it be startled by me!

But then, a flash of insight crossed his mind. “I understand now, so that’s how it is.”

… Surprise saw that he seemed to have understood and asked curiously, “Really startled by you?”

A hint of a smile played on his lips as he replied to Surprise, “You could say that.”

“The Eight Linglong originally had eight souls absorbed, when in Purple Orchid Pavilion I killed seven.”

He opened his palm, holding it up in front of Surprise, “So there is still one soul inside.”

The last time Xuanjian used the move “Right Blade Takes Life, Left Blade Subdues Spirit”, a soul was directly scared away by Li Mo. It didn’t come out even after Xuanjian was dealt with. Now it seems to have been hiding inside this small pagoda, too afraid to show itself because Li Mo has been holding it these past few days!

“I didn’t guess wrong, did I?”

As soon as Li Mo’s voice fell, the small tower in his hand trembled again.

Jing Ni was full of astonishment: “It was like this just now.”

Li Mo sneered: “Looks like I didn’t guess wrong, did you come out by yourself, or do I have to drag you out?”

The small pagoda in his hand trembled again, then emitted a faint light.

A stream of light floated from the pagoda, landing in the corner of the room.

Jing Ni’s gaze immediately turned towards the corner, where a figure cowering and trembling with arms around shoulders.

Jing Ni’s eyes flashed coldly: “Li?”

This surviving soul is one of the eight spirits, Li.


Li Mo sat on the edge of the bed, reaching for the bamboo pole leaning against the bed.

Seeing the bamboo pole, Li instantly showed a frightened expression.

Her seven companions died under this thing!

“Don’t kill me, please, please spare me.”

Li’s face full of fear, her beautiful face turned pale.

Not sure if she was frightened or due to the state of her soul.

This soul state is very strange.

Li Mo could feel when they acted in Purple Orchid Pavilion, they were no different from normal people.

A poke could kill one, killing them made no difference.

But they could parasitize inside this small tower in the form of energy.

Seeing Li Mo indifferent, Li immediately pinned her hopes on Jing Ni.

Trembling, she knelt down pleadingly: “Jing Ni, persuade him, please persuade him.”

“Given that we were all part of the Luo Network organization before, spare me.”

“I don’t want to die again, please, please spare me.”

Even though she didn’t know the relationship between these two during the last death.

But now, looking at Jing Ni’s huddled figure under the blanket, she could tell.

Moreover, she heard their conversation clearly just now.

From the tone and attitude of their conversation, their relationship was closer than ordinary couples.

“Give me a reason not to kill you.”

Jing Ni’s tone was indifferent.

Not an ounce of sympathy for Li’s plea of being Luo Network people resonated with her.

She now detested Luo Network people the most!

Li realized there was still room for discussion in Jing Ni’s statement, feeling a glimmer of hope.

But her mind was so scrambled that she couldn’t think of a reason to persuade Jing Ni to spare her.

Jing Ni was notorious for being ruthless in Luo Network.

Seeing Li Mo already walking towards her, Li retreated in fear.

In her heart, this man was scarier than a devil!

“Don’t come over, don’t come over.”

“Please, please.”

Terrified, she dared not look at Li Mo, only at Jing Ni on the bed.

Suddenly, a flash of insight struck her.

She blurted out: “Spare me, I-I-I, I have a big chest, can be a wet nurse for your children!”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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