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Chapter 131

Chapter: 131

The Second Prince Irid Crown ponders to himself: what are his strengths?

He can perform basic self-defense, but he lacks the battle prowess of a legendary hero. Unlike the First Princess Elaine, who dances across the battlefield, severing enemies’ necks, that’s simply out of reach for him.

He doesn’t possess the art of soul-sucking persuasion, either. He knows the basics but nothing beyond that. Hasn’t he failed to charm Centra properly even once?

What he excels in are administrative skills, paperwork, coordination, and project management… essentially, tasks handled at a desk.

Combining these skills together, one could say he’s good at internal affairs.

Reading through heaps of documents to uncover someone’s embezzlement, locking down unnecessary expenditures, and identifying who the hell the incompetent clerk is to reassign them to a local post—his formidable internal affairs capabilities.

Among the agents of the Imperial Defense Bureau, who are covertly aligned with him, they say that no matter how complicated the administrative maze, Irid manages to keep it rolling, earning him the title of “God’s Cogwheel!”

Furthermore, through his memories with Centra, he has significantly broadened his perspective. His ability to see things from a lower standpoint leads to strong interpersonal skills.

On holidays, he gifts child-related items to agents with kids, perfectly fitted suits to those with girlfriends, and desserts to C.

Gift-giving precisely when needed, bolstered by budgets secured through administrative prowess!

“Now that I think about it, Jonathan’s birthday is in three days…”

His attention to detail even extends to celebratory occasions.

There’s a reason why the long-established agents of the Defense Bureau keep swearing loyalty to the Second Prince.

In peaceful times, this talent could have fortified the Empire even further.

However, these are troubled times. Black sorcerers are stirring, and the number of nobles harboring sinister ambitions is increasing, making for a chaotic environment rife with threats.

The era demands more than just honest governance; the ability to confront and subdue foes is essential.

So should he give up just because his goals and talents don’t align?


“Just because my abilities are lacking doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try.”

Thus, when faced with suspicious evidence against Count Benstone but lacking concrete proof to act upon, Irid, without clever political tactics or overwhelming force, chose a method.

He would extract tiny fragments of information from the mountain of documents—prepping and compiling papers that could ensnare Count Benstone through a notoriously difficult puzzle.

And he was nearly there.

Starting from a few minor legal violations committed by Count Benstone, he identified issues with the flow of goods and untraceable funds, ultimately advocating for the urgent need for a forced search of the mansion.

He was basically 80% done, as if conjuring something from nothing.

Just a few more days of effort, and the moment it’s complete, Irid plans to submit the indictment to the assembly to gain legitimacy for an assault, leading the Defense Bureau agents to forcibly search Count Benstone’s villa.

It had been tough. Really tough.

Yet, the ambition of gifting Centra a beautiful future provided him with boundless energy from the rosemary decorating one corner of his desk.

Just a little more effort.

As Irid stretched and prepared to pick up his quill again, someone knocked on the office door.

Tap, tap.

“…Who is it?”

“It’s C. An urgent message has arrived from field agent Yuri Lanster, assigned to ‘Mad Wizard.’ It seems it needs your royal approval…”

Chills ran down Irid’s spine.

The deep regret resonating in C’s voice stirred his instincts. What had happened? What kind of disaster had the Mad Wizard caused now…!!


C summarized the report received from Yuri Lanster.

“It’s been reported that one of Duke Redburn’s swords, identified as ‘The Magician’s Nightmare,’ has been captured. And…”

“Well, that’s surprising. And?”

“It seems there’s been a change in his persona. He’s gained a disguise ability, and recently, ‘The Blue Rose’ is rumored to be the same person as ‘The Magician’s Nightmare.’”

“…If I recall correctly, ‘The Magician’s Nightmare’ is male, while ‘The Blue Rose’ dresses in an extremely feminine manner.”

Irid envisioned a perfectly normal man running around dressed as a woman in a vigilante group and shivered. He could hardly think of it as a sane mind.

Could it be that rather than a capture, the Mad Wizard had half-shattered ‘The Magician’s Nightmare’s’ psyche?

If not, there’d be no reason for a capture and cross-dressing to coexist…

Irid shook his head, cutting off that thought, fearing he’d just descend into madness. With a gesture, he instructed C to continue the report.

C cleared his throat twice before proceeding.

“Apparently, ‘The Magician’s Nightmare’ has developed a significant friendship with the Captain of the Capital Knights. It’s now assessed that they’re likely to develop into a romantic relationship.”

“…?? No, why, how… No. Continue the report.”

“Therefore, ‘The Magician’s Nightmare,’ the Capital Knights Commander, and field agent Yuri Lanster have successfully collaborated to steal a ledger containing evidence of Count Benstone’s drug trade.”


Irid was momentarily dumbfounded, completely at a loss.

The world is filled with wild and baffling occurrences, but what he just heard defied all sense and logic, didn’t it…?

“So… how about proceeding with an assault operation against Count Benstone’s drug trade in cooperation with the Capital Knights?”


Though the process didn’t make sense, the result did. If the operation succeeded in ousting Count Benstone, it would be a significant blow against Duke Redburn.

Wasn’t this the very reason Irid had tirelessly written that indictment to begin with? Even if it now turned into a scrap of paper.

Irid mournfully gazed at the pile of paperwork bearing the weight of his efforts and nodded solemnly.


That moment, the fate of the Benstone family was sealed.


Count Benstone’s villa.

Around 1:50 AM.

Zwiidi Benstone was basking in his sense of accomplishment in his room. Finally, he had lured the old noble into taking the drug, and now the provincial noble was caught in a web he couldn’t escape.

Even if he belatedly realized his mistake and tried to quit the drug, it would be futile. The addiction symptoms wouldn’t fade even after seeking a priest. This drug broke down mental barriers, letting nightmares in.

As he repeatedly experienced pleasure and pain in his dreams, eventually his psyche would crumble, making him a slave to compliance. He would then distribute the drugs through him to the local nobility.

That was how he planned to expand his influence.

The Empire wasn’t naive. The movements of the Defense Bureau were unusual, and it appeared that the Capital Knights were also digging for information. However, they weren’t panicking to the extent of burning evidence.

Currently, the power balance between the noble faction and the imperial faction was nearly equal; a flimsy plot wouldn’t be enough to harm the other. A misstep would lead to backlash just about anywhere.

Moreover, the fact that their victory conditions differed weighed heavily on the situation.

The Benstone family and Duke Redburn aimed for chaos within the Empire, while their opponents sought to preserve it. That difference created openings.

If their enemies attacked without definitive evidence, they could scream, “The royal family is oppressing the nobility!” Some would believe it, some wouldn’t, but the Empire would surely plunge into turmoil.

The absolute power held by the Emperor allowed this to happen, with him curiously silent.

Of course, they would eventually be found out. The Defense Bureau wasn’t incompetent; they would inevitably collect evidence. So, before that, action had to be taken. A pawn must be set up to use as a scapegoat before cutting ties.

Thus, Zwiidi Benstone predicted a suitable time for this withdrawal—three months from now.

He believed he still had at least three months to feast.

That was a miscalculation.

“Benstone family, do not resist and come out—!!”

“The mansion is already surrounded! The Justice Keepers of the Capital Knights have completed their encirclement and annihilation plans!!”

“You are charged with unlawful drug distribution and treason! If you resist, you will be shot on the spot, so come out quietly if you wish to preserve your life!!”


Zwiidi Benstone was taken aback and looked out the window.

Thud. Boom. Thud!

With strange sounds, lights arced up from all around. Cone-shaped bright lights illuminated the Benstone villa from all directions. Zwiidi Benstone raised his arm and shielded his eyes from the blinding light.

Outside, armoured knights from the Capital Knights and half-awake guards were stationed.

What was happening?

Were they really willing to push aside political burdens? Or…!

As Zwiidi Benstone struggled to assess the situation, the front door of the mansion burst open, and Count Benstone dashed out in his pajamas, ready to denounce them.

“This is my residence! Numerous noble guests are staying here! What nonsense is this at this hour! I will remember this and not let it go—ack!”

“Count Benstone has been captured!!”

With a thwack from the power armour, he is instantly subdued.

Zwiidi Benstone was filled with horror. If they punched the Count without hesitation, they certainly had confidence.

The political offensive would be handled by Duke Redburn. Consequently, the task for Zwiidi Benstone was… to erase evidence and escape as quickly as possible.

He stuffed the drug stash into his pocket and began to sprint down the hallway.

Along the way, he ran into Roderus.

“Hey, guard!”

“What’s going on? How were you handling things that the Capital Knights are launching an assault?!”

Roderus wasted no time utilizing techniques learned in the canyon. Upon seeing Zwiidi Benstone, he began to scold him with a rotten expression.

Zwiidi Benstone’s face flushed red with shame and anger.

“…This isn’t the time! Guard, buy me some time! I need to escape!”

“I don’t owe my life for an idiot who can’t even get work done.”

“What?! You’re here on Duke Redburn’s orders, aren’t you? Are you defying orders?!”

“Father hates failures. There’s no way he’d order me to protect someone who dragged the entire Capital Knights into this mess.”

Roderus pulled his best irritated expression, practiced in front of a mirror. Zwiidi Benstone gritted his teeth and shouted.

“I’ll remember this!”

“Go ahead.”

Zwiidi Benstone ran. There wasn’t a single person he could trust. While there were armed soldiers, they wouldn’t be able to stop the Capital Knights, and with Roderus declaring a strike as well, there was no chance left.

The knights would soon swarm into the mansion. If he didn’t hurry to escape, his life was in danger.

He considered the leftover drugs stored in the basement, but if he went to retrieve them, it would be a grave mistake. His life was more precious.

Crack—! Boom!

The sounds of something breaking and screams rang out repeatedly. Zwiidi Benstone shoved a candlestick with a device and pushed open the secret passage. Without hesitation, he threw himself inside.

He ran, leaving behind the sound of the mansion collapsing.

“…Dammit, how did I build my business like this!”

The inept father lacked any business acumen. Every single piece of his carefully tended business had turned to ashes.

The only opportunity to reclaim it lay with Duke Redburn.

He should escape the mansion and rush to Duke Redburn. Inform him of Roderus’s incompetence and ask for a punishment. And he would plead for a new identity, title, and authority, claiming that he was still of use.

With a hopeful future in mind, as he cross the secret passage—



A green-haired magical girl appeared before him.

In a costume plastered with ribbons and frills, her rapier resembled more of a decorative piece than a weapon. While it seemed like a sight fit for a fairy tale,

the intent shining in her steadfast eyes changed everything.

Malice. A clear hint of intent to take his life. That woman was ready to stab him to death with her ludicrously comical weapon.

“…Who are you?!”

“If you’re asking, I’ll answer. I am ‘Pure Knight’… and your name doesn’t need to be remembered.”

“Dammit, how did you get in…?! A traitor! There was a traitor all along! Now I get it…!!”


The starlight sparkled as the rapier drew a gleaming arc. Simultaneously, the swirling magic enveloped the rapier at high speed. Utilizing a drill-like form, she maximized the penetrating power and lethality of her magical girl technique.

“‘Killing Umbrella.’”

“…Ugh, AAAAAAH!!”

A flash of light.

In the blink of an eye, three piercing thrusts landed, and Zwiidi Benstone was sent flying backward, several holes punctured through his legs and left arm.


“Was the rotational speed too high? I didn’t mean to send you flying…”

Zwiidi Benstone writhed as he bled profusely. He couldn’t afford to die here. The magical girl was closing in…!

He made a decisive choice. Pulling the drug storage from his pocket, he hastily poured the contents into his mouth. These were ‘high-grade’ substances, the fact that he had chosen to take them while escaping said volumes.

Drugs that doubled a person’s mana at the expense of lifespan.

The amount of mana gained differed based on one’s level. In the case of Zwiidi Benstone, who hadn’t even reached legendary status, the mana he’d gain would be doubled.

Taking four of these substances together would theoretically yield a mana multiplier of 16 times!

“Guh, kuhuhuh~!!”

Bubble, bubble.

Blood boiled, and veins bulged on his skin. Zwiidi Benstone stood up, blood pouring from his eyes and nose.

“…What the hell did I just consume?”

“You won’t be able to relax for long… Hahaha! This power could reduce the mansion to dust! And you too!”

“Fighting you is a bit of a burden. I wouldn’t lose, but the secret passage would collapse. Kim Lulu?”

“Why are you calling—”


Zwiidi Benstone looked up at the heavy crashing sound coming from above.

Bam! Boom!

With each sound, the entire secret passage shook, ejecting clouds of dust.

And then.

Crack, bang—!!

A huge hole burst through the ceiling, and a massive shadow descended into the secret passage. A knight, resembling a mobile fortress clad in power armor, pointed a finger directly at Zwiidi Benstone.

“Is this the one?”


It felt like a predator was sizing him up. Instincts screamed for survival, causing Zwiidi Benstone to instinctively unleash his mana.

“Ugh, AAAAAHH—!!”

A tremendous mana coalesced around Zwiidi Benstone, expanding outward in a hemispherical shape. The commander of the Capital Knights pressed a finger into its center.

As if by a miracle, Zwiidi’s mana ceased. He could push no further. Zwiidi Benstone, screaming in despair, exerted every ounce of mana he could muster.


“Mhm, alright alright.”

The commander hummed as they extended a finger.


The hemisphere crumpled. The mana Zwiidi Benstone was desperately evoking was forced back by just a single finger of the Capital Knights Commander.

It wasn’t through any special technique or legendary power. It was a simple size difference.

The finger moved forward, ultimately resting right in front of Zwiidi Benstone’s forehead. His expression resembled that of someone staring into an abyss. 16 times, no less!

“GAAH, ugh… HAH… HAH…”

“You need to eat more. You’re looking a bit frail.”

With a light flick of the finger, the sound of a watermelon splitting echoed through the air as Zwiidi Benstone lost consciousness, collapsing backward.

That was the moment the Benstone family crumbled.

“Kim Lulu, did you control your power…?”

“Yeah! He should still be alive!”


“Then, I just need to take him away? It’s just a matter of… returning home, right?”

Odaesu nodded. With the dispatched count being completely swept away, he needed to return to Duke Redburn. What order he’d give next was uncertain, making it difficult to promise when they’d see each other again.

“You might not see each other for a while.”

“…Can’t we don’t leave?”

“I want to try this for a little longer. After all, we’re magical girls.”

“Yeah. I hope we can meet soon. I’m not very good at waiting…”

Roderus chuckled lightly. Then, magically, he crafted a blue rose and handed it to Kim Lulu. It was a substitute for a farewell.

“We’ll see each other… next time.”


Roderus dashed off down the secret passage. Kim Lulu watched his back for quite a while, then turned to haul Zwiidi Benstone back when she noticed something.


She picked up a nearby drug storage case and inspected it. It had five compartments, four of which were empty, but one held some supplies.

Kim Lulu quietly stowed the drugs into her pocket.

Thus, the nighttime arrest operation came to a close.


In a dark room, there were four figures. They had gathered through a mysterious ritual, converging in one place to unite their powers for a singular purpose.

“The Corpse Flower that Consumes Fear” spoke.

“The Academy front is steady. Though hidden dark sorcerers have been seized in droves, it’s vital we complete our grand spell. For now, we’re in the clear.”

“The Despair Engraving Noose” replied.

“Count Benstone has been captured. Drug distribution has completely ceased. Quite bothersome… ever since listening to you, ‘Lamb,’ things have begun to unravel. Although the Crownhall Collapsing Operation remains intact, if this flow continues, we may have to act sooner.”

“The Virgin who Drinks Pleasure” chimed in.

“My control remains certain. The deeply slumbering nobles indulge in pleasure every night, complying with whatever I say. This side is sound.”

“The Lamb that Swallows Pain” added.

“There are no issues with the procurement of sacrificial offerings. The world is vast, and there are plenty of humans. However, if a disturbance is detected in two out of four plans… we might need to accelerate our timetable.”

With great care, the heavily hooded “Lamb” slowly clenched a fist. As the four named dark sorcerers simultaneously stirred the entire disturbance, when plans commenced, chaos would meet chaos, intertwining and escalating in magnitude.

And within that culminative chaos lay—

“If there are no variables, we will seize the Empire.”


“I suppose it’s time to sprinkle the hidden ending breadcrumbs of the Tower of Trials.”

A second storm began to brew at the Academy.

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