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Chapter 129

Chapter: 129

After the mist surrounding me dissipated, I opened my eyes to find the Alrn Family’s mansion greeting me.

Why the heck did this place show up?

There’s nothing here that I particularly want.

The trial in the Saitil Forest is about escaping the clumsy fox’s charm.

When the trial begins, the clumsy fox uses its powers to show participants what they desperately desire, and breaking free from that illusion means overcoming the trial, while getting trapped in it means failure.

It’s hard to depict such things in a game, so I remember that the player experience felt more like navigating a maze rather than focusing on mental fortitude.

Since this world is my reality beyond the monitor, I’d expect to see what I actually want rather than a mansion. The fact that the mansion appeared means this illusion reflects Lucy’s desires.

Just like how Lucy’s nightmare unfolded before me during Gramps’ trial.

What a bummer. If things I truly wanted had popped out, I’d be thinking of enjoying myself before heading back.

But with this, there’s nothing to enjoy.

As I tried to hang my shield on my back, I suddenly realized my hands were empty.

Oh right. Since this is Lucy’s illusion, there wouldn’t be any weapons or armor lying around.

Then that means the clothes I’m wearing are probably those ridiculous ones with frills everywhere and gems sprinkled about.

I furrowed my brow and looked down, surprised to find a much more normal outfit than I expected.

What’s this? For Lucy’s standards, these clothes are surprisingly decent.

The dress is the same, but it’s not flashy and has a calm vibe.

I can manage wearing this.

I’ve gotten used to skirts thanks to the uniforms I’ve been sporting lately.

Feeling a bit better, I opened the door and stepped inside, eager to wrap up the trial.

I wondered what Lucy wished for so desperately. Based on my experiences with Gramps’ trial, I had a hunch.

“Oh my, Lucy. Are you playing outside?”

As soon as I entered the mansion, a woman in a white dress welcomed me.

I recognized her face. It wasn’t because she appeared in the game. I remembered her from when I overcame Gramps’ trial.

Lucy’s mother—the one who had said cruel things to Lucy while lying on the bed during the trial. This time, however, she was smiling with a lively face, unlike before.

“Yes, mother… huh?!”

What’s this? Why did my thoughts just blurt out of my mouth?!

I thought the wish was solely to fulfill Lucy’s desires, but is it also granting mine?!


I was planning to escape the illusion as fast as possible, but this was throwing a serious wrench in my plans.

“No, it’s nothing at all.”

I should really just toss around some normal conversation for once!


“Joy! This time, let’s go to that bakery! I heard it’s super delicious!”

Joy sighed as she gazed at the girl tugging at her hand.

Young Lady Alrn had explained the trials administered by the master of the forest as soon as the field study began.

Upon entering, one would see the scenery they so earnestly wished for, realizing it was an illusion, and as long as they escaped from it, they’d pass the trial.

Having prepared herself mentally, Joy realized the moment the trial started that this was all a mirage.

“Wow! Just smelling it makes me drool! What should I do? I want to eat everything over there! Is that even possible?!”

Honestly, with someone as lively, kind, and pure as Lucy Alrn, it was impossible for her to exist here.

Ha! So what? My deepest wish is to hang out with the honest and kind Young Lady Alrn at a delicious bakery? Seriously?

Master of the Forest Lina, is this seriously right?

You’re joking with me, right? There’s no way a person’s earnest wish could be something like this.

“Ooh! Is that the great mage, Lady Joy Partan?!”

As Lucy dragged her into the bakery, an employee inside gasped in awe. In response, Lucy raised her voice.

“That’s right! She’s an incredible friend, more than I deserve!”

So if this illusion were all true, then I’m wishing for Young Lady Alrn to acknowledge me and to become close friends while being praised as a great mage by others, huh?

Joy internally thought about this as she slapped her hands over her face.

How embarrassing and shameful.

I can’t hold my head up because I can’t exactly yell that this illusion is trying to frame me.

These are all things that everyone dreams of at least once.

But what can I do? Every time Young Lady Alrn smiles innocently at me, I can’t help but think it wouldn’t be so bad to indulge a little!

When I escape this illusion, I’ll get teased as the goofy lady by Young Lady Alrn, but that’s different here!

Young Lady Alrn takes my hand, calls my name, and sees me as a friend!

And there’s delicious bread too!

Anyway, if what Young Lady Alrn said is true, it’s only at the end that we need to escape the illusion, right? So until then, I’ll enjoy it.

“Welcome, Lady Partan. Please have a seat.”


While Lucy’s purity and all these other elements were bearable for Joy, the moment her childhood dream, a prince on a white horse, appeared, she hit her limit.

Unable to bear witnessing her cringe-worthy past come to life in real-time, Joy hurriedly escaped the illusion and awoke, gasping as she pressed her hands over her eyes.

Did I still wish for that? For real? No way. This should have been left as a childhood dream!

“Oh? You woke up quickly. I thought you’d enjoy it a bit longer.”

Hearing a voice echoing in her ears, Joy cautiously lifted her head. There stood the master of the forest, resting her chin on her hand as she observed her.

“Lady Lina?”


“Do you know what the scenery I saw was?”

“Here, the most charming and lovely girl with twin tails appeared, showcasing her pure side that matched her stature. I liked her rebelliousness, but I adored her cheerful nature even more. The classic looks are classic for a reason. And…”

“Stop there! Please…”


Joy was mortified when she realized her embarrassing past had been aired in real-time, causing Lina to let out a chuckle.

It sounded less like a dignified voice and more like some creepy laughter from a sleazebag in a bar.

I know she’s a significant figure, but she’s just a bit too off-putting.

It feels like I’m looking at a terrible nobleman trying to worm his way into women’s hearts at high society gatherings.

Joy desperately tried to ignore Lina’s laughter as she looked around.

Just moments ago, she was in the middle of the forest for a field study, and now she was somewhere else entirely.

“This is my dwelling. I couldn’t just leave you on the dirt floor, so I brought you here myself.”

Before Joy could turn her head, Lina promptly answered.

“I’d imagine you’d want to ask where the others are, so let me preemptively respond: they are in another room. We can’t have them interrupting the trial.”

“Am I the first one to wake up?”

“Not entirely. From what I’ve experienced so far, the more charming a person is, the greedier they tend to be.”

Joy hardly managed to exchange a few words with Lina.

Even so, Joy had a fair idea of who Lina was. She wasn’t planning to hide anything.

The one who had been the coldest towards her, purely calling out her lack of charm, was Young Lady Kent. So she was still awake.

Given my fondness for Young Lady Alrn, she must still be going through the trial.

Fascinating. If it’s Young Lady Alrn, I would have figured she’d wake first, saying something like, “You’re so slow, goofy lady. Can’t you eat this if I tell you? Pathetic!” or some such.

“Well then. If we continue chatting in this manner, wouldn’t it get dull? As the one who welcomes guests, I’ll treat you. Follow me.”


“Is there a drink you particularly enjoy? I’ll do my best to match your tastes.”

Just as Lina was gushing like before, she unexpectedly stopped speaking.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think an exception might occur to the theory I just mentioned.”

Joy tilted her head in confusion at the unexpected response, but Lina didn’t offer any further explanation.


“How’s life at the academy? Is it enjoyable?”

“It’s great! Very much so.”

Lucy’s mother was an incredibly bright and cheerful person—hard to believe she was Lucy’s parent, let alone someone nicknamed the shame of the Alrn family.

Considering this is Lucy’s desire for an illusion, it’s too rosy of a parent figure.

No matter how one looks at it, Lucy is a mean little brat. Considering how she bears no resemblance to Benedikt in temperament, something must be wrong with this woman.

But based on what I’ve seen so far, there doesn’t seem to be any problems. Just a genuinely kind mother—no less, no more.

Even when I tried to provoke her to see if she was suppressing her personality, she just smiled and let it slide.

How could a child born to such a nag and a “nice” person grow up to be such a nasty brat? Did she change while growing up?

That’s interesting. I’ll have to check that out when I return to the Alrn family during vacation.

Anyways, well, it’s about time for me to wake up.

Overjoyed to be able to chat without the influence of my bratty skills, I rambled endlessly, but it’s time to stop dragging my feet.

If I stay asleep any longer, who knows what that silly fox will do.

“Oh, are you leaving now?”

As I rose from my chair, Lucy’s mother openly displayed her disappointment. If this had been the real Lucy, she would’ve hesitated, but I certainly wouldn’t.

From my perspective, the woman in front of me is just a beautiful lady I have no ties to whatsoever.

“Yes, I’m off now.”

“It’s a shame, but it is what it is. Take care.”

Emerging from the illusion, I gazed at the wooden ceiling and slowly got up.


“Hey, you pathetic one.”

Just to check, I muttered to myself, but the bratty skills were strict with me.

Sigh. Of course, that masochist god wouldn’t let that slide. I was foolish to expect even a little mercy.

With a heavy sigh, I was about to get out of the bed and announce that I had conquered the trial when the door suddenly burst open, and in walked Joy, Frey, and the clumsy fox.

What’s going on? Are they here to congratulate me? Why do they look so serious? It’s been a while since I’ve seen such a cracked expression on Joy’s face.

“Lady Alrn! There’s a serious problem! It’s about Phoebe.”

Huh? What about Phoebe?

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