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Chapter 129

Chapter: 129

In the capital city Crownhall, within the ‘Inner Circle’.

Count Benstone’s villa. Codenamed “Drug Den”.

Around 10:30 PM.


Count Benstone’s banquet was held with unprecedented grandeur. Inviting nobles even from far-off lands to celebrate his son’s birthday resulted in a guest list nearly double that of previous events.

Being centered in Crownhall, Count Benstone struggled to exert influence over the local aristocrats. There was a strange friction between the nobles of the capital and those from the provinces, not to mention the geographical distance made “offering” drugs all the more challenging.

When physical distance increases, emotional distance tends to follow—it’s just common sense.

Moreover, the authority of a count’s banquet was not strong enough to draw the provincial nobles like moths to a flame. Normally, they would have made polite excuses to skip out, citing busy schedules.

However, the timing could not have been better.

Soon the First Princess Elaine would return from the Eastern Front. Having gained significant achievements alongside her direct unit, the Wind Chivalry Order, she was set to return to the capital for an audience with the Emperor.

To celebrate, nobles from across the nation flocked to the capital. They were eager to make a good impression on the most likely candidate for the next Emperor.

Count Benstone capitalized on this opportunity. Nobles arriving in Crownhall to wait for the First Princess would likely join in on the count’s banquet as well.

For the Count, this was a golden chance to expand his business.

If he could distribute drugs among the provincial nobles at this banquet, he could wield meaningful influence over them. It would aid his future plans… and of course, fill his coffers.

Hahaha. Hohoho. The insincere sounds of laughter filled the ballroom.

And amidst the crowd, a servant meandered. Sharp-eyed and alert, he was disguised as a regular attendant, his hat pulled down to obscure his face.

His name was Roderus.

The mission was straightforward.

Infiltrate Count Benstone’s chambers or the office of Zwiidi Benstone, the Drug Addict, to collect evidence. Surely, there would be meaningful materials within.

For this, he needed disguise. Luckily, Roderus possessed the ability to change his gender. He would utilize it.

Lurk until the right moment -> transform into Odaesu at the opportune time -> knock out a maid cleaning the estate and change into her attire -> infiltrate.

During the operation, he’d utilize his Clone ability to create an alibi. By leaving behind a magical clone of Roderus, he would handle business as fast as possible.

If everything went according to plan, not only would he cleanly extract the data, but he would also evade suspicion. Although there was risk involved, it was certainly worth taking.

All of this had to be completed before the party ended. Roderus estimated it would wrap up around 2 AM.

That meant he had 3 hours and 30 minutes left.

First, stage one of the operation… seizing the opportunity.

The appropriate time should be when Zwiidi Benstone is busy making the rounds with provincial nobles. Roderus mingled among the attendants, carrying wine and food, while keeping an ear out.

Listening carefully, he began to catch snippets of conversation. The telltale signs were emerging.

“Lady, would you care for a dance with me? Or rather, you’ve donned such a splendid cloak for the occasion!”

“That man seems like a bust. What’s the use of wealth if he’s that full of himself?”

“Hahaha! I’ve secured a truly precious herb, and once it touches the tongue, taste is the least of your concerns…”

Hrumph, hrumph…

Among the clamor, the sounds of flattery and sales pitches flowed. Roderus focused. His chance would arrive like a snake striking its prey.

“How can I catch the glance of that dashing knight?”

“But what about the side effects?”

“Rest assured, I’ll demonstrate. The commonality between a banquet and a bed is that they both require beautiful women. If you’d like, tonight—”

“Ah, this dress is so unfamiliar for me…”

Not yet. The time had not yet come. But it was drawing near. If that deal went through and deeper conversations began to unfold…


He thought he’d just heard a familiar voice. Roderus quietly turned his head.

Amidst the throng, he spotted Kim Lulu, dressed to the nines, glancing around earnestly.

“Why is she here…?”

Roderus blinked momentarily, glancing at Zwiidi Benstone, then back to Lulu. A brief conflict brewed within him.

Opportunity or friendship.

Roderus chose to look out for his friend. He slid through the crowd toward Lulu, eventually locking eyes with her.

Just as he was about to question her, expressing concern about her presence in such a risky place…

In that instant, joy and delight blossomed in Lulu’s eyes, illuminating her entire being, as she stretched out her arms and exclaimed:


Roderus quickly raised a finger to his lips.



“I said to keep it down, no need to repeat at a lower volume like a parrot. Why exactly are you here?”

“Well, after we met at the dessert café, things escalated to the third chase, you know? There’s this knight in the Capital Knights named Ronald, you remember? The one with the mustache. I’ve been—”

Kim Lulu started explaining her reason for being there from A to Z when Roderus quickly covered her mouth. There were far too many people around.

“⋯⋯Just follow me for now.”

Roderus took Lulu’s hand and naturally slipped away from the ballroom.


Second floor of Count Benstone’s villa, balcony B-3.

At around 10:50 PM.

Roderus and Lulu reached a deserted balcony. It was distanced from the noise, softly illuminated by the moonlight—a rather romantic spot.

Looking down into the moonlit garden, drunken guests were wandering below, yet speaking softly wouldn’t carry to them.

With her hand on her racing heart, Lulu looked up at Roderus and asked, “S-so… hello? I dressed up a little, what do you think?”

“⋯⋯You know this isn’t the time for that.”

“Then what is the right time?”

“Why are you here?”

With arms crossed, Roderus shifted into serious mode, causing Lulu’s cheerful expression to dim as she sulked and replied. This particular mode of Roderus was a harbinger of a lecture.

To avoid an extensive speech, it was wise to answer quickly.

“Ronald mentioned that this place seemed suspicious. So they’re investigating. If things don’t go smoothly, a fight might break out, and we have to be prepared to turn things upside down if necessary.”

“It appears we’ve crossed paths… I was planning to extract some data myself. This is a drug den.”

“A vigilante operation?”

“Something like that. Kim Lulu, if I request cooperation on this matter… do you think the Capital Knights would be willing to accept it?”

Lulu pondered for a moment before shaking her head.

Given the events they had both been through, the rift between Magical Girl Pure Knight and the Capital Knights had deepened far beyond repair.

Roderus’s pursuit had left a trail of horrific damage in its wake. Lulu said solemnly, “If only you hadn’t burned Ronald’s mustache last time, things might have been different. After that, he really got furious.”

“I got rid of that filthy mustache, and he’s not even grateful!”

The lingering grudge of someone who had lost his identity would not fade easily. Collaborating on this operation might prove difficult.

Even with shared goals, unsanctioned project incursions could easily lead to troubles. The Capital Knights would attempt capture, while Roderus would need to resist.

Additionally, he had no means to subtly support the Capital Knights. Completely withdrawing felt less than desirable as an option.

With the increase in guest numbers, the bustle had heightened, and there were gaps in security now. This moment was the perfect opportunity to crush Count Benstone’s drug trafficking. A chance too precious to squander.

Checking his watch revealed there were around 3 hours left.

It was time to kick off the plan before it was too late. Hesitation would prove dangerous as the clock ticked on.

As evening deepened, and nobles became inebriated and retired or exited the ballroom, the ratio of Benstone’s henchmen and their recruits would undoubtedly increase.

Having fewer eyes observing meant—there was potential for greater boldness.

It was time to move. He would warn Lulu to enjoy the party while leaving the rest to the operation.

Just as Roderus resolved to act and fiddled with his transformation device, the balcony door burst open, and a young attendant wheeled in a cart.

“Excuse me. Would you like some refreshments?”


Just the two of them alone on the balcony, a noble lady and a servant? A potentially unnecessary misunderstanding could arise—perhaps a secret rendezvous across class lines.

Roderus quickly adjusted his posture and pretended to be a diligent attendant who stepped momentarily away from noble duties.


“Uh, um… should I speak? Oh, I see. We don’t need any snacks here… oh?”

Roderus and Lulu squinted at the attendant’s familiar features. An alluring figure with a pink ponytail. Yellow eyes that masked a savage intensity.

Both recognized her name.

“⋯⋯Yuri Frostlover?”

“How did you end up here?!”


Roderus stepped forward, protectively, gripping his transformation device. Lulu likewise took out her power armor communicator from her pocket and clenched her fists.

As the tension mounted, the Four Heavenly Kings member adjusted her glasses and slowly revealed her badge. Flick!

A magically processed seal used by the Imperial Defense Bureau. Calmly, she spoke.

“Yuri Laster. I’m an agent of the Defense Bureau here. It’s been a while, Pure Knight.”

“⋯⋯Def, Defense Bureau agent!!”

“Didn’t we say that all the leaders of the villainous organization are from another world? So we’re in the same realm after all—Yuri Frostlover.”

At the appearance of someone once adversarial, Kim Lulu and Roderus sharpened their senses. However, Yuri Laster seemed entirely unfazed, shrugging her shoulders.

“Isn’t this just a dream come true? Furthermore, we are the defeated party. If you still harbor hatred after having tasted victory… well, that’s on you.”


“You’re aiming for Benstone, right? So are we in the Defense Bureau. Perhaps we can find common ground.”

As she extended her hand toward them, Lulu felt a swell of emotions. Having contributed to Pure Knight’s death, she’d have deep-seated hatred for Eternal Dark. But Yuri Frostlover had never caused casualties or ambushed civilians.

Moreover, if she truly was an agent of the Defense Bureau, this scenario presented a rare opportunity—a chance to strike down Benstone swiftly. However, a nagging feeling lingered…

“Ah, I see you’re hesitating due to memories of the tentacles.”

Roderus’s trigger was pulled; his voice raised in irritation.

“⋯⋯Shut it! If you pull anything suspicious, I’ll smash your head!”

“Even being prickly towards me, I know exactly where your sensitive spots are—from A to Z. I could only describe it as if a cat were to pipe a tune—”

“I will kill you—!!”

“Calm down, Dae-su!! You’re getting a bit too worked up, she’s a nice unni who gives massages every time we meet!!”

Kim Lulu barely managed to suppress Roderus’s fury, even as he tossed his hair back in a huff, eventually shifting to agreement.

“Guess there’s no choice… this time we’ll form a temporary alliance.”

“Don’t try to restrain me, Magical Girl.”

With an estimated three hours left on the clock.

A temporary alliance was dramatically formed.

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