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Chapter 125

Chapter: 125

Hope (希望).

On a stage nearing its end, the blue Magical Girl leapt forth. She looked like a delicate flower ready to bend at the slightest breeze, but once you see those blazing eyes, you’d change your mind.

It was neither sheer bravado that she would win in any situation nor a heavy sense of duty that she had to prevail. The light emanating from her was a clear will.

That gaze turned every impression upside down. Her slender wrists, seeming fragile, wielded a rapier like a warrior’s, and her flowing and ornate dress reflected a knight’s garb.

Pure Knight, Roderus, raised her chin confidently.

Even though she wore a shell, she was still of noble blood; she knew over a hundred ways to capture people’s attention. Even the simple motion of shaking off her hands was imbued with nobility, while her step oozed elegance.

Eyes focused on her. Pure energy flowed toward the sparkling girl.

The citizens should have been despairing. They shouldn’t harbor hope at this point. As the blue light around Roderus became clearer, Zechneil hastily spoke up.

“…You’re a foolish Magical Girl. You’ve already lost. Everyone has seen your failures. No matter how much you thrash about alone—”

“That lot were the weakest among the Magical Girls.”

“Even you must know you’re in no fit state, Magical Girl. Look at you, covered in blood—”

“This blood isn’t mine, you lowly creature. Open your eyes and see for yourself.”


The red blood covering Roderus’s skin evaporated like steam. She hadn’t removed her injuries; she was ‘boiling’ them away with her magic, erasing them in real time.

To Zechneil, her battered form displayed nothing but bragging rights, but to the watching citizens, Roderus’s claim appeared true. This Magical Girl stood unblemished.

Hope began to build. If she could stand so proudly, maybe she could genuinely resolve the situation…

Zechneil clenched his teeth in frustration.

“You foolish, foolish humans…!!”

“Shouldn’t you be concerned about that shell of yours?”

“The Demon Lord is about to descend, and there’s only one Magical Girl left! Why do you cling to hope, you pathetic humans?!”

“Your raising voice looks rather ugly. Look, commoners. The one you feared is nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum. And now, look at me.”


Blue starlight wrapped around the rapier that resembled a magical staff. It was incredibly beautiful and looked powerful enough to pierce through a storm.

Simply put, it was energy wastage, a display lacking any real lethality. However, in a situation where faith translates to power, the energy consumed by showmanship summoned even more energy.

With her feet shoulder-width apart, she pulled her arms back and thrust forward while shouting the technique’s name.

Starlight Stinger──!!”



A torrent of stars spilled forth. Exaggerated effects of large hearts, stars, and notes bounced everywhere. And beneath those effects, an assassin’s sinister techniques unfurled.

Invisible dark currents aimed at Zechneil’s vital spots—his eyes, below the belt, temples, and neck. So alarming were the strikes that merely witnessing them would send a shiver down one’s spine.

If the hopeful Magical Girl were to poke into the enemy’s eyes, it would be quite the sight. So, she concealed her attacks. Zechneil barely managed to defend himself against Roderus’s tricky strikes, enveloping himself in impure energy.


Choosing defense, Zechneil was pushed back three steps under the pressure of the pure energy. Drip. A thin scratch appeared on his cheek, and dark liquid began to flow out.


Zechneil’s wounds healed seamlessly over time; he seemed to have a self-restoration ability.

Roderus raised both hands, flashing a brazen smile.

“So, can you start believing in my victory now?”

“What foolish bravado…!!”

Though it appeared Roderus had landed a hit, the balance of power lay with Zechneil. Roderus was close to wasting his attacks, while Zechneil minimized expenses in his defense. The total amount of energy also leaned in Zechneil’s favor.

Surprised by the devious feint, he only meticulously defended. Allowing even a small opening wouldn’t mean Zechneil’s durability was low enough to end him in an instant.

Yet, to the citizens, it seemed like the powerful blow from the Magical Girl Pure Knight had pushed the monster back.

Could it be that they were actually winning?!


Pure energy surged in waves. The deepening blue light became so thick that it seemed unable to allow any light to pass through, resembling wings fluttering behind Roderus.

Zechneil sensed the danger of allowing this momentum to continue; despite being in a favorable position, he wondered if the Magical Girl was gradually charging up energy…

Tension sparked doubts. The showy act of Roderus, who appeared so casual, only fanned Zechneil’s unease.

The shining certainty in those eyes!

Zechneil screamed, gathering the impure energy needed for the Dark Universe.

“Magical Girl──!!”


Crack. Sssss.

A foreboding sound only audible to Roderus echoed in his ears. The collision of pure energy and the whimsicality heightened the cracks coursing through his body.

While the citizens’ encouragement fueled him, it was simultaneously accelerating his demise.

A metallic taste and smell welled up. Roderus swallowed the blood pooling at the back of his throat and forced a smile. He couldn’t show any signs of faltering.

He guided the cracks to emerge from inside rather than on the skin’s surface. If his insides were ruined and muscles torn apart, he would forcibly stitch himself up with pure energy.

Zechneil could see through this ploy.

“You move well for a Magical Girl, even in a zombie-like state!”

“Have you ever seen such a beautiful and graceful zombie? If you think I’m desperate enough to want to put you down, then you better have a more compelling smear campaign.”

“I’ll strip away that pitiful shell; take this, Dark Universe──!!”

“That’s an attack I’ve experienced once before.”

A black universe, condensed starlight and waves of darkness surged toward him. Facing the torrent that devoured all light, Roderus inclined his rapier and waited for the right moment.

He envisioned a sharp-edged structure.

Metamorphosis – Mana Solidification*.”


Part of the oncoming tide solidified and served as a shield. The waves crashing against the edges split apart and flowed in both directions, allowing Roderus to slice through the center.



The verdant aura cleaved the dark tide. Simultaneously, Roderus felt the surge of blood rush up his throat. Immediately, he enshrouded himself in a dazzling effect and charged forward.

The magical energy swirling around Pure Knight rotated, forming an umbrella-like shape in front. Roderus hid beneath it, wiping the blood from his mouth with his sleeve.


The Magical Girl with her parasol ascended through the dark current. In the darkness, it felt like a flower was blooming.

Blooming Umbrella!”

With stars and ribbons flying around it, everyone recognized it as an ‘umbrella,’ but it was closer to a rapidly spinning magic drill. The distance to the Magical Girl was shortening.

Zechneil had a strong premonition that he could not allow her to approach and prepared a spell to strip the umbrella away while dispersing his Dark Universe.

“This brat…!! Dark Magic Bullets, take this—!!”

Zechneil summoned dark orbs in both hands and launched them wildly. Energies shot off like rain hitting the ground. Yet, amidst the hail of attacks, Roderus remained calm.

Pure Knight lifted the magic umbrella defending her up high. In front of the incoming magic bullets, she raised her rapier.

“I may have erased the name that once was, but I’ll share it. Let me remind you of what I was once called.”


She flicked her wrist lightly, utilizing the elasticity in her joints.

Tap, clang.

She calculated the paths, efficiently moving her rapier according to the rhythm. Dodging wherever possible, and parrying where required.

Thock, thack, thud!

The sound of strikes bouncing echoed as if the rain had momentarily ceased.

In the ensuing calm, Roderus quietly muttered, “The Magician’s Nightmare.”

“Who do you think you are──!!”


The umbrella held aloft spread out, creating a swirling curtain. It obscured the onlookers’ eyes, droplets of petals swirling as it illuminated the area brightly.

And behind that splendid façade, the crimson eyes shone ominously.

Roderus poured every ounce of energy into his attack. The compressed energy flowed through the rapier, shimmering in a blinding blue light.

Give a wizard enough time, and they’ll lose. It was a lesson he’d learned the hard way from being shot in the head with arrows. So, this time, he wouldn’t let it happen!

“Die like the trash you are, monster──!!”

And the torrent of thrusts rained down.

He pierced the windpipe where the incantation resided.

Severing the nerves traversing the arms and forearms.

Slicing upwards, he exploded through the eyes. If the creature renewed itself, he would merely strike again.


Black liquid spewed in all directions. Zechneil’s true form resembled a slime similar to Unaris—when cut or pierced, it would seek to stick back together and recover.

But the thrusts of the rapier moved faster. The speed of shredding his form laid advantage to Roderus. Despite his creaking body, he relentlessly continued the attack. Not allowing an ounce of leeway!

Zechneil, while being torn asunder, gasped, “Why… why, so much, Magical Girl─! What reason do you have to risk your life, disregarding our proposal…?!”


There were many reasons.

It was true that he acknowledged the benefits and necessities of ethics. A world where no one tried to kill one another was incredibly sweet and warm.

It was true he was swayed by his friends’ righteousness. The way they strived for the people was beautiful and sparkled in his eyes.

It was also out of revenge. Those who pushed Kim Lulu to her death and made Oh Hye-in so battered—he wanted to wipe them out.

Aside from these, countless other reasons stemmed from the past, lingering attachments, self-doubt, loss—a plethora of valid motivations. Roderus distilled them all into one sentence.

“Because I want to.”

“Such frivolous whims, and our plan…!!”

He found the core.


Pure Knight, Roderus thrust her rapier into Zechneil’s core. As Zechneil attempted to voice a protest, he turned into a liquid and splattered across the ground.

“At the moment you dismissed this as mere ‘whimsy’, you lost. You fools.”

Doing what one wishes to do.

How long had he wandered to express that simple sentence? What resided within the shell was ultimately something so natural.

With the corpse left behind, Roderus moved on.


A shadow loomed over Oh Hye-in, lying on the ground. It was Oh Dae-su.

“…Dae-su Oppa.”

“Oh Hye-in, the injuries you have are… not life-threatening. As long as you lay quietly without misaligning your bones, the ER will take care of you. Just stay still.”

“What do you mean by that, seriously… Don’t do that.”

“Nobles don’t listen to commoners. Not even the jungle’s words.”

Roderus placed his hand on his hip and chuckled. He then tilted his head back to gaze at the swirling pitch-black sky, where the Demon Lord’s hand was still reaching down.

Drip. Drip.

Zechneil’s corpse, mixed with dark liquid, began to bubble and rise, as if trying to rain down from the ground to the sky.

Roderus had suspected there would be more. He felt that way. But he wasn’t worried; he had a trump card left up his sleeve.

With Zechneil’s defeat, pure energy flowed explosively through Roderus’s body, crystallizing the condensed magical energy to grow on the surface of his skin.

The clash of Metamorphosis and pure energy.

Roderus had utilized that to create a grenade out of his transformation device to take down Unaris.

It was no different this time. The same principle applied—he would turn the body of Magical Girl Pure Knight into a bomb. Whether it was the Demon Lord, Zechneil, or the vast impure energy gathering overhead, he planned to wipe them all out.

Oh Hye-in covered her eyes with her arm and murmured, “…Please don’t.”

“I’m from another world. It’s not dying; I’ll just wake from the dream.”

“If Lulu left, and you went too, what would happen to me?”

“I’ll have to make new friends. Though maybe that’s not solely my job.”

After all, her body was already dead. With the successive clashes of energy, her internal organs were utterly ruined. The moment her transformation ended, she would spit up blood and die.

So, she gave a light smile as if saying it was an act of goodwill.

There really wasn’t no penalty at all. Though dreams and reality don’t share the body, the hearts are intertwined. Experiencing death might radically change his Metamorphosis.

Especially when exploding as a human grenade due to the energy clash. His eyes were slightly watering from pain, and though he fretted about how much it would hurt when he exploded…

But such suffering was worth it.

“Because thanks to you, it was fun… I learned a lot. I hereby appoint you as my friend and left hand!”

“…What does that even mean? And why my left hand?”

“My right hand is already committed to someone else.”


By exerting a little force, Roderus’s body lifted off the ground. The luminous blue pure energy gleamed, replacing the flapping of wings.

The ground started fading away. Oh Hye-in became smaller and smaller until she was merely a thumb-sized figure. Meanwhile, the massive whirlpool above drew closer as if to reach out.

Oh Hye-in seemed to be saying more, but the distance made her words inaudible.

Roderus smiled awkwardly, cleared his throat, and said, “Take care.”

He bid farewell.

The people of the city witnessed it. The blue starlight being swallowed into the pitch-black whirlpool, and then illuminating the darkness with brilliant light.


Dark clouds scattered away, and a monstrous roar shook the heavens and the earth. The expanding light tinted the entire sky in blue.

The last light of the Magical Girl momentarily dispelled the night.

And when the darkness came rushing back, the ominous whirlpool had vanished, leaving only the twinkling stars and the gentle moon to peacefully illuminate the world.

He had saved the world.


Beneath the Duke Redburn’s mansion, there lay an underground prison.

The conditions were dire, filled with darkness that let not a ray of light through, but surprisingly, there was a person living there. In fact, quite enthusiastically.

“…One hundred thirty-one, one hundred thirty-two.”

He repeatedly performed push-ups, just within the range where he could supplement calories.

The moss on the walls meticulously partitioned to replenish moisture. He had even learned to lick the moss without hesitation.

He didn’t miss the passing bugs, chewing them up from head to toe, saving some as bait.

He had awoken from slumber, yet hadn’t lost his dreams.

Disappointed for several days post-awakening, he managed to overcome it. Although he sometimes felt gloomy or teary, it was okay. He now had a goal.

Life hadn’t ended, and being alive, he had to live on.

He asked himself what he wanted to do and successfully recalled what his younger self had yearned for. He wanted to make Redburn ‘better’.

Back then, the thought was merely “prevent excessive competition,” but now he understood exactly how to do that.

He would correct the Redburn family.

In the darkness, the transformation device glittered.


“You’ve sufficiently reflected.”

“Yes, Father. I promise I won’t disappoint you again from now on.”

“Good. When the time comes, I will use you diligently again. Until then, occupy yourself with the family’s affairs while recuperating, my son.”

“I accept your orders.”

Roderus bowed deeply to the duke. He felt he might have come off as servile. The duke waved his hand contentedly. Roderus stepped back out of the room.

Having not seen sunlight for long, his skin was pale, and he had lost much muscle mass. To regain his form, he would require a balanced diet and rest.

But conversely, because of that, they wouldn’t expect him to act at this moment. Roderus returned to his room, pondering as he devoured the lavish meal set before him.

Duke Maximus Redburn was powerful.

His cold ruthlessness was sharp, but it was the duke himself who possessed immense skill. Therefore, assassination wasn’t the answer. The resolution couldn’t be achieved through assassination.

The house needed gradual changes. He must gather people, disrupt the duke’s plans and sharpen his blade for crucial moments.

However, in his current state, he wouldn’t be able to escape the duke’s notice. So then…



After a burst of blue light, Oh Dae-su stood in Roderus’s room, a pale beauty sporting white skin.


Oh Dae-su staggered and plopped down as dizziness hit her. It seemed the male and female forms shared the same condition. She held her head momentarily, letting out a small groan before picking up the fork again.

First and foremost, she had to eat to live.

The moment she woke in the dream, Roderus could produce a transformation device (Dreaming Mirror).

Whether it was due to breaking free from the family’s brainwashing education, or because the days spent living as a Magical Girl were incredibly happy, or perhaps the grand explosion from the final battle had affected her consciousness somehow…

The exact cause was hard to pinpoint, but it was clear the time spent in dreams had changed her. Thus, the distortion of Metamorphosis was likely at play.

Her original ability, the Mana Solidification, had a lesser output range, yet she had gained a transformation device. Feeling slightly odd about it, she acknowledged it was undeniably useful.

Once her body had somewhat recovered, she would utilize this disguise to push her plans forward. Her goals were the revival of Redburn and the enhancement of Crownhall. Particularly regarding public order and other matters.

Why would she consider fixing the security of the city? Because just as she had crash-landed in this world through a dream, there was a hypothesis that her friends could also appear here.

The odds were remarkably slim, but it was better to be prepared than to be unable to hold her head high in front of them when that time came.


A Magical Girl of justice began to roam Crownhall.

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