Switch Mode

Chapter 124

Chapter: 124

[Rock-paper-scissors, huh? A very martial choice.]

As I was confidently glaring at Frey, the old man suddenly spoke up.

“Martial choice, you say?”

What does that even mean?

What’s the connection between rock-paper-scissors and martial prowess?

[You’re not aware of it?]

‘Rock-paper-scissors is a game of luck, isn’t it?’

If we really want to bring skill into it, we’d have to get into mind games, but in a single round, luck plays the biggest role, right?

That’s why I suggested we do it in a single round.

[What nonsense. Rock-paper-scissors is a contest of reflexes and reactions. You decide based on what your opponent throws down and claim victory.]

‘…Huh? That makes no sense.’

Was the old man just teasing me?

I suddenly remembered this was a fantasy world.

In a world where a skilled martial artist would naturally react to arrows whizzing by, is it expected to react to rock-paper-scissors too?

[Of course, it involves the mind game aspect as well. You must keep moving your fingers before you throw your hand to obscured what you’ll play.]

Thinking back, I could indeed respond to the movements of others.

Rock-paper-scissors shouldn’t be impossible, right?


Wait a minute.

If it’s like that…

[Among my subordinates, there was a lunatic who practiced rock-paper-scissors all day. Whenever the knight order had to negotiate something, we’d send him to win.]

So, rock-paper-scissors is actually a skill game?!


This is bad.

I’ve never tried to win rock-paper-scissors as a skill.

To put it simply, I’m a newbie in this field.

Naturally, I didn’t know about the various techniques involved in rock-paper-scissors.

If it were merely a luck-based game, knowing and not knowing those techniques would make a massive difference in a skill game.

There’s no way a human could counter monsters unless we understood the basics while they didn’t.

The same goes for now.

I don’t know rock-paper-scissors, but Frey does.

The way she nodded without hesitation shows she’s definitely familiar with it.

Why did it have to be Frey as my opponent?!

If it had been a backliner like Joy or Phoebe, I could have used brute force to win, but against Frey, that’s not going to work!

In terms of reflexes, she’s still better than me!

Damn it!

I’ve been played!

The one who got caught in the trap was me!

What now?!

There’s no turning back now.

I made the proposal first, so it’d be disgraceful to back out now!

“Should we do it?”

I bit my lip while looking into Frey’s eyes, which loomed slightly above mine.


It’s not officially lost yet.

Sure, Frey’s reflexes are slightly better, but when you break it down, they are quite similar.

Our sizes are equal.

Techniques are the same.

Could this sword-obsessed nut really know anything about rock-paper-scissors techniques?

So if all conditions are equal, what I need is luck!

Only luck!


“Okay. Pathetic swordsman, prepare to lose.”


“Then I’ll give you the signal.”

Maybe the two of us discussing the challenge caught the attention of the others.

The sword just naturally slipped between us.

“Let’s begin. Rock.”

Okay, Frey.

What will you play?

Her fist is closed, making it hard to read yet.


I can see her hand coming down.

It’s opening up.

Is it rock or scissors?

Alright then, let’s go with scissors for now.

At least that way, it’s a tie.

If I’m lucky, I could win!


The moment I made that decision and reached out, Frey’s hand closed back into a fist.


Was that a mind game?!

Did you think I’d react and then pretend to throw while grabbing it again?!

Frey, you, the sword-obsessed maniac, can use such petty techniques?!

Realizing too late that I was played, it was already too late to withdraw my hand.

My two fingers had opened before her fist.

“I win.”

I lost.

With just that orb, I could have increased my proficiency!

That one orb could reduce my effort over the next month!

And to make matters worse, I’m 100% responsible for this defeat!

I can’t blame anyone else!

I want to take this anger out on something, but there’s only one target—myself!



Let’s take a breath.

It’s alright.

I can still get stronger without it.

So yeah, I’ll lose a bit in proficiency. No, maybe a lot, but I can overcome that with effort.

Right. Let’s treat this as a gift to Frey.

After all, she’ll continue to be an ally, right?

Her getting stronger will be a gain for me as well.

Yep. That’s what I’ll tell myself.

“Lucy, do you want this?”

What the heck? Are you taunting me now, Frey?

If that’s the case, let me tell you, you picked the wrong opponent.

I’m petty like that.

I’ll write this all down in my revenge book to settle later.

“I might give it to you.”



Let’s stay calm.

There’s no way I can snag that.

She’s probably just toying with me.

This girl who usually laughs at me for being a pathetic swordsman is probably looking for any chance to taunt me again.

It’s probably similar again this time.

Getting my hopes up will only result in betrayal.


Doesn’t “what if” exist?

‘What can I do?’

“Pathetic swordsman, what do you want?”

“Two things. One is for you to bow your head.”

Ah, so you mean you want me to bend over just once from my always-rigid stance, huh?

If I could sacrifice my pride for a proficiency orb, it would be totally worth it.

After all, I don’t have much pride to begin with.

I’d even lick your shoes if you gave me that proficiency orb!

Oh, that might be too much.

Anyway, I have no issues lowering my head.

The real question is about the Mesugaki skill.

Can I really force this stubborn girl to do something?

Let’s give it a shot. If I act as pathetic as possible, it might just work!

‘Oh great and historic swordsman Frey Kent, destined to one day become Sword Saint, please grant me the right to obtain the orb you bestow upon me!’

“Pathetic swordsman. Hand it over. I’ll use it somewhere far more valuable than with a fool like you.”

Wow, I mentally crafted such a long, elaborate plea, and yet it just disappeared into thin air!

Plus, why should I, the one who needs to bow, keep my head held high?

Are you the one calling the shots?

I mean, are you?!

I kind of knew this would happen, but now that it’s real, it’s only more annoying.

The one saving grace is that Frey doesn’t seem particularly upset.

“Fine. Next.”

Is this enough for you?!

Frey, what do you think of me to judge this mere bow as something significant?

How much of a lowlife do you think Lucy Alrn is?!

I mean, I’m grateful you let this slide, but the feeling is weird.

“Even after the dungeon exploration ends, let’s keep practicing together.”

I stared at Frey in shock at her unexpected request.


‘Isn’t that expected?’

“Pathetic swordsman, what nonsense are you saying? That’s obviously assumed. You idiot.”

“Right? We will keep doing it?”


“Yeah. It’s true you’re a pathetic idiot.”

“Got it.”

Frey nodded to herself and handed me the orb she held.

Wait. Did you actually intend to ask that of me?

Looking at Frey, who tilted her head while presenting the orb, I couldn’t help but laugh.

Ah, damn. I never thought I’d find this sword-obsessed madwoman cute!

‘Thanks for it!’

“Make good use of it, pathetic swordsman.”

“Yep. We’ll keep practicing, right?”

There’s no need to re-check that, though, since we’ll keep practicing anyway.

Do you think there are many who could match me in close combat at this academy?

So don’t worry.

I’ll keep playing with you until that ‘pathetic’ title finally fades!


A few days passed since we finished the dungeon exploration.

It must have been unprecedented for a first-year to be the first to clear a dungeon in the first semester because the day after the announcement of the first clearers, there was quite the commotion.

Joy came over complaining about why I didn’t take her along.

Arthur said, “You won this time, but I’ll win next time,” while Visi and Jacob came by to say how impressive it was.

Even Avery cautiously approached to congratulate me.

While I was eating, Luca suddenly popped up saying, “I knew you were a gem!” which interrupted my meal.

Even Benedict contacted me.

‘I’m so happy to have such a talented daughter. I believed in you! When you were little…’

I have no idea where he got the news, but right before I plopped into bed, he talked to me through the orb for nearly an hour about old times.

If I hadn’t interrupted him, I’d have had to endure that rambling all night!

Thanks to this significant achievement, my reputation improved quite a bit.

According to Avery, who keeps track of gossip among various young ladies, everyone acknowledges my skills, at least.

So, I’ve gone from a pathetic girl without skills to one who has talent but is still kind of ridiculous.

Aren’t they both pathetic?

Of course, that’s true, but the latter is still better.

I can deal with a competent pathetically behaving girl, but I can’t stand an incompetent one throwing a fit.

While I was lost in thought, the door to the classroom opened, and the professor appeared.

He stood before the podium, looked around at the students, and spoke softly.

“As you all know, in one week from now, we’ll start the field trip.”

Finally, that moment has come.

Even while listening to the professor, I had no worries.

Preparations for the field trip were already complete.

My party consists of me, Frey, Joy, and Phoebe.

I’ve got everything I need packed and ready in my inventory.

I even prepared a bribe to win over the forest’s owner we need to meet!

All I need to do now is show up.

Alright! During this field trip, let’s boost Phoebe’s favor to 70!

I might have lost some ground during the academy’s dungeon clear, but that’s fine.

We can make up for it.

Since we’ll be sticking close together during the field trip, it’s my time to shine.

I can do this.

I’ve grown bored of trying to win over the saintess, after all.

“The location is the Cytil Forest, located south of Soul Academy. Some of the professors have already gone ahead…”

…Wait? Cytil Forest?

What do you mean, Professor?

A first-year’s first semester forest should be Siluf Forest.

The place where the hundred-year-old wolf waits as the forest’s master.

Cytil Forest is for the second semester, isn’t it?

I was taken aback and asked the professor, hoping it was just a misunderstanding.

“No. Lady Alrn, it is indeed Cytil Forest.”



Wait a second.

This is bad.

Like, really bad.

The difficulty of the field trip doesn’t matter.

The professors can adjust that as they see fit.

The items needed for it?

That’s not a problem either.

I can just use Alsetin.

The main issue is this:

I have to meet the forest’s owner due to the damn quest given to me by that pathetic god, but if the field trip takes place in Cytil Forest, I may not be able to meet the forest’s owner.

Shit. What do I do?

What should I do?

I don’t want to suffer a penalty!

I don’t want to know anything humiliating!

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not work with dark mode