Switch Mode

Chapter 124

Chapter: 124

It feels like my head is empty.

Maybe it’s because everything has become so complicated that it feels void.

I can’t help but think that if my hesitation had been a little shorter, I might have been able to save her.

If only I had properly held Kim Lulu back and taught her how to fight…

Or if I were still a Magical Girl…


“…I’m not sad.”

Roderus, taking a few steps forward, leaned against the wall and retched. He had nothing in his stomach to vomit, so only bile came up.

His reflection appeared in a puddle pooled on the ground, distorted by sadness and self-blame, all those negative emotions weighing down on him. The raindrops felt heavy.

People with wounded hearts choose one of two paths: either they deceive themselves into believing they have never been hurt and ignore it, or they accept the wounds and move on.

In the past, young Roderus had chosen the first option.

Succumbing to pain and compliance, he ultimately got the shell known as “The Magician’s Nightmare.” At one point, he thought it was a good thing, but…

Now he understands.

“I never liked her from the start. She was just noisy and didn’t listen worth a damn… just a stupid girl.”

Even if he wore that shell and attached feathers from other birds, no matter how much he deceives himself or turns away, the wound doesn’t disappear.

“So what if one commoner died? There’s no reason for me to be sad. It’s just another corpse I’ve always seen…”

In truth, while he claimed to hate her, no matter how much he smeared over his inner canvas, isn’t it raining right now?


The black paint he had layered washed away in the falling rain, revealing a beaming Lulu from his memories. It was the same no matter how many times he tried to erase it.

Roderus felt friendship for Kim Lulu. This fact was undeniable.

He and she were friends.

“…Now I can’t even lie to myself, you idiot…”


The shell of “The Magician’s Nightmare” cracked. The façade he wore shattered between his fingers, and the cold-hearted assassin was nowhere to be found.

Only one man remained, trembling in the cold without his thick armor.

Roderus staggered as he walked.


Zechneil hovered in the sky, looking down at the earth. As the last sentinel guarding the vortex for the Demon Lord’s descent, it was his subordinates’ job to intercept the Magical Girls.

Thus, an intense battle was raging below between Pure Light and Yuri Frostlover.

“Get out of the way…!!”

“I can’t let you pass! This is the Demon Lord’s threshold, so be silent!”

The duel between the Magical Girl radiating light from both hands and the female executive wrapped in vines to launch assaults.

However, there was a stark difference between a Magical Girl from a peaceful world and a female executive prepared to kill. Moreover, the one under pressure was Oh Hye-in. Her urgency subtly shifted the flow of the battle.

“My side is open!”


The piling losses.

Based on solid defense, with every gap Oh Hye-in exposed, punches flew toward her vital points. The damage steadily accumulated from quick, sharp strikes.

Hopeness Arrow!”

Oh Hye-in shot a shining arrow. Yuri Frostlover raised her arm to block it, but the arrow only burned away the vine wrapping around her arm, quickly losing its power.

Swish. The vine rapidly regenerated.

She lacked the offensive capability.

There was no skill to pierce through the defense or to repel a counterattack. All Oh Hye-in had left was courage—a sense of duty that she alone could save the people.

“But not everyone who is desperate will succeed. There are things in this world… that are beyond control.”

“…There’s no such thing!”

“Your stats are balanced. Being well-rounded without deficiencies means you lack the piercing power.”

Yuri Frostlover consistently dominated the fight, resembling an imposing castle. But the Magical Girl did not give up.

It was something she had to do, irrespective of victory or defeat.

As Oh Hye-in readied herself to clash again…

“Ah, come on! I’m waiting, you non-magical girl!”

A flash shot through the darkness, and a rapier rushed toward Yuri’s head. Yuri seemed to have anticipated it—the flick of her neck allowed her to evade.

“Consider this a gift.”


Seizing Oh Hye-in’s wrist, she threw her towards the direction of the incoming attack, blocking any follow-up hits.

Roderus, who had ambushed from the shadows, halted his attack and caught the flying Oh Hye-in.

“…Dae-su Oppa?!”

“You looked like you were struggling.”

“Wait, your hand…”

His right arm was wrapped in bandages soaked with blood. Roderus had used Fable to conjure the rapier, and the backlash had turned his arm into a rag.

Oh Hye-in’s eyes widened as she exclaimed.

“You shouldn’t have done that! You’ll die!”

“I controlled it so I wouldn’t die. There’s no way to win against an opponent without weapons…”

“Then just leave it to me!”

Roderus met Oh Hye-in’s concerned gaze and quietly replied, shaking the sorrow from his eyelids.

“…Lulu is dead.”


“I don’t want to lose you too. And… it would be more advantageous if I faced that guy. I’ll clean things up quickly and follow you, so go catch the last one.”

“…Okay. But let me say it one more time. Don’t die.”

Roderus nodded lightly. Oh Hye-in hesitated for a moment before soaring into the air to stop the Demon Lord’s descent.

Remaining on the ground, Roderus aimed the rapier at Yuri. Yuri also prepared herself.

The tension shifted position as they adjusted to each other’s movements, their malicious aura sharpened. The battle of those trained in the art of killing began.

“That stance… was Pure Knight, wasn’t it? While I got the information from Eternal Dark, I didn’t expect you’d show up here without a transformation device.”

“With just one dagger at hand, I can still win.”

“You’ve been hit too many times by my tentacles. You’re not someone who’s unfamiliar with fighting, so you must feel that I have several steps on you.”

The weaknesses of the unprotected neck.

What a blatant trap. If I strike, it could easily break your elbow on the punch-out.

“Why do you fight?”

“To kill you.”

“That’s not a meaningless question meant just to tick me off. I genuinely don’t understand. You’re not from this world, are you? Even if this place crumbles, you won’t die.”

The deep valley in her chest, the heart beyond it.

Her obstructing hand was bothersome. Most likely, she would use that hand to deflect the rapier, and even if I managed to dodge, I’d have a higher chance of absorbing the shoulder hit.

“For you, all of this is just a dream. So, rather than play those ridiculous games of friendship… why not pursue something more pleasurable?”

“…How do you know that?”

“Because I’m in the same position. We, the Legend of Devils, all came from another world. Riding shooting stars, beyond dreams—from different worlds.”


The skirt flared around her legs.

If I aimed to shatter her joints, I might just have the chance to kill her. But I could see her toes tensing up, her calf muscles taut as if a gun loaded ready to fire.

If I could use Fable, I would block it with a magical shield, but now, using magic would do more harm than good. The risk was too great.

“It’s been fun. Because it’s a dream. Killing people and causing all kinds of trouble, this place is just… an illusion. You might want to lighten your heart a bit.”

“…What nonsensical drivel.”

“Let me be direct. Join us. I’ll give you that Magical Girl. If you want… I can also throw in a city as a bonus.”


Roderus gripped the handle of the rapier tightly. He felt no certainty that he could kill no matter where he aimed. But he couldn’t hesitate.

If the fight drags on, the one with more experience will win. The difference in perception will accumulate losses with every blow, and inevitably, he would die unable to withstand the cumulative damage.

It needed to be a quick decision. Strike at a surprise opportunity. There was only one chance.

The temptation from the Four Heavenly Kings continued.

“The Demon Lord will soon dominate the minds of all humans, and at that moment, this dream world will become our playground. Become king there! You can enjoy the peaceful everyday life you desire for eternity.”


“Yes. An everlasting, wonderful playground, indeed.”

If I accepted the proposal, in a world where everyone becomes a puppet, Roderus could manipulate others at will. He could demand a peaceful daily life or even order others to strip bare. He would never have to worry that the dream would one day disappear, for he would have created an everlasting sanctuary in his heart.

Although everything would be fake, the shell would love Roderus according to his commands.

Yuri Frostlover smiled.

“What do you say?”

“…I’ve learned here that that wretched shell has no meaning, you lowly creature.”

Yuri sighed, shaking her head while revealing her teeth, then summoned the vine.

“Such a pity—”


At that moment, a rapier pierced through her chest. Yuri Frostlover looked down at the blood starting to flow from her wound.

“…A clone?”

“Correct. A pseudo golem made with magical energy. A technique learned from some deranged wizard.”

“There must have been a clash with the powers from your original world—”


Without a word, Roderus stored the rapier and turned away. His back was splattered with blood, a large fissure now visible.

Did she push her abilities to the limit while suffering through the pain during their conversation? That was a bold gamble. She admired that deep down.

Then, collapsing to her knees on the floor, she surrendered herself to the ground.

Once Roderus had moved far enough away, another voice spoke close to her ear—the voice of her master.

“Hey, were you really hit by that clone?”

Pretending to be dead, Pingvalez replied.

“Oh, please. I knew about the clones long before; I just thought it was cute and let it happen once.”

“Are you coming back without making a reappearance, heading to the spectator seats?”

“Yes. I’m satisfied. My role has ended; the actor must return.”

“Okay. I’ll summon you.”


Yuri Frostlover’s body slowly turned to dust, scattering into the wind. As she exited, she silently wished Roderus good luck.

Even if they had been discovered, it hadn’t been a bad move.


The number one among the Four Heavenly Kings, Zechneil, landed on the ground. In front of him stood the Magical Girl Pure Light, glaring at him with resolute eyes.

“I guess it’s just me left now, everyone’s dead.”

“…!! Give up, Zechneil. Another Magical Girl will be coming this way. It’ll be one against two…!”

“I knew this already. We were all watching. Together with everyone.”

“…What do you mean?”

His words held an ominous weight.

As Oh Hye-in readied herself for a tense battle, he continued.

“Why do you think we toyed with you?”

“…I heard from Eternal Dark. You didn’t kill us to extract impure energy.”

“No… I was discussing the present situation. Magical Girl. Your perception is short; even if I provide you the answer clearly, you have yet to advance your thinking. You should have considered why the Four Heavenly Kings didn’t attack all at once.”


Zechneil raised a finger, pointing into the air. Suddenly, a translucent spear emerged with a crackling sound.

Through the spear, scenes of a Magical Girl fighting appeared. It showed Lulu getting crushed by Eternal Dark and ultimately meeting her demise.

Then it shifted to show the confrontation between Pure Light and Zechneil. It was a live broadcast.

“This… you can’t be serious!”

“Indeed, we have been watching along with the citizens. They’re all despairing at the Magical Girl’s defeat, emitting energy like never before. And you are the last one.”


“I will show everyone your dismemberment, Magical Girl. That will be the spark of despair, and the Demon Lord will fully descend.”


Bright light burst forth from the dark clouds, illuminating the area around the Magical Girl widely. Underneath that dark cloud, the spotlight on the city became starkly evident.

The people were despairing. At the loss of the Magical Girl.

No, despite that, what needed to be done remained unchanged. To inspire courage in the people, to defeat Zechneil, and to prevent the Demon Lord’s descent.


As Oh Hye-in took a deep breath, her eyes caught Roderus. He was quietly approaching from behind Zechneil. He had defeated Yuri Frostlover.

But the joy was short-lived.

Oh Hye-in’s mind lit up with a warning signal.

If he says “everyone was watching,” he must be aware of Roderus’ presence! Oh Hye-in reached out, shouting at Roderus, who was preparing to surprise attack.

“Dae-su Oppa, don’t come—!!”


Zechneil grinned. Then,

Dark Universe.”


A black, empty universe unfolded from his hands. Light and darkness tangled chaotically as condensed starlight exploded. Enormous energy rippled outward, pushing everything away.

A torrent. A black wave of darkness that obliterated everything shot out in all directions. Both Roderus, who had been approaching, and Oh Hye-in, who was warning him, were swept away in an instant.




The world blurred in all directions, and their bodies collided somewhere before fading away. After what felt like an hour in those ten seconds, the wave of darkness lost its power and settled on the ground.

Roderus and Oh Hye-in were left in a state of combat incapacity.

“Guh, cough…”

“You foolish one. If you had chosen to turn, you could have enjoyed endless pleasure. But every wrong choice has consequences. Witness the death of your comrade.”

Zechneil leisurely approached Oh Hye-in. Her transformation had been undone.

He would kill the last Magical Girl now, displaying her form to everyone. The people would plunge into endless despair, and thus, the Demon Lord would carefully descend upon this world.


Zechneil drew his longsword.


I need to find a way, a way out.

Roderus desperately racked his brain. His body wouldn’t move. He felt the cold creeping from his fingertips inward.

It was a powerful attack.

An area spell that could obliterate the surroundings in an instant. Even having cast it, Zechneil showed no signs of strain, truly a formidable opponent worthy of the rank of the first among the Four Heavenly Kings.

Even if I use Fable with the determination to die… I would perish even before taking him out. And even if I could use Fable freely, I’m not sure I could win.

Just like this…

Am I really going to lose everything?

I fear returning to prison, losing my place of refuge in life; but more than anything, I dread the efforts of my friends to protect this world turning to nothing. The thought of my friends dying sends a shiver down my spine.

I feel so powerless.

The Magician’s Nightmare couldn’t save my friends.


“Isn’t it just about efficiency? Humans depend heavily on visual shells.”

“Humans are instinctively honest. Of course, if rescued in a life-or-death situation in front of a collapsing building, you’d gain the maximum pure energy regardless of appearance.”

“So the situation where you can enjoy both the cool girl and the lively girl really helps in collecting pure energy!”


If it’s the Magical Girl Pure Knight.

Currently, the battle of the Magical Girls is being watched by citizens as part of the event arranged by Zechneil. Therefore, the range for collecting pure energy is the entire city.

If I could gather ‘pure energy’ from those saved in a life-or-death situation while slowly breaking down my body and face Zechneil

“…The shell matters, doesn’t it?”

What’s important is.

“Then who am I talking to right now? Oh Dae-su, right?”

The heart.


Squish, crack.

Crack! Break apart and stick back together. The shell of The Magician’s Nightmare fractured and fell away, blending into Pure Knight. The heart remained confused, but now he knew clearly which direction it was aiming.

To save—to save my friend.

Somewhere along the way, Roderus gripped the transformation device (Dreaming Mirror) in his right hand. Bloodied, he raised his arm, readying himself.

Then, he shouted loudly.

“Dreaming Mirror, reflect my true self──!!”

And then, there was light.


“Meet your end, Magical Girl.”

As Zechneil swung his longsword in a crescent arc, its sharp blade aimed to sever Oh Hye-in’s neck.


It deflected. Something had shot out and knocked his longsword aside.

As Zechneil turned his head, there stood the Magical Girl. Sky-blue hair with a blue ribbon, white gloves and tunic. A feather-adorned hat and cape. And eyes ablaze with fiery determination.


The Magical Girl showered radiance with her gleaming rapier, declaring her name.

“Sparkling, the radiant move of victory, Pure Knight!”

“…I didn’t expect another Magical Girl to be remaining?”

“Looks like you’re still a creepy monster, huh? But I’ve killed all the other Four Heavenly Kings!”

Pure Knight, Roderus observed the surroundings. It felt as if she was saying, “Look at me! The Magical Girl who will protect you is right here!”

And then, she roared.

“I will save everyone! So don’t you commoners cower in the corners; cheer for me, you lowly beings──!!”

“…You! What are you doing…!!”

Pure energy began to gather.

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