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Chapter 123

Chapter 123: the dispute with Master Xun’s eloquence, listen to Ying Zheng!

Hong Liang was instantly tingling all over by the soft and slow voice of Yan Lingji.

Different from Humeiren.

Humeiren’s voice is tender and crisp, revealing her coquettish nature.

But Yan Lingji is calm and unhurried, catching people off guard.

Like a gentle fire slowly burning your heart.

By the time you realize it, you’ve been burned to death by her!

So in terms of danger, this seemingly harmless fire is more dangerous.

At least Humeiren can be guarded against.

But this one is undefendable.

Hong Liang puffed up her cheeks and dared not speak.

What kind of woman is this, turning into a demon?

Master Xun in the house narrowed his eyes, his gaze falling on the two remaining seats.

“Do you know that I was coming?” This is also what Ying Zheng wanted to ask.

Wei Zhuang conveyed Ga Nie’s message that Li Mo was willing to see him.

But tonight’s visit was his own spontaneous decision.

This person not only knew they were coming, but even prepared the seats.

Li Mo smiled, “Just lucky guess.”

In fact, he had only prepared one seat, for Ying Zheng.

Their carriage stopped at the intersection, within Li Mo’s range of spiritual perception.

The other seat was added not long ago.

But these words sounded different to Ying Zheng and Master Xun’s ears.

What lucky guess, it was obviously anticipated.

This was just being modest!

Master Xun nodded.

This person’s temperament seems to be somewhat different from what he had imagined.

Ying Zheng also flashed a look of surprise.

He thought Li Mo was arrogant and conceited, but he turned out to be so humble.

“Please, have a seat.”

With Master Xun here, Han Fei, the Ninth Prince, naturally had no qualification to sit.

Here was a Confucian scholar, and also his mentor.

An emperor of Qin, ruler of a nation.

In terms of status, his princely status was insufficient.

Han Fei stood quietly behind Master Xun.

Ga Nie remained by Ying Zheng’s side.

Behind Li Mo stood the once notorious, now gentle and generous, the number one female assassin.

Ying Zheng did not rush to speak.

He didn’t want more people to know the purpose of his visit this time.

Including his current situation.

But Master Xun couldn’t wait any longer.

He was angered by Hong Liang’s words!

And had been angry all the way!

Now seeing Li Mo, he couldn’t help but vent his anger.

In a deep voice, he said, “Princess Hong Liang told me that someone said I, Master Xun, lack ink in my stomach, and that our Confucian school behaves like a woman.”

“So I came specially to talk to this person, I wonder what this person relies on to defame our Confucian school.”

Not far away, Princess Hong Liang was stunned when she heard Master Xun’s words.

How can this old man be so untrustworthy?

He clearly said he wouldn’t mention that was my information when he came, why did he sell me out as soon as he arrived?

Li Mo turned his head to face Hong Liang, smiling faintly, “Princess, did I say such words?”

Hong Liang had a guilty look on her face, stuttering, “Did I… say that?”

Master Xun frowned and also turned to look at Princess Hong Liang.

Hong Liang’s heart skipped a beat.

Oh no, oh no!

My brilliant plan is going to be exposed!

If this old man finds out I’m tricking him, won’t he punish me?

He even dares to punish my brother!

Just when she thought she was doomed, Li Mo suddenly turned back.

He said to Master Xun, “It’s a misunderstanding on the part of Princess Hong Liang.”

“I didn’t say that Master Xun lacks ink in his stomach, nor did I say that Confucianism is indecisive.”

Master Xun’s pitch-black face softened slightly upon hearing this.

That’s right.

Our Confucian tradition has been passed down for so long, and no one has dared to make such an evaluation.

But before he could console himself, Li Mo continued, “What I said was that Master Xun wrongly interprets the teachings of the sages, unable to understand the intentions of the ancients.”

“I meant that the Confucian way of decisive action has been misinterpreted by later generations into what it is today.”

“If Confucius were to know, he would probably be so angry that he would jump out of his coffin at you bunch of scoundrels!”

Han Fei and Ying Zheng were also shocked by Li Mo’s astonishing words.

It’s the first time they’ve heard that a Confucian scholar can’t understand the true essence of the sages!

How absurd, how unthinkable!

A blind man actually refuting a Confucian scholar who has studied Confucian culture all his life!

Master Xun was furious on the spot!

“What did you say?”

“I can’t understand the true essence of the sages?”

“Is the Confucian way I follow contradictory to truth?”

What are you saying?

Li Mo faced the furious Master Xun without any intention of backing down.

Master Xun, who was already furious, was further enraged by his attitude.

“Alright, alright.”

“Very well!”

“Today, I will indeed debate with you what constitutes the Confucian way!”

Han Fei beside him became anxious.

Although Li Mo is talented in many ways, how could he be Master Xun’s match in terms of Confucianism?

If he loses, wouldn’t it be losing face in front of the Emperor?

Since the Emperor personally visited, there must be something important for Master Xun.

If this makes him look down on Li Mo, he would feel guilty.

Thinking of this, he spoke up, “Master, Mr. Li Mo didn’t mean that, he just…”

“What did he mean then?”

“I meant exactly that!”

Before Han Fei could finish his sentence, both Master Xun and Li Mo interrupted him.

He knew both of them were stubborn!

He wanted to advise, but now he couldn’t find a way to do it!

Ying Zheng stroked his chin, showing keen interest.

He has always felt that the Confucian way is too weak.

To put it nicely, it’s about emphasizing benevolence in everything.

To put it bluntly, it’s about being indecisive and timid.

It erases all the masculinity a person should have.

Becoming someone who can be manipulated, and when slapped on the face, asks if it hurts.

But now, listening to Li Mo’s words, it seems not to be the case.

Master Xun, with a darkened face, narrowed his eyes and said, “The Master said: ‘To study and learn the way in the morning, and to die content in the evening.’ Since you said I misunderstood the Confucian way, then tell me, how do you interpret this way spoken by Confucius?”

“You said I misunderstood, didn’t you? Then tell me, what does this phrase mean!”

Han Fei muttered behind Master Xun, “The Way of Confucius naturally refers to the way of truth in the world. If one can find the truth, it is not regrettable even if one dies in the evening.”

Ying Zheng nodded after hearing this.

That’s what he’s learned too.

This sentence represents the supreme determination to pursue the truth.

However, Li Mo chuckled lightly.

“Complicated, misinterpreted, fabricated, wrongly speculated.”

Han Fei was puzzled, “Uh… Is this how the masters teach?”

Li Mo pursed his lips and asked, “What is the Dao?”

Master Xun replied lightly, “It’s the laws and principles of nature.”

Li Mo raised the corner of his mouth and pointed to the gate, “What is that?”

The few people in the house followed his direction and looked over.

The gate of the courtyard was wide open, and you could see the road outside at a glance.

Han Fei said puzzledly, “It’s a road.”

Li Mo put down his hand and smiled, “What else is it called?”

“A pathway.”

Li Mo nodded approvingly, “Exactly, the Dao is simply the road. Why complicate its understanding?”

Han Fei looked puzzled and said, “But if Confucius was talking about a road, then this sentence doesn’t make sense.”

Li Mo shook his head, “That’s why I said, not only have you misinterpreted the Dao of Confucius, but you’ve also misunderstood the meaning behind every word and sentence he said.”

Master Xun was pondering, if we substitute “Dao” with road.

What does this sentence mean?

Ying Zheng was also contemplating.

After much thought, they both felt it didn’t make sense.

Han Fei shook his head, “I don’t understand, I hope Sir can explain.”

Master Xun stared dangerously at Li Mo, “I want to see how you turn the straight into crooked.”

Li Mo took a sip of tea, and under everyone’s gaze, he calmly said, “To study the Dao in the morning, and to die content in the evening.”

“The meaning is simple and clear.”

“It means, if you know the way to someone’s house in the morning, you can go kill them in the evening.”

“It’s about how a gentleman does not hold grudges overnight and should act decisively.”


Just as Ying Zheng was drinking tea, he couldn’t hold back and sprayed it out.

He looked at Li Mo in astonishment, as if he had seen a ghost.

Master Xun was shocked all over!

He couldn’t have imagined that Li Mo would interpret this sentence like this!

Han Fei didn’t understand for a moment, still translating word by word.

But he found that after breaking down each character and explaining it, Li Mo’s interpretation seemed to make more sense!


Master Xun lost control of his emotions on the spot!

The Confucian way emphasizes generosity and treats others with kindness!

How could it turn into a narrow-minded idea of revenge in his mouth!

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment and suddenly said, “If Sir explains it like this, it seems to make sense!”

Not only does it make sense.

It also perfectly interprets why he said that the Confucian way should be a philosophy of decisive action!

Li Mo bowed slightly to Ying Zheng.

Thanks for the support, bro!

Master Xun was so angry that he was panting heavily, and it took him a while to calm down.

He snorted coldly, “Hmph, Confucius said ‘At thirty, I stood firm; at forty, I had no doubts; at fifty, I knew the mandate of heaven.'”

“You, a young person who hasn’t reached the age of standing firm, cannot distinguish the true essence of right and wrong, it’s reasonable that I… I won’t argue with you!”

It’s not that he didn’t want to argue with Li Mo.

It’s just that he had been thinking just now, and it seemed like there was nothing wrong with that statement.

Indeed, it does make sense!

It’s just that the Confucian way of thinking has been completely reversed.

But it coincidentally fits what he said earlier about being decisive.

Li Mo suddenly raised an eyebrow, his smile calm as he said, “Master Xun misunderstood again.”

Master Xun stared at him, “What misunderstanding?”

“The words you just said, ‘At thirty, I stood firm; at forty, I had no doubts,’ were misunderstood.”

The meaning of this sentence is that as one grows older, their knowledge widens, and their self-awareness becomes clearer.

Master Xun meant that Li Mo, being young and inexperienced, couldn’t have a correct understanding of his twisted theories.

“Humph, then explain it for me, what does ‘standing firm at thirty’ mean if not age?”

Master Xun just didn’t believe it.

Doesn’t this represent the age range of establishing virtue, speech, and character? How could you deny it!

Li Mo remained calm and said slowly, “This phrase means that Confucius was decisive and confident in his character. But when it reaches you, it’s been misinterpreted.”

Master Xun’s beard was almost standing on end.

Even if you misunderstand this sentence, it has nothing to do with character!

“Speak, go ahead, I’m all ears!”

Li Mo calmly said, “At thirty, Confucius meant that when facing thirty opponents, it’s worth it for me to stand up and fight.”

“At forty without doubts, it means that even if there are forty opponents, I will have no doubts and still strike fiercely.”

“At fifty, knowing the mandate of heaven, even if there are fifty opponents, I can still win. It’s destiny.”

“Tell me, doesn’t this show that Confucius was full of confidence in himself?”

Ying Zheng looked at Gai Nie and found that even the usually serious Gai Nie was dumbfounded.

Let alone the others.

They were all stunned on the side!

He pursed his lips, with interest, he asked, “What about ‘At sixty, following one’s desires; at seventy, doing whatever one wants’?”

Li Mo spoke confidently, “Even if there are sixty opponents, I can still subdue them and make them obedient to me.”

“Even if there are seventy opponents, if they don’t obey, I’ll do whatever it takes to make them obey.”

“Do whatever I want, without fear, until they obey!”

Ying Zheng took a deep breath!

What an eye-opener!

So Confucius was such a person!

Such a Confucius fits well with my temperament!

Master Xun stood up angrily and shouted, “Nonsense!”

“Our Confucius traveled to various states with his disciples, emphasizing persuasion with virtue.”

“How could he resort to violence at the slightest provocation like you said?”

Li Mo smiled faintly, knowing you’d say that.

“Virtue? What is virtue?”

Master Xun immediately responded, “It’s moral conduct, character!”

Li Mo shook his head, “Not quite.”

“Confucius indeed traveled to various states with his disciples, but taking over three thousand people to preach righteousness seems a bit implausible, doesn’t it?”

“If you take seventy-two gang leaders and three thousand henchmen to negotiate business, who wouldn’t be intimidated? Who wouldn’t give you some face?”

Ying Zheng was suddenly startled!

That’s right!

When Confucius traveled through the states, he didn’t go alone.

He had over three thousand disciples!

These disciples weren’t just idlers; they were distinguished individuals with extraordinary abilities from noble families!

With such a large group of prestigious nobles gathered together, which monarch wouldn’t give them face?

“Oh my, what nonsense, it’s simply nonsense!”

Master Xun’s worldview was shattered, and he gritted his teeth in anger!

But Li Mo replied nonchalantly, “You don’t believe it? Then let me ask you, did Confucius carry a sword during his travels?”

“A sword is the weapon of a gentleman, of course he would have one!”

At that time, swords were more of a decoration, a symbol of status and quality.

“Then let me ask you again, was the sword Confucius carried famous?”

Master Xun coldly replied, “Of course, it’s named ‘Virtue,’ and it’s still enshrined in my Little Sage Manor to this day.”

Li Mo nodded, his smile friendly yet warm, “And why is it named that?”

Master Xun gestured towards the direction of Little Sage Manor.

He said, “The Confucian way emphasizes ritual, righteousness, and benevolence. Confucius named this personal belonging ‘Virtue’ to remind himself…”


Master Xun’s words came to a sudden halt!

His eyes began to tremble, his breathing became rapid.

He froze in the same position, completely motionless.

“Virtue… virtue… virtue…”

His lips began to tremble slowly.

Confucius’s sword was called “Virtue”!

Li Mo shrugged, casually saying, “Taking three thousand followers to persuade with ‘Virtue,’ do you still think it means enduring hardships in the face of adversity?”

“He led by example, but you all couldn’t even learn properly.”

“Do you think if he knew, he would burst out of his coffin in anger?”

Li Mo sighed.

How could Confucius have such stubborn descendants!

Master Xun clenched his fists tightly and retorted, “Confucius said, ‘A gentleman doesn’t seek to exert authority, but when necessary, he must be firm.’ He wouldn’t engage in the kind of behavior you described that lacks dignity!”

Li Mo raised an eyebrow, “Then you still misunderstood.”

“‘A gentleman doesn’t seek to exert authority, but when necessary, he must be firm,’ means that a gentleman must use force when necessary to establish authority.”

Master Xun bit his cheek, “Then what about ‘Accept what comes; put things in order’ ? Isn’t it about treating those who come to submit with a generous heart?”

Li Mo still shook his head, “Why can’t it mean that if former enemies come, they should be buried here?”

“To learn without thinking leads to confusion; to think without learning leads to danger. What do you make of that?”

Li Mo chuckled, “If you learn my martial arts but not my thoughts, you’ll be confused. If you learn my thoughts but not my martial arts, you’ll be killed by others.”

“It’s telling you disciples that if you want to learn, you must learn everything, otherwise you won’t have the qualifications to be arrogant.”

In the end, he sighed, “Confucius, how well-intentioned you were!”


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Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is Jing Ni, 大秦:开局发老婆?夫人竟是惊鲵
Score 7.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Others who reincarnate into the Great Qin (Qin Dynasty Era) either become the Sons of the Ancestral Dragon or noble princes. But Li Mo, who reincarnated here, became a blind man who couldn’t even find a wife, starting with a catastrophe! Fortunately, though, heaven closed one window for him but helped him lift the roof: awakening simplified talents and heavenly eyes in cultivation. Gaining inner strength: breathing! Strengthening the foundation: sleeping! Five Thunder Heart Palms: generating electricity through friction! Viewing the world with the heart, transcending all beings! To increase the population, the court mandates marriages, dragging those who don’t marry into forced labor camps and providing partners for those without. And is this a good thing? Li Mo just went with a bamboo pole! Who cares if the wife is ugly? Anyway, he can’t see, as long as the well water comes out! But unexpectedly, he ended up marrying a dollfish (a woman with a condition of urethral hypersecretion), which gurgled as soon as he dug the well. Seeking the Ancestral Dragon’s military strategy? Let’s understand “The Pulley Language”. Not enough troops for the battle? One sulfur, two saltpeter, three charcoal, add some white sugar, and Big Ivan, let’s understand it. Eight-year-old Xiaomeng wants to become a disciple? Let’s cultivate an understanding! You say I’m blind? Have you ever seen a blind person massaged by the Moon Goddess, having his legs pressed by the Eastern Sovereign, and fed fruit by the Flame Princess?


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