Switch Mode

Chapter 123

As expected, the members of Squad 4, with stern expressions, occasionally checked the movements of the forest while facing the oncoming low-grade Demonic Beasts from the northern forest direction.

Giant flames sporadically leapt up, clearly visible even through the mist of miasma permeating the forest.

It was likely the aftermath of a fight, caused by their comrade who had gone to rescue the kidnapped students—a battle provoked by the enraged Demonic Beasts wielded with a looming fire.

With each flare of the flames, they held their breaths, praying that those flames wouldn’t subside, as that would mean their comrade was still alive.

To go to the place where powerful Demonic Beasts, possibly even stronger than high-grade, rampaged and safely rescue the students kidnapped by a witch was a gamble with an infinitely low chance of success.

However, the members of the squad thought, “Perhaps with their leader Martina…” when suddenly, a Demonic Beast soared into the sky.


With a scream as if proclaiming that all its distractions had been dealt with, the sight of the flying Demonic Beast brought an undeniable look of despair to the squad members’ faces.

“…You bad girl. You said you’d return safely…”

As the word ‘failure’ flickered through her mind, the vice-captain, Kanna, who had spent a long time with Martina, bit her lip, suppressing the tears that wanted to flow.

At that moment, Natalia, who had emerged to handle the Demonic Beasts after receiving a support request, spoke to Kanna, her own voice strained.

“Don’t worry. If Martina said so, she will definitely come back safely.”

Even as the roar of the Demonic Beast indicated the plan had already failed, Natalia continued to quietly dispatch the low-grade beasts, muttering under her breath.

“She was the kind who kept her word since her student days, no matter what happened. She said she’d someday become the greatest magician and be a hero admired by others, and I’m sure she will prove it again this time.”

Though she often teased Martina, Natalia was the one who acknowledged her the most.

Being rivals who always tried to surpass one another, Kanna nodded tightly, understanding Natalia’s faith in Martina.

Yes, until she actually returns, they wouldn’t know the truth.

What would happen if the vice-captain couldn’t trust her leader?

With such thoughts running through her mind while focusing on the task at hand, Kanna heard the shout of a squad member who was acting as a scout due to their long field of vision.

“…! Vice-Captain! There’s the Captain! With the new recruit and the kidnapped student!”

“…Goddamn, thank you so damn much. Hey! What are you doing? Quickly clear the remaining Demonic Beasts out of the way for the Captain to come in! Contact HQ, inform them of the current situation, and call for the rescue crew!”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Kanna quickly gave orders to her subordinates and shortly after, seeing Martina return safely inside the barricade, she finally let the tears she had been holding back spill over.

She looked grim, regardless of how much magical power she had expended, her front being stained red with the blood of fatigue.

Perhaps having overexerted herself, her expression was unnaturally stiff.

But she was alive.

That fact alone brought Kanna joy, and she ran toward Martina, embracing her tightly.

“…Damn it, why did you overdo it this much? You said you wouldn’t forgive me if you didn’t come back safely… Still… since you returned alive, I’ll forgive you…”

“…What a cute thing to say. Shouldn’t you be mature enough for your age? My body feels like it’s creaking everywhere, so could you let go?”

“…No. This is punishment for overdoing it. Just let me stay like this for a bit…”

Martina chuckled at Kanna’s whiny demeanor and gently ruffled her hair just as Natalia, who had approached, slightly bowed her head and spoke.

“…You must have had today off, but thank you for coming to assist. I’ll treat you later.”

“Ah, it’s okay. In a crisis, responding to requests is what you’re meant to do, and besides, it was you, Martina, who asked me, right? You said you’d grant me any request I made. Better be prepared.”

“…Damn, why did I even say that?”

With Martina’s face distorting, Natalia looked momentarily at Yoon Si-woo and Scarlet, who were resting separately, and inquired.

“Are they looking alright? Si-woo seems fine, but considering what happened to that kid with miasma exposure…”

At Natalia’s question, Martina hardened her expression and replied.

“…I’m not sure. When we rescued them, they didn’t seem to have significant physical issues. There are sometimes those with a unique constitution who can resist miasma. Maybe she’s one of them.”

“…Is that so? If that’s the case, it’s a relief, but…”

As they conversed briefly and passed the time, soon after, a commotion erupted from behind.

Natalia frowned, surprised when she glanced toward the source of the disturbance.

“…Thank you for your hard work. Captain Martina, Captain Natalia.”

A rescue team dispatched from HQ to treat the physically depleted Martina and Yoon Si-woo had just arrived, but there was an unexpected figure among them.

“…Why is the Principal here in a place like this…?”

To that question, Mark Aegis, the current principal of Aegis Academy, bowed his head toward Martina and said.

“I must first express my gratitude for rescuing the kidnapped student.”

“…It’s alright. It’s something we were naturally supposed to do. But what brings you here?”

“…Well, I’m sorry for what I’m about to say. Given that you’ve just overexerted yourselves and need to rest, but from now on, it seems I must ask you both, Yoon Si-woo and Captain Martina, to accompany me for a moment.”

As he continued speaking, Martina’s face grew stern.

“…The Central Committee has raised suspicion regarding Miss Scarlet Evande for possible treason. An interrogation is set to proceed soon.”

Since the city’s founding, there have been many severe crimes strictly prohibited by law.

From murder, rape, robbery, and assault to the manufacture and distribution of illegal drugs, acts of terrorism, and experiments with forbidden magic.

However, among these serious crimes, the one most stringently dealt with was treason against humanity.

Collusion with witches or following orders from them.

It was a grave crime that could determine the fate of humanity, and thus, the Central Committee, composed of the city’s leadership, had the authority to conduct interrogations based solely on suspicion of treasonous actions.

The authority indeed existed.

It had been almost several hundred years since it was last used, practically a mere facade of power.

For 400 years, the witches deemed enemies had not appeared, so the Central Committee had only been aware of its existence without ever having had a chance to use it.

Therefore, within the Central Committee, discussions were surfacing regarding the use of this authority after several hundred years.

“…To think there are indeed those who believe she is colluding. Lord Diakonos Dolos?”

“I’m not certain. However, if there is a threat to the city, it is our role to resolve it as quickly as possible. If there are suspicious circumstances, we must thoroughly investigate them.”

The request for an interrogation of Scarlet Evande came from Diakonos Dolos, the head of the Dolos family, one of the three great families with significant influence in the committee.

Known for his stoic demeanor, he spoke in a monotone voice, and Silbia, who had just returned from the frontlines and was attending the meeting, shot him a sharp glare.

“How can you suspect Miss Scarlet of treason? If it weren’t for her sacrifice, the students would all have been killed by the witch… Miss Florene Dolos also received her help, yet how can you from the Dolos family…”

“I feel gratitude regarding that part too. But this is a matter concerning the survival of humanity; personal emotions must be set aside. Frankly, I’ve found it suspicious for a long time. When the witches attacked the city, they acted as if they knew too much about the city’s situation. Isn’t it only reasonable to suspect that there might be a traitor leaking the city’s information to the witches? Coincidentally, there’s one figure who stands as a prime suspect: Miss Scarlet Evande. Apparently, she is currently hosted by the Astra family?”

Though Silbia nodded, glaring at him with fierce eyes, Diakonos unhesitatingly continued his resolute expression.

“It was also she who faced the sluggish witch that had infiltrated the city, and she was also the one kidnapped by the unidentified witch who attacked this time. Yet, she managed to return unscathed. If there were no ulterior motives, how could an ordinary academy student survive multiple confrontations with witches? Furthermore, her unique constitution that prevents physical issues despite exposure to miasma is noteworthy. In a scenario where humanity faces extinction, there’s even the possibility she would survive by siding with the witches. It’s far too suspicious to view it all as mere coincidence.”

“…That could just mean she was lucky, right? Scarlet is innocent.”

“Yes, there’s certainly a chance she is innocent. Yet, it’s still merely a suspicion, for now. That’s why I plan to conduct the interrogation as humanely as possible. During the process, I will ensure no torture is inflicted.”

“What do you mean by that…!”

“Silbia, enough. Lord Dolos’ words are correct. If she is innocent, she just has to prove it.”

Silbia, who was about to leapt out of her seat in shock at the mention of torture, halted mid-word at the voice that came from beside her.

The elder, who practically held the real power within the Astra family, simply waved her hand with a nonchalant smile, but that smile bore an unmistakable warning to Silbia not to act arbitrarily.

As such, she had no choice but to sit back down, her expression crumpling.

Silbia anxiously chewed on her nails.

Though it was said that proving her innocence should suffice, Scarlet held a secret that must not be revealed.

If that secret were to be exposed during the interrogation, even if she had not committed treason, she might still face punishment…

Trembling, Silbia murmured, “…If there is something to accuse Scarlet of, then when that time comes…”

“Then we will simply act according to the law.”

The Astra family had many legal professionals, and Silbia had some knowledge of law as well.

And the only punishment for individuals accused of treason or those in similar situations was unequivocally one.

“Immediate execution.”

Silbia felt her consciousness fading away.

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