Switch Mode

Chapter 123

Chapter: 123

123. Changes and Direct Confrontation (2)

‘Is it more considerate to inform her or to pretend I didn’t notice and let it slide?’

I pondered such trivial thoughts while staring at Rubia’s feet. …Not that I had any sinister intentions.

In fact, I was just trying to avoid having any sinister intentions.

A little peek up, and our eyes meet.

Not with Rubia, but with a cute little teddy bear instead.

Pajamas are a matter of personal taste, and it’s understandable to forget you’re wearing them in a rush.

Actually, I was even a bit grateful for it.

Isn’t that proof she rushed out because she was worried about me? Thinking about that made me kind of touched.


‘That bear just opened its Sharingan!’

And pink Sharingan at that.

Thin pajamas.

The sweat I shed while rushing over somewhat reflected the inside of those pajamas.

It would have been nice if she had something underneath.

What catastrophe could possibly lead to wearing nothing at all?

The result was that cute teddy bear suddenly sporting pink Sharingan glaring right at me.

Is Sharingan still Sharingan when it’s used to confuse someone?

It was truly a violent sight.

“Welcome back! Everything alright?”

Yet, she didn’t notice a thing, flaunting her red hair like a tragic figure.

I couldn’t even focus on what she was saying. Just looking at her face was a struggle.

They say, “the beauty of modesty” or something like that.

Human aesthetics are pretty complex; sometimes, modesty amplifies the destructive power.

She must be wearing at least one more layer.

But those physical laws were defied, yielding an impact stronger than being fully nude.

Sometimes, it can be more powerful than a regular swimsuit, like a white shirt subtly wet and partially see-through.

That power was present in her right now.

We’ll still know each other going forward. If a healthy and natural reaction occurs here, it’s natural to feel embarrassed.

Thus, I had no choice but to avert my gaze.

Perhaps intrigued by these new facets, she kept throwing questions my way.

Ignoring the bear’s illusion, I answered her questions and continued the introductions as smoothly as possible.

The lost comrade of the erased hero.

The human referred to as the Weapon Master.

We did wipe them out, but for some reason, even the Cardinal and bishops of the Holy Church were worshipping me oddly.

And, of course, the first prince of the Empire as well.

And then…

“What? Huh? Wha—”

I heard her stuttering.

She looked like she’d just short-circuit.

I had just realized how shocking it was to hear I kidnapped the first prince.

“Kidnapping a royal? That’s something even the Black Fangs wouldn’t dare to do!”

If Rubia didn’t freak out after all that information bombarding her, that would be much stranger.

Her legs wobbled.

Seeing her about to topple over, I quickly rushed to support her. And then…


Something popped audibly, like a balloon bursting.

And whatever burst, it was easy to see. Not that I was obsessing over the bear or her sweat-soaked pajamas, but—

The pajamas, clearly too small for her.

They couldn’t withstand Rubia’s overwhelming assets; they were screaming for mercy.

Stumbling, running around, and moving wildly caused a button to pop right off.

With her pale face, she looked down at her state and finally realized.

Everything that just happened.

But what’s done is done.

That button wasn’t coming back, and she gazed at me with a red face, on the verge of tears.

…What on earth am I supposed to do here?

No, more importantly, why the heck is she wearing nothing underneath her pajamas?

And I had a suspicion about that white thing visible underneath her pajama bottoms… was that what I thought it was?

I had a million things I wanted to say.

Her face was all pouty, tears welling up.

“P-please… help me…”

I couldn’t be so harsh as to dismiss her when she called for help with such a trembling voice.

So, I blocked the revealing part of her with my body and walked her safely to her room.

It was like babysitting after a long time.

Handing her a handkerchief, patting her head, telling her everything was fine, that nobody saw anything—sweet little lies.

Even fetching her another outfit was a weird experience.

“D-did you see anything?”

She sort of stammered.

Saying she didn’t wear them when sleeping due to discomfort or that she only wore pajamas of the same brand since childhood for that cozy feeling that’s attached to it, and this was the biggest size they had.

I could really use her not to misunderstand that I’m not a pervert.

Having buried all this TMI, Rubia finally took a breather and asked gently.

My head was spinning from it all.

“No, why would you suddenly ask that?”

I honestly hadn’t seen anything.

I had never come across anything white that looked too thick for underwear when it peeked under her damp pajamas.

I told her just that.

Relieved, she smiled for a moment but then remembered the earlier fiasco that wouldn’t just disappear, hiding her face in her hands.

“W-would you pretend that didn’t happen…?”

Rubia asked that with such a pitiful puppy-dog gaze directed at me, and I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions and nodded.

What exactly is the best way to describe this…?

What a consistent older sister.


Suddenly, Lien was whistling while wearing her clothes backward, skirting around me, and when Lucy pointed out her outfit, she ended up sulking.

All eyes dodged Rubia’s gaze after she changed back into her clothes, and when she realized the truth behind my sweet lies, she retired to her room in tears.

I had quite the fill of events, but—

In the end, everything wrapped up nicely.

Finally, we gathered the executives for a meeting to discuss the main points.

Even if she still couldn’t meet my eyes, it was a far cry from that time when she insisted she would live buried in a blanket.

I spoke up.

“Sure, sorting out the first prince and our future plans is important, but right now, there’s something else that’s vital.”

True to her sharp nature when working, as soon as I uttered something serious, Rubia coughed before listening intently.

I looked at her, ready to say it.

“This current situation. It’ll be a disaster if even a whiff escapes outside.”

I mean, of course!

The cardinals of the Holy Church are cooperating with us. I snatched the Hero’s right-hand gal, formerly a puppet of the Empire.

And we even kidnapped the first prince!

If any of this gets out, it could flip nations upside down!

The first prince’s mind was quite sturdy, and confirmation came that Aria’s treatment would take at least a month.

We needed to operate in hiding.

In a space secure and secretive enough to not make it to the outside world.

But there’s no way I could easily find that perfect spot, so here I am, approaching Rubia.

Naturally, she’s the one best suited for this sort of task.

And of course—

Without a hint of hesitation, she told me to follow her.

And when we arrived at our destination…


A storage room.

The same storage room I rummaged through for a shabby sword and potion before.

I looked at her, who wore a confident expression, and then to Rob, who seemed even more self-assured for some reason.

Was that earlier incident that shocking?

Is Rubia malfunctioning from her embarrassment? Or did Rob lose it from the stress…? I worriedly eyed them.

But as I watched, Rob, brimming with pride, spoke up.

“Why don’t you shake hands with this doll?”

It was a cute teddy bear, matching the design on Rubia’s pajamas—a definite reflection of someone’s preferences.

I grabbed the teddy bear’s paw, then in an instant…

The teddy bear rapidly morphed.

What was once a cute, harmless bundle of fluff made a mechanical clanking sound as it transformed.

Suddenly, in front of me stood a cybernetic monstrosity, armed with cannons, particle beams, and railguns.

The mechanical beast looked at me, and its eyes flashed green as it scanned me.

[Recognized as a top-level authority holder.]

Whatever grotesque and overwhelming visage that had once stood there was gone, now replaced by a mechanical being that affectionately pressed against me like a puppy.

At that moment, the surrounding scenery shifted.

A gleaming black base.
Complex machinery made from golden gears. Mana Stone fuel flowing through transparent tubes.

What had looked like merely a storeroom? No! An elevator that clattered and began descending below.

And revealed… a massive underground city!

My face turned to shock.

‘…What the hell?’

Those dwarf bastards.
What on earth did they create in those past few days?

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not work with dark mode