Switch Mode

Chapter 120

Chapter: 120

Phoebe had faced dungeon raids a few times before with the Holy Knights of the church.

To take the Academy’s entrance exam, mastering dungeon raids was a must, so she had no choice but to step into a dungeon to learn it.

It wasn’t dangerous.

After all, she was a saint of the Lord Church; who would dare take it lightly with her around?

Most decent families could claim her spot as the lead, yet here they were, diving into a low-level dungeon.

If anything, it would be more accurate to say Phoebe experienced the dungeon rather than conquered it.

However, because those who taught her were exceptional, she had indeed learned how a typical dungeon raid progressed.

What Phoebe understood about dungeon raids was cautious in nature.

Since a dungeon is always a space starting from the unknown, they had to proceed with every conceivable scenario in mind.

Where could a monster appear?

Could there be traps on this path?

Is this the right way?

Do we have enough stamina for the next battle?

Of course, it was entirely possible to crush every variable with overwhelming skill, but one generally had to be as cautious as crossing a frozen lake.

However, Lucy Alrn’s approach to dungeon raiding was different.

Her dungeon raids unfolded like a scripted play.

On the stage of the dungeon, Lucy Alrn served as director, screenwriter, and actress, creating a theatrical performance.

This couldn’t rightly be called a dungeon raid.

Everything happened as Lucy commanded—how could that be termed a raid?

“Turn right at the corner ten steps ahead, three weaklings—goblin losers. I will lead the charge and knock them over as we go.”

Even though there was no confirmation of monsters lurking, Lucy’s orders were met without a single objection.

Phoebe was no exception.

And as soon as they turned the corner, three goblins awaited them.

Initially, when Phoebe first entered the dungeon, she doubted Lucy’s words.

No matter how great Lucy’s abilities were, she thought it impossible to issue commands so assertively in a dungeon filled with numerous uncertainties.

But Lucy turned the impossible into the inevitable, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

At first, Phoebe thought it was a coincidence.

But after ten or twenty such coincidences, it transformed into inevitability.

Inside the dungeon, Lucy seemed almost omniscient, as if blessed with divine miracles.

Having witnessed this miracle many times, Phoebe naturally began to wonder.

Is this what it means to be an Apostle of Armedi?

Could someone beloved by Armedi create such outcomes?


Phoebe’s thoughts crumbled as Lucy charged head-first into a goblin.

Since she was perched on Lucy’s shoulder, she too felt the impact of the blow.

After Lucy stomped over the fallen goblins with her armor, Phoebe felt her stomach churn and hurriedly cast a spell to prevent nausea.


There was no avoiding being carried, but it wasn’t exactly comfortable either.

Though it was definitely better than running alongside Lady Alrn.

Initially, Phoebe had refused to let Lucy carry her.

After all, she was a saint.

Maintaining at least a modicum of dignity and grace, being carried like a sack on someone much smaller was not something she easily accepted.

“Are you sure you can manage? With your pathetic stamina, you’ll be collapsed halfway through!”

“I’m fine!”

Phoebe insisted, but not long after she had to admit her arrogance.

With her legs weak and her lungs burning, struggling to catch her breath and repeatedly hitting her head against the ground—they naturally lowered their heads.

There are things in this world that can’t be conquered by willpower alone.

Thus, Phoebe endured the humiliation of riding on Lucy’s shoulder and realized only then that Lucy had been slowing her pace out of consideration.

Ugh. Joy.

Did you know this would happen? Why didn’t you forewarn me?

If you had given me a heads up, I wouldn’t have been embarrassed lying on the floor, nor would I have been a nuisance.

You didn’t plan to mess with me, did you?

If it was just a simple oversight, I wouldn’t say anything, but if it was intentional, then expect a lecture from me!

“Another monster ahead.”

Regardless of Phoebe’s struggles, Lucy’s feet never stopped; the raid continued smoothly.

Floor 10.

Floor 20.

Floor 30.

Floor 40.

Floor 50.

Floor 60.

As they ascended the floors, the dungeon grew wider, delaying them a bit—but that was all.

The party’s pace didn’t slow down one bit.

Even now, racing with the speed of a warhorse, they maintained their stamina.

Meanwhile, Phoebe, strapped to Lucy’s shoulder, was growing weary just from the shaking.

So this is what happens when two of the continent’s most exceptional warriors push themselves to the limits.

How on earth did Joy keep up with these people?

Now I understand why Lady Kent told me to keep my spirits up before entering.

This is beyond what ordinary folks can handle.

Just before they approached the boss room on floor 70, Lucy set Phoebe down and looked around.

“Pathetic knight—are you okay?”


Are we actually thinking of taking a moment to rest?

Though she didn’t dare speak up, worried about being a burden while strapped to Lucy like deadweight, Phoebe felt on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion.

She craved rest more than anyone standing there.

Swallowing hard, Phoebe studied Frey’s expression.

Strangely, Frey seemed troubled.

What could be bothering her?

Can’t you just say let’s take a break?

Even if Lady Alrn and Lady Kent possess incredible stamina, they are still first-year students at the Academy.

Despite knowing everything about the dungeon, if they push forward without resting, accidents are bound to happen.

So, they should take a break.

They simply must!

“It’s fine. I’m good.”

But what came out of Frey’s mouth was the complete opposite of Phoebe’s anticipation.


After exhausting herself running up to floor 70, how can she possibly be fine!?

Isn’t she struggling to catch her breath right now?

What if she makes a mistake when facing the boss on floor 70?

Of course, until now, Lady Alrn had progressively prepared for every boss fight, allowing them to crush opponents effortlessly. But this time could be different.

Lady Alrn must have a valid reason for suggesting a break!

When Phoebe caught Frey’s gaze, she glanced at Lucy, blushing as she lowered her eyes.

“Then let’s keep going.”

With that last word from Lucy, Phoebe resigned herself and once again cast a recovery spell.

It was only a temporary fix, but without it, she couldn’t endure.

Frankly, she wished the boss on floor 70 would be incredibly tough.

Then, they would be forced to take a break.

Yet, once again, Phoebe’s hopes were dashed.

“All trespassers shall be dealt with.”

No sooner had they entered the boss room than the boss unleashed massive magic, but it was thwarted by a scroll Lucy had used.

Then, using another scroll, Lucy activated the very magic the boss had cast, decapitating the boss in an instant.

The entire process took barely a minute.

Far too short a time for Phoebe’s weary body to recover.

As the boss’s defeated form lay sprawled on the floor, Lucy stood before Phoebe.

Now having cast aside everything, Phoebe climbed back onto Lucy’s shoulder without hesitation.


About half a day after entering the dungeon, they stood before the door to floor 100 of the Academy Dungeon.

Ideally, she wanted to dive right in to conquer it, but Phoebe’s conditions would not allow that.

To comfortably conquer floor 100, her divine miracles were essential.

Entering while barely able to speak, resembling a corpse, left too many unknowns.

They still had time before the dungeon at the Academy closed, so perhaps it was best to take a short break.

After pausing to let Phoebe down, she immediately crumpled to the ground, her legs giving out under her.

It was fascinating to see the saint’s disheveled appearance, something one would never witness in a game.

In the Soul Academy, she’d always prided herself on her saintly dignity.

But hey, saints are human too; when they’re tired, they can’t help it.

Looking away from Phoebe, Frey was also visibly worn out, but she was not incapable of moving.

It’s clear training with me has indeed built up Frey’s stamina.

Initially, she lacked the energy and had to rest frequently; now, she pushed through to the end.

Thanks to that, even with Phoebe in the party, their dungeon raid pace was alarmingly fast.

Consequently, Phoebe, who experienced no breaks at all, was on the verge of collapse, but what could be done?

This was set in stone the moment she nodded to join the raid.

If she didn’t want such extreme experiences, she should’ve refused from the get-go.

Shouldn’t she have been informed in advance?

But it’s not like it’s a law requiring anyone to do so!

I’m not to blame.

If she was bothered, she should’ve done her homework.

And you know what? I’ll gift her a fitting reward for all this effort.

The title of the first conqueror of the Academy dungeon will be handed to her.

That’s quite a prestigious honor.

Even in the game, that reputation and fame sees a fair boost.

Plus, there are rewards for the first conqueror, so the price for today’s exhaustion is more than justified.

Sure, it might hurt now, but later she’ll be thinking, “Oh, Lady Alrn had it all planned out,” thanking me in the end!

As the silence hung during their rest, Phoebe, sprawled out, blushed and adjusted her posture.

Seems she finally came to her senses.

Though she still needed time to recover, at least she could manage a conversation now.


“Pathetic saintess.”


Phoebe gasped at the sudden response, almost biting her tongue, earning a chuckle from me.

I think I’m beginning to understand why they call her the pathetic saintess.

Occasionally, her genuinely pathetic side shone through.

‘Don’t worry. I’m not asking you to move. Just listen.’

“Worried I might ask you to move? Hehe, how clueless. Don’t fret; I’m just saying sit still and listen.”

This time, Phoebe had an important role to play.

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not work with dark mode